posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by theduke269
Welcome aboard, and enjoy the ride!
To answer your questions, members give stars to individual posts, and flags are given to threads. You need 20 posts to make your own threads. Below
your username to the left it lists P F S and then W and K. P stands for how many posts you have made. F stands for the number of flags you have
received. S stands for stars. The W and K stand for the rating system on ATS, derived from a formula of posts, stars and flags, but those numbers
are largely unimportant, save for the moderators and staff. (When you are bad, like a troll, a mod will review your account and they look at the
W=wats and K=karma. These numbers help determine if you get the ban hammer or not, so please be kind and courteous.)
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.