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Third World Population Boom - Is it time to Sterilise the "Useless Eaters?"

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posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Imperialists shouldn't have raped Africa to begin with. They were fine before the rapists showed up.

That's like blaming the firemen for the fire.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:44 PM
I am an antinatalist. I do not expect you to agree with me (given that I exist in the first place); yet, I would gladly die to lessen your suffering.

The power to create life is left in such careless hands... We all suffer for your incontinence.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

You speak from the perspective of the victim. Just because it is rape, doesn't mean that no one is to blame.

As an aside, you don't think other animals (rabbits) "rape" eachother too?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:24 AM
Well, OP that's a "fine" goal of the elite. Useless eaters is a nice(sarcasm) term for who do not fund their beloved beast.
Looks like first world nations are being hit first, or at least the US.

Birth Rate Plunges, Projected To Reach Lowest Level In Decades

It's one of those economic recoveries where we just can't afford to reproduce.

The average number of births per woman in the U.S. is likely to plunge to a 25-year low in 2012 and 2013, according to Demographic Intelligence, a consulting firm that analyzes fertility data and forecasts birth rates, which was cited by USA Today.

One of the articles from the original source making it's way around... which has added more info.

Birthrate for U.S. teens is lowest in history

Teen births are at their lowest level in almost 70 years, federal data report today. Birthrates for ages 15-19 in all racial and ethnic groups are lower than ever reported.

USAToday, original source says teens.

When "Experts say: 30 to 50 percent of world's food thrown away", there's more to be dealt with than birth rates but because of economical factors and corperate greed people will starve large controlled populations or not.

More info- $1 Billion of Food Thrown Away in America Each Year, Impact On Other Nations

Should it be outsourcing more jobs from the US, outsourcing jobs that were first outsourced to China, India....-for ex., to third world nations who need population control? Apparently working class and middle class=less children. I suspect that was part of the purpose for that.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Pedro4077

? what?!?!

No. Don't be ignorant. Plenty of room and resources for 10-100 times the current global population. We just have to stop our society being co-opted by the Rothschild, Rockefeller, New World Order, Illuminati scum that have taken control.

mind boggling amounts of evidence we are controlled by a select few elites who have stunted our public technological development.

The specific view you pushed forward is blatant NWO thinking. They love that you have that opinion...... Come on dude :/

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by deessell
Actually, they have big families so that they can support the family. With a big family there is hopefully many people able to work, and bring in income. Children die of malnutrition and diseases which requires them to produce a big family. So, it's more of a case of sex for procreation.

In other words, they are retarded. An intelligent race would rise up and do something about their predicament instead of breeding like rabbits and live in filth.

And yeah, I'm a racist. If it wasn't for the white man, mankind would still be living in the dark ages.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 01:42 AM
Stupid thread... I work in a supermarket... Everyday big bins of produce fill the compost bins in the garbage area.

All about money, not the lack of food.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

You have proof that EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN AFRICA is like this?

Share your sources!

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 03:54 AM
Hurr durr lack of food..

Food is only the very beginning. You need education, industry, infrastructure and many other things to have a functional society. I really dont get why are some people so fixated on food when talking about population size.

Even if everyone on this planet had access to food, it would hardly solve the problems of the third world, and may very well make them worse in the long run, like pouring fuel on a fire. And I am saying that as an advocate of global unconditional basic income.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
All about money, not the lack of food.

Pretty much. The world works around money not on giving something for free.

Food is a resource. Jobs are a resource. If there are no jobs then there is no money to pay for the food. You've got a bankrupt debt-ridden third world economy, that's where ppl need to look. Useless comments such as "there is enough food to feed the world", "we waste billions in food" will not solve the problem, because that's not the problem.

In the 1980's all those big TV aid events (Feed the World etc.) gave the impression that Third World problems were simply about environmental issues (heat, lack of water, deserts) etc.

In the 2000's the TV aid events wised up and looked at where they should be looking. Inescapable debt and such. Thing is, the predicaments Third World countries are in with debt suits some ppl just fine. Then you have counterproductive religion (i.e. Christians banning condoms), ignorance, greed and wars which means any aid is only temporary and is only patching the surface problems which will always repeat forever.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by tallcool1

I actually thought the title was about obese Americans

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by PW229

Try reading my entire post not just the one line you want to argue against. Once again google somalia 1990s, we did send in thousands of soldiers. They did nothing to help the situation as it is coultural. "They" as in this childs parents, aunts , uncles, neighbors. The entire society is to blame. The entire continent is in turmoil because "they" the peoples of Africa want it to be. If "they" the peoples of Africa wanted things to be different " they" the peoples of Africa would do somthing to change it. History is full of populations throwing off their tyrants to achieve a better life for their entire people. These people have been given the oportunnity hundreds of times, from almost every western nation on earth, the U.N. and every charity on earth. They keep chossing to continue "their" the peoples of Africas suffering for reasons that are to the rest of the world nonsensical.

In clossing I would like to add, "they" the peoples of Africa have received more help than any single other people on earth, yet they still live in the worst conditions. It is "their" the peoples of Africas own fault period.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:56 AM
Foolish idea, too bad you don't realize European/American countries own most of the fertile farmland in deprived African countries. It was stolen by Dutch/English/French colonies and then traded amonst the wealthy for many years now. They would grow there own food if they could. Perhaps if they had been allowed to evolve at the same rate as the rest us they might have convenience stores selling trojans like the USA.

Honestly they should revolt, take back their land and starve the rest of us useless eaters.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Taz2122

Originally posted by deessell
Actually, they have big families so that they can support the family. With a big family there is hopefully many people able to work, and bring in income. Children die of malnutrition and diseases which requires them to produce a big family. So, it's more of a case of sex for procreation.

In other words, they are retarded. An intelligent race would rise up and do something about their predicament instead of breeding like rabbits and live in filth.

And yeah, I'm a racist. If it wasn't for the white man, mankind would still be living in the dark ages.

Taz, you really need to get of your computer and travel to a developing country. You are not being logical when you ask them to 'rise up and do something'. What do you expect those that live in poor, isolated communities to do? Move into the city? That's what's happening. As a result, there is no-one to tend the crops, the men have all left.

There is so much corruption in developing countries. Children need to pay the teacher for the answers to tests, ot they will fail. They also have to 'buy' things from the teachers, things like pens, milk and food. If you have no money to give to the teacher, you might as well not come to class. It is a vicious cycle.

In a way, you are right about the advances that the west have brought the world. These developing countries are in dire need of modernization.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

Can we start in the US? If we got rid of the useless eaters we could feed the truly needy.

Many of these individuals did not choose to be hungry, much as many western societies choose to eat to much.

Tsk tsk op. I actually see more potential in these poor countries than the rich over indulgent countries around the world. If given the opportunity these nations would do everything in their power to better their situation, in the west the majority of people do everything in their power to do as little as possible and have as much as possible. It's really sad, and even sadder someone living beyond their needs feels the answer is to eradicate the less fortunate.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:49 AM

Best to send these countries birth control and avoid creating misery. Much misery in communities in the US can be cured the same way. STOP BIRTHING BABIES INTO MISERABLE LIVES!!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:01 AM
It is what it is.

It is an opportunity for us to show our humanity...or just how monstrous we can be.

I do not tolerate suffering in another human being...regardless of what events led up to it. If you can accept the pain, perhaps you are not human.

That being said...yes, education. They need to learn that the moment of pleasure they seek for escape has serious consequences. Birth control is probably a pretty good idea but sterilization?...that is not "humane" thinking...that is totalitarian and needs to be met with equal resistance....

Greed is the downfall of always has shall it always be....from the Ancient Greeks through the Roman philosophers and even into today...the price of selfishness and greed is widespread suffering and pain. Greed is the key root to all the other "deadly sins"...gluttony, envy, lust, anger, pride and sloth...all spring from is the wellspring for the worst part of human nature....and what is greed?

Greed is the "I should have more than you because I think I am better than you"....that is arrogance...aka...pride...

You see someone more successful and you hate them because you think you are better than despise their opulence and that has a name...envy.

Sterilizing the poor will not solve anything...the poor will always be amoung us....extinguishing greed...will solve most if not all problems...consider, ponder it and meditate on it if you will see the truth...

Greed is our undoing.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Pedro4077

hmmm... i don't know let's see....lets create a seemingly hopeless situation and put you in it. Then let's eliminate you for it.... I hope you don't plan on having kids...we have enough of your types.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by BrutalDictator

Originally posted by RealSpoke Imperialists shouldn't have raped Africa to begin with. They were fine before the rapists showed up. That's like blaming the firemen for the fire.

Who do you blame when we learn the fireman caused the fire to ensure their job security??

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:32 AM
This is a myth. They have larger populations because people in the first world tend to have years of down time before they need to start life. Mortality rates are lower here as well so people lost the habit of replacing dead people with more babies. Also the reason for this myth is because in 50 years third world countries will have 65 % of world wealth. Developing nations will overtake the western world and shift the concentration of wealth towards their end of the spectrum.

The 80-20% our parents enjoyed of wealth concentration compared to developing nations will be gone. The only way to slow that down is to reduce their population now so that their production and military strength can be equaled later. We have seen that it is almost impossible to counter act things like china moving into Africa and making unilateral trade agreements. The other option is to reduce our population so that our 35 % of wealth can be assured to fall into lesser hands compared to the worlds 65% spread around many millions.

Un-sustainability means too competitive for resources and wealth amongst ourselves. It has nothing to do with being environment friendly.

It is not that the target of these projects is limited to developing nations.

It is a final solution that can tip the balance that is inevitable and natural to the top % of our own population artificially.

Just look to what the former world bank president says all the time. That in his opinion is the greatest concern for our emerging leaders.

edit on 30-7-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

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