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This is a Sexist Thread! (Men's Rights)

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posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by tw0330

Well I guess I'm lucky my dad won the custody battle a good 10 or 15 years ago. But seriously the courts would always give lighter sentences to women. I guess its because a girl isn't capable of causing harm. Most women would win custody simply because they have a different bond with their children. It's a farce but men dominate some things (glass ceiling comes to mind) women dominate others (custody etc).

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by tw0330

Originally posted by unknOWNmirAGE
reply to post by tw0330

Slightly agree, but it's because we view woman as the one who brings life subliminally as well as we (men) have reaped the benefits for far too long. Is it not their turn? It could go deeper but I'd rather not.

Ok, so by your way of thinking, you think women should also be put on the front lines in war more than men, I mean it is your turn, right.

I am a man, and if they want to go to the front line, let them. It's in our own best interests to protect our women because they give life. Instinct? I see where the OP comes from on the view of women getting the upper hand in things these days, but who says they don't deserve a bit for what the generations of women have gone through due to believing man is above? All questions...

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Sorry, am a woman, and find most of the "women's studies" and whatnot to be horseploppy.

reply to post by Daughter2

Out of the 92% of women who get custody, how many were unfit to be a solo parent? Not knocking mothers, know I had a wonderful one that I appreciate more as an adult than I ever did as a kid, but I've seen many cases where the father should have won custody, and only 2 where the mother should have.

reply to post by petrus4

Meh. Alpha personalities have more tha jsut the Alpha Wolf syndrome. It has to do with being a "team leader" and "outgoing".

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by tw0330

Women need all of the extra attention, it makes them feel special.
Us guys, give us a beer and a tv and leave us alone we're fine.

No but really it is a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease, men don't harp like chicks do.

I did hate it when I would go to work and get treated like a sexxy toy thing, wait...
Who am I kidding, I never got that!!

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:31 PM
OH NO's.... What a can of worms you have dug up here.......

OK, I'll spill... I am a Stay at home Dad. The reason for this is my Wife ears far more than I ever could and we decided it would be best for our child to keep me at home...
From the beginning, I've been running into brick walls.
No Mothers Group would allow me there due to a Muslim or 2 in the group.. "Our family is mixed race so I'm not racist..."
Going into baby change rooms at local Shopping centres. I've had Security called on me a few times..
Dragging a kicking and screaming toddler to the car while he was throwing a tantrum caused a police response..
I find it funny that Women want equal rights yet can't adjust to a Male doing their role???

While I do find that there has been a shift in the last 20 odd years to a more level playing field for Females when it comes to a career. They don't seem to get that for them to have a career, a Male has to take over the other responsibilities.

Society is Sexist and will always be Sexist to some varying degree... That will never change....

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:35 PM
So, because our grandfathers (most who are dead or close to it) were sexist against our grandmothers, today our sons don't get the same rights of our daughters and in most cases less rights.

Makes since to me.

Huh, can we say over compensation.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:35 PM
I'm a woman and I totally agree OP, men come to bias especially over matters of the family. Also I personally don't lke the demasculization of men, you have so many men who are a body part away from a unic (sp?) on tv.Where are the real men out there? They are too busy working their buts off providing for their families. In short men rock!!! When TSHTF we will need you.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by albertabound
Pretty much when I hit JH the anti-male propaganda hit full swing. Male teachers started disappearing and the women teachers became less and less ashamed to chest thump and show how they really felt about men.

Don't even get me started about the ball kicking.

Basically, the anti male propaganda in our schools is sickening and BLATANT.

If people really wanted to oppose your opinion, they could say, "how many woman do you see raping men?" along with plenty of other things. Not that it doesn't happen, but we take advantage when possible, apparently. Brains vs. Brawn? 1+1=WHOLE? zZz

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:36 PM
I want to add another statement to this thread, in order to be what I consider entirely fair to women, as well.

I had a father who I've only been able to describe as a patriarchic fascist. I have seen numerous other examples (such as George W. Bush) which have strongly indicated to me that male chauvanism is no more beneficial for human society, than matriarchy or rabid feminism.

With that said, I have consistently observed that the "Men's Rights," community online are also what I would consider fascist. They are generally upset about the fact that they are not socially permitted to have an authoritarian role within contemporary society, when truthfully I consider them being denied that role, to be a positive thing.

I don't believe that the pre-60s familial or social model was necessarily any less dysfunctional or pathological than the current one. Child sexual abuse and homosexuality still happened. The only real difference was that back then, all of that was swept under the rug, and buried under a veil of etiquette and hypocrisy; there were things which it simply wasn't considered acceptable to talk about in polite society, but every family had the same sorts of secrets, for the most part. Parents screwing around, the son or daughter being gay; it still happened.

As a man, I don't want to dominate women or other people. I also don't want to be accused of being a "beta," or a "wuss," simply because I refuse to behave like an amoral sociopath, and falsely equate that with masculinity. My primary male role model, or one of them, to the extent that I can manage it, is Buckminster Fuller. I consider his level of appreciation for science to have been an extremely masculine thing, but one which was equally positive.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by tw0330

If it were about us, there would be no war, or less of it.

OP asks why there is so much more money for breast cancer research? I tell you, women care about it more then men. Men take their illness as it is. Don´t say it isn´t that way. Every guy in my family does not care about being ill, because someone told them: men have to be strong! bull'+§! This makes me angry.

I don´t say that every guy is that stupid. But: women care more about everything.

Why should a man decide for me to carry a child to term for him? 9 months of stress, impacts afterwards... why do some men think this is easygoing?

And again: I love my hubby. He´s the best. Illness... uh, let´s don´t talk about that

I don´t like women´s libber, most are not really woman like and acquire the habits of MEN. And THAT is the reason why men hate them. Men hate men! Stupidity at it´s best
You have to love them, nobody else does.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
Meh. Alpha personalities have more tha jsut the Alpha Wolf syndrome. It has to do with being a "team leader" and "outgoing".

Like I said; I've never come across an alpha wolf yet, that I didn't feel sorely needed to be shot and skinned, and have its' pelt made into a rug. I'm not a fan of canines in any form, truthfully; including canine/human hybrids.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by unknOWNmirAGE
reply to post by tw0330

Slightly agree, but it's because we view woman as the one who brings life subliminally as well as we (men) have reaped the benefits for far too long. Is it not their turn? It could go deeper but I'd rather not.

Yes, but not at the expense of men, why perpetuate the same rubbish.

OP I agree with you, we are equal

Learning how to be a good woman in this day and age has been as difficult as I imagine learning to be a good man.

We're always stronger together x

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by unknOWNmirAGE

Originally posted by albertabound
Pretty much when I hit JH the anti-male propaganda hit full swing. Male teachers started disappearing and the women teachers became less and less ashamed to chest thump and show how they really felt about men.

Don't even get me started about the ball kicking.

Basically, the anti male propaganda in our schools is sickening and BLATANT.

If people really wanted to oppose your opinion, they could say, "how many woman do you see raping men?" along with plenty of other things. Not that it doesn't happen, but we take advantage when possible, apparently. Brains vs. Brawn? 1+1=WHOLE? zZz

If you swap the conventional definition of rape with "non-consensual sexual assault", than it happens equally as often. OBVIOUSLY, women cannot stick their non existent penis into a man BUT non-consensual sexual assault is no lesser evil. Unfortunately, there are those who would hide behind their sex, religion, etc to justify their belief that they are somehow "special" and should be treated differently, in a preferential way, than everyone else. Eg:

Women: BUT I'm just a girl teehee

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:47 PM


Maybe I missed it..

But... which rights are being violated?

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by CynicalDrivel

Well I failed Women's Studies in University on account of the utter bullsh*&. I've never been one for either extremes of the male, female polarity because I see both as equally balanced in a very harmonious way. That doesn't mean that I am blind to the reality around me with regards to leadership and dominance.

I continue to stand for the fact that both are meant to be together and adhere to each other's gifts and balanced care over the earth.

Sad that we know nothing of a world such as that.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by tw0330

I rarely star and flag a thread but I agree with everything you said op

I don't have much to add to it except this You've opened a can of worms and I hope you have an umbrella for the # storm that's about to come
Especially when the bitter women of ATS see this thread. Good luck!
edit on 6-6-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:53 PM
I say we take voting rights back from woman....

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by unknOWNmirAGE

Originally posted by albertabound
Pretty much when I hit JH the anti-male propaganda hit full swing. Male teachers started disappearing and the women teachers became less and less ashamed to chest thump and show how they really felt about men.

Don't even get me started about the ball kicking.

Basically, the anti male propaganda in our schools is sickening and BLATANT.

If people really wanted to oppose your opinion, they could say, "how many woman do you see raping men?" along with plenty of other things. Not that it doesn't happen, but we take advantage when possible, apparently. Brains vs. Brawn? 1+1=WHOLE? zZz

Actually the correct response is, how many men do you see reporting the rape. What chance would they have in court compared to a woman?

Now let's talk about false accusations of rape. An ex friend of my wife made a false rape claim putting the guy in jail for a 10 year sentence, but after a few month proof was found that it was a false accusation, and she eventually admitted to it. what did she get, 2 months and a years probation.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by dayve

umm no, I believe in equal rights, not less rights

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by dayve

I fear at that point that I will have no other option but to take the front lines and take battle with my stealth otherwordly abilities for utter obliteration.

Really don't want to though. Rather just sit by a fire with you all and roast marsh mellows.

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