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MSM lies to protect capital

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:42 AM
I'm listening to KGO810, so-called left leaning and liberal, and they claimed that when the US economy goes down, the worlds economy goes down. The worlds economy is tied to the American economy.

Is that common thinking in the US? Because it is completely not true.

Many countries economies are growing because the US is going down.

They were trying to dismiss a caller who made the point that the economy was crap because of the bankers, or whatever, but the presenter insisted that it was the governments fault. Which is also not true. It is as much our fault for letting it happen. Government is controlled by the capitalists, not the other way around. There hasn't been any worker controlled political parties in power for decades. The UK 'labour party' used to be a worker controlled socialist party, the revolutionary party to make the change to socialism, but not anymore. It's as left-wing as Mussolini's right nut. Government cannot be revolutionary and will not be a path to change.
That is why some socialists call themselves anarchists. A change to socialism is not possible through government, and history has proved that.

This is the lies the MSM are selling you? They are simply lying to cover the truth, it's so blatantly obvious, the way the presenter kept calling that a conspiracy theory, and he had no evidence, and what would be their benefit of messing up the economy. I don't agree that it's just the bankers, it's the whole capitalist system. What they don't get is the capitalists don't get together and say, 'We're going to destroy Americas economy', they simply invest where they can make the most profit. If that is another country then too bad America, capitalism has no morals.

Look at China, why are they doing so well? Because that is where all your jobs have gone. Did the government do that? No, capitalist owners of industry did. The governments job is to be the fall guy, to take the blame of the actions of capitalists, and to appease the workers. It does an excellent job it seems. When people think the governments at fault simply vote in new candidates, it is the illusion of 'power' you have to control your government, but the reality is nothing changes. The real problem never changes. People never see the real problem, because they put so much faith in the representative democratic system, and fall for the, 'governments to blame for everything', you've been conditioned to believe. Government is not going to change anything, never has never will.

What Does China Export?:
China does a lot of manufacturing for foreign companies, including U.S. companies. The raw materials are shipped to China, where factory workers build the final products and ship them back to the U.S. In this way, a lot of China's exports are really for American companies for American consumers. China primarily exports electrical and other types of machinery, especially computers and data processing equipment, as well as optical and medical equipment. It also exports apparel, fabric and textiles. It imports raw commodities from Latin America and Africa, such as oil and other fuels, metal ores, plastics and organic chemicals.

I don't know how that can last, America can't afford to purchase those 'American but made and imported from China' products anymore, as those American companies are not putting money into the American economy. They are ripping you off for profit, and not even contributing to your countries economy. How can people support an economic system that does nothing but suck all the wealth away from those who produce it? Chinese workers do not benefit as their standard of living is still in the stone age, yet they create all this wealth that goes into the private pockets of American and international capitalists, which does not benefit American, or other, workers either.

The MSM is a part of the state, and the purpose of the state is to allow one class to control another, and protect the capital used to exploit labour and make other people profit. Don't trust any of them, 'pseudo-left or 'right'.

Oh darn, sorry for the rant...

edit on 4/17/2012 by ANOK because: it's a commie take-over Harry

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:58 AM
Great thread.

I used to lean left as far as political parties goes. While America waited all those years to get rid of Bush so that a liberal could come in and end the Wars and fix thing's we in Australia had the same thing with John Howard.

What a shock when we get rid of the conservatives only to find that the liberals are actually worse.

This is why I am saddened to read that Obama still has some support. I find it shocking. The liberals are no better. But worse than not changing anything,liberals cant handle money. All they do is run up national debts with no geniune solutions.

If the duopoly cannot be broken then the next best thing is to kick the liberals out to show them they cannot lie to us. To show them that we are not stupid. Another reason to get rid of them is to make sure they stop destroying countries by wasting all the money with their incompetence.

And I agree on the media. It was never more obvious to me that the left leaning MSN is no better than Fox when OWS was happening. They are just subtle about it. The Huffington Post for example stuck the boot in to OWS more than support it. Or you look at how Colbert and Stewart handles the Wisconsin thing with Scott Walker. They work against the people. They may throw you a bone here and there but the fact that they work for the elites is more than obvious. I was big Colbert fan. Even bought his unfunny book. Now I have seen the light. They are all against us.

Its duopoly politics and duopoly media.

R is D,D is R.
edit on 17-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:06 AM
It seems that this view of a failed capitalist system is becoming more main-stream, but not at a fast enough rate. Seriously, how hard can it be to start a legit grass roots movement? I can't understand how everyday people, will fight so hard to keep a system working that is obviously failing? Is it just me?

We need to think seriously about a new system. The old arguement that the only people who don't agree with capitalism are the people who don't have any capital, doesn't cut it anymore. Most of us are smart enough and well connected enough to be able to cut out the middle man, and begin dictating our Countries future.

For example having strict laws imposed on company's that exceed 10million and making government lobying illegal. Good thread +sf

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:00 AM
Humans are a social animal.
Capitalism is the biggest failure.
It breeds greed.
Greed breeds the "im ok, to hell with anyone else and the environment attitude".
That is why people are sick and tired of it.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:34 AM
It used to be true and the media has an easier time getting listeners telling people what they think is right, rather than telling them they are wrong and arguing with the audience and that (gasp) America isnt all there is. In a time where America was on top and the only major consumer and the rest of the world was ravaged from war with pretty much only America as a major importer it used to be true, yes.
edit on 17-4-2012 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:44 AM
Capitalism works.

It's the politicians that have screwed it up.
Republicans, democrats they have all screwed it up.

We need someone in government with the stones to keep their hands off of private business, private lives, and people in general.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:38 AM
Wow such a simplistic analysis, I bet your the top of your class. The US dollar is the world's reserve currency which basically means virtually every country uses it to back their currency. So yes if the US dollar collapses every other currency will then collapse. The reason other currencies gain with a weaker dollar is because they can buy more of them. So yes for them a weaker dollar is a good thing, but a collapsed dollar becomes a bad thing very quickly.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
Capitalism works.

It's the politicians that have screwed it up.
Republicans, democrats they have all screwed it up.

We need someone in government with the stones to keep their hands off of private business, private lives, and people in general.

Explain how capitalism works for the working person, compared to a cooperative worker owned economy.

Government, as I explained, is not going to change anything, no matter who is in office. Expecting government to change capitalism is a pipe dream. Tell me, why would government change anything? A politicians career is not controlled by the people, but by the lobbyists who have the financial power. Do you have the financial power to change government?

The only way workers have got any change is through unions, through organization. But the capitalist state convinces people that individuality is freedom, when in actuality it is the prison cell walls keeping us all divided, financially weak, unable to change anything against the financially powerfully organized state, who's interest lies in making profit, not meeting the needs of the people.

Do you realise that years of labour union work to get better working conditions and pay for workers is simply being reversed now? People being coerced to work longer hours, with less pay and benefits, just because of the scarcity of jobs? Competition is getting so tight between companies that the big companies are killing the smaller ones which effects peoples ability to find work elsewhere, if you get laid off you have no other company to get another job at.

edit on 4/17/2012 by ANOK because: it's a commie take-over Harry

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by KeliOnyx
Wow such a simplistic analysis, I bet your the top of your class. The US dollar is the world's reserve currency which basically means virtually every country uses it to back their currency. So yes if the US dollar collapses every other currency will then collapse. The reason other currencies gain with a weaker dollar is because they can buy more of them. So yes for them a weaker dollar is a good thing, but a collapsed dollar becomes a bad thing very quickly.

Well thank you, yes I got a gold star.

You might want to read this mate...

Other currencies will replace the dollar. China is moving to internationalize the yuan.

This will all inevitably lead to war, as the US tries to keep their monopoly on the worlds currency.

China’s yuan is just two years away from becoming a global trade currency.

China Yuan Inches Closer To Global Currency

It's not as complicated as you seem to want to think mate.

edit on 4/17/2012 by ANOK because: it's a commie take-over Harry

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:17 PM
So many truths in this thread ....rant
I will have to revisit, but couldn't help adding 2c.

Yes, post-WW2, American companies dominated the globe as well as the American economy. Every American knew that "What's good for General Motors is good for the country." That lasted till early 1980s, when "American" companies no longer wanted to be known as "American" but rather as "International." At the time, there was corporate hope that going international in name would help ease into countries hostile to Americans. Plus, it put these companies, no longer loyal to America, in a place to take advantage in the global economy future.

By the 1970s and into the 1980s, citizens organized to advocate for holding corporations accountable for not just criminal behavior but also moral behavior. But then, Americans became organized, via secular, religious and political propaganda, for personal morality, personal responsibility, and individual freedom. Combine that scenario with politicians increasingly beholden to corporate money, and corporations were let off the hook, as regulations decreased and oversight was discouraged. Citizen pressure was focused elsewhere.

The response to the current financial crisis was unlike the response to the 1980s banking crisis ("prior crisis")...

All right so you have massive fraud driving this crisis, hyperinflating the bubble, an FBI warning and how many criminal referrals did the same agency do, in this crisis. Remember it did well over 10,000 in the prior crisis. Well the answer is zero. They completely shut down making criminal referrals and whichever administration you hate the most, you can hate because while most of this certainly occurred in the Bush Administration, the Obama Administration has obviously not changed it. Obviously did not see it as a priority to prosecute these elite criminals who caused this devastating injury.

William Back

While religious groups proclaim the Godliness of the free market and capitalism, they provide cover for a system that "has no morals". As religious groups have been encouraged to wrap the flag over corporations, Americans have been lead to believe that corporations are loyal to citizen and country, again giving cover to corporations who exhibit loyalty to only the next country who will provide profit and who want to give less to America in return.
edit on 17-4-2012 by desert because: clarity

edit on 17-4-2012 by desert because: clarity

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