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Ukraine part of Russia' gaffe angers Kiev

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posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by frozenspark
Personal attack, reported

I don't see how anyone in their mind can see former big Phrama, big Oil, big Bank, and big Agro execs being appointed in high places in our government and not cry foul. These same corporate soulless shills go on to become politicians and pass laws left and right that increase the profits of the powers that brought them up to and kept them in power. And then you have lobbyists handsomely rewarding other politicians to vote a certain way and to pass certain laws that are not in the best interest of the public, but only serve to protect the corporations.

Additionally, please not tell me where to live. It is extremely ignorant, and will get you clocked in more ways than you can count by individuals whom you say this to in real life. Not a threat, just an advice. Why don't you go back in time and say this to MLK, Ghandi, and other martyrs who openly criticized the land they lived in and tried to change it. Do you see how incredibly ignorant your comment is?

Also, I am not looking at Ukraine with "rose-colored" glasses. Can you not read? I am fully aware of how corrupt it is.
edit on 27-7-2012 by frozenspark because: (no reason given)

Did you seriously report a personal attack? Based on WHAT exactly? What did I say? Does the truth about your country hurt that much? How can you compare people working through the legal avenues they are allowed to people soliciting bribes at every level? Nothing you have described is against the law in the US, it is just the way our system is. Also, I did not tell you where to live, I merely asked you to do a reality check and count your blessings. The fact that you expect the US government to be held to a higher standard than the country of your birth only adds to the allure of our society as a whole.

Personal attacks, pssh, you are not worth the effort.
edit on 27-7-2012 by steppenwolf86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 01:05 PM
Let us see, what is bribery: defines it as "The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties."

The public and legal duties of our elected officials is to represent us, the people. They are put into office to do what is in the best interest of the population. So when they accept monetary support from corporations to pass laws that benefit the corporations, how can you sit there and tell me it is not bribery. It is legalized bribery.

I see that it states that you from Poland, which indicates to me that you may have some pridisposed subconscious agenda to attack Ukraine ( I know relationship between Ukraine and Poland are not ideal).

By the way, you are constantly resorting to ad hominem attacks and low-blow degrading comments. That is normally a sign that the platform from where your arguments are coming from is rotten and has no strength.
edit on 27-7-2012 by frozenspark because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by frozenspark

The libor and Interest rate swap corruption scandal magnitude is 450 to 650 trillion According to D.K Matai and according to other analyst its over 800 trillion. That dwarfs the american and british economies and the entire western economy.Also there are estimates of 1.4 quadrillion to 2 quadrillion.

ukraine/Russia corruption as part of GDP 40%

USA /Britain corruption as part of GDP 2000% to 4000% considering the derivatives fraud and narco money laundering scandals.
edit on 27-7-2012 by mkgandhas because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2012 by mkgandhas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by frozenspark

I am a US citizen who resides in Poland. You said I personally attacked you without merit. I then gave you reason to claim a personal attack. Also, you refer to some kind of political animosity between PL and UA, implying I am biased because of that. Keep guessing, keep grasping at straws... Anything to keep your flimsy argument alive.

Keep whining about the political system, but it is nothing illegal. We do not have state owned TV stations, we have privately owned ones, along with newspapers, etc. For them to make a profit, they charge for ad space, for a candidate to place an add, this costs money, and for him to raise this money, he must solicit donations. He does this by making promises to groups, lobbies, and individuals. How much influence does their money actually buy? Hard to prove. By comparison, if a Congressman represents a district with a large auto factory that employs many people and strengthens the local economy due to the purchasing power of the employees, and if he then votes pro- UAW and anything else pro- auto industry, is he bribed by the thought of the votes gained by keeping his supporters happy?

You criticize a lot, but other than a ad time share/equality system or changing the system top to bottom, what is your Utopian solution for what you mistakenly label as the scourge of society?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by steppenwolf86

Funnily those who conduct these surveys are westerners too... I wonder why US is going bankrupt if the corruption index was "onlee" 7.1 on a scale of 1 to 10

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by steppenwolf86

Sorry to say this sir, but maybe we can cut the crap and get back to topic.... I feel quite awkward when my fellow americans feel so proud of their country when we are being openly looted and our freedoms are being taken away... Cut the nationalistic crap and open your eyes... We sir, are in a big #pile ... I cry when I see such emotional drama by americans...are you sure you like the way we live like now? Doesn't something seem wrong to you ?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Truthfinder666
reply to post by steppenwolf86

Sorry to say this sir, but maybe we can cut the crap and get back to topic.... I feel quite awkward when my fellow americans feel so proud of their country when we are being openly looted and our freedoms are being taken away... Cut the nationalistic crap and open your eyes... We sir, are in a big #pile ... I cry when I see such emotional drama by americans...are you sure you like the way we live like now? Doesn't something seem wrong to you ?

Living abroad will turn anyone patriotic.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by leosnake
reply to post by frozenspark

Russia was part of Ukraine
But Ukraine has never been part of Russia

Thats actually untrue my grand father was a Russian who was born in Kiev and stated the following Ukraine is part of Russia.

So to claim that Russia was part of Ukraine is untrue.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by steppenwolf86

" I understand how you look back home with rose colored glasses, but you are going too far. If the US is so corrupt, go back to your home country, since you honestly view it as LESS corrupt than the US."

I am not grasping at straws, I am simply commenting on your seemingly unwarranted personal attacks.

Let me ask you this: if murdering the disabled (essentially eugenics) was legalized in US, there would be nothing wrong because it's legal? You seem to believe that if its legal than its good, and if its illegal then its bad.

If you had lived in the 1800's you'd own slaves and have no problem with it - hey its legal. Why not?!
If you have lived in the early 1900's you would segregate and lynch blacks - hey its legal. Why not?!

Simple, narrow mindedness at its best.

By the way, "your" special country was founded on the bones and tears of million innocent Native Americans, capital for the greedy capitalism was built by hard labor of innocent African Americans, and now your country maintains its decadence on the exploitation of third world countries. There is a whole lot to be nationalistic about, let me tell ya.
edit on 27-7-2012 by frozenspark because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by frozenspark
reply to post by steppenwolf86

" I understand how you look back home with rose colored glasses, but you are going too far. If the US is so corrupt, go back to your home country, since you honestly view it as LESS corrupt than the US."

I am not grasping at straws, I am simply commenting on your seemingly unwarranted personal attacks.

Let me ask you this: if murdering the disabled (essentially eugenics) was legalized in US, there would be nothing wrong because it's legal? You seem to believe that if its legal than its good, and if its illegal then its bad.

If you had lived in the 1800's you'd own slaves and have no problem with it - hey its legal. Why not?!
If you have lived in the early 1900's you would segregate and lynch blacks - hey its legal. Why not?!

Simple, narrow mindedness at its best.

By the way, "your" special country was founded on the bones and tears of million innocent Native Americans, capital for the greedy capitalism was built by hard labor of innocent African Americans, and now your country maintains its decadence on the exploitation of third world countries. There is a whole lot to be nationalistic about, let me tell ya.
edit on 27-7-2012 by frozenspark because: (no reason given)

Once again, you are welcome to fly home at any time. You sure can cry a lot, but what is your solution?
edit on 27-7-2012 by steppenwolf86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 11:27 PM
I am American.

Lobbyists truly are nothing but a form of legalized bribery.

To own/operate a business, there is a ton of legal red tape to jump through on every level of government, local and nationwide, to get what you're trying to do, and it is all easier facilitated based on who you know and how much money you have.

America is extremely corrupt, though not on the same level as other countries. Other countries have corruption in the form of shady men in back alleyways. We have corruption in a $1000 suit, smiling and looking you in the eye.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

Originally posted by leosnake
reply to post by frozenspark

Russia was part of Ukraine
But Ukraine has never been part of Russia

Thats actually untrue my grand father was a Russian who was born in Kiev and stated the following Ukraine is part of Russia.

So to claim that Russia was part of Ukraine is untrue.

simply you do not know hlstory of Ukraine and RF
1000yrs ago when there was state Kiev's Rus with capital in Kiev (now Ukraine) part of territory of that state
with small village with name Moscow is what now people name Russia

state with name Russia never was

Russia is central part of European part of RF where population is Russian mainly(90%)
Russia is conditional,geografic name part of territory of RF

similarly, uneducated Russians call the territory of the Scotland as England
I tied to repeat all of that here
edit on 28-7-2012 by leosnake because: (no reason given)

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