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Ontario election averted after 'tax the rich' deal struck

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posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Wow! Did you ever get a specific reply on a concern you have other than a form letter? When I politely but firmly wrote against going to war with Iran and how I was still feeling the shame about our role in Libya and how I wanted my country back, it was forwarded to the PMO (and no doubt CSIS and the DHS.)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 04:27 AM
Im not in favour of tax increases of any kind, I will say however that the rich are notorious for evading or finding loop holes and shelters for their untold millions or billions and many rich end up not paying their fair share of tax. So I can't really complain if they have to cough up. Besides Harper always has their best interests in mind at the end of the day anyway so they'll prolly get a break at some other end. I miss Jack

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 09:09 AM
I saw this in another thread but I think you'll get a kick out of it if you haven't already seen it:

originally posted by: Xaphan

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by aboutface
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

I just heard of another hydro increase coming on may 1st., so so much for giving a break to those less fortunate even though we have finished paying down the hydro debt.Some may move out of the province. (I wonder if Kevin will?)

I agree and honestly elections dont matter anymore
even if we did go to the polls what differences would have made if any? None.

Again if we voted PC we would be heading back to the polls in a few months after that one and again after that one, honestly the elections are starting to be such a joke.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 12:24 PM
As a PS to this thread, Ontario received a credit downgrade as a result of the budget.

news item

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by aboutface

why would we want to become active shareholders in their businesses ,take a look at the big 3 that used and abused the tax payer to keep their companies afloat after they run them into the ground and the man on the floor paid the price for it and all of those big execs got their full bonuses and more at our expense.and who gave out these huge INTEREST FREE LOANS at our expense ,why it was our governments --ops sorry my mistake these our elected officials are nothing more than corporate imbicals and bankers in disguise who now call them selves POLITICIANS.
and you all wonder why our taxes all going up and up and they are taking away everything slowly but surely.and yet they continue to pay themselves huge wages and benefits that they are in fact denighing us the people.and they earned these PERFORMANCE BONUSES FOR WHAT DOUBLING OUR DEBT ON ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT. i wonder where they got their degree in finances and the banking system ,it must have been from the hillbilly high school of class clowns.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 07:20 PM
I figured it wouldn't take long before dumb dumb Mcguinty jumped into bed with the pathetic NDP, a party that ripped to pieces the province of Ontario from 1990 to 1995. Bob Rae drove huge amounts of business's out of Ontario and implemented outrageous tax collecting schemes that left people shaking their heads saying never ever again. Anyone old enough to remember Photo Radar? And here we are, the Liberals bedding down with the NDP to prop up over-bloated social spending and union pandering. I guess people in Ontario need another lesson in economics like the last time, and it's a shame really, it seems like every generation just doesn't get it, either that or they really do want a socialist style nanny province. Thank &*%$ my Canadian investments are in Alberta.

It's as if these moronic imbeciles on the left just fell off the short bus and hit their head on the curb. In true drool monkey fashion and with an economic strategy that laughs in the face of free market enterprise, they conjure up an idea to tax 23,000 people that will take their business and investments elsewhere, like Alberta. No no, cutting spending on outrageous social programs would be far to easy of a solution to Ontario's crisis, this wouldn't fit the NDP's agenda to pander to the idiotic and completely useless OWS crowds, the same trash that cost the city of Toronto thousands of dollars just so they could smoke pot and preach about how great socialism and communism is, yeah, it's fantastic, especially if you're a lazy piece of $%&#.

If the Liberal Party of Ontario had any economic common sense when it comes to how jobs are created, who creates them and who invests the money to keep the economy stable, they would have implemented a much better plan rather than this asinine attempt to stick a band-aid over Ontario's cut jugular vein. It's economic stupidity, plain and simple. Anyone who rejects the idea behind the "free market upside down tree of growth" is either a welfare case or needs to read a book or two about what kind of governance truly works.

G lobe and Mail Atricle

The new, higher marginal tax rate proposed comes dangerously close to the psychological threshold of 50 per cent where individuals become extremely frustrated with the prospect of paying more to the government than they keep for themselves. Mr. McGuinty is only fooling himself if he thinks that wealthy Ontarians will do nothing about it. Perhaps the Liberals should focus on making friends with these people, who create a significant number of jobs for Ontarians, and focus less on making friends with other politicians who, like themselves, seem to care more about gaining or keeping power.

edit on 5-5-2012 by Jocko Flocko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by picratus

I too feel angry. I am no economist, but I've always tried to live within my means. When I reflect on it, I just fail to understand why balanced budgets are not obligatory rather than creative.
edit on 6-5-2012 by aboutface because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by aboutface

Even Liberal Party voters that I talked to over the weekend at a local Hospital for Sick Children fundraiser dinner are extremely upset over the move. They said they voted for the Liberals and not for the NDP as everyone in Ontario with an ounce of common sense knows the NDP's political history and the types of outrageous legislation they have presented in the Ontario Parliament over the years. The unions have far to much control over the NDP and one can only guess if this is some pathetic new permanent partnership between the Liberals and the New Democrat Party. If it is, Ontario is truly about to hit rock bottom faster than the Titanic.

It's all fine and dandy if you're a an ultra left wing politician who is leveling massive taxes on people who earn over 500,000 dollars a year just to appease a small voter base that would love to see Ontario and Canada end up like some countries in Europe. But when those people getting heavily taxed are the driving force behind the economy, who already have that income tied up in current investments such as new start up companies in Ontario for example, they are committing political suicide IMO.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Jocko Flocko
It's all fine and dandy if you're a an ultra left wing politician who is leveling massive taxes on people who earn over 500,000 dollars a year just to appease a small voter base that would love to see Ontario and Canada end up like some countries in Europe. But when those people getting heavily taxed are the driving force behind the economy, who already have that income tied up in current investments such as new start up companies in Ontario for example, they are committing political suicide IMO.

Well, hell. Let's tax the middle class even more so that those $500,000 plus people have more money to put into their "investments".

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Jocko Flocko

I vaguely remember photo radar insofar as i saw news items about people getting dinged, but it was centered in another part of Ontario from where I lived at the time.

Balance is what I would like. Balance between stimulus and taxation. The poor need a living wage or help in developing a business of their own, such as mentorship. There has to be a limit to freebies and extravagance in rewards. I just do not like that the population is being pitted one against the other.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Why would common sense economics call for the raising of taxes on the middle class? Those investments you speak of account for economic growth and job creation, it's economics 101. Your statement falls short of making any point at all... I don't know how old you are, or how long you have been feeding the tax man in Ontario, but I know it leaves a very sour taste in my mouth when I see my tax dollars pissed up against the wall by idiotic politicians that continually feed useless social programs. Anyone with half a brain knows that you don't raise taxes when you are running a deficit during a time of global instability. You cut the garbage that created the deficit and Ontario's credit downgrade in the first place.

edit on 6-5-2012 by Jocko Flocko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by aboutface

Agree. Small business is one of the biggest driving forces in this province, they account for a large percentage of employment. One thing that I have noticed a great lack of in Ontario is certified tradesman, like sheet metal workers, millwrights, fitter welders, machinists, etc... Their numbers were dwindling back when I was doing my apprenticeship as a sheet metal worker and they are VERY hard to come by these days. It really wasn't "encouraged" as a profession when I was in high school either which always struck me as very sad. Certified Journeymen these days demand huge wages in their sector and it's a great business to be in right now, ESPECIALLY out west in Alberta where I have heard Millwrights making upwards of 80$ an hour.

I think I was about 17 back in 1993 when I got a photo radar ticket on the 401. I ended up fighting it in court through Points, a company that used to use ex traffic cops as lawyers, I don't know if they still do or not, I've kind of calmed down in my driving since I was that age, lol.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Jocko Flocko
reply to post by intrepid

I know it leaves a very sour taste in my mouth when I see my tax dollars pissed up against the wall by idiotic politicians that continually feed useless social programs. Anyone with half a brain knows that you don't raise taxes when you are running a deficit during a time of global instability. You cut the garbage that created the deficit and Ontario's credit downgrade in the first place.

Not trying to pick an argument here, but I would like to understand this statement better. You are not the first one to talk about feeding useless social programs. In fact I heard someone say it two days ago on TV. They never specify though. So would you mind elaborating a little and tell me what social programs you are talking about?

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by aboutface

watch that little P.R. in Toronto now that he is starting to give out posts and positions to those who are dumb enough to believe his lies and deceptions.that is good old pencil nose and dick mcginty. as he is now stacking the deck in his house to give himself a majority government ,if no when he does watch how fast the budget gets changed for the worst and how much more he punishes us the ontario tax payer if he gets that majority , taxes will rise faster than the great flood and our provincial debt will skyrocket and balloon faster than the rockets on the space shuttle .
if this happens people vote that whole party out of office on every level of government in this country as this is the only way that we can kill the great beast called the HYDRA.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by picratus
reply to post by aboutface

watch that little P.R. in Toronto now that he is starting to give out posts and positions to those who are dumb enough to believe his lies and deceptions.that is good old pencil nose and dick mcginty. as he is now stacking the deck in his house to give himself a majority government.

Yah...pity Tim couldn't muster the cojones to do any horsedealing. Just let the NDP walk away with the show. No wonder the rats are leaving the sinking Tory ship.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by aboutface

balanced budgets ,what a joke our so called po=LIE=titions don`t understand the idea of money or the credit system let alone how to balance the books ,op`s yes they can they continue to cook them just ask our department of defense as to the untold mega cost of those new f35`s that he wants to waste our hard earned cash on.i wonder if any one here remembers the avro arrow that the traitor to this nation cancelled and sent all of our leading people on this project to work in the U.S.A.
but what do we as the people of any nation expect to happen to us the people being as that we continue to elect these pom pas assed fools into office so what are the fools that sit on the great hills of power in our nations . why they are nothing more than BIG BUSINESS MEN,BANKERS AND THE WEALTHY ,so interests do they truly have at heart . it is not the peoples only their own pockets ,it would seem that their only hero was a woman -Marie Antoinette ,her famous last words were -LET THEM EAT CAKE ,which we could not afford ,kind of reminds us of what they are doing to us again.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Jocko Flocko

I`VE NOTICED THAT THERE SEEMS TO BE A LOT OF ANGER AND OUTRAGE HERE AGAINST EVERY PARTY FOR THEIR GROSS MISREPRESENTATION OF AS OUR LEADERS . which by the way is fine and dandy with me .what does not sit well with me is how they the governments of this land have thrown DEMOCRACY OUT THE WINDOW.
DEMOCRACY -is that the MAJORITY RULES . so why is it that 51% or more of the population have refused to cast a vote in any and all ELECTIONS in this country over the last 3 ELECTIONS.
this fact alone is that they were voted out of office by we the this fact alone means that they were given --A VOTE OF NON CONFIDENCE by we the people. so why and how are they still in office here ,
it would seem that their idea of a DEMOCRACY is that the will of the people or the power of the people a.k.a. THE VOTE is as false as they are .we are now living a police state where the DICTATORSHIP of the elightest`s reigns supreme .
look at what is happening not only here in our native land but everywhere in the world it is the same picture ,a few who claim to lead or is it MISLEAD continue to control the rest through their false god like power ,riots every where and in every nation due to their mindlessness as they are the ones who created this mess and they refuse to listen to the people let alone fix this their mess ,as their pockets are over flowing at our expense and ours are empty . and what is it they claim and justice for all -what a lie .because who is beating the people down worldwide for questioning and starting to stand up for ourselves . why it is the POLICE OF COURSE.!!
TO SERVE AND PROTECT,GAG ME WITH THEIR LIES.paramilitary pukes whose wages we pay out of our pockets -they should be ashamed of themselves as they are not the so called protectors that they claim to be.

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