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Dreamworld into the Real World

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posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 02:44 AM
It is a feat that is not easily mastered, but once we have the ability to lucid dream, an entirely new avenue of experience is available to us. The doorway between the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind swings wide open. We are then able to create anything we wish and make it happen instantaneously within the dream. We can fly, control the weather, travel to other worlds, make objects appear right in front of us, and even make unwanted things in our dream disappear. We have full access to both realms of the mind and instead of being a victim/follower/prisoner of a dream, we become the leader of it, the creator of it, and can wield the power of it.

So my question to all of you is: If we are able to connect the conscious mind with the sub-conscious mind while we are dreaming, then are we able to connect the sub-conscious mind to the conscious mind while we are awake? To basically bring our dreamworld into the real world? Bring our fantasies and imagination to their fullest potential here in the physical realm? Or will we always be limited in the abilities we can achieve?

If the conscious and sub-conscious are both connected to us, and we are connected to the Earth, would it not be feasible? Is the Earth simply another avenue of experience? One big dreamworld in itself? Is it our quest to open the doorway and bring our creative powers into the physical realm?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 03:42 AM
Good post and thoughts!
I have often wondered this too, perhaps you would be interested in Carlos Casteneda's books and his teachings from Don Juan Matus, specifically, The Art of Dreaming, quite a good read.

Oh and the answer to your question is limited by your imagination, literally.
And yes, not a feat easily mastered, but none the less, you can find accounts of flying Tibetans in history for starters. Hint: Darkroom meditation ,alchemy chamber, sacred sounds, certain diet, maybe psychedelics..

edit on 19-3-2012 by OmegaSynthesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

You're playing with a fire that will soon devour civility. It cannot be changed or undone. Man will begin screwing with their own spiritual nuts and bolts, and the wrong people will be able to 'achieve' more profound results.

When man terminates the link cycling energy through all. It will self-replicate energy, and men will transform.

When this energy stops cycling, or returning to the Source, the Source will reject those who made the terrible choice.

The Mark of the Beast

PROTIP: pharaohs used the 'ankh' principle to store orgasmic energy this way, to become 'godlike'.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 05:12 AM
There was one X Files episode that involved people who had undergone experiments to stop them from sleeping, for super solider stuff. As the story went, there was some merging of the dream world into the real world.

I have not found any accurate reports yet, but it does appear that not sleeping can kill you faster than not eating.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:01 AM
I do believe 100% that things within our dreams can be accomplished in physical reality, but many are too lazy or caught up in too many of their own life dramas to achieve such mastery. I mean I don't think you can dream something that you are not familiar with at all because it is within the subconscious mind after all...Now people dreaming prophecies gets into the gray area for me and I, as well as many others, am not sure how this process is accomplished...

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:08 AM
k look, if you have observed your own mind properly. You would know that you dream 24 hours of the day. You are always in your sub-conscious. When you observe with your five senses it will bring up a memory from the sub conscious and the conscious mind would make sense of it. When you are awake, create a goal for yourself in a "day-dream" and then use the dream as fuel to make that dream come true. Observe the mind.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by NewerBeing
... and then use the dream as fuel to make that dream come true...

Can you elaborate on that please...

3rd line.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 01:52 PM
I'm also very fascinated with the concept of lucid dreaming - specifically what's called WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming) which is when a person can go directly into dreamstate without going to sleep first.

The idea that incorporating dreamstate into reality isn't a new one - in fact one of the best books on the subject I can think of is the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The concept is that reality is really just what we all collectively agree on as a species or global consciousness. For example, if the entire planet all collectively agreed that we could fly - it would be so.

Not sure I agree with the practical concept, but in theory it makes plenty of sense. Either way, I'm convinced that lucid dreaming does hold the keys to many aspects of life and reality. Although it's probably more about personal and individual transformation than anything else.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by pica13pica

Basically create a dream that you want to have, then always remember it so it can help be that drive to success. The more you pursue on that dream, the more it will blossom.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by scientist
The concept is that reality is really just what we all collectively agree on as a species or global consciousness. For example, if the entire planet all collectively agreed that we could fly - it would be so.

Let's do it! What are we waiting for??

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:07 PM
I think it would be an awesome experience to be able to "dream" within reality. Imagine for a moment the capabilities that we have in the dream world once we start to lucid dream. In that world, we are not bound by the laws of physics. I believe that in this world we are only bound by the laws of physics because "they" tell us such things. If we were able to take the manacles of our minds, then the possibilities are endless. We might be able to create that same "lucid dream" that we had last night.

I'm not sure if this has been said...but I thought it almost a year ago.

"In our dreams, we are truly ourselves."

So if that statement is true...if we can somehow find that "same self" in this "realm" then flying, telepathy, and everything else that we can imagine is definitely feasible.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Nurelic

Whenever I've had a lucid dream I don't "create" anything, everything seems to just be random and come out of no where. That's what a lucid dream is, the fact that it seems like you can actively observe something that you have no idea what created it.

Asleep and waking, you can induce a similar (sometimes a lot more intense) state with various drugs you know? Ever heard of "Bicycle Day"?

It represents you overcoming something personally, passing a psychological blockade so to speak.
edit on 20-3-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

This might sound strange but a year ago I awoke after having a really lucid dream where I was playing golf by myself in a beautiful green field. It seemed so real, I could feel the warm wind on my skin and smell the fresh grass. Anyways, I remember waking up and when I went out to my car to head to work I found a golfball laying in the driveway next to my car. There is not a golf course or driving range anywhere near my house, and I am definitely not a golfer and do not own any golfing equipment whatsoever. So....did the ball materialize out of my dream? Or did my awareness due to my lucid dream state allow me to percieve the real golf ball somehow and cause my dream of me playing golf? True and strange story!
edit on 20-3-2012 by AutOmatIc because: Spelling

edit on 20-3-2012 by AutOmatIc because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

I think that it can happen and i have two examples that have happened to me in the past,that something that occured during dreams manifested in the physical world.

A)Years ago i "met" in a dream a very evil entity.It came as a little beautiful girl and asked me to follow her and worship her.After an argument she told me:"I'm Zeus now bow down and worship me".I called her a liar and after her eyes turned completely black she said:"fine i'll give you something to remember me" and with a trident she hit me in the foot.I felt great pain and i woke up only to find a big circular bruise at the exact spot that she hit me.
I was in pain for days and when i went to a doctor,i was told that the bone was cracked.

B)Last year during a dream i was shot in the solar plexus.I woke up with a lump,the size of a half egg,that grew overnight,at the same spot where i was shot.It was very painful and it took a surgery to remove it.

If little things like that can manifest to the real world,i believe maybe bigger can do as well.It might take a lot of effort,with meditation and other techniques that will help us open our mind to that ability.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by RSF77
Whenever I've had a lucid dream I don't "create" anything, everything seems to just be random and come out of no where. That's what a lucid dream is, the fact that it seems like you can actively observe something that you have no idea what created it.

So you've had instances in which you know your dreaming, yet you've never tried to create whatever you want? Or would you rather just wait and see what happens next, whether good or bad, instead of choosing for yourself what you want the dream to consist of? When you know your dreaming, wouldn't you want to take advantage of that oppurtunity? That's when your able to get creative and do/see/be anything you want...

And whatever it is that you happen to observe in a dream, it's your own sub-conscious self that is always the one creating it. But choosing to consciously act on it and create whatever you want with your conscious self fully awake in the dream, now that's when you can have some fun...

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Phantom traveller

Wow, and that's not just minor stuff like scratches and bruises... The fact that you actually received broken bones and required surgery from encounters you've had in your dreams is major. It's like in the Matrix when Morpheus says, "your mind makes it real."

Thank you for sharing.

Have you had similar encounters since then? If so, have you found a way to eliminate them?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

Have you had similar encounters since then? If so, have you found a way to eliminate them?

I have weird/lucid dreams all the time,but nothing like that lately.I guess i am more careful when it comes to encounter strange entities.

Truth is that after waking up from a lucid dream sometimes i see things around me that they were in my dream.Last week for example i saw i was "under attack" by a shadowy figure.I woke up,literally jumped off the bed and the shadow was still there.It stayed there for a few minutes,before dissolve.
In cases like that i don't know where the dream ends and reality starts.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

Let's do it! What are we waiting for??

"We" are still the exceptional ones. We're "waiting" on the rest of the world's citizens to catch up.
In the meantime, you would enjoy reading The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life by Evan Harris Walker, who explains this very concept in quantum physics terms.

For decades, neuroscientists, psychologists, and an army of brain researchers have been struggling, in vain, to explain the phenomenon of consciousness. Now there is a clear trail to the answer, and it leads through the dense jungle of quantum physics, Zen, and subjective experience, and arrives at an unexpected destination. In this tour-de-force of scientific investigation, Evan Harris Walker shows how the operation of bizarre yet actual properties of elementary particles support a new and exciting theory of reality, based on the principles of quantum physics-a theory that answers questions such as "What is the nature of consciousness, of will?" "What is the source of material reality?" and "What is God?”

Then give a copy of it to everyone you love. One by one we can spread the enlightenment just a little bit further....
like the guy standing on the beach, surrounded by millions of stranded starfish. He gets busy throwing them, one by one, back into the water. Another guy shows up and says, "Why do you bother? There are too many of them to make any real difference. It doesn't matter."
And the first guy picks up one more and throws it into the water, saying "It mattered to that one."

It is an exciting time to be alive, though, because we're getting closer....but it's frustrating, too, like when you are reaching up to a high shelf to grasp something ... you can touch it with your fingertips, but you just.... can't..... quite.......... reach it.

So you grab a chair.
edit on 20-3-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:25 AM
First of all, lucidity is no guarantee of control over the dream. Lucidity and control are two separate things. Lucidity just brings the opportunity to exercise control, but if you don't understand the basics of dream control, then your attempts at control could fail or backfire. Many people luck out and gain some degree of control, but true dream control comes with understanding how dreams work.

Originally posted by NewerBeing
k look, if you have observed your own mind properly. You would know that you dream 24 hours of the day. You are always in your sub-conscious.

Correct. The same process that forms our dreams is at work while we are awake. I call this process Archetypal Chaining. You focus on an archetype (everything in dreams is an archetype), and it begins to manifest it's associations until one of those associations becomes captures your attention and becomes the dominant archetype, manifesting it's associations.

Same thing happens while awake. A good example was the psychological experiment were tests subjects were shown an incomplete picture of a sailboat, just a few lines and the mind is supposed to fill in the rest. Half the test subjects were just shown the boat, while the other half were shown the boat while there was a picture of the ocean on the wall. The half who were exposed to the picture of the ocean were able to identify the sail boat much more often than those who weren't exposed to the picture of the ocean because they had the archetypal chain available that led to the concept of the sail boat.

Originally posted by RSF77
reply to post by Nurelic

Whenever I've had a lucid dream I don't "create" anything, everything seems to just be random and come out of no where. That's what a lucid dream is, the fact that it seems like you can actively observe something that you have no idea what created it.

It seems that way because you don't understand the basic process that is occurring. You can control what appears in dreams by controlling what you focus on.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
It is an exciting time to be alive, though, because we're getting closer....but it's frustrating, too, like when you are reaching up to a high shelf to grasp something ... you can touch it with your fingertips, but you just.... can't..... quite.......... reach it.

Well said.

I think many of us would love to have a nice firm grasp of it, but like you said, just can't quite reach it. Maybe we get closer and closer to it everyday though. I'm glad to have the oppurtunity to reach for it, no matter how many failed attempts I make in the process...

And thanks for the link

That will make for an interesting read...
edit on 20-3-2012 by Nurelic because: (no reason given)

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