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Why it matters that Obama dated a Composite and Ate a Dog: (the Brits get it, we don't)

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posted on May, 3 2012 @ 02:09 PM

There was a brief media firestorm yesterday when Vanity Fair broke the news that Obama’s famous “New York girlfriend” was a fiction. She appears in his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, described in some detail by her appearance, voice and mannerisms. But a new biography of Obama – with an excerpt published in Vanity Fair – “reveals” that she was actually an amalgam of several different women.

Politico immediately ran with “Obama: 'New York girlfriend' was composite” and Drudge headlined with “Obama Admits Fabricating Girlfriend in a Memoir.” Coming hot on the heels of the news that the Pres once ate a dog, his weirdo factor seems to have hit the roof.

Actually, it turns out that Obama always said that his New York squeeze was a fake. Within a couple of hours of the story breaking, journalists pointed out that at the beginning of Dreams From My Father it reads, “For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people, I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology.”

What stands out from the composite story isn’t that Obama amalgamated characters, it’s that the press hadn’t noticed until now. As with the dog story, this confirms the suspicion that the mainstream media gave Obama a free pass in 2008 and declined to check too deeply into his background. Even The Atlantic’s Graham admits that he’s never read Dreams From My Father, and neither, it would seem, has anyone else in the press corps. They have the excuse that the book is incredibly narcissistic and boring, but otherwise isn’t this exactly the sort of character assessment/assassination that should have happened four years ago?


See, the Brits get it. OBAMA wasn't properly vetted in his 2008 run. Heck, wasn't vetted AT ALL.

Funny how the Brit press can pick it out (as they seem to always do Above & Beyond the USA press).

Thank you MSM for showing your true colors. "Atlantic Journal admits it never read or fack checked Obama BS books..... and neither did any of the other MSM types... and IF they did, they were shouted down and called things like Racist.

Thank you British Press for exposing the USA MSM-again.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 02:42 PM
Damn fishy things about his past... But then I remember weird # coming outta Clintons past all the time, but his was always corruption not things that make you question the existence of history...

I read the story, the whole thing seemed far to contrived, I mean its like what an author would write about relationships, Not a GFs every day diary...

Although, ive never read a girls diary, so I dont know, Ladies are you that Melodramatic in your journals? Pontificating about the future?
edit on 3-5-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:14 PM
I disagree i think these stories never broke because how insignificant they are. The girlfriend thing was explained in the book and the dog thing only became relevant because Romney had a dog story and the guy was 10 when it happened. And besides i think finding out if Obama was a kenyan born muslim was a little more important at the time. Also i doubt they would have been called racist for fact checking his book.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:22 PM
Billy Ayers probably based it on his old girlfriends anyway - he has twice admitted to actually writing the book in an attempt to shakedown the Obama's for his share of the royalties.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:36 PM
I did not vote for Obama in 2008, and there is no way I will vote for him this November. I think his policies are pretty much Bush's policies on steroids - so I just am not brain damaged enough to ever vote for him for any public office whatsoever.

Having said that - the story here is that an American politician lied. Is this some sort of breaking news or some earthshattering revelation about him? Really?

Obama lied. So did Bush. So did Clinton. So did Bush 1, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, etc. etc. I'm not happy about it, but so what? It would be more newsworthy to find an American politician who didn't lie about something.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by kingtr3y

And besides i think finding out if Obama was a kenyan born muslim was a little more important at the time

I concur but.... the Obama loving MSM didn't do that either. Or rather, they dug and found out & elected not to put it out there.

The only one who can clear the whole "where was he born at is Obama himself BY authorizing a review of the "real" Birth Certificate in HI (allegedly).

If Obama doesn't... he stands to lose votes. Plain and Simple. IMO

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by anon72

No one cares Obama ate dog meat at age 10 when he was in a different country and a different culture.

This just shows the closed mindedness of some Americans.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Hello Sir....

Well, then why the hype on Romney and a dog on the roof of a car (in a Dog carry cart?).

Hope all is well out your way.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Hello Sir....

Well, then why the hype on Romney and a dog on the roof of a car (in a Dog carry cart?).

Hope all is well out your way.

Well, for one... Romney was an adult!

If the White House currently served Shih-Tzu steaks, I'm pretty sure it would warrant some raised eyebrows but he was ten. Big difference.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Yes, an adult that DIDN'T break any laws or violation anything.

So why the big deal? At least he didn't eat it.

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