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Calling All Indigos!!!!

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by NW111

Hi there. NW. I never asked any question about indigos in my opening post. Why is it people go on to believe that they are indigo just because someone told them they are? Feeling isolated and all those other feelings that indigos feel make them different are common human traits. This is really probably my main bone of contention when I think about it, the fact that the 'special feelings' indigos associate with themselves are common in humans.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 04:25 PM
I think you are glossing over the degrees in which you can feel lonely or out of place. I completely agree with you that we all feel lonely at times. However, there are different levels of the feeling, just as there are different levels of happiness or sensitivities.

I think Indigos feel lonely not because of something anybody has done or because of something happening in their life; Indigos feel out of place on a spiritual/primal level.

Maybe you have never been singled out as "different"? Were you ever criticized for not thinking like other people? Did you ever have people tell you at very early ages that the way you think will lead to your life being in ruins?

This is what Indigos face from a young age onward. Their proclivities get beaten down by a system that is built to push us into self-obsession and consumerist ideals. By the time they are old enough to understand the term Indigo, they attach to it because there is no other good explanation as to why they have been maligned all their life by those who think differently from them.

I think you are a normal, regular guy. I don't think you've ever been treated like an Indigo; therefore, it makes perfect sense that you cannot understand them.
edit on 4-3-2012 by tagasbob because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:01 PM
The real point here is that there is no such thing as an "Indigo." It's a delusion. I would bet you that nearly everyone but the nearly brain dead go though a period of believing they are somehow different than the rest of the world. I know I surely did! The problem comes about when you take this too seriously, and especially when you identify with some weird cult idea like "Indigos" or "Light workers." I would put these ideas on a par with people who believe they are aliens trapped in an Earthly human body. It's a form of mental illness--a mild form. After all, most of these people are functional.But to put forth the idea that they cannot be criticized is, I think, a disservice. Shall we make them a protected class protected by the Civil Rights laws? No one objects if we criticize Christian beliefs. That seems all the rage these days, but suggest Indigos are delusional and look what pops up! Defenders of the Indigo faith.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:14 PM

The real point here is that there is no such thing as an "Indigo."

You cannot prove this. This is YOUR truth; it is not an objective one.

The problem comes about when you take this too seriously, and especially when you identify with some weird cult idea like "Indigos" or "Light workers."

Okay, so these people who claim themselves to be Indigos and Lightworkers seem to have caught your ire.

First, who are you to deny them a community if they are like-minded individuals? What about freedom of assembly? Why do you get to determine how people describe themselves or what concepts they find most apply to their life?

For myself, it is yourself that comes off as very closed-minded. Rather than try to understand these people, you write them off as delusional and sick. Don't you think that maybe you should look in a mirror? Again, who gave you the magic wand and determined you the source of all truth? You know nothing. I know nothing. That's the whole point.

I would put these ideas on a par with people who believe they are aliens trapped in an Earthly human body.

So you have concrete evidence of where we come from before death or where we go afterwards? Why are you trying to argue things that you could never prove anyway?

Who's to say we're not aliens who evolve from planet to planet through reincarnation? I've heard crazier things from 'normal' religious folks. I'm not saying that's what happens (as again, we don't know), but it IS a possibility. Deal with it.

But to put forth the idea that they cannot be criticized is, I think, a disservice. Shall we make them a protected class protected by the Civil Rights laws?

Who said that? I claimed myself that some who claim to be Indigo are egotistical and shallow; just like there are others who are humble and meek. Your generalizations are no good here.

You keep ignoring the fact that Indigos are not what you claim them to be. I have no doubt that you've probably had a doozey or two with some nutjobs, but that doesn't dismiss the whole argument. That's like saying that Jesus is bunk because I heard a bad preacher; it's not right nor is it fair.

Defenders of the Indigo faith.

There's no faith involved; just an understanding that it is alright to feel the way that Indigos do. The Indigo movement is about finding a place for this small group of people who do not fit and all want the same thing. You can marginalize them if you choose, but they are not what you say they are. You have only shown a propensity to lash out at your personal projections and hate an idea, ignoring the reality in front of you.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by 0rbital

guess to be an Indigo has nothing to do with some "feelings".
would be the same if you ask a dog how it feels to be a dog..
the answer is simple: there are no special feelings

i know what you mean: its a rush today to be something special .. to be an "indigo"´
there is nothing special with it..
all those "special" children, rainbows or indigos or whatever.. this represent only the boredom of humans..
and the wanting to be something special.

Indigos means simple a group off people who lived 3600 years ago. Now its the myth (and its only a mythos) that some off them got reborn. cauz the end of the world, etc.. blah blah
what that means.. nobody really knows guess

I dont understand why you are calling indigos in your frontline and dont believe that indigos exist.. that makes no sense..


posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:28 PM
Equasion . Male+ '___' Trip + Female +'___' Trip = Indigo Children. If calling your child an" Indigo" child is stateing there super human smart, Then I for sure have two "beige" kids

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by NW111

I dont understand why you are calling indigos in your frontline and dont believe that indigos exist.. that makes no sense..

I've already explained why, Nia, but to summarise.......the below quote is taken from Wiki but I've seen the same description from other sources.

''Indigo children is a pseudoscientific label given to children who are claimed to possess special, unusual and/or supernatural traits or abilities. The idea is based on New Age concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe''

There it is, new age concepts created by someone in the 70's at a time she was probably experimenting with l.s.d. Indigo people (I say 'people' as its not just children that are claimed as being indigo) do think they're something very different, I've seen them claim to have e.s.p but for so very obvious reasons they won't back it up because they can't as it's all a crock.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 07:38 PM
Indigo is the most recent aura color to arrive on the planet. Indigos are ushering in a new energy, a new consciousness, and a new age of peace and harmony. Whereas Violets feel driven to help save the planet, to educate the masses, and to improve life here, Indigos are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness.
At this writing, most of the Indigos are children, although there are a few Indigos who came as forerunners years ago. The words used to describe Indigos include honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong-willed, and sensitive.
Indigos are old souls who know who they are and where they've come from. Some consider Indigos to be bizarre. These assertive individuals are born with their spiritual memories intact. Many parents report that their Indigo children regale them with vivid details of past lives or recent encounters with spiritual beings. Parents also report that these children can read their minds and seem to have amazing psychic abilities. Parents are often at a loss as to how to raise these amazing little beings.
An unusual characteristic of Indigos is that they frequently appear androgynous. It is often difficult to tell if Indigos are male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual. It's as if Indigos have both the yin and yang, male and female qualities within them. Their sexuality is not their primary concern however; it is their spirituality.

Theres a quick test at this site to determine your colors!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by tagasbob
I think you are glossing over the degrees in which you can feel lonely or out of place. I completely agree with you that we all feel lonely at times. However, there are different levels of the feeling, just as there are different levels of happiness or sensitivities.

I think Indigos feel lonely not because of something anybody has done or because of something happening in their life; Indigos feel out of place on a spiritual/primal level.

Maybe you have never been singled out as "different"? Were you ever criticized for not thinking like other people? Did you ever have people tell you at very early ages that the way you think will lead to your life being in ruins?

This is what Indigos face from a young age onward. Their proclivities get beaten down by a system that is built to push us into self-obsession and consumerist ideals. By the time they are old enough to understand the term Indigo, they attach to it because there is no other good explanation as to why they have been maligned all their life by those who think differently from them.

I think you are a normal, regular guy. I don't think you've ever been treated like an Indigo; therefore, it makes perfect sense that you cannot understand them.
edit on 4-3-2012 by tagasbob because: (no reason given)

Just had to quote this cuz you explained it perfectly!! ♥

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