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This is it folks, hold on to your seats, because S just HTF!

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posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:16 AM
I agree with alot of what you are saying but for me it's been the reverse cause at first i did'nt believe in anything i was reading but now i can see there are good chances that many of these problems may actually come into fruitation! Now i never have had a panic attack and i don't know if it's because I won't allow myself to or maybe I
Have some other mechanism that protects me from this though i can say that some of these issues stress me a bit. I don't want to feel like this but i also can't handle not knowing what's really going on in our world! I find we must limit ourselves to how much or how long we will be on the net! Spend time doing positive things to give yourself some balance also! Don't start your day looking these articles up either! We want to start our day on a positive beat! Also engage in social activities with optimistic persons! It's bad to isolate yourself no matter how bad we think our neighbors are! lastly as the OP has already said Take everything on the net no matter the evidence, with just a grain of salt! I believe we can still be informed as well as optimistic!

PS: Don't confide in people! It's ok to talk about things and tell people what you know but always act positive about everything even if you think the worst!
edit on 5-5-2012 by nosacrificenofreedom because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by rebellender

I watched the entire video, fully expecting a hockey-masked maniac to appear and chop those girls up with a machete.

It didn't happen.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by butcherguy


for to reasons,
the hockey mask comment
you watched the whole thing
edit on 5-5-2012 by rebellender because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:39 AM
Here's my response to this entire thread, since I'm seeing a lot of agreement and very little disagreement...which, from my POV, seems a little unhealthy for an ATS thread.

Maybe these sensational headlines are reverse get used to them being a bunch of bull, and then when you turn around and see a headline that talks about "blah blah blah" and you go, "oh, just another steaming pile of moneymaking drama," and next thing you know half of California sinks into the sea.

Props for anyone who catches the reference.

Anywho, the point is...maybe it's when all of these headlines come in that you should be ready for something to pop up that really means something. Another way to look at it is, either it's "muddying the waters", providing a bunch of bullpoop that is hiding something we should be looking closer at...or since we're incapable of processing every article, they hide it in plain view by making too much to scan it all.

So instead of telling everyone, "The end is not coming," say, "We don't know, but be ready anyway." Do you see any reason to NOT be worried about the world today?

That's my two bent pennies on the subject.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:54 AM
An interesting thread. People must remember to enjoy each day as the present is all that we can control. Sure we can plan for the future but what is going to happen is uncertain. While i believe that many of the conspiracy theories have elements of the truth in them most are exagerated and only the negative sides of many situations are looked at. The one world government is one of these as it depends on who would be running it and how it was set up. Eg If lead by the draco reptilian/negative greys / Rockerfeller / Rothchilds group our worst nightmares would probably come true where as if lead by a kind empathetic group of entities (star federation / humans with high vibrations) for most it would lead to increased happyness and a leadership that would be highly benevolent.

People must remember that each of us is at a different level of learning and understanding and that everyone has a different perspective on things. To call people that do not believe in conspiracy theories despite the evidence in many cases sheeple is showing evidence of not really understanding why we are here. While many of the events such as terrorist attacks, various high profile satanic assassinations, wars, alien abductions and natural disasters etc are real and do effect people in very real ways it is about those involved having their lessons and much of it agreed to before we are here. Many of these events seem to have the players in them either aware of how the game will be played out or links to the other players in the game. An example of this might be that a person/group a would have to do something bad to person/group b so that person/group b could learn forgiveness by forgiving person/group a of what they did. Person/group a would then owe or would have previously being owed by person/group b a forgiveness lesson with the roles reversed. The more negatively a person or group effects others the more karmic debt that will have to be repaid by that person or group thus balancing everything out in the end.

Some realisations that i have made:
1) For every negative their is a positive as the universe must keep the balance to survive
2) Most situations depend on the perspective that is applied to them
3) If god really loves us god will not destroy our souls
4) We are eternal so stop worrying about the physical body dieing
5) We are all one in consciousness but not in physicality or energetically
6) Many more entities including animals and different alien groups (including those in different diamentions) are included in the god consciousness so you can not even imagine the perspective that god must have.
7) Like attracts like so you will generally attract others that think in a similar way to you
8) You attract or repel situations, things and people according to your thoughts, energies and life plan
9) We reincarnate and our bodies are just an avatar.
10) We can have many different avatars including that of aliens and animals to gain different experiences
11) Our experiences are our gifts to the god consciousness
12) Take out the fairy stories and most religions say similar things
13) We only bring part of our soul to each incarnation
14) Many people can not see outside their own perspectives, experiences and values

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:58 AM
When have David Icke or Alex Jones said the world was going to end? Yes, their not Jesus, but they are right about most things they say.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:08 PM

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I would just like to say that I hear what the OP is saying. Though I still come here and lurk and read interesting posts, I have now been interested in 'alternative' information, conspiracy theories, doom and other things found on sites like this one for over 20 years. I've been watching the same themes rotate through year after year after year. Nothing ever comes of most of it, and the earth just keeps moving on. I have come to regard most of the 'fringe' subjects on these sites as modern day *earth mythology*. Mythology has an important place in our lives, as long as you recognize it as so. It is a useful tool on many fronts.

So why do I come here? Because there is also interesting information to be found here that you can't find elsewhere, and/or info that the world is ignoring. Fukushima is a good example, or learning about disaster prep for your home. There are many other good examples, but those are two easy ones. One can learn a lot here if you learn what to filter out. Maybe it just takes years of listening to the same themes over and over again, I don't know.

I read an article in a magazine several years ago that really made sense to me. It was about a man who was very much like the OP (and many people here) who was wrapped up in all the alternative doom and gloom. He was constantly thinking and reading about the end of the world, and very likely hung out on this site along with others we all know. One day he started to realize that his constant pining for the end of the world was simply a crutch; a reason for him to NOT do anything to help improve the future of this world. It was an excuse to sit back and simply write everything off as if it was already gone, since he was able to justify that it was 'too late'. This manifested as a sad excuse for a life, spent in a constant state of helplessness and anxiety. When he started to think this all through, he realized his folly and made some major changes in his life. He walked away from all the negativity that never amounts to anything useful, and started getting involved in the positive aspects of his community, and making the world a better place NOW.

You can use sites like this as a tool, as long as you know that you must filter out 90+% of the garbage posted here. That other +-10% of useful information I get from sites like this keeps me much more informed than my friends who only pay attention to mainstream sources. You can have fun here, and let your imagination run wild, but you must remain skeptical and question everything. If there is no real evidence to back up someone's claim, then you must file it as entertainment unless you see some real data. Learn to think critically, and if you want to remain open minded on difficult subjects like UFOs like I am, then go for it.

You know, despite the negative stuff going on in the world, there is quite a bit of positive movement as well. Spend some time hanging out on sites like and watch the talks. Get involved in making positive changes in your life at home, and let those changes ripple outward. Don't just sit around here letting the negativity destroy your mind, body and soul. If the end comes, guess what? You probably won't survive it. That's why its called 'the end'. So why sit around waiting for it? Do you want to wake up as a senior citizen one day wondering why you pissed your short time on this planet away on needless worry and paranoia or do you want to live your life?
edit on 5-5-2012 by JeepEscape because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:23 PM
You have to unplug yourself from all of the online BS and walk around so you don't forget that the world isn't so bad.

s&f OP,
people don't realize the fact sometimes that what they read really does have an effect on them.
Where you put your attention is what you are going to experience in this crazy world, and that includes paranoia.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
Here's my response to this entire thread, since I'm seeing a lot of agreement and very little disagreement...which, from my POV, seems a little unhealthy for an ATS thread.

Maybe these sensational headlines are reverse get used to them being a bunch of bull, and then when you turn around and see a headline that talks about "blah blah blah" and you go, "oh, just another steaming pile of moneymaking drama," and next thing you know half of California sinks into the sea.

Props for anyone who catches the reference.

Anywho, the point is...maybe it's when all of these headlines come in that you should be ready for something to pop up that really means something. Another way to look at it is, either it's "muddying the waters", providing a bunch of bullpoop that is hiding something we should be looking closer at...or since we're incapable of processing every article, they hide it in plain view by making too much to scan it all.

So instead of telling everyone, "The end is not coming," say, "We don't know, but be ready anyway." Do you see any reason to NOT be worried about the world today?

That's my two bent pennies on the subject.

Thank you for your input, but nowhere did I say that the end was NOT coming.

ETA I would never take it upon myself to tell people definitively that things were one way or the other in terms of all of these theories. I will say to think critically and take time out of your day from the doom & gloom to notice and appreciate the beauty around you. This is important for keeping a balance in our mental state, otherwise things can get very dark very quickly.
edit on 5-5-2012 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by JeepEscape

Very well said my friend. I couldn't agree more.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by JeepEscape

I've been watching the same themes rotate through year after year after year. Nothing ever comes of most of it, and the earth just keeps moving on. I have come to regard most of the 'fringe' subjects on these sites as modern day *earth mythology*. Mythology has an important place in our lives, as long as you recognize it as so. It is a useful tool on many fronts.

Yes these "myths" do have importance in our lives...atleast for me. I realize there are alot of people who entertain the same ideas as I, and can express them so well in writing. Sometimes all my thoughts about what is true or untrue in this world of ours is laid out in such a way by others that I couldn't have said it better myself! Most of all I get a feeling of commradie between myself and people who feel the same as me, which I believe is essential to my justification of any theory. After all, what good is any theory if there is no common support? It will go POOF! just like alot of these threads do...thats why we flag and pin them, isn't it? This thread has stirred alot of peoples emotions....EXACTLY!

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:07 PM
My recommendation is to not throw the baby out with the bath water. Yes, you absolutely must sift through the information and throw out some stuff that seems completely ridiculous. However, it may be wise to hold out on some stuff your discernment isn't giving you a clear answer on.
I totally believe in Revelation. I believe we are fighting Armageddon now and have been. We cannot allow ourselves to be lulled to sleep by a lullabye saying oh don't worry nothing is going to happen go back to sleep....because that is partially how we got to this point. While eveyrone was living their lives, certain people were pulling the strings on the controls, pulling the levers behind the scenes in their private rooms, the back rooms, They were taking over Congress while we were taking our kids to soccer games. They lulled us to sleep with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Everyone said communism was dead. People are still telling me that to this day, and look we have had outright self-avowed communists in the WH UNELECTED, and Mao lovers addressing college kids.
We cannot ignore this and just go about our busy days hoping it will all just go away. It won't. But what we can do is acknowledge the threat is there but that the ultimate power is within. I Heard a lecture once by someone who had done a lot of work with Buddhists, and what he said was, a major teaching of Buddhism is that suffering is part of the human condition, but it is how you deal with that suffering that matters. Buddhists know that one is not going to just get rid of all suffering. This is very important to know. When you learn how to deal with the suffering and uncomforatability of life with grace then you are on your way to balance.
Balance the knowledge that stuff is going to happen and it may get crazy, but being in the balance of the Mind of the Buddha can help us stay calm amidst the rolling waves and rocky shores.

A friend of mine gave me a picture of the Jade Buddhaa, a Buddha made entirely of a giant jade piece found in Australia, and this Buddha travels around the world. I have treasured this picture.
Peace be with you and keep vigilant

ps also please read Antony Sutton's book "America's Secret Establishment" and his other books too.

pps Now is not the time to go back to sleep. You are awake and more people are awakening. But you can stay balanced, knowing God is on your side.
The world is weeping and gnashing it's teeth. But the New Dawn of the Aquarian Age awaits us with renewal if we choose it.
edit on 5-5-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by seeker11

No, but the majority of your OP seems to imply that we're doing a hell of a lot more worrying than we should be.

My response was, in similarly succinct terms, "Do you see a reason to NOT be worried?!"

I tried to cut down the confusion in this one.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:51 PM
INFO THE SHT FAN RIGHT HERE 11 TRACKING COOKIES ON THIS PAGE,This web site has more tracking cookies than any site iv every been on!! i am blocking them with ghostery

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:54 PM
How many times have you clicked an interested thread only to land on a lame post like this!

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:56 PM
I think this thread states the idea quite simply...get on with life, do good when we can, and stop wallowing in the doom and gloom, stop buying into every idealogy that offers to save other words, keep an open mind but think for ourselves! There's a quote, "When one has too great a dread of what is impending, one feels some relief when the trouble has come". ~(Joseph Joubert) I think this sadly fits alot of people these days.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by elrem48

It's a literal dangerous to say, "Look for shadows" or "Don't look for shadows" because Homo Sapiens is inherently a creature of extremes. We'll get so deep into the matter, we'll either become too lax or too paranoid, because our need for progress will eventually lead us to the far end of whatever we choose.

I think it's mostly a matter of discretion, and since the situation is different for everyone, no one can really say, "We should all do this."

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 03:29 PM

I think it's mostly a matter of discretion, and since the situation is different for everyone, no one can really say, "We should all do this."
No, we cannot tell anyone what they should do, but suggestion is just a way of saying, "I recommend this." I don't think this thread was telling us what to do, but explaining how they got from point A to point B, (or C, etc.)

"This is meant to uplift and encourage you my friends. Next time you find yourself weighed down by the utter terribleness of the outside world recreated and served up in a deliciously juicy headline online, I encourage you to step outside your front door. Take a breath of the air, listen to the birds signing, look up at the stars and realize what a little speck you are, yet how amazing and wonderful a creature you are, as well as your neighbor across the street."

This hardly sounds like seeker11 is telling us that it's only one way...I see this as a "suggestion."

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by seeker11

I've had my share of paranoïa myself because of all the info on sites such as this one, i'm steering away from them as much as i can now

But tbh the description you give of the chruch you were in, is pretty much a description that would fit any religion, anywhere (apart from buddhism maybe). Same old recipe.. you can only control people who are afraid of something.

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