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Will bad things come true if you accidentally say/think something bad not meaning it?

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posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Danbones

"make it pay through"??What do you mean??

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by QuantumSeeker[/url]

I wrote this silly little thread, but its purpose is for joy, and rising above this lower frequency. Not spending countless hours, weeks, years trying to get to the root of each flaw, problem, negativity in us, even call in the exorcists. But rise above it, and then look at it from a higer perspective, try to see the lesson, and laugh a little at ourselves, and have a lot of humor, love, and forgiveness for everyone including self.

This post is one technique I caught myself using, didn't know my subconscious used it off and on and regularly:

When I start to think i higher frequency thoughts or even hear this, (I was listening to a Dolores Cannon interview, something that was binging more spiritual and soul connective thoughts!) or talk about it, to a friend, or contemplate, just by shifting my thoughts to these areas. I sense that my True Self is just above this (hard to put it) plane of gravity, in the higher atmosphere, sense myself higher frequency plane interacting within earth's atmosphere and this world, so I feel that higher plane, as near the ceiling of earth's atmosphere, and just reach up. And that stays with me, this higher plane, and things subtly alter, ie, as if the tiredness or off day kind of difficulty becomes much smaller, becomes a part of a small tests or aspects of self that are being looked at.

So its rising above it.

When something bad is said or thought, especially thought, ie do you mean, a disaster scenario, seems to pop up crystal clear, with magnetic feel, strong, occasionally. These pop up stronger than positive ones that we have to work at it seems?

Thats because of all the programming all around us, even in the movies. I think it could even pop up due to the Source Field and shared knowledge, so that someone who didn't watch any movies, could still have that effect.

So, really work at cancel. You have to use that inner feeling of when it clears. You can tell by how you feel if its there or cleared feeling.

edit on 7-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:28 PM
I mean I afraid of my own mind saying stuffs almost automatically as if I am "Cursing" something,you know cursing somebody/something?? My mind seems to be corrupted by a "program" repeating certain phrases,"if you do this blablabla will happen"/"if x happens ,it is a sign that you should not do this" ,the problem arises when I think of something VERY VERY BAD will happen,to myself or to other people/things,I afraid I might be transmitting energy (something like Law of Attraction) to increase the chance of something happening,first of all I am afraid the thing will happen to myself,if it involves other people I am afraid I would be somewhat repsonsible if I actually "contributed" energy for the scenario to happen,even if the "scenario" does not happen,I am worried that I would be guilty of taking risk(karma or judged by divine beings etc.) by doing "something "(which could be something that I like to do) that I suspect I might have accidentally "corrupted" it in my own mind.

I feel like I am crazy haha.
edit on 7-3-2012 by QuantumSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by QuantumSeeker

Hey Quantum,
Sorry to hear you're struggling with this.
Here's some information on OCD and intrusive thoughts:


Pure obsessional OCD - sometimes referred to as "Pure O" is experienced by some individuals as obsessions that manifest as intrusive, unwanted thoughts, impulses or "mental images" of committing an act they consider to be harmful, violent, immoral, sexually inappropriate, or sacrilegious. For individuals with Pure Obsessional OCD, these thoughts can be frightening and tortuous precisely because they are so antithetical to their values and beliefs.

Intrusive thoughts can be awful, I went through a period where it was plain scary. I got into treatment for depression and anxiety, and it helped me immensely.

The simple answer to your worry is "no," thoughts that come randomly and unbidden (as you said accidentally) can be let go as just random thoughts. Being preoccupied to a degree that you are afraid of your own ideas is pretty intense distress, and I'd recommend you seek professional help for it.

A meanwhile and simple, over-the-counter remedy for panic attacks and intrusive thoughts is vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride). You can take about 200 mg (don't go over 250, or your fingers will tingle). It is water soluble, so it doesn't get "toxic" or stored up, what you don't need passes easily in your urine. It's a trick I learned about 20 years ago from a doctor. It's for immediate relief (like a painkiller) rather than a daily-dosage medication.

It is not "marketed" or labelled for this use, but it's proven effective to calm panic attacks safely and quickly.

Later, after I began to learn more, I went to graduate school and became a clinical psychotherapist. There are other methods for treating it, but your distress is certainly worth attending to.

Sounds like you have some serious anxiety going on, and it can be alleviated with behavior modification (cognitive practice, or, learning to deal with your thoughts, feelings, actions, all of which impact one another) as well as other strategies.

Try not to worry too much....get some help with it....pick up some B6....
and take lots of deep breaths. Breathing consciously, its called "square breathing"...inhale during a count of 4 seconds, hold the breath for 4 seconds, exhale during the next 4 seconds, and rest for 4 seconds. Repeat.

If you are focusing on your breathing, your entire body will relax and help you let go of the intrusive thoughts enough to move out of the "stuck" place.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
I experience the same thing, these "intrusive thoughts". They just repeat over and over in my head.I have to try really hard to get the thoughts to go away. They're just thoughts, never acted on anyone, but they're not thoughts I think a normal person should be thinking.

To you and the OP: I have 25+ years experience with manifestation, and I studied psychotherapy to boot. I know all about those "intrusive thoughts," which I had myself when I was younger. I was obsessed with the idea that no normal person could have such evil thoughts and was very ashamed and embarrassed about it. Finally, after years of mental anguish, I confessed to my best friend, fully expecting her to want nothing to do with me after I told her what an evil person I was. She looked at me incredulously and said, "Huh? What do you mean -- EVERYBODY has thoughts like that!!!" That cured me, and I hope it'll help you.

In other words, people usually keep the fact that they have "evil" thoughts to themselves, as well as the exact content of those thoughts, because they think others will hate them once they find out what a horrible person they are. It's incredibly therapeutic to tell a good, supportive friend exactly what your "evil" thoughts say and you may be surprised to find that it's quite common to have those kinds of thoughts. It's unbelievably liberating, you should try it sometime.

About bad thoughts manifesting bad things: It takes a LOT more than just thoughts to do that. Thoughts, feelings, words and actions have to be in perfect alignment to manifest successfully. It's not that easy -- a lot of people try to consciously manifest things and can't make it work, so how much harder do you think it is to make it work if you DON'T really want to?

If you get wronged by someone and think, "I wish you were dead," it's not going to make it happen, especially since you feel that it's wrong to think that and you don't put the full power of your intention behind it, which, by the way, takes a lot of practice to make it work.

Think about it: If every thought -- even obsessive ones -- would manifest in the physical world, then shouldn't all arachnophobics be virtually drowning in spiders wherever they go? Shouldn't all hypochondriacs die of horrendous diseases? (I've actually known quite a few that were perfectly healthy and reached a ripe old age.) Shouldn't all claustrophobics find themselves buried alive or trapped in some elevator/closet, what have you? Shouldn't all OCDs have the house burn down over their head (because they always fear they've left the stove on and go back 20 times to double-check)? Well, it's not happening.

So, please don't beat yourself up and don't worry too much.
edit on 9-3-2012 by sylvie because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by sylvie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by sylvie

Thnks for the reply ~~~

So ok I thought a "If I do X then Y would happen to someone ".Then do you think I would be guilty for trying to do X to justify that all these OCD thingy are not real???(I have done a few times and sometimes I feel guilty of it) Or in another case do X because I like to do it(hobby etc.)???

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:25 AM
it seems that bad things have an equally probable chance of occurring as good things....whether accident or not, whether it was meant or not.

i'm not super rich or getting the extra sex i i assume the bad stuff won't happen either.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:29 AM
Odd because the same thing use to happen to me, and yes it is OCD. The thing is the main cause of OCD is anxiety, when your anxiety acts up so does your OCD, they're connected. So when you get anxious you start thinking these thoughts, then when you think these thoughts you get even more anxious and it's a vicious cycle. The key is realizing that it's completely illogical, that the connection that you made between the two does not exist. Break the cycle in your head.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker
reply to post by Danbones

"make it pay through"??What do you mean??

well, personally I often have thoughts just before things happen
but because you never know for sure why you just thought something
its diffficult to act on the premonition.

sometimes I have premonitions of what ISN"T going to happen
sometimes its a thought of what will

examples of stuff I just accidently for no reason just said:

I just finished telling a buddy adamantly:
there are no deer in this part of the bush!
as I said that, a tiny fawn burst up fron under my next footfall and went running

another time while building a deer blind in a tree I told my buddy:
the only deer you'll probably see is when you have unstrung your bow and you are climbing down to go home.
thats EXACTLY what happened

: making it pay: is just an expression for having it down so well you can bank on it.

I think the key is to relax and learn to observe your thoughts

I have found that heavey emotional VIVID imaginings can effect the laws of probability
Science has shown that random number generators can be influenced by that kind of thought
but not directly

You might compare it to having a poltergiest around ( they apparently are similar to this too)
I have found that if I think of (immerse myself in ) a vivid scene that isn't real,
then ask an unrelated question
then cut the tarot cards or throw Iching coins, they answer to the vivd imagining
not the question I am asking...
The first question seems to clear the energy field
The next cut or toss, they answer the question quite accurately

I found that i have blood pressure issues
it makes my cranky when the problem kicks in
The crankier I got the more the probabilities came up "wrong"
and it would mostly be exactly what I didn't want to have happen..LOL ,arrrrggggh!

now that I am calmer again all the little stupid things don't turn out wrong nearly as much
edit on 9-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:45 AM
I personally believe thought is creative energy.

However - - there is conscious thought and un-conscious thought.

If you are thinking what you consider negative toward someone - - then worrying about it as being wrong - - - I'd say the worrying about it is the stronger negative energy - - and will affect your own health - - but have no affect on the other person.

I don't think everyday random conscious thought will have any real affect on the "whole".

Deep seeded un-conscious negative thought might.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Danbones

When those things happened ,do you think you influenced it somehow???And what if I started having vivid imaginations???

Originally posted by Annee

Deep seeded un-conscious negative thought might.

As in??What is considered as deep seeded un-conscious negative thought???
edit on 9-3-2012 by QuantumSeeker because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by QuantumSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker
What is considered as deep seeded un-conscious negative thought???

That gets a bit complicated.

First - - I believer EVERYTHING is energy. I believe EVERYTHING is a creation of thought energy. Of course I'm talking of multi-billions of years of this creation going on.

To simplify - - the physical makeup of your brain (which is energy) may have built in thoughts you are not fully aware of.

I don't want to go all depressive here - - but some say criminals are born. New brain scan technology claims "people are their brain" (in so many words).

Could electronic brain therapy be in our future - - - rather then treating anomalies with drugs?

Sorry - - - I think that's going beyond your intentions and interest.

edit on 9-3-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker
What is considered as deep seeded un-conscious negative thought???

That gets a bit complicated.

First - - I believer EVERYTHING is energy. I believe EVERYTHING is a creation of thought energy. Of course I'm talking of multi-billions of years of this creation going on.

To simplify - - the physical makeup of your brain (which is energy) may have built in thoughts you are not fully aware of.

I don't want to go all depressive here - - but some say criminals are born. New brain scan technology claims "people are their brain" (in so many words).

Could electronic brain therapy be in our future - - - rather then treating anomalies with drugs?

Sorry - - - I think that's going beyond your intentions and interest.

edit on 9-3-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

I see,this sounds a bit like Law of Attraction,who do you think of it???Please this is important.
edit on 10-3-2012 by QuantumSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

The thing is the main cause of OCD is anxiety, when your anxiety acts up so does your OCD, they're connected. So when you get anxious you start thinking these thoughts, then when you think these thoughts you get even more anxious and it's a vicious cycle. The key is realizing that it's completely illogical, that the connection that you made between the two does not exist. Break the cycle in your head.

Exactly.....along with coping techniques like deep breathing, and remembering it is an illogical "monster", not a real thing. As you start to break away from it, you feel it less often, and less intensely.

Just wanted to repeat what you said. Right on.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker
What is considered as deep seeded un-conscious negative thought???

That gets a bit complicated.

First - - I believer EVERYTHING is energy. I believe EVERYTHING is a creation of thought energy. Of course I'm talking of multi-billions of years of this creation going on.

To simplify - - the physical makeup of your brain (which is energy) may have built in thoughts you are not fully aware of.

I don't want to go all depressive here - - but some say criminals are born. New brain scan technology claims "people are their brain" (in so many words).

Could electronic brain therapy be in our future - - - rather then treating anomalies with drugs?

Sorry - - - I think that's going beyond your intentions and interest.

I see, this sounds a bit like Law of Attraction, who do you think of it??? Please this is important.

I get the feeling there is a specific issue you are trying to resolve.

I don't think I can or should interfere by giving you a specific Yes or No.

I had to actually look up "Law of Attraction" (I don't use labels). Basically it means - phrase your words as if something you want has already happened. If you use visualization - - visualize as if it already is. This is keeping energy in positive - - - that part is good.

However - - beware of anxiety of expectation. Just because you want something and "stay in positive" - - - doesn't mean the universe will always provide.

Don't be like those who pray - then get mad at God for not answering.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Annee

Sorry,I was thinking you are accustomed to the Law of Attraction phrase. Basically, I am wondering is that possible that my bad thoughts will work through LoA.I heard it should be limited to the individual only,but I'd just like to hear more opinions.In The Secret ,I remember they stating certain things(like lottery )happening to people who focus on a particular goal in their mind IIRC(too long ago,I could've mix up certain things),basically I fear my thoughts have energy that would affect situations ,I know even if they do ,the chances are probably low but I afraid due to worrying about them or doing certain "forbidden"(check my OP) things too many times,will they affect the outcome in the real world???

edit on 10-3-2012 by QuantumSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker
reply to post by Annee

Sorry,I was thinking you are accustomed to the Law of Attraction phrase.

Its not that - its info overload.

I've had "experiences" since birth 1946. I was raised with metaphysical thinking and paranormal acceptance - - even though no one ever actually talked to me about psychic experiences. I was raised in a Power of Thought church. I've been on the net discussing this stuff for 20 years.

Everything has melded together. I can't or don't think in separate terminologies.

edit on 10-3-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker
Basically, I am wondering is that possible that my bad thoughts will work through LoA.I heard it should be limited to the individual only,but I'd just like to hear more opinions.In The Secret ,I remember they stating certain things(like lottery )happening to people who focus on a particular goal in their mind IIRC(too long ago,I could've mix up certain things),basically I fear my thoughts have energy that would affect situations ,I know even if they do ,the chances are probably low but I afraid due to worrying about them or doing certain "forbidden"(check my OP) things too many times,will they affect the outcome in the real world???

Fear is negative energy.

Worry - - is like Praying for the wrong thing. You are sending energy out of what you Fear will happen. Very negative.

If your energies are that strong - - - it is important you keep them at peace and in positive. Join a positive Spiritual Meditation group. I say POSITIVE - - because some seem to have more agenda then others (beware of false prophets).

YES - - I believe some humans have the ability to control their energies for both positive and negative.

The Wiccan Rede is nice:

An it harm none, do what thou wilt
An it harm none, do as thou wilt
That it harm none, do as thou wilt
Do what you will, so long as it harms none

Full version:

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Annee

Does this Fear have the ability to manifests those things or is it just bad for my health???

I don't feel like taking "risks"(if that is the right word) by doing what I "forbid" myself to do(by my OCD or OCD like condition),but this program inside seems to know me(secrets and weaknesses),since I guess it is part of me , lately it tries to sabotage me by linking what I like to do with something bad happening to someone else,which leads to me doubting whether I am contributing any energy for it to happen indirectly.
edit on 10-3-2012 by QuantumSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by QuantumSeeker
reply to post by Annee

Does this Fear have the ability to manifests those things or is it just bad for my health???

I can't say. It is definitely bad for your own health.

I don't feel like taking "risks"(if that is the right word) by doing what I "forbid" myself to do(by my OCD or OCD like condition),but this program inside seems to know me(secrets and weaknesses),since I guess it is part of me , lately it tries to sabotage me by linking what I like to do with something bad happening to someone else,which leads to me doubting whether I am contributing any energy for it to happen indirectly.

Sorry - - I really can't and won't answer that. You need to seek professional help in your own area.

You may need to try different types of professional help - - - before one is successful - - or at least starts you in the right direction.

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