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Ronald Richter & Nazi discovery of Nuclear Fusion in 1936

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

A pinch gets it's name from the compression of an ion plasma.

When plasma is pinched or compressed it causes the emission of neutrons from nuclear fusion.

For example the type of fusion that Schumann and Trinks were engaged in was between Lithium and Deuterium (in this case Deuteride coating a small marble of fissile Uranium).

The key to making this happen is compression which requires using conventional explosives to implode two hollow charges together. The hollow charges were conical Lithium liners thus compressing molten Lithium against a target coated with Deuteride.

There are many variations of this theme nowadays, often using Plutonium. The isotopic purity (enrichment) of the fissile target need not be very high with this method.

Lithium and Deuterium fused together this way gives birth to Tritium and a huge excess of neutrons and these would be used to spark a sub critical fission explosion in Uranium (nowadays Plutonium)

Lithium and Deuterium are not the only pairs which can be used. In effect a hollow charge sends a jet of highly ionised molten Lithium at the target and it is the ionised nature which causes a plasma to form when striking the deuterium.
edit on 27-8-2013 by sy.gunson because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:35 PM
It is worth noting that the beauty of this method for detonating a nuclear explosion is the small amount of sub critical fissile material (ie Uranium 235 or Plutonium or Uranium 233) need not be very pure and in fact can still be detonated even with significant contamination by Uranium 232 or Plutonium 240.

During WW2 for example Dr Paul Harteck had a plant at Freiburg disguised the Hellage Linen Factory and later shifted to an underground bunker at Kandern where a bank of ultra-centrifuges were able to enrich 250 grams of Uranium ore by 7% / 24 hours.

With this style of sub critical warhead one could create small warheads with approximately 0.87Kt yields. Enough if you deployed several by V-2 rocket for example to devastate London. From my investigations the Nazis were intending this based upon secretly taped conversations by Maj General Dornberger 2-7 August 1945 whilst he was in British custody. Summaries of these recordings were used in evidence against Dornberger at the Nuremberg trials.

In another secretly taped recording of conversations between nuclear scientists Harteck and Heisenberg at Farm Hall they referred to Hitler being threatened by the US with nuclear attack during July 1944. Churchill later threatened attack with Anthrax in August 1944.

It appears the Nazis were deterred from proceeding, but that Himmler's SS took over the project and used it as a bargaining chip trying to negotiate a favorable end to the war through an armistice on the western front.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:35 PM
Richter gained his doctorate at the university of Prague in 1935, but then left the research field he had written his thesis upon (emission of delta waves from the ground) and began research on plasma pinches. From December 1942, the SS invited him to work upon the topic at an institute south of Prague whose focus was the development of nuclear warheads.

After the war Kurt Tank (aka Pedro Matthies) invited him to continue nuclear research at the Institute of Aviation Research at Cordoba in northern Argentina. where he and Tank were developing an ion engine powered version of the indigenous Pulqui jet fighter. This was also an extension of wartime work in Germany on a nuclear powered fighter aircraft with an engine equivalent in thrust to a 30,000lb jet engine. The Nazis flew a prototype in 1944.

General Juan Peron also had a desire to develop nuclear weapons, but Richter's research area was plasma pinches and his experiments seem directed at controlled fission.

Originally Richter joined with a large community of Nazis in exile at Cordoba whose efforts were to resurrect a particle accelerator which had been smuggled out of Germany in May 1945 according to a an intelligence report of the Argentine Ministry of Economic Development which had been declassified in 1993.

The nuclear laboratory at Cordoba appears to have been attacked and destroyed by an MI6 operation in 1947. It is due to this attack that the project was relocated to a remote research centre built at an island in Lake Nahuel Huapei. I attach a diagram of that laboratory which in fact was only a proof of concept reseach laboratory

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posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 01:30 AM
Interesting thread indeed.

I didn't think it was proven possible to ignite nuclear fusion in a bomb without a fission primary, even in this day and age, it requires fission to happen first. Hence all the research into lasers etc to obviate the need. Granted in this design the explosive power is meant to come from the fission stage but it seems incredible that they had a successful fusion primary at all.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: moebius

Thermobaric bombs have different characteristics. MOAB weighs 6 tonnes and the Russian FOAB weighs 7 tonnes. In a nuclear explosion the plasma continues glowing in the mushroom cloud long after the explosion and causes lightning. Thermobaric bombs do not cause this.

Eight soil samples taken at Ohrdruf revealed a layer of Caesium 137 radiation at 2.5 inches below the surface which corresponds to a layer of soil from 1945, not 1986.

There was no trace of Barium 134 at Ohrduf which means the radiation detected in soil samples could not have come from a nuclear reactor.

I am sorry but all of your excuses lack credibility.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: SteveR

Not true. one can induce fusion in Deuterium & Lithium with sufficient heat & pressure.
(or Deuterium + Deuterium, or even combinations of Tritium + other light elements)

When you do this it creates a deuteron beam which mimics the neutron flux required for natural critical mass.

It was Professor Kurt Deibner who taught this method to the Americans in the early 1950s

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 05:47 AM
Why isn't this in [HOAX!]? This thread is neo-Nazi BS.
ETA: Richter was a charlatan who made broad claims he was never able to deliver on. He believed, for example, that the Earth emitted "delta rays," and conned Juan Peron into thinking he could produce cheap electricity by nuclear fusion. Peron may have had him liquidated.

edit on 12-6-2016 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-6-2016 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: LeLeu

Except that it's wrong. The Hiroshima plutonium bomb used a "female" set of fissile material impinging on a 'male' stationary plug of uranium. This fact wasn't known publically for many decades---goes to show what certain cultural implications can do to thought patterns.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: sy.gunson
This was also an extension of wartime work in Germany on a nuclear powered fighter aircraft with an engine equivalent in thrust to a 30,000lb jet engine. The Nazis flew a prototype in 1944.

Fairy tales made up to try and show nazi's had superior technology they they did not use because they were "really nice people" but not based on any reality!

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 12:03 PM
I don't think there is any doubt that the Nazi scientists were ahead in many areas of research -- read Henry Stevens and Igor Witkowski for many examples -- but I can't see the slightest connection with claims that they were "really nice people." Driving slave workers to their deaths to produce their weapons is hardly "nice" is it? Thank Heaven that the Nazi ideology and culture prevented them from developing effective weapons systems from most of their research findings.

I can't comment on the nuclear physics issues raised in this thread but I notice two points that seem to have escaped attention. One is that it was Richter who first used the phrase "zero point energy" and it may be that this was the real aim of his research, not fission or fusion. Apparently other German researchers were following up the zero point idea using very different terminology. Secondly, Richter's proposed research into delta rays emerging from the earth seems to connect with Soviet research into time and torsion waves. (Vincent Reddish used the term "D-Force" when he published his first findings in this area and was unaware of either Richter's interest in the topic, or of the Russian work, until the Ministry of Defence informed him of it.) Obviously all these arcane areas are still highly controversial!

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: CarlGrove

And there's apparently people looking into odd lithium fusion again...

Nah... Couldn't be!....

Could it?

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: roguetechie

Can you elaborate?

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: mbkennel

in the comments section of this article

I'm not endorsing any of this, it's way outside of my area of interest... Plus it's "LENR" people so it's already dicey.

Personally I see "neutron production" as part of a process and I don't want to play anymore LOL!

I see other odd lithium references here and again too.

I'm wondering if this is a "where there's smoke there's fire" situation or a low hanging fruit of the new energy scamming world situation more like "magnet motors".

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