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ALERT: Paedophilia is Everywhere!!! Protect Your Children!!

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:38 PM
The age of consent varies across the world from about 12 all the way up to 21.

The problem here is that the age of consent is not and cannot be a physical age, it is a psychological age. As a Counselor I have seen 14 yo that can easily make that decision for themselves and I have seen 40 yo that couldn't make a rational decision.

Our species is designed to start sexual relations anywhere between 12 and 14. Our society wants to wait until they hit whatever age.

Check the age of consent laws for the US States Circa 1990. Interesting variation, 12 to 21. All within the USA.

Repair the broken society that allows so much to be swept under the mat. Leave the children alone until you fix the society.

Flame away!


posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:28 PM
Im sure in hollywood there is some type of a Pedo ring. A bunch of old guys who call the shots taking advantage.

without doing to much research into to it i think the IPPF policy's may have more to do securing rights and thus protection for children in countries were they have absolutely none.
You may say that for hundreds for years people have been abusing children.
But it wasn't to long ago were children were expected to work for a living and go get married and have there own kids.

Even further back...

Athenian pederasty entailed a formal bond between an adult man and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family, consisting of loving and often sexual relations. As an erotic and educational custom it was initially employed by the upper class as a means of teaching the young and conveying to them important cultural values, such as bravery and restraint.

For the life of me i forget the point i was going to make.
Don't leave you children with wheezing old men in a position of power and isn't it funny whats accepted as normal or even a honored privilege at one time and a horrible crime in another?

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by chemistry

I have to say I am just as outraged and personally? I'm worried. We see a major international magazine with a 3yr old breastfeeding. Not the depiction, but the real act. That was Pedophilia (and incest, to boot) right on a main stream, full color magazine cover and because Breast Feeding REAL children is such a topic for problems to moms, this perversion (again, in my view) is applauded. Wow... 3 YEARS old, not 3 months. That's the difference in my mind and it's so large, the Grand Canyon isn't enough to illustrate.

Just NO. It was not pedophilia. I honestly wonder about the people who do consider it to be. In my mind there either hiding something by overreacting or are stay at home moms who watch to much Dr.phil.

Oh or there just old and prudish, and showing to much ankle is pornography.

edit on 15-5-2012 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

I think you are being overly dramatic saying it will NEVER happen.

Me dramatic? It was the OP claiming they were "crying" as they wrote the post, thats overly dramatic.
Me, I am just being realistic.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by pheonix358
The age of consent varies across the world from about 12 all the way up to 21.

The problem here is that the age of consent is not and cannot be a physical age, it is a psychological age. As a Counselor I have seen 14 yo that can easily make that decision for themselves and I have seen 40 yo that couldn't make a rational decision.

Our species is designed to start sexual relations anywhere between 12 and 14. Our society wants to wait until they hit whatever age.

Check the age of consent laws for the US States Circa 1990. Interesting variation, 12 to 21. All within the USA.

Repair the broken society that allows so much to be swept under the mat. Leave the children alone until you fix the society.

Flame away!


In Saudi Arabia marriages to girls as young as 8 years old have been upheld! And in Morocco if you rape a young girl you can marry her to escape prosecution!

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by chemistry

Sorry but, your title is misleading and sensationally fear mongering. What do you mean protect your Children, there is not a paedophile on every corner just waiting for innocent children. It's this time of reactionary attitude that robs our children of the freedoms we once enjoyed. It is this type of reactionary attitude that will have parent's begging to have their children microchipped, so they know where they are at all times.

Really? In all our city halls, behind many desks, in police and corporate power, judges and lawyers, this is very very real. And we have to wake up and storm through everything and be on watch with crowds of thousands and millions to scan through every file, through every form and be on serve and protect.

This has to end and citizens need to be vigiliant against it in any corner anywhere. The real criminals are not the average traumatized person but they belong to THAT class.

I'm just waiting for people to wake up and do the patroles.

Serve and Protect.
edit on 15-5-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:24 PM
This IS the Sickes thing that humans can do.
even animals dont do this.

I would happly kill them my self. and I dont wont to kill.
asians in england ship their kids back home
if word gets out one of the famly is abusing them.

the catholic church is the centre of child rape.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by satron

I am not sure what you mean by this. I do not think the two are combined, as in it sounds like you are saying that: protecting your child is making your child depressed, and need medication. And I am saying what?What?

SOme kids may need medication(s), I am sure there are some that are on meds because the parents are lazy, or do not have the proper time to work with their own children, maybe even do not have the proper understanding of how to manage their own child.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by HappyWarrior

There is so much evidence to support what I'm saying, and yet most sheeple do nothing!

I see. And where is this so called evidence of your's? If you don't mind me asking? Because i seemed to have missed it.
edit on 15-5-2012 by HappyWarrior because: (no reason given)

Somehow after reading your post, HAPPYWARRIOR, clicking the link "Make Rival" seemed way to nice. There should be a choice called "Make Diametrically Opposed."

You are certainly not illiterate and fully capable of reading the quote. I can come to no other conclusion than to think you must be supportive of that evil language. I see it as blatant PROOF of sadistic practices of arrogant satanists wishing to legalize the most reprehensible violence imaginable.

Shame on you. Shame on you.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:31 AM
I can see both sides of the argument.

On one hand, child molestation is probably more widespread than people think, particularly among the elite. This needs to be exposed and fought.

On the other hand, many people are under the influence of irrational anti-pedo hysteria, resulting in absurdities such as bans on drawn child porn or porn stars with small breasts. This emotional "protect the children" crowd does more harm than good for the cause, IMHO.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:47 AM

This emotional "protect the children" crowd does more harm than good for the cause, IMHO.
reply to post by Maslo

It is this emotional response that will usher in microchipping of the population. I have asked a number of my friends if they would have they children chipped, to know where they are at all times. All of them said they would have their kids chipped.

The children that live on my estate, despite living in a village, are not allowed to go out of the small little estate we live on. As a kid growing up in the same village, I was riding my bike around and exploring my surrounding area. The change in just 20 years is obvious. Are there more Peadophiles now than 20 years ago? I very much doubt it. But the fear has increased to obsessive levels.

I understand there probably are peadophiles in the Elites of our countries and people should be trying to expose anything like this going on.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Openeye
reply to post by chemistry


I also find your examination of that IPPF report to be exaggerated. You said "this is from the horses mouth". You do know the IPPF is a private organization right? That has no control over policy making? 

Young people, who are frequently excluded, shall have the right to be participants and protagonists in processes of change in their societies. They shall have meaningful ways to contribute to and shall share the responsibilities for the development of policies and programmes to protect, promote and fulfil sexual and reproductive health and rights

And what they say here is true, young people should have a voice in defining their right to engage in sexual activity and safely. This does not mean this will open up the floodgates for policy makers to start making it OK for 40 year old men to mess with 8 year old girls even if the girl is a "willing" participant, such logic is absurd. There is no civilized nation on this planet which pass such a ludicrous and immoral law. The "Child" must be old enough to make a rational decision.  


Deny Ignorance

edit on 15-5-2012 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

With all due respect, I feel that you are completely missing the point. Look around - sex sells everything in our culture today, from cars to alcohol. Our society has gone right along with it, as sex has indoctrinated each of our young kids from the moment they watch tv or film or open a magazine. Why do you think that is? Who has been pushing to change the morality of a once predominantly Christian population? If we cannot understand that a concerted and deliberate agenda has been unknowingly pushed on us, we cannot seek to separate our minds and hearts from it. Let me give you a non- religious reason:

1963 US Congressional Record
45 Steps to Communism

Step 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
Step 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
Step 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Three goals as entered into the 1963 US Congressional Record. Fifty years, and ALL have been accomplished. But how did they do it? They aimed for the one major behaviour that separates a person from God - sexual immorality. Per scripture, the lust is so powerful that it overrides our conscious on other matters, and it leads it's victims into spiritual adultery away from God and it hardens the heart to other evils. Women champion abortion as their "right" in their newfound freedom in sexuality, people eat pills containing dead babies to enhance their sexual performance, people with AIDS knowingly sleep with others unprotected, adults fantasise about sex with kids and our teenagers as young as 12 are led to commit abortions. 

This is the direction that many in our society have followed just because of an agenda to attack our collective morality. Each generation cannot see that we are the ones whose beliefs have changed. We naively call our grandparents prudes or 'restricted by their Christian morality', and today, many on this board champion the fact that they have shed those awful morals - never understanding that someone else's agenda was to get them to reject the God of their fathers in the easiest possible method - the appeal to sex. 

The above quoted section from the document clearly focuses my attention on their method - to give rights to youngsters to determine their own sexual practices. Most of those who control our media are Jews - and with their Talmud that clearly states that an adult having sex with a girl under the age of three and a boy under the age of nine is NOT a sin, do not think for one second that their end goal will not be accomplished. They will give rights to your child to have sex with an adult if the child chooses - and to do it, they are working on changing our beliefs about sex. The media did it with homosexuality when it comprises just 2% of the population, by promoting it, by indoctrinating it, by convincing many that it is bigotry to not accept what was fifty years ago considered immoral. They changed beliefs - and our youngsters now are taught that it is a perfectly acceptable sexual choice for them - that it proves that they are really tolerant and hip. Lesbianism is "cool", sex is to be "experimented", and the pleasure of our bodies is to be glorified. There you go - this young generation has been primed to welcome the next step - giving them the sexual responsibility of choosing to sleep with that adult pervert who is actively arranging his day when a parent will have no say so in the matter. I pray that you may understand my words and understand that those who deespise Jesus have been actively leading the people Israel to reject their God by simply leading them into lust which harden their hearts against Him. Do not underestimate the powers of the mind and  flesh as they become enslaved to fulfilling their desires, and to do this, good is relabelled "evil" and evil is relabelled "good".

The enemies of Israel twice destroyed them by seducing them into sinful behaviour. Jesus stated that what once was, will be again in the last days - that there is nothing new under the Sun. And understand the power of God to open eyes of all who are ready to reject these evil ways by repenting of them - changing your mind. Our kids don't stand a snowball's chance in hell if parents don't start waking up to the path that their kids are happily skipping down - the path leading them to gather to fight against the Saviour all because many of us have been deceived and blinded to the day in which we are living.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Talltexxxan

i think its less about blackmail and more about maintaining a secret order based on certain hedonism practices and rites.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by chemistry
Wrong!! I am not fear-mongering for fear-mongering's sake!!

Yes, you are.

Originally posted by chemistry

For God's sake don't ever get involved or friendly with a social worker; their job is to provide the establishment with an endless supply of children.

And this line proves it. Your labelling all social works pedophiles, or accessories to the crime. Thats pretty sad, when most social workers have an honest desire to help children. Many social workers were abused or mistreated themselves as children and find a sense of catharsis in helping others.

Originally posted by chemistry
All of these paedophile rings tie in with the extensive satanic network around the world, which the vast majority of people in power are a part of.

I find this only slightly easier to believe than the rediculous reptilians ruling the earth theory. And David "Queen Elizabeth is a shapechanging reptilitan" Icke? Really? He is nothing more than a snake oil salesman who makes his fortune selling stories like this to the most gullible people in society.

edit on 16-5-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:51 AM
Good information.

I have wondered if the Milly Dower/news of the World phone hacking had something to do with sexual abuse and sacrifice. Would make a good reason to delete phone messages during a murder investigation.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

A million, billion stars to you.
And A thousand applause, if it were possible.......

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

With all due respect, I feel that you are completely missing the point. Look around - sex sells everything in our culture today, from cars to alcohol. Our society has gone right along with it, as sex has indoctrinated each of our young kids from the moment they watch tv or film or open a magazine. Why do you think that is? Who has been pushing to change the morality of a once predominantly Christian population? If we cannot understand that a concerted and deliberate agenda has been unknowingly pushed on us, we cannot seek to separate our minds and hearts from it. Let me give you a non- religious reason:

Um yeah sex sells, it has for thousands of years. But there is NO "concerted and deliberate agenda" to push sex on the populace, such thinking is borderline delusional. And the burden of proof is on you, do you have any evidence of this? Any secret meetings between satanists talking about destroying Christians?

1963 US Congressional Record
45 Steps to Communism

Step 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

Step 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

Step 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."


Other than child pornography and other forms of child abuse, there is nothing you could consider either obscene or immoral which deserves to be censored.

In fact any form of censorship on a subject other than that which is grotesquely immoral and illegal, is the epitome of tyranny.

Three goals as entered into the 1963 US Congressional Record. Fifty years, and ALL have been accomplished. But how did they do it? They aimed for the one major behaviour that separates a person from God - sexual immorality. Per scripture, the lust is so powerful that it overrides our conscious on other matters, and it leads it's victims into spiritual adultery away from God and it hardens the heart to other evils. Women champion abortion as their "right" in their newfound freedom in sexuality, people eat pills containing dead babies to enhance their sexual performance, people with AIDS knowingly sleep with others unprotected, adults fantasise about sex with kids and our teenagers as young as 12 are led to commit abortions.

Your bias is showing. Nothing you say above you can prove, or is accurate in anyway and as for your Bible reference...

Leviticus 19 “‘Keep my decrees.

“‘Do not mate different kinds of animals.

“‘Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.

“‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material"

Punishment for this was death, should we still practice such beliefs?

Also abortion was practiced quite often by all forms of religion (including Christianity) before the 17th century, and it was not considered immoral at all, read a history book please. (BTW I am pro-life always have been always will be)

We naively call our grandparents prudes or 'restricted by their Christian morality', and today, many on this board champion the fact that they have shed those awful morals - never understanding that someone else's agenda was to get them to reject the God of their fathers in the easiest possible method - the appeal to sex.

Again this is only your opinion based upon no facts what so ever. And honestly your "opinion" is the cause of the mistreatment of homosexuals all over this country because of these so called Christian morals, which if you understood your own religion are honestly very lacking especially when Paul comes into the mix.

The above quoted section from the document clearly focuses my attention on their method - to give rights to youngsters to determine their own sexual practices. Most of those who control our media are Jews - and with their Talmud that clearly states that an adult having sex with a girl under the age of three and a boy under the age of nine is NOT a sin

First off even if the media "WAS" completely controlled by the Jews, why would this be a problem for you? Because Jews are evil? hmmmm....

Oh and where in the "Christian Bible" which last time I checked included the OT, does it say a man or women can't have sex with a child. Just asking I want to see the passage that is all.

In fact Christians would marry young teenagers all the time before the modern age, were they pedos? Or practicing the custom of their time to marry young?

They will give rights to your child to have sex with an adult if the child chooses

No they wont....I will bet money on that. No rational developed nation would do such a thing. Because a child can not choose rationally, it would be for all intensive purposes a human rights violation.

edit on 16-5-2012 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-5-2012 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds

Originally posted by HappyWarrior

There is so much evidence to support what I'm saying, and yet most sheeple do nothing!

I see. And where is this so called evidence of your's? If you don't mind me asking? Because i seemed to have missed it.
edit on 15-5-2012 by HappyWarrior because: (no reason given)

I find it ironic that the perps use this line all the time. They also know there are people in the systems of law and government that will cover for them.
edit on 15-5-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

There we go again with the same old story! In the middle ages it was the Jews that kidnapped Christian children and cooked them for their passover ceremonies. Then the Satanic cults etc. In the 1990's the authorities dismantled in Germany a Kindergarten brick by brick and every cubic ft. of earth down to 10ft or more, - because some lil tyke talked about sex and cannibal orgies - result NOTHING. Almost identical scene in Canada, - Toronto I believe, also in the 1990's.
Even cops and authorities who really are hellbent on pedo-hunting for what ever personal reasons admitt over and over again that this is just not true! And the so many so called "Personal Stories" that litter our libraries and book stores are just that, "Stories". Even the author of the book: "For Love and Money" - (late 60's) admitted when asked HOW he had come up with the figure that 300.000 boys (pre-puberty - not 14+) work in prostitution in the USA, his reply was simply: "I just took a number and said, lets see what happens on reaction".
It is nothing but fear mongering.
It is extrapolationg the acts of ONE in 10,000,000 sick individual who actually does kidnapp, rape and kill/sacrifice a child and then "ASS-ume" that the ratio of such deranged people must be in the range of 1:10,000 and thus such crimes must be "covered up" somehow. And then naturally this fear then convince the parents to microchip their kids, and what so ever. The fear of sexual molestation is then brought onto the kids in the class room and they are told that to report anything "Strange" that Uncle or daddy does... etc. Perfect "grooming" for futer STASI members 2012 USA / Western version. - Kids that spy on their own family.
In case you forgot, this is exactly what Hitler did to sniff out if daddy wasnt a member of the socialist or communist party.
Let use common sense! Who reports/remembers/writes about those things? Right wing Puritan Theocratic control freak organizations! Physical evidence; 0%. If one points out that there is 0% evidence then they come with the "repressed memory" defense. Instead of accepting one fact: That kids have a mouth and we got sometimes hard time controlling this mouth of theirs. If something doesnt feel good/right/kosher what ever, they come and TELL, regardless how strickt their parents are, how old fashioned or conservative and back wards their family lives. A kid might not tell his parents that he is gay, if he KNOWS where they stand on this issue, but he or she for sure will tell that "Uncle Joe" did or wanted to do something to their "privates".
If our courts would handle alleged murder cases the same way we handle the "Pedo Hype", man our executioners would be working overtime in our jails!
Just keep in mind the 1980's and 1990's with the "flood" of "recovered memory". Maybe for those who enjoyed the porn movies, remember "Tracy Lords"? Apparently convincing everyone in the industry that she was 18+ - well she certainly looked so, and then later claiming she used a fake ID and was actually doing porn at 16. And when did she say this? AFTER she had made a nice bundle of $$$ and then "found Jesus".
Physical evidence! Show me the bones, the ripped vaginas and anuses, then I might begin to give some credentials to these stories.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by MoEskiMo
reply to post by satron

I am not sure what you mean by this. I do not think the two are combined, as in it sounds like you are saying that: protecting your child is making your child depressed, and need medication. And I am saying what?What?

SOme kids may need medication(s), I am sure there are some that are on meds because the parents are lazy, or do not have the proper time to work with their own children, maybe even do not have the proper understanding of how to manage their own child.

I'm saying it's a part of it. The facts don't lie. A lot of people inject their kids with drugs just so they'll perform better in school.

I think people have lost touch with themselves and their children.

Some fears are rational, some are unhealthy.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Guenter

There we go again with the same old story! In the middle ages it was the Jews that kidnapped Christian children and cooked them for their passover ceremonies. Then the Satanic cults etc. In the 1990's the authorities dismantled in Germany a Kindergarten brick by brick and every cubic ft. of earth down to 10ft or more, - because some lil tyke talked about sex and cannibal orgies - result NOTHING. Almost identical scene in Canada, - Toronto I believe, also in the 1990's.

They have found skeletal some places.

Press Statement: April 10, 2008 Mass Graves of Residential School Children Identified – Independent Inquiry Launched

edit on 16-5-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
reply to post by Guenter

What happened to the natives in these schools is nothing less than abhorrant. But i thought this topic was about pedophilia? Not sure what point your trying to make, the article you linked shows a genocide, not a rape factory.

And as long as we're on the subject, I take great exception to this one statement:

The casualties of that war were not only the 50,000 dead children of the residential schools, but the survivors, whose social condition today has been described by United Nations human rights groups as that of "a colonized people barely on the edge of survival, with all the trappings of a third-world society". (November 12, 1999)

This is utter bullcrap, and if they live in these conditions, it is their own doing. Natives in Canada have more rights and greater benefits than the rest of us. They are tax exempt, get government subsidised university schooling and so much more. Last year, when an audit was done of Canadas native reserves, it was found their chiefs have been hording the lions share of the funds, most making much more than the prime minister of Canada. Yes, the conditions on many of the reserves are terrible, but they only have to look in the mirror or to their chiefs to find out why.
edit on 16-5-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

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