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Mystery Schools & Walking the Path

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:42 AM
I know that a public forum probably isn't the best place for this discussion but I am out of answers and have no where else to go. I am not oath bound but I still want to be careful what I say. Basically, I am seeking guidance from anyone who might understand the symbology here. I'd really like to move forward but after making some mistakes I seem stuck lately. I think I know my objective but I don't know how to get there....

Any insight from anyone who understands this would be appreciated:

I've been to school a number of times but I still don't understand all I've seen there. I started building and I climbed up but I kept falling down. The building has toppled. It is also possible that my brother has what I was looking for. And I haven't seen my father or sister in a while. I saw my mother after the building fell, though. And it seems like I am still able to make progress but I am just not sure which way to go.

My questions are... Sometimes I have money and sometimes I don't. Do I need the money and where does it come from anyway? How is the money used & what is the pay rate (not that I have much)? How do I repair the vehicle when it is broken (sometimes it works other times not so much)? How do I get more fuel for my vehicle? Are the police friend or foe? Can I still get to my father & sister and avoid the others? I recently saw my mother & brother. Can I get back what my brother took? What is the cup of tea that I saw the other day? Can I still change my clothes? Can I rebuild??

And when it comes to real-life fasting... Do I have to physically fast? And what can I physically eat?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:06 AM
I do not understand what your question is....

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by mileysubet
I do not understand what your question is....

Well that's why I asked for insight from anyone who understood.

A lot of it is symbolism and I am trying to understand myself.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:33 AM
I fully understand what you are getting it. It is time to come out of the closet. Most people are much more accepting and understanding of your homosexuality than you might think. The first step is the hardest, but once you take it an enormous burden will be lifted from your shoulders. You will wonder why you didnt come clean sooner.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:43 AM
Fasting will help shift a few things, Id recommend juice fast for 3 days(check with yor "doctor" first of course). By chance are you seeing words spelled differently then pronounced? Or "odd" shapes within everyday items? Also..."school" is over rated and almost frowned up as it teaches nothing "useful"

edit on 23-3-2012 by trig_grl because: needed to add more info

edit on 23-3-2012 by trig_grl because: adding content

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by IntegratedInstigator
I fully understand what you are getting it. It is time to come out of the closet. Most people are much more accepting and understanding of your homosexuality than you might think. The first step is the hardest, but once you take it an enormous burden will be lifted from your shoulders. You will wonder why you didnt come clean sooner.

Ha ha ha!!!
That has got to be one of the funniest replies I have ever read.
Here we have some wackjob psycho skizoid posting some drug-induced magical gibberish and you can only think of one thing.... only one thing is on your mind.... GAY!!


You have the reply of the year. You can proudly walk away with the Unicorn & Skittles Award.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:57 AM
OP, I will give your problem, a good look when I wake up, I'm too tired for proper focus right now as of 3:56 am EST. I will try to see something from the abstract for you. Ok? I like abstract interpretations, I hope to offer something valuable for your time.


posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by sotaz

Do not waste energy trying to solve trivial problems. The fact is that all of these issues are not barriers. Simply step aside of them and progress forward. Some of the answers will come to you as you move ahead, some will not. If you are fated to find the answers along your path than so be it. Life is centered around the choices we make. To live simply requires making simple choices, but simple choices on issues that hold considerable value. That is, intrinsic value. Value that does not depend on a price tag. If a problem does not effect your life as a whole, it is irrelevant. In other words, will doing this or not doing this damage my own existence? If so, then the issue at hand carries weight.
edit on 3/23/12 by Resonant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by sotaz kids and world of warcraft really get my blood boiling!

seriously though...if you have to come here to ask those questions, you aren't in any school my friend...maybe a class at best...where's your mystery teacher? why not ask them?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:02 PM
I dont normally post on here but I enjoyed your "riddle" of sorts, and going through the same thing (in stages), I felt I could reply.

Physically fasting is good. The human body is one of the most elite pieces of machinery, and when every single part coincides with others, the gears will shift opening something, and closing on another.

As above so below, and in reverse as well. The earth mimics the heavens, and your mind creates your reality. Being inside a body you always are given the options to be in some of extrasentiential states. Whether mundane or not, it is all about what you give to it, Now.

Flow like the river.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by sotaz

Originally posted by mileysubet
I do not understand what your question is....

Well that's why I asked for insight from anyone who understood.

A lot of it is symbolism and I am trying to understand myself.

Your self.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by sotaz
I know that a public forum probably isn't the best place for this discussion but I am out of answers and have no where else to go. I am not oath bound but I still want to be careful what I say. Basically, I am seeking guidance from anyone who might understand the symbology here. I'd really like to move forward but after making some mistakes I seem stuck lately. I think I know my objective but I don't know how to get there....

Any insight from anyone who understands this would be appreciated:

I've been to school a number of times but I still don't understand all I've seen there.

It may take more than one life-time, but each successive one will retain the knowledge it just needs to be re-remembered.

I started building and I climbed up but I kept falling down.

The greatest lessons come from failure. The greatest Illusion, is success without failure.

The building has toppled.

That is temporary, but permanent if you do nothing about it.

It is also possible that my brother has what I was looking for.

Ask for his advice, or observe him. Has he had more or less success at school?

And I haven't seen my father or sister in a while.

Their memory is still connected with you, as all things are on a fundamental as Einstein said. "spooky action at a distance"

I saw my mother after the building fell, though.

Did her building also fall? If so has she been a nurturing experience, or a harmful one?

And it seems like I am still able to make progress but I am just not sure which way to go.

Progress, and knowing which way to go is a personal experience. What motivates you? Do you feel that when you make progress everything utterly destroys itself? Is your progress, constructive or destructive to your peace of mind? The questions themselves will bring forth answers, if you think on them.

My questions are... Sometimes I have money and sometimes I don't.

Yes, reward comes from your efforts. An Selfless effort can gain you "money" Just as a Selfisish effort can. Who do you want to pay you?

Do I need the money and where does it come from anyway?

The value of your money is the more important thing to consider. We don't always see or know just how much reward or money we have earned.

How is the money used & what is the pay rate (not that I have much)?

If you had it, how would you use it? The pay rate itself is less important than the effort, or the lack of effort to receive it. All currencies have different value, according to how you wish to see the money used.

How do I repair the vehicle when it is broken (sometimes it works other times not so much)?

Time, and patience and taking direct or indirect action towards its repair. To know how to repair your vehicle the best, memorize the manual or become exceptional in the knowledge of your vehicle and it's workings. I find for myself, having your own tools keeps the power to repair your vehicle in your hands. However asking for help to understand the way the tools work for your vehicle is absolutely ok.

How do I get more fuel for my vehicle?

The simpler source, which is in abundance to you is one way. The more "costly" is another. Does your fuel source cause harm to others? Do you care if it does?

Are the police friend or foe?

The police will be there to do their job. You can either work with, or avoid them. Police are individuals, that have to follow a certain set of guidelines. There is a split as to whether they respect the guidelines however. So use your best discretion, on a circumstance by circumstance basis.

Can I still get to my father & sister and avoid the others?

Is it in their best interest for you to get to them? Is it in your best Interest to get to them. Is it mutually beneficial?

I recently saw my mother & brother. Can I get back what my brother took?

Was your brother being responsible when he took what it was? Does he know what to do with it? What would he use it for? Do you understand your mother and/or brother as you think you do? If it feels right, it will be, until it does not anymore.

What is the cup of tea that I saw the other day?

The cup of tea can represent knowledge. The water in the tea, is in itself perfect. The leaves of the tea have changed the water to a certain flavor. If you do not like the tea, do not drink it. If you know the tea is good for you, but it tastes bad, err on the side of your health and drink the tea.

Can I still change my clothes?

The clothes only cover, like a party mask.

Can I rebuild??

Is the foundation sound for re-building? You can start with the same lot, and rebuild anyways any foundation. Recall how the other foundation was built for insight on what to do next.

And when it comes to real-life fasting... Do I have to physically fast?

Fasting, can allow you a break to see what foods are best for you.

And what can I physically eat?

Anything that maintains health in an appropriate fashion. The necessary not the unecessary.
edit on 23-3-2012 by matthewgraybeal because: (no reason given)

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