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Host for Romney event is a convicted drug dealer

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posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:10 AM
Associated Press newsflash !

MIAMI (AP) -- Mitt Romney held a campaign event Monday evening at a Miami juice shop owned by a convicted coc aine trafficker.

Romney appeared at El Palacio de los Jugos, which is owned by Reinaldo Bermudez. Court records show that Bermudez pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute coc aine in 1999 and served three years in federal prison.

And it seems somebody knew ahead of time?

Bermudez told the Miami New Times that the Secret Service vetted everything about him when the Romney campaign asked to use his fresh fruit and vegetable stand and that they knew about his criminal record.

AP story

I smell a set up !!

Conspiracy Theory

Could it be that somebody in the Romney Campaign planned this from the start ?

Could it be that they just "knew" that the Obama Campaign would land on this story like flies on honey?

Could the master plan have been to allow the Obama Campaign to "reveal" this shocker and then be caught off guard?

Well maybe.

It seems the Obama Campaign tweeted this story all over the place !!

And right after the "Tweet" we see this:

A Breitbart story has some interesting "dope" on some Obama money however .....
a few dubious transactions have happened...(that we know of at least !)

.... the Obama campaign have decided to pull a Joe-the-Plumber routine on this guy, attacking him just for supporting the other side. Because it’s about time the public was reminded that the Obama campaign raised over $200,000 money this cycle from the Chicago-based brothers of a Mexican casino boss who jumped bail in the U.S. after being charged with drug crimes and fraud.

Of course, the campaign tried to play dumb--who knew that Carlos Cardona had tried to persuade the Democratic Party to have his fugitive brother Pepe pardoned? Who knew that Carlos and brother Alberto had roped other relatives into donating large sums to the Democratic National Committee, even after Democrats had been made aware of Pepe’s criminal ties, and the State Department had linked him to an assassination in Mexico?

In the end, the Obama campaign returned that cash. Just like Obama had to return some of the cash raised by convicted fraudster Tony Rezko--who, like former Illinois governor Rod Blagjevich, is sitting in federal prison while their old friend occupies the White House. ....
That's one exposure..

and one more....

But there’s all kinds of tainted money Obama isn’t returning--like the cash raised by campaign co-chair Jan Schakowsky, whose husband Robert Creamer went to prison for check kiting and tax evasion--then emerged to work for the Obama campaign.

This is fun--and it will be more fun once we find out what’s in those Fast and Furious documents Obama’s been hiding. Perhaps Attorney General Eric Holder will have more questions to answer, on top of questions about possible perjury regarding the New Black Panther Party case. There was also the attempted bribe of Joe Sestak. Etc....
see the article for supporting links and more opinion
Obama should talk?

If this was in fact a "set up", was it from an infiltrator inside the Romney Campaign ?

OR, is the Romney Campaign simply waking up and using tactics the opposition won't suspect that easily ?

very interesting. Maybe the Breitbart story was just a "rebuttal" ?

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:18 AM
I think people change. People learn and people stop doing certain things.

Just because he was a dealer doesn't mean he still is.

I used to be a sperm. But doesn't mean I still am today.

I would rather have anyone as a president than Obama. Just because I can't stand his stupid face and how he leeches any and all credit as his own.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:26 AM
I think our nation has a hell of a lot more important things to worry about than the record of an event host for EITHER of the Candidates. Obama's family includes illegal aliens and DUI convicts. I don't hold that against him and it shouldn't matter either way. It's just not what matters here,

This crap is gotcha politics when our nation is truly screwed in more than one way and before too many years. BOTH camps need to grow up, find a pair and get with the program of saving our nation. At this rate, I'll write in my own name just out of spite.

S/F on the catch tho. If I come to writing my own name in, at least I need to know why. ugh...

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

first off i would like to say, whomever is running for prez is put there by the powers that be, and whomever becomes president is put there by the powers that be, but..... if you believe the system actually works and are justice system works than this coc aine dealer has be changed and is no longer a criminal but a law abiding citizen. personally i can see that this whole system is a game, and its all bullsh*t, so if you believe in the system, than your cocain dealer is now a normal person and shouldn't be judged on his past, but if you got half a brain you see that this was set up from the beginning. i see contradiction in your thread.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Obama also admits he did "inhale" Haha. But he is still president.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Could the master plan have been to allow the Obama Campaign to "reveal" this shocker and then be caught off guard?

I could see this happening. The next day on CNN, I could imagine seeing a ..."Breaking : Romney Shocker : Candidate hosts event with convicted felon."

....but here's something I have a problem with. If this guy did his time, why is he still considered a criminal? He paid his dues to society, and if I understand his charge correctly, it was a nonviolent crime. Is it "once a criminal, always a criminal"?

Maybe Romney could capitalize on this. If he shows that this man can start up and run his own business, offer a place of employment, even though he screwed up years ago, why should he still be considered a criminal? ....."He pulled himself up by his bootstraps" is a saying that I hear here,

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Based on some confessions Obama penned in "Dreams of my Father" one has to presume he took a few minutes to scan his memory and ask himself "Reinaldo Bermudez... Do I know that name?" before the campaign opted to tweet about this Romney 'indiscretion.'

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by buni11687

....but here's something I have a problem with. If this guy did his time, why is he still considered a criminal? He paid his dues to society, and if I understand his charge correctly, it was a nonviolent crime. Is it "once a criminal, always a criminal"?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think a "felony" sticks on you for 30 years.

A Governor can "pardon" or "re-instate" your rights any time I think.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by xuenchen


Now let me qualify that after grabbing everyones attention ok!

What that is disgusting is,... holding any criminal debt against anybody when they have paid it off already by serving their punishment in full.

Sure their PR takes a hit ... but loosing opportunities is inexcusable if they have done their time.

How would home owners like it if their paid off morgage was held against them and it was considered not paid off!?

Personal Disclosure: If I kill someone of course OL is fine to do the time!

Kill some scumbag and spend 25 yrs in jail is a good payoff IMO! I would be very fine to pay such an amount of my life to remove jerks like Obama or Romney etc.

Id also be fine paying with my life to remove such
if need be.

But the second OL is fully out of prison and not on parole [Id never take parole btw ... I would serve my full sentence out] my slate should be wiped clean.

Since it isn't ... I shall hold way old war crimes, the USA has commited, against the USA of today and see how that nation appreciates the same kind of attitude when its applied to them!

The USA CAUSED the war in the pacific during ww2 by utilizing gunboat dpilomacy and forcing Japan to open up to trade. Thats a massive war crime!

The USA [regardless of its possesion of nuke weapons] should LOSE its permanent security council seat at the UN for such BS!

Thanks Obama ... just made me hate you and your nation more! Way to go you stellar Diplomat!

AND I"M AN AUSSIE ALLY OK! Raise your game ... quikly! Ima loosing patience over here with the USA!

Don't make me go grey goo on you! You wont like it!

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 12:26 PM
Personally I don't think 3 years is any way near enough conviction time for someone even
remotely involved in "Dangerous Drug" smuggling.
The punishment should be judged and allocated on how many lives would be destroyed because of the Drug.

People who are involved at all with bringing Dangerous Narcotic Drugs that are highly Addictive
and Detrimental to our society, into the U.S.A. or produce them in the garage to be sold on
the streets, should have all rights to function as a law abiding citizen taken away.
Possibly forever.

Serve a couple of years and take away their Voting Right.
How ridiculous.
Oh yah, it's like the Drug Smugglers are lined up excited about making sure their Vote Counts.

If the end result of the sales of Illegal and Dangerous and Addictive Drugs,carries the
consequence of permanent physical/mental damage or Death to another member of the society,
then the conviction should be no less than something like,a charge of :
"Attempted Murder for Profit".

This country allows this kind of BS to continue because it is a form of job security.
Follow the Money.

I know this rant does not pertain to the attempt to make the OP a conspiracy out of
the choice of Host to make Mr.Romney look once again like a fool, But I had to say how
I feel about our drug laws.(his dad would be rolling in his grave)

Sorry for going wAy off topic
edit on 14-8-2012 by azureskys because: added apology for going for topic

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 12:29 PM
I don't see a problem..
After all Romney is in Washington all the time with the non convicted felons on Capital Hill that are killing this country.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 01:54 PM
Ok so why is this a big deal? I swear for all the folks that get on here and rant about attacks on Christianity, it strikes me as funny when someone actually practices an actual tenet of it, it becomes a big deal. For crying out loud this is actually one of the few things I can behind Romney on.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 02:03 PM
How the left is going to make an issue out of thaT "convicted drug dealer" when their guy Obama was a member of the "choom gang".

Sure they will try.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by TheCaucasianAmerican
I think people change. People learn and people stop doing certain things.

Just because he was a dealer doesn't mean he still is.

I used to be a sperm. But doesn't mean I still am today.

I would rather have anyone as a president than Obama. Just because I can't stand his stupid face and how he leeches any and all credit as his own.

People can only change in the eyes of politicians if it fits their agenda. You can bet the Democrats will be all over this, but if this guy was stumping for Obama they'd embrace him as a brother.


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