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Excuse My Rant But I'm Getting Tired of the "Prophets"

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:13 PM
Hey ATS peeps....

This my favorite forum so I'm hoping my fellow like minded travelers can excuse my rant while I vent some steam. I know the topic of charlatans, fake prophets, etc is nothing new but I just feel there is so much insincerity in the metaphysical world right now and it's really bugging me.

I am in my late 30's so I clearly remember a time when reading books, going to the library, talking to a real live human being and doing the practices for yourself was the way to "get a head" so to speak. The internet has been a blessing and a curse, there is so much information, which is great but it leads to so many becoming over night "experts" that it's getting annoying.

There is no shortage of podcasts, blogs and authors who did some psychedelics a few years ago and now claim to see energy fields, talk to aliens, have insider knowledge from ancient cultures and self appoint themselves as "shamans" holding lectures and workshops across the world.

I think what really bugs me is that it is presented as an US vs THEM scenario where these people must know so much more than us, be more pure than us and be more connected than us when in reality our experiences and paths are just as valid as anyone else, we just haven't decided to tell everybody we can think of about it in book or podcast form.

The other part is that 99% of it is UNORIGINAL content, they are just echoing the same lines everyone else in this area of knowledge has been talking about forever!

I know this frustration is coming from a place of Ego and in most cases there is a sense of jealousy, I am very aware of that. I am still very much a work in progress!

It just seems the teaching of living humbly and losing your identification to being a "spiritual" person and just being is pretty much lost on everyone. The ancient texts spoke of this but we seem to have forgotten this important teaching.

If we keep our mystical experiences to ourselves as they just as important as others?

Can we keep our mouths shut in the presence of ignorance allowing others to get to where they need to on their own?

Is our daily personal work still valid if no one knows we are doing it?

I find this part of the practice to be quite challenging!

Anyways, rant over so thank you. Just wondering if anyone else is feeling a little overwhelmed with this lately?

Thanks and Much Peace!

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

I know how you are feeling...

I think what really bugs me is that it is presented as an US vs THEM scenario where these people must know so much more than us, be more pure than us and be more connected than us when in reality our experiences and paths are just as valid as anyone else, we just haven't decided to tell everybody we can think of about it in book or podcast form.

that can be applied to most of the people here, they are "in the know" about a given conspiracy, and it becomes a neat little club to make them all feel special and superior to us "sheeple".

And you are also correct when you say most of this is regurgitated. It is. Go into the metaphysics threads and such and read about "transitioning" and "vibrational frequencies" and "alignments".

It's all recycled new age GARBAGE with a few current trendy terms thrown in to make it seem fresh at first glance. It's the same tired old crap.

And you know what I think it is? Loneliness. The "prophets" are lonely, pathetic people, probably shut-ins who's only contact with the world is via the internet. They need to feel important, more important than your average peon (you and I).

I feel the same thing drives 99% of hoaxers, the ones who aren't in it just to pull one over on you, no, I mean the ones who want you to believe them at all costs.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:24 PM
i do my part by not replying in their threads
i get tired of the "Apocalypse / alien invasion in 30 days" corny....

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:30 PM
People never did like prophets,
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:35 PM
we should go back to the old days where everybody with such inclinations wrote science fiction.How about Enders game as a story and not starchild prophecy??

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:37 PM
There shall in that time be rumors of things going astray, erm, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things with the sort of raffia-work base, that has an attachment. At that time, a friend shall lose his friend's hammer, and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight o'clock.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Suspiria
There shall in that time be rumors of things going astray, erm, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things with the sort of raffia-work base, that has an attachment. At that time, a friend shall lose his friend's hammer, and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight o'clock.

I loved that post. Should not suprise me if god has a sense of humor and Life of Brian was the true account of the Life of Jesus.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 02:51 PM
SPAM removed by Admin
edit on Apr 19th 2012 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 03:18 PM
I'd give you more stars if I could, OP. Why? Just to spite all of these "self-proclaimed awakened ones" who care so much about stars. Also, you speak my feelings.

There are a few tests I do whenever I read a post by a member in this thread.

The first one is to checking the Ego. The more they talk about all their accomplishments or just the more they talk about themselves, the less credibility they have with me. If they say things like "I had my first experience back in X" or "I have been studying this for X" or "I am a(n) X", it's probably the Ego talking, since the Ego loves titles and more evidence for its false self of identification.

Secondly, if they are claiming some heavy stuff, I will check their previous posts and replies and see what kind of personality they have. The masters that I have met have been nothing but respectful, kind, and loving. There is a quote which I can't seem to find but it basically says: "How someone treats a person, they will eventually treat you like that." If they are being disrespectful to someone in another thread, it is because they have disrespect in them, and so they could treat you with it.

Lastly, I leave you with a quote from Lao Tzu!

Those who know, do not speak. Those who speak, do not know.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
There is a quote which I can't seem to find but it basically says: "How someone treats a person, they will eventually treat you like that." If they are being disrespectful to someone in another thread, it is because they have disrespect in them, and so they could treat you with it.

So basically the quote is saying "treat others as you would like to be treated"?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

Keeping our mouths shut in the face of ignorance....hmmmmm...try to...but then when you let something that someone said go....that was just plain stupidity and an utter lack of you let it go...then, now embolden that they said something they know absolutely nothing about...they start trying to delve into other areas of debate where they feel they can feel and sound important and intelligent...and end that next bunch of Bull with...Am I right or am I right!?!

Now you have a decision to created the the Monster is breaking it's bonds. So you can either continue to let all this Bull go and have to misery...forever it this persons idiotic and self masterbatory diatribe...or you can cut them off and set them straight...either are going to be miserable because they will either take offence or you if continuing to keep mouth closed...have to suffer.

I find being straight foward and speaking up right at the first point of STUPIDITY or IGNORANCE often saves alot of issues and hurt feelings.

I share your view of people calling themselves PROPHETS...even if they never use the word. There is one thing in my vast experience with dealing with people over the years in many capacities and in many diferent parts of the world....As far as the BIG PICTURE goes...NO ONE KNOWS JACK SQUAT! I have to go to these CD release Parties because I play in a Touring Band and it is Mandatory I go at least quarterly. It is to show a face an see and be seen. I HATE it! There are a few good people but there are Far Too Many Rich, Egotistical...without the brain to back up that ego, Self Annointed Makers of what is in or out. Or who is Hot today and who is no longer someone who is A-LIST.

I treat people the way I would like to be treated as if you are a guest in my Home...I will make sure you have everything you need to feel or beer or whatever, food, entertainment, comfort and your decision to sit or stand or do anything that is not improper...and above all...if I have multiple guests who I know and you or possibly you and a friend don't know me and were dragged along by one of my friends...I will pay attention to YOU and ask you if you need anything else and get to know you because I already know the other people.

I have skin that is very thick and mental armour that is like a Steel Wall...others are more sensitive and being at an unfamiliar place as the people you came with said I wouldn't mind but until I make you feel as if you are welcome...for some that festers in their minds and makes them extremely uncomfortable.

THIS is how I have seen every Self ANOINTED GURU OF whatever topic they choose to become the ENLIGHTENED The revel in attention and actually DESIRE the idea that they will be held up on a pedestal and they desire this above all else...the ability to one day...MAKE A PERSON FEEL HOW LUCKY THEY ARE FOR THE PROPHET TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THEM NEVER MIND SPEEK TO THEM.

Oh....and that will be $500 Bucks...we take cards! Yes I am tired of seeing that! Split Infinity

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

"I know this frustration is coming from a place of Ego and in most cases there is a sense of jealousy, I am very aware of that. I am still very much a work in progress! "

Enough said.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:43 AM
I totally agree with what you wrote.
Too many people want public recognition and status in the spiritual area.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Manula

I don't think it is your ego speaking.
What is ego?
Is it bad to analise a situation and express yourself?
You think there is a lot of BS in the spiritual community? So do i, we are giving a legit opinion, i cant see what ego has to do with it.
Do you want to be better than others by saying that? I don't think so.
For me ego is just the drive to be better than others. An ego person always feels better or worst than others, its the need to be above other people, there is no equality, there is hierarchy and a war to conquer status. There is no cooperation between people, only competition.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 06:26 AM
The mind will always be playing the victim role then the bully role, then the victim role, then the bully role. It feels better than, then it feels worse than. The mind compares and drags you around making you feel good, then feel bad. Up, down, round and round, which way is right? Which way is wrong? The mind compares and judges, it is mental.
See the mind, know the mind.
edit on 20-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

The mind is good, can you live without rational thinking?

The solution is not to annihilate the mind, it is to use it properly, emotions and rational mind has to be both used, masculine and feminine, ying and yang, right side of the brain and left side of the brain. The solution is in knowing how to use both.

Emotions follow thoughts, so the solution is to use rational mind to be in control of your emotions.

It is possible. We have to use both.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Manula

It is ok to use the mind as a tool. However life happens without thought. It is like the sky is there before a cloud appears. 'Rational thought'?

Each thought is appearing now, presently. Find the source of thought.
The content of the thought is like a story bubble appearing now, where is it appearing?
edit on 20-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

You get my first flag - maybe ever - and definitely my appreciation for this "rant". I know that I also post that I know some stuff that no one else seems (if three years of Internet searching is any indication) to have cobbled together, but what I know is stuff that anyone can find out and figure out. Doesn't take a transcendence (or a psychotic break - ala Eckhart Tolle) to figure things out to a pretty large degree, and trying to mystify the whole thing is a ruse that salesmen have been pulling for centuries.

Hell, if the Gnostics hadn't been idiots and wrapped their way of understanding things in layers of riddles, they would've survived the early struggle for the soul of Christianity. They never could see that artificially elevating themselves like that was ultimately a suicide pact for them and their philosophy, but whatever. Not everyone wins, and when they lose, it's often due to something they screwed up on.

You're right, though. I wonder what it's like to post amazing experiences and claims of ultimate knowledge, and then get up from your chair to face the fact that you're still in your parents basement, with no chance of ever being that imaginary transformational being that you've adopted for your ATS persona. I watched about 15 minutes of one of the Matrix movies (Neo was stopping bullets in mid-air by this time, so it had to be a sequel) and I understand why young guys need to imagine themselves as being more than mere mortals. We used to imagine ourselves to be soon-to-be-discovered rock stars, so I was no better than any of them in that regard. It sucked to finally wake up in my mid-40s to have to face the fact that the rock star thing wasn't going to happen. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have to wake up to the fact that I'm not Jesus. That confrontation would have to suck to the extreme.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 08:08 AM
the 'Prophets' you lump together as just mimics that wear an outward disguise of being seers/shamans/ etc has maybe some basis in fact..

but i would counter that these people actually did have one-or-more Transcendental experiences...
or else they would not set themselves up to dissing or humiliation from others (unless they were unbalanced)

i know that i, for instance, I walk between the 2 worlds of awake-reality and the hidden upper & lower worlds which the traditional (drum beat) Shamans tell us about.

on the other hand... i cannot say for absolute sureness if my own prophetic stories or forays by astral projections or the 'communications' with the universal consciousness are products of my own imagination/wishful thinking or just another symptom of my schizophrenia...

i will always take others 'revelations' with a grain of salt...but indentify with them ...
because something real has changed their lives... if they feel 'called' to publish their worldview, then that's their business..... as the saying goes: be true to yourself

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

You use the mind to understand your Buddhist concepts but hey... mind is nothing special, it is just a tool, we are not our mind...
We are what we think, what we feel, what we do. We have a soul, but the soul also thinks and feels...
I don't care where thoughts come from, maybe they come from the universal mind, all life is intelligent, i guess intelligence is everywhere, infinity is intelligent, intelligence comes as thoughts, the more attention you give them the more they come, the more inspired you are, the more intelligence you get.
Think of Buddhism with a critical mind, don't just accept all they tell you, i read some Buddhist texts and i love them, but i don't buy everything they say...
They are very good with the attachment concept and the compassion and altruism concepts but there is some confusion with the importance of desires and wishes... There is some confusion with the importance of the mind... Mind and emotions are both very important, of course we are not our past mind and our past emotions, we are our present emotions, our present thoughts and actions, we are always changing, what i was yesterday is gone, we shouldn't be stuck to an image that reflects past actions, past thoughts, past words, past feelings, this is true, but i find the use of the mind very important.

Mind over matter, feelings follow thoughts, first you think it, then you feel it. With your thoughts you control your emotions. Mind is very important IMHO, think about it


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