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Glenn Greenwald: How America's Surveillance State Breeds Conformity and Fear

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posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:48 AM

The following is a transcript of a speech delivered by Glenn Greenwald at this month's Socialism 2012 conference, on the massive growth of government and corporate surveillance and their chilling effects on Americans' rights.

Full article

Just a warning, this is a very long article, but I think it is well worth the read. I know some people may be turned off by the mention of a "Socialism conference." Still, I urge you to read it and not "judge the book by its cover."

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:54 PM
12 pages long but well worth the effort. Greenwald is such a great writer and fighter for freedom and the common man. People should pay him more attention.
The US surveillance state is omnipotent and if it does not change soon there will be no one left to remember what it was like to live in world were nobody listened in on your phone calls, watched over you emails and financial transaction or tracked you by cell phone everywhere you went. People are becoming acclimated to constant surveillance and trained to believe it's the only way life can ever be.
I'm glad to have known a time when real privacy did exist.
Our American system is turned completely upside down where everything we do is known and everything the government does is a secret.
That is the very definition of tyranny.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
12 pages long but well worth the effort. Greenwald is such a great writer and fighter for freedom and the common man. People should pay him more attention.

I agree and think Greenwalds nickname Glennzilla is well deserved. I have bookmarked his column on and read everything he writes. His independent mind, sharp analysis, compassionate arguments and fearlessness are qualities which have become rare under journalists. For those who like to listen to a speech or view a video, - here a link to the relevant videos.

And the embedded videos. There was also a discussion afterwards and Greenwald has written in his column, that he wishes to add it as soon as it becomes available.

Glenn Greenwald - Challenging the Surveillance State Part 1

Glenn Greenwald - Challenging the Surveillance State Part 2

Glenn Greenwald - Challenging the Surveillance State Part 3

Glenn Greenwald - Challenging the Surveillance State Part 4

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