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End of the Galactic Federation of Light?

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posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:44 AM
We have a few people on here that claim they are Aliens, why don't we ask them what they think about this all , that would seem to be a good idea yes?

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:48 AM
I do find it funny that another channeler is saying the Project Blue beam will be used at the Olympics.

Here his text:

Knowledge is power, and sharing knowledge is essential at this time of great turmoil and change. The Cabal is searching for ways to keep you in the hypnotic slumber from which you are awakening. At the conference you attended, yesterday, you heard some of the most awake and aware people, who devote their lives to serving mankind. Their work is vital and must be brought to the attention of as many as possible. It is a team effort. Every assistance must be given to enable the message to get to everyone. The contacts you made will assist in opening eyes to what the psychopaths who "rule" your world are planning. It is, after all, their last chance to take over and create their New World Order.

They see the Olympics in London as their gateway to the New World Order. They intend to create mayhem; to create such FEAR that the people will agree to almost anything in order to feel safe. This is a TRAP. It is the same old formula: it worked on 9/11, it worked on 7/7.

This is THE BIG ONE. It is their last chance to create the New World Order that they have planned and worked towards for so long. They will try to use Project Bluebeam, fake spaceships; in fact, everything in their arsenal in this, their final attempt, to take over your world.

They failed to take your awakening into account. This is why they are now putting a more deadly fluoride into your water; the water that many of you drink, bathe, and wash your hair in. It is in the ice in your drinks, in the beer, and almost everything you consume. You need to protect yourselves and your families from this deadly assault on all of you. Have you given permission or agreed to this poison? Were you ever asked to okay it? It is a crime against humanity.

Thomas Sheridan has a unique ability to use the right words to paint the picture that instantly awakens people to how the control system works and what humanity can do about it. He is a man of many talents, who is prepared to use them to save his fellow man from the most evil take-over of your planet. Everyone you met is using his skills to investigate and reveal what is happening and how to prevent it.

Nothing happens by chance. It was planned that the Olympics would be held in London so that their dramatic take-over would happen there. They never intended that the so-called "fiasco" of the security firm would come to light. They always intended to use troops to control the masses. As usual, the puppets just carry out their orders – the same people who come to you to ask for your vote, and who make promises that they know full well they will never fulfill. Why do you continue to trust them to do what is right for you? Their allegiance is to the Cabal and always will be.

You can trust only those who have devoted their lives to bringing the truth to your attention. People such as David Icke, Ian R Crane, Brian Gerrish, and the many others who travel all over the world to share their truth. They work tirelessly to protect you from disaster. Listen to what they have to say. It is your only chance of survival. The time has come for you to make a choice. Are you prepared to stand up and be counted? Realistically, the 99% cannot be silenced and the Cabal knows this. Their only fear is that you will awaken to this fact.

Now the spotlight has turned to the Vatican and how it has managed to secretly control the planet, while all the time hiding behind a MASK of love, devotion and tolerance. As the veil lifted on it and the full horror of its control became obvious, it caused many who had supported it, to recoil in HORROR at how they had been so cleverly duped. The truth can no longer be hidden. All will be laid bare before you, so be prepared for the ILLUSION to collapse before your eyes.

Your friends from other planets have created a crop circle with the date of 4th August on it. It is a date when things could happen. You know that, together with the other beings, we have been successful in preventing an attack on Iran. We will continue to do our best to prevent this atrocity. The Cabal becomes more devious and daring all the time in its efforts to create World War III. You live in volatile times. We need your support to help us protect you....



posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:48 AM
Ahh the good old GFL, you call they haul....
The saving grace of all our problems, Maybe they can enlighten us all with their wisdom and enlightenment.

edit on 30-7-2012 by crackerjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:51 AM
Don't there have to be a beginning to be an end? In order for there to be an ending to the GFL one would have to assume the GFL even existed.

We all know ET is not on abovetopsecret posting when he will arrive so can't we just close these GFL threads already??

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by taoistguy

"Will definitely land.."
Please will everyone stop believing this crap once it doesn't happen?
Although I hope they prove me wrong, I also hope I wake up tomorrow with spiderman powers

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:21 AM
I want to believe I really do but come on guys not again, all this popcorn and fizzy drinks are giving me love handles

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by ThePursuitOfTruth

That information was most likely acquired by a "channeled" message, and 95% of that is pretty much manure.

So is the other 5%!

Never in the history of the internet has a group like the GFL set themselves up for so many fails.....and has still managed to keep/attract followers

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:24 AM
Lemme tread a very thin line...


Read the above. Keep it in mind.

Now... I think there is a "federation", or "council" or what have you- a ruling, governing body of other planets- hey, someone's got to make rules. Just like there's got to be someone to BREAK rules. I am a firm believer (after an encounter about a year ago) that we are no different from probably hundreds of thousands of other "primitive societies" in this galaxy, at least. Rules have been made regarding interaction, and some bleeding heart group is going to try to play Jane Goodall, while at least one group of SOBs will be sitting up there making a mess and watching the monkeys scramble. Whether the GFL is actually receiving "messages" is anybody's guess, but let's face it- all they are ending up with is egg all over their faces.

I will tell you this: the sighting I and my g/f had- it was CLOSE, and the being even turned on the cabin light to BE SEEN. If that darn car hadn't come by, and that ship had landed, I'd have bum rushed the hatch to get on, demanding a stop at home to grab cats and a few personal items. My g/f would be RIGHT behind me, senile dog in tow.

I have a series of surgical scars. I believe I am taken at least once a month- and ya know what? NO OTHER COMMUNICATION. No "messages", no constant talking in my head (tho I could USE a board meeting during some of the classes I have!) no plans, designs, or anything else. Hell, When I do go [on a trip with ET], I am either doing some sort of military training, or dull, boring stuff like surveying land, or somesuch. None of it is more than bits and pieces. Last one was doing a complete breakdown of a lake somewhere. This happens semi monthly, BTW.

AGAIN, HOWEVER: I am not talking to who/whatever we saw [mentally], commuting around with, not so much as a "how ya doin' ". I feel I will be told things after a certain point (I hope. My sincere hope is there is not embarrassing photos of me all over space). It seems logical. Or, we could just end up leaving after another close encounter. I cannot call it "abduction"- That means I go against my will, and sport trauma. I simply do not. By the same token, I haven't come back as a Goodchild clone, either. I do not go for the metaphysical woo woo stuff. These are aliens from another planet- flesh, blood, bone, thinking, feeling beings- not some special effect gas from Star Trek! any *real* aliens will be in solid craft, and sport solid bodies. It's a hell of a lot more provable that *the other stuff*
edit on 30-7-2012 by wylekat because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-7-2012 by wylekat because: I just cannot shut up...:-P

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by sirric

*reads, eyes bleed, head explodes* YIKES!

Granted, this planet is in it so bad, I am amazed the sky isn't crap brown and stinks like rotten eggs- but first off- without solid, concrete proof of what that thing was going on about- ya got nothing but boogeyman fairy tales- and second.... So far, we went well past *one* supposed Olympic alien landing/ hoax, false flag invasion date. OF COURSE, now it's just "days away" according to "the experts". So far, these "experts" have been peddling this bill of goods since I slid into ATS in 2007 (or whenever Goodchild was going on about aliens showing up en masse). EVERY month has been the same, with aliens, the end of the world, the new world order, demons, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria, people chewing off their own limbs, orgies in churches, and the same bunch saying it be so! I honestly lost count, but this is like the dozenth time this bunch has been screeching the same rhetoric. Needless to say, I am skeptical at *best*. While I think the planet as a whole is in a whole lotta trouble- these hacks need the spit slapped out of their mouths for just making $#*^ up like this and just fostering panic.

So, to these "people", I say Shaddup, or Pony up (PROOF)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:45 AM
blossom goodchild....nuf said

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:59 AM
Interesting, at this page:


Then, if you look up the crop circles from those 2 places, Manton Drove & Windmill Hill, one of which you get this croppie:

This crop circle gives the date of Aug. 4, 2012, but no one at the time knew why. That is until the GFL had stated that a UFO will land at the Olympics on that very date of Aug. 4, 2012.

Interesting. If UFOs do come folks, please don't believe they're from other planets, ok? If they come, they will look like us, because they're the Fallen Angels. If Aliens do come, then the Great Deception that's in the Bible will be that Aliens are from other planets and not what they really are, Fallen Angels come here to "help us."

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:17 AM
One group of people is being forgottet - SECT. What if all the GFL is one sect? Wants followers?

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:17 AM
I was under the impression from a few years of being a reader, and only recently a contributing member, that GFL is considered a hoax and a banned topic on ATS. Was I mistaken in this?

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by OneNationUnder

This sort of stuff is to soften already soft minds, because once "ET" lands and "takes over" too many will be convinced that:

ET is here to fix the planet (ummmm....methinks NOT. At least not yet. Trust me- I think we'd be able to tell the diff.)

ET are EVIL (demons, fallen angels, what have you) and need to be eradicated.

It's all going to be done to a) get rid of some people, and b) enslave the rest. Nothing "good" will come of it- the same bunch will be in power- they just have snazzy new puppets to do it through.

My take on the Bible is anything that "lines up" with it is completely manufactured by this same group who wants to control us down to our socks. Too much of this stuff makes me go "hmm"- and as a former christian, I REALLY go "hmmm", after seeing how the church operates.....
edit on 30-7-2012 by wylekat because: Spell check, my eye!

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:55 AM
I had no idea what GFL stand for, what it was about or anything else... so I googled their website and got a "Good Laugh"

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by taoistguy

Seriously, you believe this crap and think GOD is just a man made illusion. Funny stuff. GOD by definition is the ET you all have been searching for.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by wylekat

"Too much of this stuff makes me go "hmm"- and as a former christian, I REALLY go "hmmm", after seeing how the church operates....."

I am sorry to hear you consider yourself a former christian, I am sure it is not appropriate for this post for me to ask why? However churches for the most part have destroyed most religions.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by DOLCOTT
reply to post by wylekat

"Too much of this stuff makes me go "hmm"- and as a former christian, I REALLY go "hmmm", after seeing how the church operates....."

I am sorry to hear you consider yourself a former christian, I am sure it is not appropriate for this post for me to ask why? However churches for the most part have destroyed most religions.

Without boring (or burying) you with details- it was over 2 decades of lies, manipulation, theft, abuse, hurt, trauma, mocking, class warfare, social warfare, empty promises, and more than enough proof positive *every* last minister and preacher is fulla more BS than France's sewer system. Or the Ganges. Or any cow farm.

A good place to see what I mean is going to a site called exchristian. My story is repeated about a million times over, with appropriate versions depending on the person.
edit on 30-7-2012 by wylekat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
I was under the impression from a few years of being a reader, and only recently a contributing member, that GFL is considered a hoax and a banned topic on ATS. Was I mistaken in this?

Please refer to my previous post or go

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by taoistguy
The GLF has stated that at least 1 ufo of theirs will definitely land in the olympic stadium on Aug 4th and everyone will see that they are here to help us.

Now this is either the end of the GLF cos no one could possibly believe them ever again? Why have they done this? Is it cos whoever dows their websites is bored and wants out?
Or is it really going to happen?
If it happens, then either it is real, or it's the biggest ever con of the NWO?

This will be the end of them for sure unless someone can successfully record the reflection of a lamp while watching coverage of the Olympics and pass it off as proof.

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