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UFO's, Aliens and Religeon, a question to you all.

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posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:49 AM

I said "Lake of Fire" not "Hell." Hell means the grave, and God does not put anyone in fire forever, except the Devil and his aliens, er, demons. Fire is for refining, not punishment.

Perfectly correct!

Hellfire (Ghanna) is all consumming, it erradicates all life within it, and when they are cast into it they will meet a permanent end. Satan and the demons are also sustained by God (angelic beings do not have self-sustaining immortality), just as the physical realm is, and therefore God can cease to sustain them, once their purpose has been completed.

Hell (hades/sheol) means simply grave, or a hole in the ground to go when you die.

I love how you stated what fire is for, it is beautiful and accurate. There is wisdom in your spirit sir, thank you.

God Bless,

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by DataWraith
Should Aliens from space reveal themselves to us HOW will it impact religeously on people?

Partial example would be seen in the new seriesV. For the most part humans would try to figure out how they (ET) fit in with EXISTING religious data and would make their assumptions from that point on. I think some will lose faith why OTHERS WILL grow a stronger faith if there is some correlation between some of the data within the religious books (as far as what ANGELS and DEMONS are and ALSO GOD(s) and what experiences go on between ET and EA*RTH aboveground inhabitants as those below EA*RTH ground inhabitants KNOW somewhat already. Who is to say they wouldn't bring their OWN FROM of WORSHIP with them. And then does this further enforce the CREATOR influence upon CREATED CREATIONS?

Originally posted by DataWraith
After all people say God created us and the world and if there is a God ( myself being a Pagan is besides the point I would LOVE for Aliens to come forward and say Hi) surely he/she/it/they must have created others in the vastness of space so HOW would that affect the Religeons of the world?

The religions of the world have to as of now keep an open outlook and not closed minds on who GOD(s) of EA*RTH ARE or may have been. As well as WHO THE CREATOR OF ALL* IS. This I think would help a little.

Originally posted by DataWraith
So please give me your take on it, and why it would affect YOUR worshipful practices? Don't forget to say which religeon you are and what bearing Aliens would have and if it would shatter your religeous beliefs and how?.

It wouldn't effect me that much religiously as I try to study ALL religions from a SPIRITUAL & SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION pov.

Originally posted by DataWraith
We have contact with species alien to us practically on a daily basis, and its all Terrestrial, a new species of fish, flora, fauna, lost Amazon tribe etc and they are new to us and yet we don't see them as scary or going to take over our minds or enslave us do we? so what difference is it if it comes from outside our atmosphere?

Some SOCIAL PROGRAMMING METHODS within movies/books/and some cartoons have placed a negative vibration related to the COSMIC FAMILY interactions. So many here responses would be influenced by what they have learned or been exposed to thru various social programming materials. To 1 its no difference and no prob. unless hostile and hateful of the EA*RTH herd. I know this may be viewed as a young HERD but sometimes it seems there is a massive amount of underestimating going on with what the eherd can deal with and understand. YES I think some would do ignorant things like kill themselves and possibly others out of FEAR, but I feel a larger part of this planets inhabitants WILL understand and ADVANCE.


posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:13 PM
burn this, hell that. doesn't anyone get tired of being afraid all the time?

aliens? let them come.

religion? let the truth be known.

it's time we learned who we are and why we're here. if it takes an alien to do it, so be it.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by DataWraith

Sorry mon ! No matter how much you want it to be so, there are no alien space men transversing impossible distances to come here and crash in to our planet. There are however demon shapeshifters masquerading as your heros from space, come to save us from ourselves. Which brings us to the exact reason there will never be any uncloaking, disclosure or revelation by our govt. You see they can't because it would then be tto easy to see them for exactly what the bible has always told us. Right from the start. Been there the whole time. The govts. and kingdoms of the whole world belong to Satan.

The Prince of the power of the air.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 03:23 PM
My question to you, OP, would be that if and when they do reveal themselves and claim to come to unite humankind under one world government and one spirituality...will that give you pause for reflection?

Will you question...or blindly accept?

Ufology, in general, has become a religion in itself. Full of true believers, High Priests, and prophets. And that's okay. We all choose our philosophy...but may we choose wisely. That appears to be the difficult part these days.

Good luck to us all.

edit on 15-6-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by cconn487

Originally posted by Lazarus Short

Originally posted by cconn487One could say humans are masked spirits contained in our bodies. Whats their endgame by the deception?

The endgame is judgment and being thrown into the Lake of Fire. The demons/aliens want to take as many of us with them as they can, by deceiving us. On the other hand, I believe they are trying, with all those abductions and bio-illogical probings and experiments, to produce hybrids as they did before the Great Flood, and also to insinuate themselves into the human genome, so that they can demand salvation when Jesus returns. He will not be fooled, and they know it, but they are desperate.

I'm all for you believing what you want. I just don't believe in hell. Sorry, I don't believe any God would allow that option to be on the table. Free will or not. To set up life as we know it, with both pleasure and hardship, to even have the remote possibility we could spend an eternity of suffering away from our creator. Just doesn't sound like a God who can forgive as easily as we have been told.

Could we not be forgiven if we have been led astray? I thought that was how God worked?
edit on 15-6-2012 by cconn487 because: (no reason given)

For me hell is being disconnected to my surroundings. It is the state of depresion you can feel that you do not fit into the world and feel lonely and unloved. It is also being disconneted to whatever is on the otherside (disconnected from the light/love of the source). I have had the same idee that I will never allow the burning hell for eternity of the Christians. Any god that judge and hurt souls just for the sake of hurting is a bully and I will not stand for that crap. I rather have nonexistance but that is not an option it seems. I get karma but karma is a tool of learning and taking responsability for your actions. When the lesson is learned the reason from karma dissapear and suffering must end.

Buddhism will continue to evolve/change as they figure out new things. Hinduism will say we told you so and maybe change their stories a bit to fit the aliens historical records. New agers are gonna be ok with it. Fundamentalistic Christians, Jews and Islam will probably have a problem with it but that is their problem.

For me Jesus and Buddha are clearly from the same source but some Christians have a duality problem and have to think Jesus is the only who can save them. Would god make misstake and not bring home people like Buddha and Gandi just because they would not say Jesus. I do not even think Jesus would let them suffer even if they did not know his name. Much pride and ego do not really fit the image of Jesus does it. Do not get me wrong there is much spiritual knowledge in the bible between the duality conditioning lies that could be written by a devil.

I belive humans are still evolving and the silence must be maintaned from outside sources if not invited by a person. You have to seek god to find the connection within and I use the term god loosly because for me it is not the god in the bible.

If there are aliens then they know to much of the real shape of reality and there are souls here that are not ready for those thruths yeet.
edit on 15-6-2012 by apushforenlightment because: spellchecking

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:29 PM
double post
edit on 07/16/2009 by Lichter daraus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by DataWraith
I have been wondering and as well as reading various threads on ATS and other sites across the interweb and a thought crossed my mind.
People say that UFO's and Aliens will not be disclosed to the masses for various reasons, either its TPTB do not want us to realise we are not alone in the Universe and see any visitation as either a threat to their control or the technology they seem to want to own, to it will have serious religeous impliciations so I thought about this question for a few days and I couldn't think of any other reason than this , loss of control of the people.

Should Aliens from space reveal themselves to us HOW will it impact religeously on people?

After all people say God created us and the world and if there is a God ( myself being a Pagan is besides the point I would LOVE for Aliens to come forward and say Hi) surely he/she/it/they must have created others in the vastness of space so HOW would that affect the Religeons of the world?

So please give me your take on it, and why it would affect YOUR worshipful practices? Don't forget to say which religeon you are and what bearing Aliens would have and if it would shatter your religeous beliefs and how?.

We have contact with species alien to us practically on a daily basis, and its all Terrestrial, a new species of fish, flora, fauna, lost Amazon tribe etc and they are new to us and yet we don't see them as scary or going to take over our minds or enslave us do we? so what difference is it if it comes from outside our atmosphere?

This isn't a thread to say that Aliens ARE demons as there is currently no concrete proof of either so please don't troll by quoting Bible/Qu'ran passages and how Aliens are demonspawn sent to enslave our souls as there are plenting of threads already on that subject. Or if you do want to claim Alien life forms are Demonic then please provide proof ( not written in Religeous books ) , Thanks.

edit on 15/6/12 by DataWraith because: addition of text

So are you just asking religious people or what, because me personally i don't subscribe to any religion and if aliens were to show up it wouldn't effect my beliefs at all really. I hope they show up sometime soon as matter of fact.
edit on 07/16/2009 by Lichter daraus because: (no reason given)

edit on 07/16/2009 by Lichter daraus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by DataWraith
I think religions are way too adaptable to leave the party at the first sign of trouble. For example, we've had bubonic plagues, massacres in Rwanda and children die horribly every hour of every day. None of which have altered the course of big religions or put the boot to a faith in God. Folk do believe no matter what. And why not?

In that sense, maybe religion is an aspect of human belief and thought that has a life of its own? A self-generating idea that's here to stay.

If so, it really won't matter what shape aliens come in; religious beliefs would continue. They'd adapt, include new information and keep going.

What might be interesting would be the possibility that contact would involve an introduction of *their* beliefs. Maybe religious belief is inevitable in the minds of any intelligent, sentient species? Maybe it's a stage all thinking life-forms have to pass through that lingers in their culture?

Missionary zeal knows no boundaries and moral compasses are ignored when 'saving souls' is the goal. Imagine a scenario where we're faced by the ET equivalent of the Catholic Inquisitors or hostile evangelists preaching new versions of hell and damnation? It's quite an horrific idea.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

Religion has been corrupted for the last several hundred decades.
I'm spiritual, I believe there is a higher being that created everything, including aliens. The more I'm learning about how things actually are and not the lies that have been told, the more things are changing.
I think the Gods/Goddesses that are worshiped on Earth are ET's. Think back to Cavemen times, if you are an intelligent being from a class 2-3 civilization, how do you explain to Cavemen what you are, what your craft is, how you can fly? We mistook them for Gods/Goddesses when they are the same as us, energy/soul. As our souls/energies go through the learning stages, we can be in different forms on different planets in order to learn important lessons. Say this life around we are humans on Earth, next life you are a creature living on a different planet learning different lessons. The ET's we see are just other energies/souls going through the learning cycles of life.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by DataWraith


posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by ElohimJD


posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Auburn2012

....hella ditto.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short

Originally posted by Auburn2012
In my opinion aliens are just masked spirits. I believe they will reveal themselves as aliens from a distant universe when the time is right in a last attempt to pull humanity into a big illusion that "man is god" and that we "humans" can transform into "higher, enlightened beings", if we just give up our religions and everything that holds us back.

The truth of the matter is that these so called "aliens" are not from a distant universe, rather they are from the same place we are from. Don't be fooled. Do your research people of ATS.

I fear that this plan will trick the masses.
edit on 15-6-2012 by Auburn2012 because: (no reason given)

Yes, aliens are demons, as I have stated multiple times on ATS. They have an agenda, and it is not to the benefit of humans. The big deception is coming, and if you are not grounded in the Holy Bible, you will likely get sucked in.

Something for you to ponder on (and anyone else)
God and the Devil are the same. Since Human Beings are the only thing created with Free Will, God had to have known how Lucifer would act through his entire existence from the moment he was created. Therefor God would know about all evils that would be created and allow it all to happen.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

I am sure Religous people will say it's a trick from Satan

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by MoeFugga
Not quite accurate.

Could it be from Satan? Sure, his whole purpose is to deceive the masses.
Could they be from another plannet? I guess. But they don't mean a thing to me, nor will they, until a real reason is given.
Could they not exist? Sure. Plenty of hoaxers out there.

See, the assumption about Aliens pertaining to religion assume that there's something written on them. The only extraterrestrial beings written about in the Bible, for sure, are Angels, Demons, God, etc. the assumption is that all of them are extraterrestrial due to not being flesh, and not really from any planet. If nothing is written therein about the phenomena most associate with aliens, then maybe there's nothing TO have an opinion on.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
reply to post by MoeFugga
Not quite accurate.

Could it be from Satan? Sure, his whole purpose is to deceive the masses.
Could they be from another plannet? I guess. But they don't mean a thing to me, nor will they, until a real reason is given.
Could they not exist? Sure. Plenty of hoaxers out there.

See, the assumption about Aliens pertaining to religion assume that there's something written on them. The only extraterrestrial beings written about in the Bible, for sure, are Angels, Demons, God, etc. the assumption is that all of them are extraterrestrial due to not being flesh, and not really from any planet. If nothing is written therein about the phenomena most associate with aliens, then maybe there's nothing TO have an opinion on.

There were a lot of books up for consideration when they were planning the bible. Not all the books got into the bible. Matthew got in but not Enoch. So you can't really say that because there is nothing in the bible then there is nothing to have an opinion on. It probably got omitted from the bible or it was just something that God didn't put in the bible because he either A: (like I said in other post) God knew we were incapable of comprehending such knowledge or B: (Like I said in the other post) The ET's are just like us, soul/energy going through the learning stages of life. God didn't tell us because it didn't fit with our learning purpose.
edit on 16-6-2012 by knoledgeispower because: forgot info

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by knoledgeispower
And if it doesn't fit with our purpose here, then my stance stays the same, no?

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 05:29 PM
No, it wouldn't change my faith because my trust is in My Father. He told us thousands of years ago that in the last days He would allow a strong deception that would enable "the lie" to be accepted by all those whom never learned to love the Truth. "The Lie", as opposed to "The Truth", will be the Son of Perdition instead of the Son of God.
The Lord allows me to understand that the strong delusion is the theory of evolution. It alone is the leading reason that people cite as to why they believe extraterrestrials exist; that if life evolved here, then it MUST have evolved elsewhere. The delusion therefore sets up acceptance of "The Lie". This person will claim to be god, and every form of indoctrination, excuse me - "media" - is pushing the ancient aliens scenerio as our creators - voila - millions now BELIEVE that they are. They also state that they will "save us". They masters here have changed the beliefs in a scant generation or two. We can tell who they are on these boards - they gleefully clap their hands together just willing us "pesky Christians" to confront an alien. Sorry, doesn't work - God told us eons ago what sort of scenerio to watch for, and "aliens" fits it to a T. Six days are almost up - two days since Jesus. He's coming back, and this all happens in the end of this age. All those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. The final judgements are coming.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by knoledgeispower

Originally posted by Lazarus Short

Originally posted by Auburn2012
In my opinion aliens are just masked spirits. I believe they will reveal themselves as aliens from a distant universe when the time is right in a last attempt to pull humanity into a big illusion that "man is god" and that we "humans" can transform into "higher, enlightened beings", if we just give up our religions and everything that holds us back.

The truth of the matter is that these so called "aliens" are not from a distant universe, rather they are from the same place we are from. Don't be fooled. Do your research people of ATS.

I fear that this plan will trick the masses.
edit on 15-6-2012 by Auburn2012 because: (no reason given)

Yes, aliens are demons, as I have stated multiple times on ATS. They have an agenda, and it is not to the benefit of humans. The big deception is coming, and if you are not grounded in the Holy Bible, you will likely get sucked in.

Something for you to ponder on (and anyone else)
God and the Devil are the same. Since Human Beings are the only thing created with Free Will, God had to have known how Lucifer would act through his entire existence from the moment he was created. Therefor God would know about all evils that would be created and allow it all to happen.

What if free will in fact is not all that nice? Face it total free will without empathy is the most evil/ego parasitic thing that exists. Total free will are what murderers, rapist and bullys are doing. Even in the bible god only allow limited free will since all who cannot behave are not allowed to be near the ones who can behave in heaven. You might get a temporary stay but if you are unfinished then you have to take the lesson again. If god have all the data and computing power that he needs then from god:s view our so called free will is an illusion. Not a single electron missplaced and not a single thought not meant to be thought. God have to think about the evolution of all souls and will not play favorites even to the finished ones (saints/wanderers) that come back. This place is from my point of view a school for the souls to learn the ideals of service to all and rejecting the parasitic part of service to self. And we will all get it in our own time when we are supposed to.

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