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A Ron Paul religion?

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posted on May, 14 2012 @ 12:24 AM
First off let me start by stating this is not an anti Paul or a pro Paul thread

Ok so the point of this thread is with such a religious like movement coming about from the ron paul movement do you think that this will start a religious like political group? I think with the cult like following (and I mean that in a simple non insulting way not the negative way) Ron Paul followers may just keep going with the ideology of this man and start a ron paul political party that ends up revering Ron Paul as a messiah of sorts. I think that these followers wont stop just because he loses and keep going. Maybe someday in the future churches will be built in his name and people will worship him as a god amongst swine. Someday there will be the wwrpd (what would ron paul do) bracelets and people will elect an official that represents RP's ideology to run for president each election. Just a cool thought that popped in my head wondering if anybody else can see this happening.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 12:34 AM
Or maybe they are just finally enthusiastic about a politician that will actually speak the truth, and tell it how it is. A politician who has predicted the current woes of America and was trying to speak out against it and take action decades ago. Maybe that's why he has a cult like following, because that kind of thing is unheard of in politics.

It's not about the man, though he is exemplary, it's about the message. This one just actually believes the message rather than throwing it out there to get a few votes. People always harp on us Paul supporters and have a myriad of names for us but the fact is that if there was another candidate with similar views and such a record he would probably do just as well with us "fringe" types

We want America back, whoever pushes that message is going to gather huge support, especially now that people are starting to wake up to how bad it really is. You can mock Paul supporters all you want, when he retires people are still going to demand what he stood for.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by lobotomizemecapin

I am a RP supporter, I will start by saying so.

What is wrong with a group of american patriots deciding that a person running for our commander in chief is the one person who should have that position?

Too many times have the american people been apathetic towards the election of our President, why all the sudden when do the people have a heart felt and single minded goal does it become a "cult". The whole idea that non-RP supporters see this as a cult following just furthers my opinion that the american people have become slaves to the current government.

edit on 14-5-2012 by mileysubet because: to add

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 12:42 AM
Ron Paul is the only answer to our current issues at this time, although we may find another patriot willing to come forward in the future, he is all we have at the moment. All we need to make this country whole again is a "start" and I feel the Ron Paul is that "start". I realize that our president does not have much power in general, but when he is backed by the voices of the people then his voice will be heard, and it will resound around the globe, I have confidence that RP will echo the voice of the people of the USA.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 01:02 AM
Like I stated this is not meant to be negative in any way. RP is a good man in a pit of snake politicians. I just think it would be cool if he started a movement religious like in nature that swept through the political dog and pony show

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by lobotomizemecapin
Like I stated this is not meant to be negative in any way. RP is a good man in a pit of snake politicians. I just think it would be cool if he started a movement religious like in nature that swept through the political dog and pony show

I think the opposite, religion should not be a factor in his election and neither should it be a factor at this time.

There is a reason separation of religion and state is needed. Mixing religion and politics is always a bad mix!

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by mileysubet

I dont mean it as in a religion that is worshiping ron paul as god but more like religious in nature.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 01:19 AM
Ha! that was awesome. I do see many Paul supporters that seem to act like they are in a cult that worship at the alter of Paul.. I would not be surprised if some have made their own shrines to Ron Paul in the garage.

Maybe you are right. The message of Ron Paul may be passed down for generations. And Rand can be the second coming. Does Rand have a son? he could be the third coming.

At least the Paul fanatics have picked the best guy for the job.

I think there is two groups in the Paul camp. Supporters and fanatics.

Fanatics always fight hard. Paul fanatics may be kind of annoying but they are on the right side.
edit on 14-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 01:38 AM
There is a creepy cult of personality dealing with Ron Paul.

I like RP but I'm not into being a fanboy, especially to politicians.

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