posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:26 AM
Recently there's been Obvious..bias negative light on same race relationships.. "invisible" forces driving people apart from their "own type".. made
to look unethical/racist/closed minded if they choose to marry or be around same type of people they were raised with and share genealogy with. This
is especially becoming Evident in America. "Someone" wants to weaken the heritage based bonds of power some societies/races share. Watch "same sex
supporters" will start to lower themselves to the lowest lows and entangling weaker minded people into their thought patterns.. and anyone who resists
will be labeled "bully" "proud" "he who thinks he's better than" "anti this anti that" . Telling you now do not fall for these Misleading parasites
who want you to be confused on where you stand, they just want to draw your power to suppress you and your children, drive your families apart and
mix up your GENES, for you to have no Power of Hereditary Identity, or an Identity at all, other than materialistic consumerism, degradation,
perversion, so TPTB can go ahead with their enslavement Agenda and installment of their Predetermined ruling class. Speaking from experience.. my
family and my relatives families have been driven apart, I dont even know my mother, that has manipulated my ways of thought since childhood. Believe
it or not... watch this is happening now. Be Aware.
edit on 28-6-2012 by Gemwolf because: Removed all caps from title