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3 Earthquakes in Southern Cali in the past 14 hours

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posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Starchildren

It's really interesting because she seems so confident in everything she's saying, enough to go on camera with it. That takes some balls if you ask me, it's much easier to hide behind some text you post on an internet blog. I've had a terrible time sleeping for days and the headaches started for me on Sunday morning and haven't stopped, but I don't take that as an indicator that I need to leave So.Cal. I take it as an indicator that it's too god damn hot in California and I can't sleep while I'm sweating.

Anyway, I hope she's wrong but I really have to question it because she seems to have convinced herself that this is all real. It's a lot to ask people to pack up and go based on one person's word. I bet there's going to be a few pissed off people that are out a couple hundred bucks and wanting a refund when they come home if this doesn't follow through.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by TMG333

What did she say? My speakers are not working suddenly.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

Basically just repeating everything she wrote on her blog about the supposed coming earthquakes that will destroy California. The beaches will be wiped out, small tsunamis coming ashore, Japan and China may get some large quakes as well, and insisting everyone in LA and San Francisco "Get out NOW!". If you have any feelings or gut instincts that something bad is going to happen and you need to get out, to follow it, like headaches, not being able to sleep, just feeling off but not knowing exactly why. The things she is insisting will happen don't sound likely or even possible. The ground splitting open, massive flooding, I don't buy that part of it. The 17th is supposed to be the worst day of it all. Just a whole lot of destruction forecasting in a short time over the entire state, and yet she seems so sure of it all. She's either rehearsed this a ton of times to sound convincing or she really believes it. I don't know what to think of that. She says these 4+ quakes over the last couple days are "just the beginning". We shall see I guess.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by TMG333

Thanks. No much we can do. Not like we can just pick up and leave our lives here. I live near the San Andreas, but at 2500 elevation, so not too worried about tsunamis, myself. We are overdue for a big quake, my kids are older teens and have not ever even felt one, a large one, so it's been a while for the L.A. Basin.

It's not like anyone has really ever predicted an earthquake before, so I know I should not take this very seriously, but I can't help but follow the blogs anyway. I am on the fence with the Coombes prediction guy...only way he could have predicted the Japan quake is if he had intel into a manmade quake, IMO. Only bringing him up because I know he's warned of something soon for Cali...and Oz.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Happy1

The truth in "tornado alley", when the tornado sirens sound, everyone gets out on their front porch, or yard, to see if a tornado is coming.

I would too. After an earthquake, everyone comes outside and stays there for a while. We are afraid if we go inside there will be another and this time we won't get out. I have seen an earthquake. I was outside during SF '89. I sawer it. I felt it. Like standing on a boat on the ocean.

Everything is moving. The rim of the valley had huge clouds of dust going up from landslides. There was car alarms and swaying telephone poles and glass breaking and geysers of water shooting up from broken water mains. Then the smoke from fires. The whole time you are swaying along with it, transfixed.

I would like to see a tornado and a volcano too. Thats my "big three".

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by TMG333

She says these 4+ quakes over the last couple days are "just the beginning".

Of what? Tektonic activity? Par for the course here. Waiting for 50 plus years on the west coast for "The Big One".

Japan and Indonesia were big enough for me thank you very much.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by TMG333

but I don't take that as an indicator that I need to leave So.Cal. I take it as an indicator that it's too god damn hot in California and I can't sleep while I'm sweating.

City of Angels

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:36 AM
Another in offshore cali

Thursday, August 09, 2012 at 15:24:24 UTC
Thursday, August 09, 2012 at 08:24:24 AM at epicenter
40.757°N, 125.217°W
2.5 km (1.6 miles) (poorly constrained)
83 km (52 miles) WNW (284°) from Ferndale, CA
85 km (53 miles) W (272°) from Humboldt Hill, CA
87 km (54 miles) W (270°) from Bayview, CA
89 km (55 miles) W (268°) from Eureka, CA
404 km (251 miles) NW (309°) from Sacramento, CA
Location Uncertainty
horizontal +/- 1.6 km (1.0 miles); depth +/- 29.7 km (18.5 miles)
Nph=126, Dmin=81 km, Rmss=0.36 sec, Gp=238°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=4
California Integrated Seismic Net:
Event ID

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:58 AM
Here is a current earthquake map for Los Angeles. The earthquakes listed are small ones. Which is normal.


Here is a list of recent earthquakes in CA and NV.


I really don't think there is much to worry about at this time; it is just the normal activity of the earth adjusting itself.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:01 AM
OK, this is not about Cali, but check this out!

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake

Now look at Oklahoma:

What's going on in Oklahoma? Radon at 2764?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by murch

Dang we have to drive along the coast from Crescent City to Eureka today...sure would rather not since there are quakes today already both at our end and theirs!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:23 AM
Current HAARP Map
Can't post a photo for some reason . . .

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by klhbrown
Current HAARP Map
Can't post a photo for some reason . . .

That looks a bit scary lol. I don't know a lot about HAARP though. Is it rare for it to be like that?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:30 AM
Just to further the doom factor, have just been reading the following article

America’s Pacific Northwest has a 37% chance of being hit by a magnitude 8 or larger earthquake in the next 50 years, a new study shows. That’s more than double previous estimates of a 10-15% risk. Great Subduction Zone earthquakes are the largest earthquakes in the world, and can exceed magnitude 9.0. Earthquake size is proportional to fault area, and the Cascadia Subduction Zone is a very long sloping fault that stretches from mid-Vancouver Island to Northern California. It separates the Juan de Fuca and North American plates. Because of the very large fault area, the Cascadia Subduction Zone could produce a very large earthquake

I was under the belief that the scientific community believed that this area was only capable of producing 7-8 mms earthquake. Apparently not.

Whats the difference. A 9 is approx 30 times stronger than a 8. Scary.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by klhbrown

Well that's different. I have never seen HAARP like that...meaning "stars". I just checked the radar and there doesn't look to be anything "weather-related" over California, so what's going on and how typical is this?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:39 AM
i hate to break it to ya folks but its a well know fact that sooner or later the whole state of cali will fall into the ocean .. iv known this for years .. but two 4+ quakes back to back, is unusual for the area ..

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by kurthall

It's very normal and a good sign, for now. The next week will let you know for sure if things are warming up, or if it's another small nudge to keep that plate buttery smooth.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by klhbrown
Current HAARP Map
Can't post a photo for some reason . . .

I'm new to the HAARP thing. What do the stars mean?
The ATS servers arent based in Cali are they?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:46 AM
Live quake cam in LA looks a bit active today.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by watchdog
reply to post by klhbrown

Well that's different. I have never seen HAARP like that...meaning "stars". I just checked the radar and there doesn't look to be anything "weather-related" over California, so what's going on and how typical is this?

I've seen the stars before - shortly before tornados and other weather related disasters. I don't fully understand the Haarp monitoring site, but I follow them on Facebook and I know whenever the "longwaves" are rising something always follows. Seems pretty accurate. Don't know what that means for Cali.

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