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OK guys give it a rest, Swift Boats now this?

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posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 12:11 AM
Why can't politicians talks about their plans for the country instead of attacking one another?

Ads have degenerated to this: Using actors to represent opponents stealing money out of soldier's pockets and giving bills to dead people.

I swear, it's difficult to believe we're living in the so-called adult world at times. If you want to know the true nature of a politician, just look at the level they sink to while criticizing opponents.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 12:24 AM
This is a great example of the typical propaganda style psy-ops that are government (and those who wish to lead it) are conducting on us. There are only obscure references to meaningful issues in these campaigns. Waggin' the dog hollywood style!


[edit on 29-9-2004 by doctorduh]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 12:28 AM
I'm really surprised that nobody jumped on this thread. I'm sick of the smear non-issue based campaigns these guys are running. I figured everyone else would be too.


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:01 AM
Heh, here in Austrailia we've also got a federal election coming up, but the politicians are using a different tactic here. Instead of mudslining, they're basically using the "anything you can do I can do better" ie: One parts says we'll give$10billion for healthcare, then next day the other parts says well, we'll give $11billion, and so on and so forth... It's like watching some schoolyard's gotten to the point where I just turn off everytime a politician comes on the tellie/radio etc

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:08 AM

One parts says we'll give$10billion for healthcare, then next day the other parts says well, we'll give $11billion, and so on and so forth...

Bribery is the term your looking for

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:19 AM
They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. I dare ya to vote this Admin in for another 4 years. I double dawg dare ya

Holy Moly...its a New Cabinet that was created after the elections

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 05:57 AM

"I will use the power of my mind to find the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. . . . .nope, I still can't find his location - he must be using some form of telepathic shielding, send in the Ashcroft!."

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by project_pisces
They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. I dare ya to vote this Admin in for another 4 years. I double dawg dare ya

Now, now.... I could put up a bunch of very unflattering shots of
Kerry and Skerry Terry Kerry that would have most people here
running to the hills for cover.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Now, now.... I could put up a bunch of very unflattering shots of
Kerry and Skerry Terry Kerry that would have most people here
running to the hills for cover.

Naah, you couldn't! Kerry's face is so immobilized by Botox that the best that you could do is have his face in different colors.

As for Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry she never fails to pose - all you need is to point a camera at her and she "strikes a pose" - VOGUE! I think she forced John to run for President so she would have more photo opportunities to look "sexy and cheeky". Teresa has made it her aim as potential first lady to make 65 yr old women sexy. I appreciate that as one day I will also be 65 and want to be sexy and cheeky.

[edit on 2-10-2004 by Mynaeris]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:28 AM
I see some of you are no different than what you attack. Problem is, you have one picture that is not of a Republican at all! Deny Ignorance, please.

Speaking of ignorance, You have a problem with the Swifties? Seems there are a lot more of them (who actually stayed in country and performed their missions in spite of much larger and numerous wonds than what the "Hero" sustained, and two of his was self-inflicted due to stupidity! :lol
who contradict his major claim to fame than those who support him! Read the book, Unfit For Command, and tell me what kind of leader he is.

We've seen what Bush can do, what kind of resolve he has and what kind of leadership we brings to the Executive Office. Other than his pandering for Democratic love before 9/11 (I said it wouldn't work back then and I have been proven right) and caving to the Mexicans as if this is their country, he has done a decent job, and has been a good Commander in Chief.
We can also look at what Kerry has done in his years as a congressman, the fact that his voting record is so far left it is off the screen, and has introduced no bill, much less done anything constructive.

Many of you are suspicious of the elite ruling class, the ones who have wealth, love to run in the royal circles and think that we low lifes should be ruled rather than served by our leaders. You'd better pay close attention to this man, Kerry. He is one of those. AS a young boy, he sailed with the Kennedys, as a want to be politician, he took his directions and advice from Ted Kennedy (Great swimmer, but a lousy life guard, that Teddy!), and has seen fit to marry only into wealth and position. He has no understanding of you, the citizen, no understanding of what it means to be a real leader (The mere fact that he was an Lt. (JG) and went home after 4.5 months of combat because of scratches is insulting to officers and enlisted alike who served admirably for their fellow fighters instead of themselves) and no idea what fiscal responsibility is.
You don't like what you have now? Wait and see what might be around the bend. While you look to the Republicans for the attack on the citizenry, the Democrats are going to bite you in the butt.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

We've seen what Bush can do, what kind of resolve he has and what kind of leadership we brings to the Executive Office.

As far as what he can do, Operation Iraqi WORD EDITED HERE BECAUSE POSTER HAS POTTY MOUTH IN PUBLIC is not impressive. Do you see an end to this war? Gulf War 1 - 100 hour ground operation, victory. Gulf War 2 - Bush in charge, day 600, no victory, no end in sight.

Meanwhile, Iran has declared that it is working on nukes. At the current rate, the balance of power in the Mideast is tilting decisively out of US hands, and it has everything to do with invading Iraq with 140,000 guys and listening to Iranian spies who told the president and vice president how to run the war, against the advice of the US military.

Resolve, yeah, like um swearing to get Osama and then saying he's not concerned.

Leadership? What leadership? Whee, I land on an aircraft carrier in my Top Gun costume. He's had 12 press conferences in the exact time his father had 141. Bush is a shrub.

[edit on 2-10-2004 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 08:40 AM

Ads have degenerated to this: Using actors to represent opponents stealing money out of soldier's pockets and giving bills to dead people

Where did you see this ad? I haven't seen anything like it.


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 12:00 PM
taibunsuu, if you must use foul language, have someone proofread your post before you send it. If not, don't send it. If not, you might not be sending much more.

Do I see any change in the war? You mean in Iraq? Have you not been following the news of the war, seeing that the people are much better off, very grateful and happy and are going to soon get there country back by their own elections? Are you so unknowlegeable as to think that something like this would only take a few months? If so, you are the type Kerry preys upon. We'll probably be there for many, many months more. Still, it'll be a bargain compared to the time we spent in Germany after WWII, and with Japan after the same war. Wait, we're still in both places, only we didn't wait until a continent was aflame. We did wait until a stste in the union was attacked, though.

Osama? You got some hangup with Osama? You think the whole Islamic war against the West hinges on Osama? Where is he now? WE don't even know if he is alive, but if he is, he'll be in the bag sometime. But a war doesn't revolve around catching one man. This attempted point is right there with thinking Iraq should be finished by now. You are parroting Kerry's stuff and I appreciate it as it gave me the opportunity to explain the ignorance in his points. And this, my friend, is another reason to not vote for him. If this is his understanding of it, he needs to be nowhere near the Oval Office.

All you see is him landing on an aircraft carrier? Really, you don't sound too informed. That statement was a bit juvenile. I don't see the point. What I do see, and so does most everyone else, is that Bush has been a very good leader. He sticks to what he knows is right and doesn't waiver from that. That is a leader, not a poll taker.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 12:24 PM
Whoa.... people take a hold yourself, the political ads are getting more desperate and nastier in their nature, so far I have not seen any ads by the Swift Boats, perhaps because the south is Republican I have seen more of the Kerry�s ads.

I think some of these ads are rather funny, and I guess if has to do with the type of mentality I have.

I find the insults on the ads very hypocritical taking in consideration that most of the promises are not fulfilled after the candidates win.

I also have noticed that most of the posts are ending in one on one debates and most of the time I feel that is not use to post at all, because the personal insults are getting too unfair.

I see all these and the ads as an example as how our political leaders and want to be leaders, keeping the American people divided.
We have to understand that political year is only one year of the four years of their political campaign and the rest of the four years we as Americans have to deal with the rest of the uncovered issues together.

This post on political issues should not be used by anybody mods or members to get even at each other.

Truly I am tired of the insults and most of the time bias repetition that all it does is too aggravated each others around here.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 12:27 PM
Marg, do you remember any time since maybe 1980 when the ads weren't as they are today? Do they just take it for granted that this is the way it is done?

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
taibunsuu, if you must use foul language, have someone proofread your post before you send it. If not, don't send it. If not, you might not be sending much more.

That's why there's a profanity editing option. What's more profane, the good ol' F-word or the word war?

Hmmm, following the news, yeah I do not see the country back on track. We're giving the country back to the people? I'm sorry but Iraq has never been a rose garden of democracy. Right now it's a gigantic training facility where terrorists are using US troops as live fire targets. Even if we left now, do you think a democracy can hold without the country being either a dictatorship or an Islamic republic like Iran?

How can the people in that country be better off now than before the war? All public services are kaput and you can't even pump oil out of the country. Blackmail and extortion are the biggest industries right now. We haven't done an ounce of reconstruction there, that was going to be done by private industry. All we are doing is holding the ship together until we can get some elections on paper then withdraw troops and let the place collapse.

And no, I didn't see him just landing on an aircraft carrier. I saw a great PR stunt that'd look nice in the election now if the overthrow of Iraq hadn't been a gigantic Charlie Foxtrot. Mission Accomplished. Uh-huh. But I guess this is what happens when we have politicians call how the war is supposed to go and not the military.

What's the difference between Gulf War 1 and 2, the biggest thing? The military made all the plans for Gulf War 1, and advised the politicians on what they needed. This time the politicians made all the plans and advised the military.

So Saddam was a brutal dictator. Take a look at the country now and tell me what you need to keep it under control. Yep, thought so. You're the one that says 'shoot all terrorists in the head' in one post and 'restore democracy in Iraq' in the other. Invading that country is probably the dumbest thing I've seen politicians in this country do yet, and it's the responsibility of the CIC aka Bush Jr.

But it's a free country, so if think what you like. If you want Shrub to continue screwing up foreign policy and getting people killed for no reason,
go ahead and vote for him.

And do I have something about Osama? Well, was he not the man responsible for 9/11? So while you might think he should run free I'd kind of like justice to be done, sometime. Three years and not one trial for 9/11, just a lot of 'enemy combatants' and a completely botched invasion of a foreign country. What a joke. Not only did Bush let 9/11 happen, he let's the perpetrators get away. And he's good on Terror. Uh-huh.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Marg, do you remember any time since maybe 1980 when the ads weren't as they are today? Do they just take it for granted that this is the way it is done?

I remember I come a long way and so the ads
I guess during the 80s I was too busy having and raising my babies to care at the time. Plus I was 100 percent Republican and so my husband.

We need to lighten up or we are going to end up fihgting each other instead of fighting the candidates so they can listen to us the people.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:51 PM

Good evening everyone, my name is Dick!

[edit on 2-10-2004 by 7th_Chakra]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by project_pisces
They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. I dare ya to vote this Admin in for another 4 years. I double dawg dare ya

OK. You dared me. You double dared me. So I'm going to do it (which I was going to do anyway) all except this guy!

[edit on 2/10/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 04:12 PM
ok ok,,,just so ya know Im not biased and all.

But remember,,,,this is playful...the original pics show an element of true darkness

[edit on 3-10-2004 by project_pisces]

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