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Become Perceptive To Your Brain's Real Power

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:41 AM
Word-thoughts are slowly vibrating, dense forms of mental activity. They slow down your conscious mind, and utilize its unlimited energy potential in a highly inefficient manner. Become a very serious thought-watcher. During everything you do, pay attention to what is going on in your mind, and your Nervous System as a whole. Try to catch your thoughts the moment they arise, and understand them without needing to take the time to fully articulate them. As perceptions come into your awareness, learn to perceive the array of thoughts that pop into your head, the various connections being made; learn to process this multitude of thoughts instantly, again without needing to take the time to put them into words. You will find that this process of putting your thoughts into words is actually completely unnecessary. When you do this, you’re simply wasting time putting a thought that you already fully understand into words, just because you’ve become so accustomed to the idea of worded language. As you get more and more to the core of these thoughts, you may begin to find that you are able to process multiple different layers and expressions of thought simultaneously, in less time than it would generally take for you to articulate just one of them. Your brain has computing power beyond anything you can possibly imagine. There is an entire universe of information in your brain. It’s all there, right now. Most of it is simply tucked away in your subconscious, unavailable due to your tendency towards slow vibrations, which allow access to only the most surface level of mental activity.

The idea is to train yourself to become perceptive to the inner-workings of your brain. To perceive more and more subtle mental activity, and really pay attention to what is happening, as it happening. Here you will gain insight into what exactly your brain really does, and how it does it. As you are doing this, learn to ACT within this flow of information. The same principle is at work, here. You do not need to put your thoughts into words in order to determine what course of action is the right one. Understand the process of how your thoughts determine your actions, and allow your body to catch up with this faster rate of processing. It may be nerve-wracking at first, but as you see how it works, and that it DOES work, it is rather thrilling. If you can really learn to do this, everything you do can be absolutely enthralling. It’s like a never-ending adrenaline rush, where based on accumulated standards it seems as though you’re being wreckless, when in actuality you are acting more intelligently than you ever have, by far. This whole process will likely lead to an increased awareness of energy in the body, as well. You can use this energy to further assist you in guiding your decisions. That is the other task. Becoming aware of energy in the body, and trying to increase these energies.
edit on 9-3-2012 by TheJourney because: added to a sentence

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

There is one downside to thinking without words.

It becomes much more difficult to remember how to articulate ideas to other people.

I have some pretty interesting ideas and very fine perceptions that allow me to see much more than words,

But then when I go to tell someone, it then turns out there are no words. I can't show them my thoughts, because my thoughts were not words..

Other than that one problem... YES YES YES!!

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:37 AM
So, it DOES get easier then?
I tried this once awhile ago after realizing that I fully understood all the nuances and connections of my thoughts before officially articulating them inside my head. It stood to reason that if I learned to just keep the brain traffic down to that initial (but complete) level of understanding that my mind wouldn't be so loud.
I marveled at the simplicity of just accepting the understanding as it was without the mental dialog, but a few minutes later I was...I dunno burnt out? Its not like it took much concentration, but it did seem to take a lot of energy. If I had done it all day I could see it totally exhausting me.
There was also a level of annoyance that was building up in wishing I didn't have to police my thoughts.
Still though, I see a great benefit in it and if it is more like 'training' and the process gets better over time then it is diffidently something I'd jump into.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by awakendhybrid
So, it DOES get easier then?
I tried this once awhile ago after realizing that I fully understood all the nuances and connections of my thoughts before officially articulating them inside my head. It stood to reason that if I learned to just keep the brain traffic down to that initial (but complete) level of understanding that my mind wouldn't be so loud.
I marveled at the simplicity of just accepting the understanding as it was without the mental dialog, but a few minutes later I was...I dunno burnt out? Its not like it took much concentration, but it did seem to take a lot of energy. If I had done it all day I could see it totally exhausting me.
There was also a level of annoyance that was building up in wishing I didn't have to police my thoughts.
Still though, I see a great benefit in it and if it is more like 'training' and the process gets better over time then it is diffidently something I'd jump into.

This was something that I had originally addressed in OP, but decided to take it out as I figured the average reader would see it as a sidetracking from the main point, highlighting something that may make hir less interested in doing this. Since you mention it, though, here goes.

It is probably overly idealistic to speak of completely stopping this mental conversation right away. Generally, based on our tendencies, if we were to just then and there stop all words in our mind, we would feel repressed. This repression would be a significant energy blockage, and would result in frustration and at least as inefficient of energy usage as the standard monologue. I suggest doing this "watching," knowing what you're shooting for, and then if you feel an internal energy with a "frustration/repression" signature to it, allow yourself to articulate whatever it is you are wanting to articulate. I have found the best purpose of articulating thoughts to be as a conscious classification tool. Our mind works as an elaborate classification device. These various classifications are generally unconscious, and I would say are what actually creates our personal reality. So I would advise doing as I suggest in OP, while occasionally articulating a word or phrase as needed to help your conscious mind understand your basic categorization system. This helps you to keep things in order, without the running dialogue.
edit on 9-3-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:39 PM
Isn't it kind of like approaching life as an animal, as opposed to approaching life as a human being. And what about the fun of creating language-centric artistic expression? What about thoughts that simply can't be examined without terminology? Those thoughts do exist, and training yourself to lose your capacity to manage language-centric thoughts doesn't seem like the best way to develop the brain you were blessed with as a human being. Animals think in the manner that you encourage people to try to think.

You should keep in mind that what you think, and what you develop as intellect will be exactly what you are once your brain and body have passed into history. Why anyone would want to be less intellectually capable, given that aspect of what it means to be human, is a real mystery.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

I have that very same problem. I have a hard time translating things into words. Sometimes no words exist to properly explain something. And people look at me funny when I make up my own words

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:38 PM
lol I'm not speaking of degeneration into animal-like thinking. You're clearly not understanding me. I'm talking about learning to process thoughts at a much faster rate than is possible through putting everything into words. This is an evolution, not a degeneration. And you don't "lose your language capacity." You gain insight beyond linguistic limitations, which makes ones understanding more precise and therefore improves linguistic capabilities.
edit on 9-3-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:49 PM
What you seem to be talking about is "the beginner's mind" - to be stupidly intelligent and aware, without having to think ABOUT and label everything with words and grasped and attached, pre-established thought patterns wherein new learning is impossible. Emptying the cup.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

The hardest thing I didn't realize is that when emotions occur in a heated arguement there is not much time to be 'aware' as you are describing. Looking back I think most of us believe we have a few seconds in an arguement to choose what we say and how we feel. In a real time arguement there is less than a half second to capture the emotion, place it into the right frame of mind, and react accordingly. It shows why so many of us are not quick enough and let arguements gets heated, or even why many of us get frustrated..

My hardest thing to do what your post mentions is simple lack of energy. Work taking long hours, just too much.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by greyer
reply to post by TheJourney

The hardest thing I didn't realize is that when emotions occur in a heated arguement there is not much time to be 'aware' as you are describing. Looking back I think most of us believe we have a few seconds in an arguement to choose what we say and how we feel. In a real time arguement there is less than a half second to capture the emotion, place it into the right frame of mind, and react accordingly. It shows why so many of us are not quick enough and let arguements gets heated, or even why many of us get frustrated..

My hardest thing to do what your post mentions is simple lack of energy. Work taking long hours, just too much.

The other part of what I describe in OP is awareness of energy. Emotions are energy-forms. When you feel an emotion, BE WITH that emotion. Emotions tend to push us into impulsive action, often that we regret after. When you feel an emotion, try to really FEEL it, as in feel the energy. Be with it, and watch very carefully how the energy you are feeling is causing you to feel that you should do something different than you would otherwise do. This may not always be possible, but lately when I feel a negative emotion I have been trying to stop everything I am doing, and just sit still, and focus entirely on feeling the energy. I don't judge it, I just be with it. After quite a short period of time, I find that it no longer has the same pull over me, and it generally fades away for the most part. Awareness dissipates all unwanted energies.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by TheJourney
The other part of what I describe in OP is awareness of energy. Emotions are energy-forms. When you feel an emotion, BE WITH that emotion. Emotions tend to push us into impulsive action, often that we regret after. When you feel an emotion, try to really FEEL it, as in feel the energy. Be with it, and watch very carefully how the energy you are feeling is causing you to feel that you should do something different than you would otherwise do. This may not always be possible, but lately when I feel a negative emotion I have been trying to stop everything I am doing, and just sit still, and focus entirely on feeling the energy. I don't judge it, I just be with it. After quite a short period of time, I find that it no longer has the same pull over me, and it generally fades away for the most part. Awareness dissipates all unwanted energies.

I am realizing that it is because I get upset at people bothering me. They may press your buttons and you sit back to feel a negative energy. The whole idea is to always feel a positive energy. I am realizing it is because I may not love them, I may think they do not love me. If I really had love then I would not think about what they said. How do you move on psychologically so the positive energy wins over the negative immediately?

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

You should keep in mind that what you think, and what you develop as intellect will be exactly what you are once your brain and body have passed into history. Why anyone would want to be less intellectually capable, given that aspect of what it means to be human, is a real mystery.

that's not what it's like. It's higher up than words, which in turn are higher up than animals... Trust that when your brain starts thinking like a web, of videos/pictures/patterns/knowings all networked as one thing, that you would never go back to thinking like a train.

words have a logical progression needed to get from beginning to end. I knew what I was going to say in a split second, but typing it out I've had to change it, to get it in to a format that goes from boring A to Boring B, practically writing subconsciously while in my brain my mind is going: AB BA CDEF BC DA FCSAD and so on all at once.

It's like being a genius or something.

But like all things too ahead or smart, they are really hard to translate. I have many thoughts that I cannot express until someone else knows already and we invent a word for it. I have gone far beyond this limited english language, and it will be years before I can tell anyone about it.

In the mean time I grasp at analogies that are only relevant if you already know what I mean. I only think in words when I am writing like so, and my brain does not like, hahaa. I like to think, but I feel slow and clumsy like this, time to go back into playing multiple videos with info attached, while planning my day and thinking about my girl all at the same time from different angles and combinations.

what great thought will come out of that octagulation (triangulation from 8 sides lols) is any ones guess.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 03:17 PM
I self taught myself this.

However a word of warning. It can literally unhinge your grasp of "self" as in ego. Eastern philosophy Ego the "I" melts away when you look at yourself as a part of a whole, an interconnected being with life on earth and the universe.

If you cease asking for I or Me, when you pray or think..."I" finds God consciousness, As in purity of thought. Not necessarily Sinless purity...but clarity of thought and inspiration. If non-goodly thoughts intrude, it is up to you, whether that is really how you are to the world around you. It doesn't mean you are all of your thoughts. The capacity for Good and Evil is in all of the race of Humans.

This is mostly difficult to achieve because the body being mortal, and "in need" as a biological thing, can drive you to act on certain thoughts, which you would know are right or wrong if you sat back for a moment, to reflect on those thoughts. You are not bound by your impulses, however it is exceptionally difficult to over-come impulse thoughts.

This is not for beginners and can send you to a mental institution so just be warned. However if you can harness it, it can really enrich your "personal" or "spiritual" experience called life.

Pay attention to the world around you, and your own body, once you start being able to free yourself from words, and act on thought alone. You may find, as I do, every thought has a reassuring answer-back within and without...Such as a sudden coincidence or something nearly improbable happening at the speed of your thoughts.

Good Luck Seekers!

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