posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Utopian
I have noticed it a bunch of times.
I only noticed because I used to go back and forth from the "New Topics" page, to the "Firehose."
A lot of times the posts would not be on the fire hose. Even some that were in the last 4 hours section, would be gone, by the time it got to the 8
hour section.
I don't notice a real issue with this. I pretty much sit on the new topics page. I don't even use Firehose anymore because of how they messed it up
so bad. I read in columns or sentences not broken into columns yet reading left to right across columns. That's just jumbled.
I wonder what genius came up with that?
As far as censorship goes, they must not be government, haha. I have said some things I probably shouldn't have, about military things. I later
deleted most of those. I saw some recent posts talking about top boat speeds which is information civilians don't need to have.
I sort of stay on the fence about if they are censoring or not. I stay on my toes, and if they do block a topic I instantly put it on my list for
internet researches. If they do it too much on one topic I will be VERY suspicious.
Have you found this to be the case?