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My niece sent home from school for NOT wearing a hoodie

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posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by David134

Good luck, this has been going on for at least 2 decades.

Here is an eye opening Graduation speech:

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

She claimed 10th grade. That would put her "niece" at roughly 15-16....but nonetheless, it is most likely a run-around-story and nothing true about it.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by habitforming
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1


I do not buy this story for one second.
I find it a little hard to believe every kid in that school, including your niece OWNED a hoody that they could wear or choose not to wear.

Are you serious? Have you ever been to a high school in the northeast US? All the kids have hoodies.

To be clear, this is not an inner city school with mostly black kids or black administrators. This is an upper middle class school in the suburbs with under 20 black kids. The teacher and the principal are white. The TM day was organized by two of the black girls in the school. They did a special talk at the school's weekly assembly to honor and remember TM.

Back on topic, from what my sister-in-law told me, the school is a very good school. She has no desire to escalate this further and make things worse for her daughter. Not every incident turns into a lawsuit.

For those of you who don't believe this story is true, you can believe it's true or not believe it's true.

Why is important to you that I "prove' the story true?

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1

because being sent home is very serious, and for failure to conform is outrageous

I'm sure you can see why people wouldn't buy it

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1

Slurry her name, make sure she never gets work as a principal again.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1

Why is important to you that I "prove' the story true?

Because without proof it is just a story with little to no validity.

I did not know it was wrong for people to ask for proof, it is kind of how we recognize fact from know by weighing evidence and logic.

For those of you who don't believe this story is true, you can believe it's true or not believe it's true.

No truth is not subjective, its either true or it is not.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by ScatterBrain

Watched the second video, about to watch the first. That is one smart and awake girl. I wonder if she is a member of ATS. That was an excellent speech she gave and I hope more people see it. I would even suggest, if you haven't already, to make a thread with that video. It's great to see that there is some good coming out of the younger generations.

OP: if this story is true, I would at least tell your sister to go to a school board meeting to further discuss the issue and then take it from there. It may raise a fuss but nothing will change by doing nothing. What will happen the next time any child in the school faces that situation? This is why my daughter will never attend public or private schooling.
edit on 10/6/12 by usmc0311 because: poor spelling

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by UltimateSkeptic1

Originally posted by habitforming
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1


I do not buy this story for one second.
I find it a little hard to believe every kid in that school, including your niece OWNED a hoody that they could wear or choose not to wear.

Are you serious? Have you ever been to a high school in the northeast US? All the kids have hoodies.

To be clear, this is not an inner city school with mostly black kids or black administrators. This is an upper middle class school in the suburbs with under 20 black kids. The teacher and the principal are white. The TM day was organized by two of the black girls in the school. They did a special talk at the school's weekly assembly to honor and remember TM.

Back on topic, from what my sister-in-law told me, the school is a very good school. She has no desire to escalate this further and make things worse for her daughter. Not every incident turns into a lawsuit.

For those of you who don't believe this story is true, you can believe it's true or not believe it's true.

Why is important to you that I "prove' the story true?

I went to high school in the northeast and I can guarentee you if what you say is true there WOULD have been an outrage at this.You just shot yourself in the foot with that comment.It's not a matter of "all kids having hoodies". There would have been outrage if they were FORCED to wear them for this 'Trayvon Martin' day.And who said anything about escalating it further?There would be no need to anyway,above complaining to the school board.Which you can bet,if true,other parents would've been angry had their child been forced to do what you claim your neice was sent home for.

Do you seriously have to ask why it's important to prove it's true? It's your thread.It's up to you to provide some type of proof your story is true and not just expect us to take your word for it.
edit on 10-6-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:48 PM

I did not know it was wrong for people to ask for proof, it is kind of how we recognize fact from know by weighing evidence and logic.

In that case then anytime someone mentions something from their own experience or history, we should require proof. Otherwise someone needs to create a set of rules for levels when proof is required for someone comments to be valid.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1

You seem to have a bit of a history of making fantastical claims and then refusing to back them up.

Like your thread where you have an "inside source" to the Romney campaign who told you the VP know...the same source that told you Palin was McCain's VP pick before anyone else knew

As someone told you in that story bro!!!
edit on 10-6-2012 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by usmc0311

Thank you usmc0311,

Feel free to use any of those videos to make a thread, I don't have a lot of patience to argue with people who rather argue than check out things for themselves. I am new to ATS, and I sort of hoped this forum was where people came together, had discussions and helped each other learn about things and shared ideas, rather than bicker. I just don't have the patience for that. It would be nice if more people actually knew what has been going on in the school system. I will tell you this, I have told people about this since the early 90's and it seems like no one can do anything to change it (as you will see in the first video).
Thanks again for checking out the videos I posted

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1

Why didn't you post about this back when the school was in session, if you were so outraged? You stated in the OP that this happened a month or so in the past (and most of us are aware that the schools are out for summer break in the US, currently)....

Have you just been waiting for an opportune moment, when not much else is going on, to stir the political pot???

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by UltimateSkeptic1
For those of you who don't believe this story is true, you can believe it's true or not believe it's true.

Why is important to you that I "prove' the story true?

It's not important, unless you want to be taken more seriously. If you're going to take us for a ride with a greatly detailed (complete dialogue included) story of this incident, what harm could possibly be done by naming the school or principle involved? Oh, she's being targeted you say. By whom and how exactly?

Pffft. I have a knack for detecting deception, and the meter gave a reading here. I'd love to be shown that the meter needs a recalibration.

Name of the school?

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:29 PM
Isn't there some kind of... I dunno, if not legal than ethical, at least... thing that would if not bar than at least discourage a school (I'm guessing it's a state school, correct me if I'm wrong) from making a political statement based on an ongoing legal case?

Because that's what this is, as of time of writing - The United States (as in the prosecutor - it's "The Crown" in the UK, so I'm again guessing it's the 'nation' in the US) hasn't yet found either party to have been a victim yet, so a Trayvon Day would be entirely a partisan action, would it not?

I'll stress that I'm an outside observer and, moreso, I have no opinion on this case except that which is gained from the *ongoing* (emphasis absolutely required) investigation and later trial on this incident - but surely it doesn't take impartiality to notice the lack of impartiality involved in this decree?

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:38 PM
Calif schools have become the brainwashing centers and i have been seeing that same type of thing for 40 years.
Always one sided anti gun, anti logging, anti mining programs. pro treehugger.

many of the environmental programs were run by teacher that are card carrying sierra club members.

The teachers union runs the schools in Calif and not the school boards.

I worked in the mining industry and had friend that were loggers that reported the same one sided instruction given in there school systems.

It does no good to complain to the school board because it come straight form the democratic party in Sacramento.

Every kid they can brainwash into a anti mining. anti logging. anti gun, environmentalist will become a future democrats and vote for the democratic party.

This does not work in a few of the rural counties but with the cities in Calif controlling the vote it does not mater.

and yes i believe a school did have a hoodie day because it would fit right into the anti gun program .
edit on 10-6-2012 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by UltimateSkeptic1
Are you serious? Have you ever been to a high school in the northeast US? All the kids have hoodies.

Are you serious? Show me any one school that has 100% hoodie ownership by the student population. Why do you think everyone has a hoodie?
Born and raised in NY, sweety. I do not own a hoodie. My nephews do not own hoodies.

Just the fact that you are trying to claim EVERY KID at EVERY SCHOOL in the NE has a hoodie makes me piss my pants.

To be clear, this is not an inner city school with mostly black kids or black administrators. This is an upper middle class school in the suburbs with under 20 black kids. The teacher and the principal are white. The TM day was organized by two of the black girls in the school. They did a special talk at the school's weekly assembly to honor and remember TM.

To be clear, this school is made up and exists only in your head.
Don't you feel a little silly? What are you so upset about? I mean, if you have to MAKE SOMETHING UP to bitch about, then you must not have had any real problems. Life must be nice for you.

Back on topic, from what my sister-in-law told me, the school is a very good school. She has no desire to escalate this further and make things worse for her daughter. Not every incident turns into a lawsuit.


So discussing the school in detail is off topic?

For those of you who don't believe this story is true, you can believe it's true or not believe it's true.

Why is important to you that I "prove' the story true?

If you expect anyone to actually give a # about real life problems then it matters. If you are just looking to get people angry at # you made up then you need to get a life.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by ScatterBrain

I here you on that. There still is some good discussion found here. I may put together a thread about it this week sometime. I have a good friend that was a teacher of mine that I visit often and she is very unhappy with how the school systems are run. I think I will go talk to her first and get some first hand knowledge and her views on what could be done. She was a great teacher and the district is not fond of her for teaching kids to think for themselves and open their minds. I was once one of those students and if it hadn't been for her who knows where I would be today.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by Dustytoad

I felt it was wrong ever since I was 4. "I HAVE to go?" "Why?" "So I'm not free?" "I want to learn about fire, but they're making me color pictures of bears."


To be fair, if we let kids choose their schooling requirements we would have a curriculum full of Call of Duty and Penthouse for the boys, god knows what the girls would choose...

More likely you wanted to play with fire as opposed to learning about it. Because we all learned about it in Chemistry and I assure you it's boring doing theory on exothermic combustion reactions...

Exactly my point boncho...

The energy that powers almost everything is made boring. You are made to think POWER is boring.
You don't sound smart using words like exothermic... Heat created... WOW. Cool. What are you going to do about it?

I'm not talking about free choice exactly either. My curiosity was killed, because I wasn't curious about COD or anything else you guys like. I was interested in not making grownups drive in circles everyday doing nothing but making paper and death. I can see what school is. It IS good for society, If You like pyramids, and if you don't like critical thinking.

It works awesomely well for the status quo.

You may notice the person my post was about, who keeps replying to everybody, read the post wrong about Iron.
They obviously came out of the US school system. Comprehension is LOW, and it makes me sad.

You guys can be so smart and never do anything with your knowledge.
edit on 6/10/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:58 PM
I would so sue that school, they tried that with my school and someone was taking down the flyers. I was about ready to post ZImmerman flyers over top of the Trayon flyers. Sorry the kid got killed and everything, but it's just that, another random kid getting killed in the United States.

Nothing new. Nothing spectacular about it.

This does not belong in the school system nor should be affiliated with the school system.

Until the facts are made from the parties, one cannot make a uniformed assumption about that night.

And Trayvon, doesn't look to be as innocent as they claim him to be.

I believe it contributory from both sides.

Now who has the more percentage at fault, is another story.
edit on 10-6-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by UltimateSkeptic1

Originally posted by habitforming
reply to post by UltimateSkeptic1


I do not buy this story for one second.
I find it a little hard to believe every kid in that school, including your niece OWNED a hoody that they could wear or choose not to wear.

Are you serious? Have you ever been to a high school in the northeast US? All the kids have hoodies.

To be clear, this is not an inner city school with mostly black kids or black administrators. This is an upper middle class school in the suburbs with under 20 black kids. The teacher and the principal are white. The TM day was organized by two of the black girls in the school. They did a special talk at the school's weekly assembly to honor and remember TM.

Back on topic, from what my sister-in-law told me, the school is a very good school. She has no desire to escalate this further and make things worse for her daughter. Not every incident turns into a lawsuit.

For those of you who don't believe this story is true, you can believe it's true or not believe it's true.

Why is important to you that I "prove' the story true?

Your sister-in-law has no desire to escalate this further but she wants to move as you stated in your OP??

I was going to say something doesn't add up here but actually nothing adds up here.

Ploy for stars and flags and nothing more.
edit on 10-6-2012 by six67seven because: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

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