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Reconnecting To Our True Essence and Unconditional Love

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posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 04:30 PM
I know many of you are suffering, scared, hurt badly inside and no matter what you seem to do little relief is found.

You are not alone and you are not lost, but what you are may surprise you.

I am an empathic, and I have opened myself up years ago; this is not a gift and is available to everyone who seeks to remember their true essence. The thing that being an empathic does is connects you with everyone, everything and your higher-self. In the beginning being empathic can be very draining, make your tired, sad, numb, scared, and feel alone, but as one progresses being an empathic makes you see and feel in a whole different dimension.

Once passed the fears and confusion, an empathic will begin to channel unconditional love from their higher-self, allowing themselves self empowerment. I do not channel other beings, because once we connect with our higher selves, all are one and connected to source. (Unconditional Love)

Who you think you are, and what you actually are will surprise you, in fact, most people actually believe they are their careers, degrees, names, titles, accomplishments, failures, and anything else in life they have experienced, but that’s not the case.

Like an indentured servant, we are conditioned from birth to forget who we truly are and where we come from. We are not victims, we do choose to experience dualities, but some of us get caught up for a longer duration than contracted. I call it, “Spiritual ADD”

Not being empathic is OK too, it’s a choice people make, and this is not about right or wrong just different paths in life people take.

The current way of being is against everything that your true essence is, and that is why you feel the way you are feeling now. You are experiencing dualities, but your true essence knows what Love is, and remembers unconditional love.

Many are starting to wake up (Some call it “Ascension”).

Love in the classic sense on earth has merely been a vehicle of control, manipulation and domination, with results of feelings of being on a rollercoaster, this is not Love; this is called the emotional rollercoaster of life.
Unconditional love is what your true essence is, but it’s being blocked and has been for many years.

Unconditional love is not something you give or receive; it’s what you truly are and no one can take it from you, ever.

Many experience their true essence with near death experiences and say they have seen God, Angels or the White Light; some channel the energy with Kundalini, OBE’s, Astral Travel, but in the end the essence of unconditional love is the true self.

Remembering or discovering our true selves is a choice that many people are currently starting to make they are questioning the powers that control them, the government. People look around and just know that everything in the world or the physical reality is just not right, but they can’t seem to remember what the truth is, that is why many of you are searching right now, and wound-up reading my post here on ATS. The search for the truth is within, and also without.

Our true selves, if we choose will be revealed to us very soon, some have already connected to their higher selves, and some will continue to desire another reality. Our choices are not right, or wrong just what the true self wishes to experience and except.

Time will cease to exist for those who reconnect with their higher selves, and time will continue for those who enjoy the “fruits of life”, it’s not about death, the end, nor doom and gloom, this is about a new path for those who choose to take one.

Timeline's mean nothing when one is without embodiment, yet our current timeline here on earth is very relevant to a mass awaking. If you can relate please post what your thinking.

I love you all, or at least my true essence does.

Peace Out,

edit on 17-2-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 04:46 PM
Beautiful moving thread.

I have two "furry children" as I call them. They do not flatter me, they do not help me get money, nor do they any other such similar thing, and they cannot speak as I. Yet, I would throw myself in front of an on coming train for them, if I had to, for some crazy reason. I was estranged from my n.o.k. for years, but they reached out and found me, and I returned. One of my siblings, gave me one of her gold rings, so as like the Bible story of the prodigal. I'm undeserving.

I don't know why we exist in physical hell, but I know that beyond "the light", is where pure unconditional love reigns as the default way of things. Mercifully, we experience hints of it here, I believe.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:11 PM
With all due respect to those who feel "love" is an answer to something. Unconditional love does not exist. For it to exist, then "conditional" love would have to exist. On the earth-plane, conditional love is the order of the day - people love their mate for 10 years, the no longer "love" them. Or parents love their children when the do right, but don't when they do wrong. So "love" is really nothing more then an amorphic emotional concept without much consistency through out the people of the planet.

It is hugely disingenuous to use this phrase as a path to some greater level of self - there is no unconditional love.

It would be better said, for those at the earth-plane level; there is only "acceptance" of all that is, was and will be, no matter the form that "it" has taken, no matter the way "it" is expressed.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

A wise man once said....

"When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."

Wonderful thread by the way S&F

Love is the Key to finding the true self/spirit...

20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

edit on 17-2-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by crankyoldman

It is hugely disingenuous to use this phrase as a path to some greater level of self - there is no unconditional love.

I cannot prove Unconditional Love exists to you, that is something each person must discover for themselves, if they so choose.

Your belief that Unconditional Love not existing is OK too.

It will be there when you are ready.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

It would be better said, for those at the earth-plane level; there is only "acceptance" of all that is, was and will be, no matter the form that "it" has taken, no matter the way "it" is expressed.

I found this heart melting vid of souls in their different forms, accepting on each other. Maybe pure love is not where we reside presently, but we will see.

edit on 17-2-2012 by Saucerwench because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:33 PM
Beautiful words OP

Originally posted by crankyoldman
Unconditional love does not exist. For it to exist, then "conditional" love would have to exist.

It is hugely disingenuous to use this phrase as a path to some greater level of self - there is no unconditional love.

Then you do not exist. Conditional love does exist and unconditional love is who we are. Open your mind. How can you say conditional love does not exist when its the type of love most people are giving every day.

And remember. "All you need is Love"

edit on 17/2/12 by RagnarokZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

I would like to say that it's sad that that's your experience with love, but it's not sad. That's your lesson. You will eventually learn that unconditional love does exist. It's very much alive and well and growing all the time in this world. It would be wonderful if you could open yourself to it.

My own experience in my childhood and in my marriage was that love is extremely conditional. But I have had numerous unconditional loves in my life: pets, houseplants (indeed yes!), friends, my beloved children, but even the Sun and the Earth give me such joy that there simply are not words. I love unconditionally so much and so many that your contention that it doesn't exist is beyond absurd. It does. Your experience does not negate it.

I am in the process of starting a business that will help a lot of people. In order to do this as I want to, I risk running up against the tax authorities here. There is a risk that I could be fined or jailed because they will not understand that I cannot work completely by their rules. I will risk this specifically because I love unconditionally. So be it! I would rather help people in need and be branded a criminal than to turn a single person away because of some stupid rules.

You can make all the excuses you like for not being able to do something or to feel something or to love something. It's just an excuse. If you instead said the words "I LOVE", you would change your own reality and affect others with a positive result. Your reality is always your creation.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Our true selves, if we choose will be revealed to us very soon, some have already connected to their higher selves, and some will continue to desire another reality. Our choices are not right, or wrong just what the true self wishes to experience and except.

Nice Post.

Our true you mean animals? Because aren't we truly animals? I think it has been revealed to us already, if not very long ago, that we are indeed a part of nature. Do you think we should return to that state?

Do kill off our bodies somehow to reach this higher state you speak of? Or will our bodies reach the boiling point and we turn to steam? How do we transcend our bodies without dying?

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:55 PM
It feels like the last week of school.

I'm watching people clearing karmic baggage constantly, though most don't seem to realize that is what is happening to them (myself included until after the fact, though I recognize it when it is happening sometimes). If someone doesn't like the word karma... just call it attachments to situations/people/feelings.

It's been a challenge balancing between feeling impatient for the next step and just enjoying the fascinating show. More and more the enjoyment of the show is emerging.

Looking back on my life and utterly amazed at the things me and my higher self did without me realizing it that got me where I am today. Little did I know a decade or so ago I was on a spiritual path when in college as a blooming atheist I stopped watching TV... or a couple of years later started drinking water all the time instead of soda. Little did I know that my personal interest in the economy of Roman history would lead me to awaken to the nature of our own system which would awaken me to esoteric concepts which would lead me to the Tao Te Ching which would lead to Law of One (etc) which would lead me to... myself.

I love my/our story from top to bottom. Took getting here to see why though.

edit on 2012/2/17 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by RagnarokZ

And remember. "All you need is Love"

edit on 17/2/12 by RagnarokZ because: (no reason given)

Very true, sometimes it's hard to see through the murky waters of life, so finding the true us is what that search is about, we have just forgotten.


edit on 17-2-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

You seem to have a wonderful grasp of what love is, maybe you can define what conditional love is.

I can easily state what acceptance is, without any issue, without any confusion. You'll note that there are several replies to me that are full of "conditional" acceptance = rejection; the words point out how "sad" my life is because I don't understand what unconditional love is. There is no agreement on what love is, except in regards to endless music lyrics and movie themes which are nothing more then earth-plane gibberish.

Acceptance: everyone and everything is fine. You are you and how you choose to express yourself is great, he is great and how he chooses to express himself is great. Why you feel that acceptance is worse then something that can be conditional is beyond me - acceptance cannot be conditional or it is not acceptance. To make acceptance conditional simply makes it rejection and one cannot be rejected from the whole.

The definition of the word "UN-conditional" implies there is a place where conditions exist - rendering the "meaning" of love pointless as it is something humans define and accept as both conditional and unconditional.

Try accepting a rapist for who they are AND what they have done. I guarantee that most will find it easy to "love" them but nearly impossible to accept both them and what they have done. Acceptance is much harder, much deeper and more meaningful then something that can be conditional and unconditional at the same time.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

Again, that is because you do not experience love in a holistic sense. You have not felt that love for all things, even those things deemed "bad" by our culture. It's not a matter of acceptance. It's a matter of understanding. Drop your ego and step back from things. Take a good look at a great distance and see the big picture. There is so much to love. Who has time for conditions? Why bother? It's all perspective. Love it all. It makes life so much more amazing, miraculous, breath-taking. Appreciate. Revel. Bask. Feel the oneness of all things. There is so much elegance and so much beauty that it's simply a waste to cut things off because you were told by someone (probably motivated by fear) that x, y, or z is bad.

Open yourself to beauty. There is still time.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by crankyoldman
reply to post by CosmicEgg

You seem to have a wonderful grasp of what love is, maybe you can define what conditional love is.


Your looking for someone else to define something that is within you, only you can find this.

The semantics of words can make people crazy, because what Love means to one person means something to another, but when one starts to discover their true essence, then one finds their Unconditional Love source.

Hint: It's not in the mind, thinking, or logic these are merely distraction IMO, but ones people choose to experience in the human embodiment.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:27 PM
I think you guys are absolutely missing the point that crankyoldman is making. The word "Love" is such a loaded word. So many 'spiritual authors' use this word as a catch phrase to lure emotionally imbalanced/greedy people towards their philosophies, yet it is obvious very few even understand the total implications of what this word means. Oh, such a wonderful world it would be if everyone had more love, you say. Yet you totally disregard the fact that love and hate cannot be separated, they are bound to each other, without one there cannot be the other. So the more "love" you accumulate, the more "hate" you accumulate also. This is undeniable, unless of course you live in some fantasy world that you have mentally constructed for yourself.

Anyways, as the old man says, the highest form of love is acceptance. In fact, I would say acceptance is the only form of love, everything else causes more suffering for yourself and others.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy
I think you guys are absolutely missing the point that crankyoldman is making. The word "Love" is such a loaded word. So many 'spiritual authors' use this word as a catch phrase to lure emotionally imbalanced/greedy people towards their philosophies, yet it is obvious very few even understand the total implications of what this word means. .


If you read my OP I say that "love" in a classic sense is used for manipulation.

Your right it's a loaded word, that is one of my points in the OP.........we must search within ourselves to find it, because that is what we are.

Call it whatever you like...........Words are what we have to communicate with in our current state of being, because again we have forgotten that we are all connected.



posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

true love is the free consideration given to truth freedom being existing right more then what it means to realize

so love is the consideration giving to freedom being objective too so the consideration to objective facts being free

which prove how love do not exist, since love object is freedom and freedom is by definition one same entity from not being any at all, so actually love mean always itself own source so the free meaning its fact being objective superiority, it is the ignorance that truth is freedom ways for objective existence reality in positive superiority linear terms

when existence is free and freedom exist then anything and nothing is always real, so no place for lies nor negative ends

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:04 PM
love do not exist but true life does

and true living sense is the free being out of its own objective freedom rights recognition

that is how u could live when u recognize truly in realistic terms from u others freedom rights

and that is why at the end individuals manage to exist only with who recognize their freedom rights

freedom cant be recognized but by rights, when freedom has no color or shape and while true freedom cant b but the same truth, so not everyone has the right to b free while any realisation belong to its freedom source rights

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Well said, that is the issue, people far to often decide to make a word mean what they want it to mean, but still insist on using the word.

Using the word that finds its way onto hallmark cards with pictures of kittens and movies with Julia Roberts is not a universal construct - not even close. In fact, many languages have several words that deal with "love" while English has but one. In order to approach the construct that one wants love to be, they first have to scrap using the words altogether as the planetary programming attached to the word is too much to overcome. People who think love often think animals, when in fact the animal kingdom - all one consciousness, is not self reflective enough for the hallmark idea of love let alone acceptance.

This is why I swapped out Acceptance for love, but you'll note how several accused me of not understanding what is meant by unconditional love. I'm fully aware of what people WANT it to mean, and I am fully aware of what it isn't and more importantly the limitations created by using the word.

When push comes to shove, I have seen countless, well meaning people drop their proclaimed "unconditional love" of another. I dare say most on this post would never accept a murderer and his actions, a rapist or his actions or hitler and his actions.

In fact, I have managed to get several people on this post to abandon their unconditional love in favor of telling me how what I say isn't. My point was made, as this was the intention all along.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

What a wonderful thread. Thank you for sharing your understanding, experience and wisdom. I couldn't agree more, we are divine love.

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