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Donny has found Nibiru again - Can someone tell me what he is actually looking at apart from Nibiru?

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posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:57 PM
I think it should be like any other investigative journalism... we need at least three, independent, credible sources before anything can be confirmed.

In this case, serious amateur astronomers would do, but not just anybody with a YouTube channel. We need verification from credible sources.

I'll remain open-minded, but will not heed just this one guy. I realize that the government space agencies CAN and I believe sometimes WILL enforce a media blackout when it suits them, so I'm not attacking Donny on that point. But I do need to see a couple of real astronomers who have credentials to back him up or it's a waste of time.

So the challenge is this... any ATS'ers who are serious astronomers (amateur or professional)... what's your take on all of this 'late breaking news'?
edit on 10-6-2012 by switching yard because: spelling

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by switching yard

So the challenge is this... any ATS'ers who are serious astronomers (amateur or professional)... what's your take on all of this 'late breaking news'?
edit on 10-6-2012 by switching yard because: spelling

See here:

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:35 PM
I was just joking. A "serious" YouTube channel that takes people like Donny and debunks them would more than likely fail.

Here is why: People.

People don't want to hear rational explanations. They don't want to hear a bunch of science explaining something. People, don't want to hear that everything is fine.

What people WANT to hear is: Aliens are coming, Aliens are among us, The world is going to have LOTS of disasters (which it already does, and has and will) they want: The world is going to have even MORE disasters, That jet planes are making chemtrails, that there are giant doughnut shaped UFO's out in space (never mind that it's a out of focus effect of the telescope camera's primary and secondary mirror making a close object look that way while the telescope is focused on a far object), That there is a super sized rogue planet steered by aliens and are able to defy all laws of physics and gravity.....

They WANT to hear the world is going to end.

People don't want to know how things work, or why science works the way it does. That requires a lot of thinking, and that's work.
They'd rather someone else do their thinking for them.

For example, if you could jump back in time just 150 years ago, and grab someone, take them out to the night sky and point to a star or a constellation, they'd be able to tell you what your are pointing at. Even simple farms paid attention to the stars positions.
Now go outside and grab your neighbor. Chances are they won't know what they are looking at, because they spend all of their time texting on their smart phones to their BFF's about the game on TV......

Well scratch that.....actually if they have a iPhone, there is a app that let's you hold the phone up to the sky and it will show you what you are looking at......I'll give 'em that.

But in general, People don't want to hear the boring old truth. They want something that has thrill, fear, unknown, the strange.

Think about it. Our society is made that way. We watch horror films. We ride roller coasters. We gamble. We eat up crime novels (especially if it's a murder mystery).....


People like to rant I just did.....

Sorry. ATS might be about Deny Ignorance.....but I think for me, really, Ignorance just pisses me off!


posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
You think hes an idiot for wasting his time looking for something that isnt there,
I think your an idiot for wasting your time making the effort to debunk what you think is a waste of time.

being an idiot is a very subjective thing

i know this might be a bit off topic , but keep in mind when you point the finger , you have 3 pointing right back at you , you know better then to call names , we will both probably have our comments removed .. be polite and respectful .. ..

jusy saying ...

to the op , i am not sure what that pic is , it looks like a moon ,hard to say will have to digg up some more info on it , can you provide any more info on this pic ?

I think I have read this saying before on here maybe by you. What does it mean exactly? I just don't get it, if I accuse someone of something 3 people are automatically accusing me of something else?

Honestly sounds like some anti-bully made up feel good crap. Can you explain its meaning or just repeating what sounded good?

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by sputniksteve

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
You think hes an idiot for wasting his time looking for something that isnt there,
I think your an idiot for wasting your time making the effort to debunk what you think is a waste of time.

being an idiot is a very subjective thing

i know this might be a bit off topic , but keep in mind when you point the finger , you have 3 pointing right back at you , you know better then to call names , we will both probably have our comments removed .. be polite and respectful .. ..

jusy saying ...

to the op , i am not sure what that pic is , it looks like a moon ,hard to say will have to digg up some more info on it , can you provide any more info on this pic ?

I think I have read this saying before on here maybe by you. What does it mean exactly? I just don't get it, if I accuse someone of something 3 people are automatically accusing me of something else?

Honestly sounds like some anti-bully made up feel good crap. Can you explain its meaning or just repeating what sounded good?

sure i can explain , take your fighter and point it at something , now look at your hand and you will see three fingers pointing right back at you

thanks for your understanding


posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful
I was just joking. A "serious" YouTube channel that takes people like Donny and debunks them would more than likely fail.

Here is why: People.

People don't want to hear rational explanations. They don't want to hear a bunch of science explaining something. People, don't want to hear that everything is fine.

Well I guess it all depends on how you gauge success. To me, I'm happy anytime anyone sees the light and realizes they've been falling for nonsense. Sure, most won't get it, and it will probably have more downvotes than upvotes, but in my experience there's always some who get it and realize they've been following nonsense.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Thanks for the answers. I can see why someone could call me an idiot for even worrrying about this, but at the same time that donny is an idiot. I had a feeling it may of been the Milky Way and the crux looking star system sort of gave it away as well. But never the less, this is a guy who uses anything to prove nibirus existence and yet the people who follow him do not seem to see sense even when it is right there in front of them. All I was trying to do was get the opinions of a few people just too make sure I was correct also. Thanks again.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy

I can tell you what the object is. He has gone to SkyView, pulled up a photo of Cassiopeia A (part of the clouds) and shapeshifted it using varous settings on SkyView. It's a simple as that. Then he adds his name and the date and claims its his.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:53 PM
Indeed I came up with an even better duplication of Donny's image - figured out he was using the Bonn 1420 mhz survey. Orthographic projection, 250 degrees in skyview, rotated about 45 degrees. It does appear that he centered it on Cassiopeia A, good catch.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by ngchunter

Our galaxy looks like a ball from the outside or when the image is wrapped around? I mean i thought the Milky Way was colliding with another galaxy atm.

Edit: Nvm i see.
edit on 16-6-2012 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by LightAssassin

That DNY classification is Donny's he said as much in a video. So, he's not only using other people's photos, he's also renaming objects he didn't discover. He says in the video..."This is ELC20049 - DNY, reclassifed by me".

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by ngchunter

It was an easy catch. Donny is a fraud.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

We will collide with Andromeda in about 2.9 million years. I'm not going to worry just yet. LOL

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Areyoukiddingme

Oh yea i know. Since chief said it was the milky way i was expecting to see at least traces of it.

Guess not

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by switching yard

Well, here's an astronomer (ameture) who can't find it, hasn't seen it and has received absolutely no information from the Donny's of the world to even tell me where to look. I have my own equipment as well as I buy time on telescopes around the world, and I can't find it. Donny's response to people who question his so called research is to block them. He has said that he doesn't give a F(*& what the scientific community thinks... so...

Personally I don't buy anything this guy says.
edit on 16-6-2012 by Areyoukiddingme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:20 PM
If Marduk makes a pass by Earth cool....I hope it scares the sh*t out of people to change their attitude...I've seen it in many of my dreams, but whatever it doesn't make contact anyways. You will just see it, and it will be gone...

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 08:22 AM
Donny Gillsen, aka Ursa Adams is to me the last person on planet earth, I would depend on, for anything meaningful or honestly assessed regarding Niburu.

While lately Donny's oohs and aahs over lens flares and such, is to me is only a continuation of the ignorance Donny has been promoting all along. I base this poor assessment of anything Donny could report on, because I know that a while back when Donny was repeatedly confronted with the truth from many professional sources, Donny would ignore the truth and the facts presented to him and instead continued milking his insanity, so he could make a few dollars more and build a following based on contrived hype, disinformation and just plain ignorant remarks.

When Donny first came on the scene, this penchant for seeing things that aren't there or interpreting them as being what they are not, began with the mysterious "black dot" that Donny claimed was Nibiru for a long time even when experts tried to inform Donny that the black dot was a digital auto focus lens feature that protects the camera eye of cameras when viewing things like the sun.

Lately, all of the recent Nibiru activity he has been promoting lately makes me laugh in one regard and also makes me angry on the other, because he is feeding ignorance to the masses and from all indications, the fluoridated masses are eating up his lens flares while Donny continues to delude himself and misinform the public.

Now, if anyone thinks I should address the source, well, I tried once, but was then blocked for telling Donny about the black dot fallacy.

What concerns me in all this distraction from real science matters is that Donny is always talking about Nibiru and never ever talks about the "7 planets and moons that orbit Nibiru."

I have tried on many occasions to inform Donny that if there is anything to his sightings, I do not think it is Nibiru. I have tried to inform him that what we could be seeing, could be some of the 7 planets or moons of Niburu.

Since this matters not to Donny, I think this, because I now realize, that Donny is too dense to understand what those 7 planets and moons of Nibiru imply in the bigger scheme of things.

As long as Donny wants to be sensational egotist over matters of ignorance and seeks continually to be the media hound he presents himself as, I will never give him one ounce of credibility and no Niburu story from Donny will ever concern me. Besides, Donny takes the hard work of others research and then creates his own stories using their works to justify keeping his deluded insane world alive.

Sorry for the diatribe, but Donny to me is a joke in my book and a does not represent anything honest, truthful or factually right.

Thanks, but no thanks when it comes to anything Donny Gillsen aka Ursa Adams related.

If I want to laugh, I will watch the Three Stooges . At least it is entertaining.

If I wanted to be lied to, all I have to do is listen to some politician talking freedom and what's good for America.

Thanks for the thread, but in closing, it was those 7 planets and moons of Nibiru that prompted me to enter into this Donny venting and not Donny.

Consider or at least think about those 7 planets and moons that orbit Nibiru, because I already know with great certainty that Donny wont, unless he can milk it for some cash. What a guy.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
Thanks for the thread, but in closing, it was those 7 planets and moons of Nibiru that prompted me to enter into this Donny venting and not Donny.

What are you even talking about?

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:08 PM
This thread is proof positive that system is indeed real, and heading our way. The over-the-top bashing of Donny does the opposite of what you government shills want it to do.. for those of us with eyes wide open it confirms what he is saying is in fact true... BUMP.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by The GameKeeper
This thread is proof positive that system is indeed real, and heading our way. The over-the-top bashing of Donny does the opposite of what you government shills want it to do.. for those of us with eyes wide open it confirms what he is saying is in fact true... BUMP.

I'm afraid not.

What it does is show:

A) Lack of education

B) Lack of understanding science.

C) Lack of understanding photography

D) Lack of understanding the night sky and what you see.

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