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Nation of Islam and Human Evolution

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posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 09:01 PM
[I am not particular to any one religion, philosophy, or ideology. I study all I can and seek the shining gems of truth and wisdom amongst the ideas of mankind.
Let us please disregard all of the other teachings, debates, and controversy associated with The Nation of Islam and stay on topic to the specific issue for this thread.]

Let us discuss these specific teachings as compared to our current scientific understandings.

The Black Man Is The Original Man

According to the Nation of Islam’s Student Enrollment,

” The original man is the Asiatic Black man; the Maker; the Owner; the Cream of the planet Earth - Father of Civilization, God of the Universe.”

• This fundamental teaching of the N.O.I. states that the black man is the original man.
• Genetics, anthropology, and archeology tell us that humans started in Africa.

The White Race Was Created Through Selective Breeding

According to the Nation of Islam, Yakub was a genius scientist and geneticist. He desired to create a mischievous race to deceive and rule the world. Through selective breeding, Yakub bred the lightest of the original black people in order to create brown. He then bred the brown to create red. He bred red to create yellow. Finally after breeding yellow, Yakub succeeded and created his white people. Yakub’s white people are described as having “thick woolly hair, thick lips, big nose looking like albinos of today.” As a result of conflict, Yakub’s white man was forced across the natural wall that is the Caucus Mountains, thus the white man being called Caucasian. The Caucasians were then ‘tied off’ from the birthplace of civilization (Africa). The tying off, the binding of the Caucasians is symbolized by the name of their land known as Europe. Europe as in ‘you rope,’ alluding to the tying off. These Caucasians became cave dwellers in their new home of Europe.

• The N.O.I. teaches that the white man came about as a result of selective breeding.
• Science tells us that light colored skin, hair, and eyes are a genetic mutation from an original darker pigmentation.
• The N.O.I. teaches that white people were pushed out of Africa and into Europe.
• Science gives strong migrational evidence of the “Out Of Africa Theory.”
• The description “thick woolly hair, thick lips, big nose looking like albinos of today, and European cave-dwellers” accurately describes Neanderthal Man.
• Genetics has recently told us that all non-african people are a mixture of original Homo Sapien and Neanderthal. Only Africans are pure Homo Sapien Sapien.

Wallace Fard Muhammad and Elijah Muhammad, the founders of the Nation of Islam, brought these teachings to Chicago and Detroit in the early 1930’s. Can these teachings be more than mere coincidence? Is there any mystery as these teachings were spread before modern genetic research? Behind the racism and racial supremacy of these teachings, could this be evidence that a secret history of mankind has been kept from the masses?

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 09:02 PM
Disclosure On My Personal Beliefs

I am not a member of the Nation of Islam, nor do I believe in racial superiority of any sort. I simply find amazing parallels between these teachings and modern genetic discoveries.
In my opinion, placing any concepts of superiority to race is a result of our physical 3-dimensional Ego. Ego seeks to give us the illusion of a false separation. There is no separation, there is only One.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 09:08 PM
In the real world, a certain group of people that represent a tiny tiny fraction of all people seems to be smarter, get Noble prizes and such for discoveries, and are better in developing businesses that generate benefit to the community as well as profit to the business.

But yea, except for that, I think there should be no such thing as racial superiority.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 09:09 PM

The Nation of Islam is not affiliated with manistream Islam. The N.O.I. is a blend of Black Separatism, Christianity, Islam, and other ideological information.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Confusion42
In the real world, a certain group of people that represent a tiny tiny fraction of all people seems to be smarter, get Noble prizes and such for discoveries, and are better in developing businesses that generate benefit to the community as well as profit to the business.

But yea, except for that, I think there should be no such thing as racial superiority.

Funny you should mention this. The group of people you mentioned are the group that were taught trick-knowledge directly from Yakub.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 09:40 PM
What does skin color have to do with it? We all bleed dont we? Why do blacks suddenly feel so superior?
edit on 16-1-2012 by LonelyGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by LonelyGuy

Color doesn't matter, and there is no racial supremacy. People that feel superiority over others based on race are being fooled by Ego. Plain and simple, all is One.

As racist as the Nation of Islam's teachings may be, I find it extremely fascinating how their teachings of human history seem to be based upon actual genetic evidence.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

Actually, these apparent parallels between modern discoveries in human genetics and the teachings of a racist group are false.

Genetics (and) anthropology... tell us that humans started in Africa.

They don't tell us the original humans were black. That is an assumption based on the observation that most modern Africans are black. Ancient ones could literally have been piebald for all we know.

Science tells us that light colored skin, hair, and eyes are a genetic mutation from an original darker pigmentation.

Mutations are not produced by selective breeding. They happen by accident. Unless the genes for fair skin, hair, etc. were already present in the human genome, no amount of selective breeding could produce fair-skinned, fair-haired individuals.

The N.O.I. teaches that white people were pushed out of Africa and into Europe. Science gives strong migrational evidence of the “Out Of Africa" theory.

That would mean white people originated in Africa after all, wouldn't it?

Genetics has recently told us that all non-african people are a mixture of original Homo Sapien and Neanderthal. Only Africans are pure Homo Sapien Sapien.
Not true. All human beings alive today are members of the same species, Homo sapiens sapiens. Neanderthals also originated in Africa; it is where the oldest Neanderthal fossils were found.

I will take you at your word when you say you are not a racist. But these NOI claims are just racist garbage.

edit on 16/1/12 by Astyanax because: of numerous grammatical errors

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

According to the Nation of Islam, Yakub was a genius scientist and geneticist. He desired to create a mischievous race to deceive and rule the world. Through selective breeding, Yakub bred the lightest of the original black people in order to create brown. He then bred the brown to create red. He bred red to create yellow. Finally after breeding yellow, Yakub succeeded and created his white people. Yakub’s white people are described as having “thick woolly hair, thick lips, big nose looking like albinos of today.” As a result of conflict, Yakub’s white man was forced across the natural wall that is the Caucus Mountains, thus the white man being called Caucasian. The Caucasians were then ‘tied off’ from the birthplace of civilization (Africa). The tying off, the binding of the Caucasians is symbolized by the name of their land known as Europe. Europe as in ‘you rope,’ alluding to the tying off. These Caucasians became cave dwellers in their new home of Europe.

So basically its black>brown>red>yellow>white?
What utter horse#.
The reason we see so much diversity in the human race is because the Creator willed it so.
Any one who claims he is special because of his race is deluded. He is like one who places his skin color above faith.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:36 AM
For one seeking our Creator, it will be His words that one must follow. The truly faithful looks not upon one's skin color which is the least of any superiority if any. It is only the heart(mind) one should be more concerned.

Black or white, we all bleed, laugh and aspire the same, for we are only children of our Creator. He loves us all the same, as proven by the blessings and epiphanies to both blacks or whites, or whatever skin color, and saddens equally the same when we go astry and need to correct our ways.

For any religon or sect within that religion that bases itself upon superficial outward superiority is only the teachings of apostacy, a misuse of free will, and an abomination to the very name of our common Creator.

Our ancestors had made that same mistake over and over again, turning brother against brother and away from the guided path, incurring the wrath of our Creator time and time again. Let us this generation resolve never to make the same mistake again...
edit on 17-1-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Behind the racism and racial supremacy of these teachings, could this be evidence that a secret history of mankind has been kept from the masses?

Um ... no. Nothing of this 'has been kept from the masses'. Its' all there for whoever wants to read it. Luckily, most people who have read this ... um ... 'stuff' .... have dismissed it for the silliness that it is. It's absurd. It's a new 'creation mythology' and it flows along racial lines whereas others flow along religious lines. Nothing more.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 05:41 PM
Thank you guys for taking up this discussion

I am not looking at these Nation of Islam teachings as literal. I am looking behind the facade of their mythology and examining the raw, core concepts:
1. Black people are the original humans.
2. White people were descended from black people.
3. White people with Neanderthal-type traits left Africa and entered Europe.

Beyond the obvious black supremacy and white hatred, the core concepts of these particualr teachings seem to correlate with modern science such as;
1. The matrilineal most recent common ancestor (Mitochondrial Eve) is from sub-Saharan Africa.
2. All non-Africans have Neanderthal genes.
3. Light skin, light eyes, and light hair are genetic mutations from originally darker pigmentation.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:15 PM
Not That Secret

The secret being kept from the masses that I was alluding to is not about a scientist named Yakub. Nor about a conspiracy to create white people.

Could the secret be the knowledge of human genetic divergence? The remembered knowledge that there were once many bipedal hominids cohabiting Earth? The rememberance that sub-Saharan Africans are the only homo sapiens that did not cross-breed with Neanderthals?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:24 PM
To say which people are the oldest, or original, or pure does not mean superior, inferior, special, better, or worse.

To say which people are the most genetically recent, or who has interbred with other species does not mean inferior, superior, special, better, or worse.

Can we not discuss our genetic history for the sake of knowledge without anger or outrage? Can we not search for answers without establishing any superior/inferior egotism towards the findings?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi

Originally posted by Confusion42
In the real world, a certain group of people that represent a tiny tiny fraction of all people seems to be smarter, get Noble prizes and such for discoveries, and are better in developing businesses that generate benefit to the community as well as profit to the business.

But yea, except for that, I think there should be no such thing as racial superiority.

Funny you should mention this. The group of people you mentioned are the group that were taught trick-knowledge directly from Yakub.

Wow, just amazing.

First, I'd like to thank you. You just admitted that a "certain group of people that represent a tiny fraction of all people" are indeed smarter, and better in business.

Thank you.

Now, for "taught trick-knowledge," I simply laugh. If this is your best response, than honestly, we agree.

Except for definition; My definition for "trick-knowledge" would be something like:

The drive to learn, success, study, be educated, work, get educated some more, work some more, build a business, help our neighbor (including all groups of people), etc. Yea, if you think "trick-knowledge" is this, than we agree.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Confusion42

No, I didn't admit to any racial supremacy. What I replied to you about Yakub teaching the Hebrew Israelites trick-knowledge is not my opinion or belief. This is more Nation of Islam doctrine. Trick-knowledge is trickery, lies, and deceit used to manipulate and control the masses based on false knowledge.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

They don't tell us the original humans were black. That is an assumption based on the observation that most modern Africans are black. Ancient ones could literally have been piebald for all we know.

If Mitochondrial Eve is said by geneticists to have been sub-Saharan African, and all non-Africans are partially Neanderthal.... doesn't this mean science says black people are the original people?

Mutations are not produced by selective breeding. They happen by accident. Unless the genes for fair skin, hair, etc. were already present in the human genome, no amount of selective breeding could produce fair-skinned, fair-haired individuals.

Selective breeding may not produce mutation, however, selective breeding targets specific genes or genetic mutation in order to achieve desired traits.

A few posts up I explained how I was looking passed the literal meaning of the N.O.I. mythology to compare it to known science of today. It seems as though the N.O.I. knew in the 1930's that all non-blacks have interbred with Neanderthal and that Mitochondrial Eve was sub-Saharan African. They built a hateful black supremacist religion around this knowledge, but how did they know? Could it be mere coincidence?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Confusion42
In the real world, a certain group of people that represent a tiny tiny fraction of all people seems to be smarter, get Noble prizes and such for discoveries, and are better in developing businesses that generate benefit to the community as well as profit to the business.

But yea, except for that, I think there should be no such thing as racial superiority.

I might point out that this same group has leaders who hate humanity and above all hate Christ and anyone who puts their faith in Him. The same group that comes up with these crackpot doctrines on the origins of race as a means of deceit. The same group of crypto Jews that not only killed Christ but were behind every slaughter of Christians throughout history. Yet we in the western White nations cannot see that this one group plan to exterminate faith in Christ amongst the one race which has overwhelmingly responded to God's mercy. We are all too happy to bow down to anti-hate legislation that all but silences any criticism that the crypto Jews were, and still are, of the Synagogue of Satan. The Nation of Islam has succumbed like any other faith to these evil crypto minions. They bought hook line and sinker the doctrine of "black first" whilst succumbed to the crypto Jews demonically inspired Islam.
The Almighty God chose Abraham and His descendants not because of their colour or size or position in the world. They were the least of people thousands of years ago. But they were to become vast in number and a light to the world - demonstrating God's love. Who overwhelmingly took up that role? And who now are watching their nations being dominated by crypto Jews, being systematically cleansed of all things Christ, being ruthlessly brainwashed into denying God in Heaven and the God of our fathers and grandfathers, being overtaken with laws only designed to lead to the crypto Jews communism, being happy to watch the youngsters descend into a godless life all about pleasure and materialism because of the Synagogue of Satan's false doctrines in science, genetics and evolution. Heck, Athiests are used, infiltrated and misled Christians are used, the Nation of Islam is used - all the while sucking up false science doctrines which lead to the furthering of the crypto Jews goal - the complete removal of the children of God from this planet by the people themselves.

OP, the only similarity between the Nation of Islam's purported origins of race and purported genetic findings is that they were given to us by the same group who hate, kill, lie and deceive. It's fuel for hate to those who fall for it and deadly poison to those who ingest it and fall away from Jesus because of it. I pray that those in Islam see that the Lord came to save in this Age, and that He loves. I pray that our western societies can see where their godless beliefs have come from and where it will lead, and I pray above all else, that the dimmed light in Christianity throws off the shackles of darkness that have oppressed her and that the real children of light step forth shining as the sun.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:40 AM

The description “thick woolly hair, thick lips, big nose looking like albinos of today, and European cave-dwellers” accurately describes Neanderthal Man.
• Genetics has recently told us that all non-african people are a mixture of original Homo Sapien and Neanderthal. Only Africans are pure Homo Sapien Sapien.

Actually as a Caucasian I see Africans being the ones with "thick woolly hair, thick lips, big nose". No racial offense intended.

I just typed that into google and came up with this thread haha
I thought Genetics told us recently that Native Americans were the ones to have less Neanderthal DNA and Papua New Guineans have the most...

But yes you're right..

"Neanderthals live on in non-Africans,"
edit on 18-1-2012 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by DaRAGE

Actually as a Caucasian I see Africans being the ones with "thick woolly hair, thick lips, big nose". No racial offense intended.

However, this description of physical traits is far more 'exaggerated' and pronounced in the Neanderthals.

This physical description is linked to pale-skinned cave-dwellers of Europe. It really does sound like a perfect description of Neanderthal.

edit on 1/18/12 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

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