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All the people closest to me think I'm completely INSANE. I must be making the right decisions

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posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:08 AM
I didn't know if this thread should go here in Rants or be put into Personal Stories, I'll let the Mods decide.

Bill Wood said almost the same thing as my title in one of these two videos.

Youtube video 1
Youtube video 2

I don't care if you want to watch the videos or not, there were a few pieces of info in it that I'm interested in. I'm not writing this to promote either of these two videos, just saying they might contain good info for you.

People think I am insane because I always believe that I am different to them in the way that I think. I think and have always thought that I would be living in an era when the world would be changed so dramatically that it would never be the same again.

Since I was a small child I always had these thoughts and I dreamt and saw visions of disasters both natural and man made that were beyond normal. I used to try and shrug it off as an over active imagination, but the dreams and visions keep coming thick and fast.

There is one of my recent dreams written in this thread

So I dedicated over 20 years to finding out why I feel the way I do, was there any truth to it and did anyone else feel the same way. I found out that people do feel the same way as me and that there is evidence out there that proves that something big is going to happen.

In the last few years I have been more outspoken about what I feel to be true and happening, I've been trying to warn or "wake up" my family and loved ones. They end up just basically laughing at me or thinking that I'm insane.

Well as far as I'm concerned, I am right and if those people don't want to listen then they are sound asleep and it seems like there's no hope of changing the way they think.

I have felt a sense of urgency creeping up on me lately as if there is not much time left in which to wake up those who still are not listening to this message. Even though there's not much time left I am compelled to continue to try something, anything, that could possibly help anyone. That's the real reason why I joined ATS, but its hard to put everything together in one thread as there is so much to be written it would fill several novels.

All I can say to people reading this is, do you believe something big is going to happen soon? If so read as much as you can on ATS as most of the info is already here, use search if you have to, or just google stuff.

Do people close to you think that you are insane? If so you must be making the right decisions in your life. You must be on the right track reading the right information and everyone else is just in a deep slumber unable to realise the truth.

By the way this could be my last thread, I am being financially being pushed to the wall by huge bills, my I'll health means I am on a disability pension. I am currently in my second marriage and neither my first wife or second understands me or what I'm trying to get out to people.

So I'm thinking of leaving soon to prepare for what is to come on my own. I am going to take off and head out bush and leave the craziness behind. I don't know the exact timing of when I will go, but I feel it wont be too long.

Will you wish to sit back and enjoy the event that's coming? Will you even know what's coming? or will you be prepared for it to happen?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:24 AM
I have a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and small bug out kit prepared if need be. Right next to my front door. As for people calling you insane and laughing at you.. you are bound to receive this kind of response when talking about anything as manic as a coming catastrophe.

Either because people genuinely don't believe what you are saying, because they refuse to out of fear or because they have been conditioned to laugh at the sound of anything like this.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

You taking your wife ?

I have had this same problem all my life, so you are definately not alone, and I'm sure most here on ATS share your sentiments.

If we don't converse again, good luck with everything R6.

Much Love to you.

* Ned

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:40 AM
Man I just bought a house and some bare land the hell out of ca "just in case" we will be moving aug 16.

I hope to begin prepping my bare land for a secluded cabin in the woods, and the home I bought has multiple ways to get toward the area where my land is.

So yea some family think I'm nuts but my wife and I are doing it, worst case is I end up with a nice place in the woods to relax if nothing happens.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:43 AM
No I don't feel this way about catastrophes. I only believe in accepting one can come at any time and should be ready, but I wouldn't plan my life around it.

This is a common theme on ATS, many say your exact words and are assured they feel it coming, but fact is, nothing ended up happening. Good luck though hope everything works out
edit on 22-7-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by nimbinned

I had to reply to your question and its not easy for me to answer. I have been trying for 4 years with my current wife to get her to see that we should both go. But however much I try to get through, I still don't think she see's the urgency I'm talking about.

Maybe she will within another month or two, but I don't know if I can wait that long. It wont take much longer until we are both financially ruined and our electricity will be switched off. If it gets to that stage it will be harder to move on, so timing is everything.

God I'm almost crying writing this. That's how serious its all getting with our finances and health. We've been forced to sell a lot of stuff already to make ends meet.

I would love to take my Wife with me that's the best answer I can give for now.

Much love to you too nimbinned, thankyou for your good wishes.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by R6A6W6
reply to post by nimbinned

I had to reply to your question and its not easy for me to answer. I have been trying for 4 years with my current wife to get her to see that we should both go. But however much I try to get through, I still don't think she see's the urgency I'm talking about.

Maybe she will within another month or two, but I don't know if I can wait that long. It wont take much longer until we are both financially ruined and our electricity will be switched off. If it gets to that stage it will be harder to move on, so timing is everything.

God I'm almost crying writing this. That's how serious its all getting with our finances and health. We've been forced to sell a lot of stuff already to make ends meet.

I would love to take my Wife with me that's the best answer I can give for now.

Much love to you too nimbinned, thankyou for your good wishes.

Well the best answer for the wife problem...go cave man style knock her ass out with a club, and save her life. If she still want to bitch about later knock her out again...

But you need to have everything planned to save her, other wise all is for naught...
edit on 22-7-2012 by mileysubet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

I feel bad now for asking. I'm very sorry R6.

Seeing you have opened your heart to me, I think it only fair I respond in kind,

The reason I asked that question is because my marriage ended recently because we could not see eye to eye on the importance of self sustainability and many global issues. She thinks I'm crazy for what I believe in. It's hard sometimes to come to terms with this, but I can't be anything different to who I am. If you can't stand by your own 'truth' then you're just a flake, taking up space IMO.

I will pray for you my friend that your health and finances take a turn for the better. We are all in this together.

Stay Strong

* Ned

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by nimbinned

Oh my God, its exactly the same situation you describe with my Wife and I. Sorry to hear of your breakup too. We never do see eye to eye on these issues and it makes for a bad relationship at times. I have thought of leaving her, yes.


edit on 22-7-2012 by R6A6W6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:23 AM
Actually the more I think of it now, I'm thinking of just standing up and speaking to her straight up about it. I'll just say we are either both in this together as a couple and need to plan an escape together or I will have to leave her and go on my own.

You are dead right about if you can't stand by your own 'truth' then you're just a flake, taking up space.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

I had to reply to your question and its not easy for me to answer. I have been trying for 4 years with my current wife to get her to see that we should both go. But however much I try to get through, I still don't think she see's the urgency I'm talking about. Maybe she will within another month or two, but I don't know if I can wait that long. It wont take much longer until we are both financially ruined and our electricity will be switched off. If it gets to that stage it will be harder to move on, so timing is everything. God I'm almost crying writing this. That's how serious its all getting with our finances and health. We've been forced to sell a lot of stuff already to make ends meet. I would love to take my Wife with me that's the best answer I can give for now. Much love to you too nimbinned, thankyou for your good wishes.

Not to sound cliche or anything, But compromise is the key to all happy marriages.

When this all started I wanted to move to the wilderness of oregon.

My wife did not, she likes being near cities.

She wanted a condo in the middle of a city, I wanted boonies.

The compromise, Move as far east of the city while still being able to drive in and take local transit, while buying bare land across the river in wa, where we can drive by multiple bridges and ferries, or boat across ourselves and hike in if we had too.

The point is the wife gets the features she wants, while I get to experiment with self sustainability (the house has an acre of land as well) Ive already a skilled hand at growing Hydroponically and using aquaponics to maximize the grow at home.

WHILE I will separately be prepping a cabin in the woods.

It was a tough sell in the first place, but thankfully the stupidity displayed on a regular basis on the news and such it quickly convinced my wife of the need to do something.

edit on 22-7-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by benrl

Once again I'll be called insane because of what I am saying. But there is no compromise with my wife and its always been that way. I believe one thing and she believes another and its not a healthy relationship. But I have stuck with her for 4 years and tried to make things work, its just not working.

I am pouring my heart out in this thread because I really need to. Talking with others helps.
edit on 22-7-2012 by R6A6W6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

Yes, it's a crap situation when doing the right thing means creating pain for oneself and others. But what other choice do you have really, especially now when 'truth' is critical for survival. I'm sure though that in time, us 'crazies' will be venerated. Thanks Rob for being up front and genuine about your feelings - I have been touched by your honesty.

* Ned

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by nimbinned

Thankyou too Ned, I'm glad we share the same thoughts and feelings openly.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

Once again I'll be called insane because of what I am saying. But there is no compromise with my wife and its always been that way. I believe one thing and she believes another and its not a healthy relationship

Well you said it right there "There is no compromise"

What I heard was "There is no relationship"

Once its that bad, well theres not that much to say.

I have this friend, and well hes kinda of my Mirror, as in the oposite of my life, Ive been married to the same women I dated in highschool.

Him, he has gone through 3 marriages and hes 31, and I gotta tell you, hes better for having gotten out of each of his horrible relation ships.

His 2nd wife was the My way or the High way type, and I have to say he had the worst time with tthat one, the things he did and gave up for that women killed a peace of him.

The worst thing was she had the strongest grip on him than all the others, he gave up his hobbies because she found them "annoying".

He sold his car because it wasn't "Right" for her, one he had worked on for years to restore.

He sold his home he had equity in to get into a house that he couldn't afford and is now under on...

Point being if your side isn't getting considered its time to bail.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by benrl

Wise words on relationships benrI. Starred.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by benrl

I completely understand your message and agree, like I said, this is my second marriage and they were both the same. I feel like I lost a huge part of who I am by being shut out.

I guess its been building up inside of me for quite some time now and I think I might feel relieved if I got out of this toxic relationship.
edit on 22-7-2012 by R6A6W6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

I completely understand your message and agree, like I said, this is my second marriage and they were both the same. I feel like I lost a huge part of who I am by being shut out.

After the 2nd one... she left him for a dude that writes for Blizzard entertainment... which is ironic because playing WOW was one of his hobbies he had to give up...

Anyway, she had him so warped that he couldn't see and out with her, it was the worst because HE felt HE was a failure for a 2nd Failed marriage.

After the split he got down right suicidal, and the best part was she had dismantled his life so completely that he thought he didn't have friends...

Friends she thought didn't fit his new married lifestyle and such, well she kept all those friends and left him alone with the house he couldn't pay for (how nice she didn't want it with the negative equity)

It took awhile, and he had to F-up again, the third wife was a rebound, literal Im so lonely Ill take the first girl I meet and marry her in vegas.

BUT heres the thing, he always had friends, and once we found out what was going on we all swooped in to support him, Family too, she had alienated him from them as well.

NOW he is single, and again he messed up with the third rebound, but atleast this time he was smart enough to see it was a BS marriage and bail ASAP.

Now he is taking his time to rebuild his life, taking "me" time, hes even Considering moving with ME to oregon (hes in construction and I can use the free labor lol )

The point is man as long as theres breath in your lungs and a will to move forward you will be okay, just remember that, life is to short and wonderful to kill yourself trying to save a relationship that just doesn't work.

Take the hit now so you can rebuild that much quicker.
edit on 22-7-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

Rob, if you need to get any more stuff off your chest then just send me a U2U. It's best to get your head and heart straight before jumping in to something. This must be done from a place of love and understanding, not anger and bitterness. It's easy for emotions to run riot in these situations.

Hopefully she can come around and embrace the importance of what you're saying. Maybe the love that binds you is strong enough to weather this challenge.

* Ned

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by benrl

I feel the same way as what you said about your friends second marriage, like a failure for not being able to make it work twice would be hard to take. But I think I can move on from there and rebuild. I too have been kept away from my best friends and unable to communicate as my Wife suffocates me at times.

I'm not suicidal, but at breaking point for sure. So I will have to say something to her when she gets home, but I know it will lead to an argument. It always does.

I sent you a U2U Ned

P.s We my Wife and I argued when I joined ATS, she was jelous because I could talk to others. Hence she is out, I am here typing.
edit on 22-7-2012 by R6A6W6 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-7-2012 by R6A6W6 because: (no reason given)

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