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It turns out President Kennedy's Assassination WAS a Inside Job.

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:29 AM
( Moderators, You may delete this if you may feel this is a copy of another threat. )
( I dont know if you guys are bored of JFK Threads.. so Sorry if you guys are )

( Video didn't work so I'll post URL :L )

The video came off the website

Basically, from what I've seen on the Website and the Video it appears that the Secret Service and the CIA are responsible.

If the website is correct, along with the video.. would this mean the President isn't the real leader? and that he is a mere Figurehead?

- Indenu
edit on 4-1-2012 by Indenu because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2012 by Indenu because: (no reason given)



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edit on January 4th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Indenu

I have seen this a few times and I think it is suspicious but not proof of anything!

I doubt we'll ever know!
edit on 4-1-2012 by jerryznv because: ...

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:34 AM
Jim Marrs did a pretty darn good job showing that VP Johnson was the perp behind the whole thing. The damning pictures of them all on the plane afterwards ... VP Johnson looking 'sad' before the swearing in and then immediately afterwards he turns to his imp and smiles and winks ... that was the cherry on top of the conspiracy sundae.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:35 AM
Yeah, some of us have known that for years. Have you moved on to the BIG question - that is, who gave the order, and why? Here is the usual list of suspects:

George Bush senior

the Vatican

Fidel Castro

the Mafia

the Military-Industrial Complex in general

the PTB conspiracy in general

and recently, NASA, and that theory is very interesting

Each theory has its proponents, and its peculiar plausibility. It may well have been a combination of forces, but it seems that the Kennedy brothers, Jack and Bobby, pissed off a lot of powerful people. I think JFK really thought he was the president. Everyone since has been an errand boy.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Fixed your link. But yes it was an inside job.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Indenu

If the website is correct, along with the video.. would this mean the President isn't the real leader? and that he is a mere Figurehead?

Well, to clarify, the president is not supposed to be leader regardless, other than of the military and as far as representing us on the world stage, appointing ambassadors, signing treaties, etc. Otherwise balanced in power with Congress and SCOTUS, just different job responsibilities.

For quite a few years now, though, presidents have been usurping more and more (invalid) authority.

That out of the way - yes, there are VERY powerful people in, above, and beyond the government who will exert their power in defense of their own best interests. I would love to have a chance to see another president challenging their hegemony, and learn the results.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Praetorius I would love to have a chance to see another president challenging their hegemony, and learn the results.

Vote for Ron Paul and you just might.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short
Yeah, some of us have known that for years. Have you moved on to the BIG question - that is, who gave the order, and why? Here is the usual list of suspects:

George Bush senior

the Vatican

Fidel Castro

the Mafia

the Military-Industrial Complex in general

the PTB conspiracy in general

and recently, NASA, and that theory is very interesting

Each theory has its proponents, and its peculiar plausibility. It may well have been a combination of forces, but it seems that the Kennedy brothers, Jack and Bobby, pissed off a lot of powerful people. I think JFK really thought he was the president. Everyone since has been an errand boy.

Demonic Cabal

Could try that link??

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:44 AM
George bush senior set it up for Johnson, it was a CIA black op to forward the military industrial complex and the Skull and boners into Americas future, little did Johnson know that it was the bush family Nazis that set him up until it was to late
edit on 4-1-2012 by sweetnlow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by HandyDandy
On it!

Kind of afraid what we might see, but I wonder if it could be enough for people to realize there's something SERIOUSLY WRONG on a wide scale if something did.
edit on 1/4/2012 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Indenu

In my opinion there was no secret service stand down. It's not a popular idea, I know..

According to the site you just linked us to: "This video provides incontrovertible proof that the Secret Service pulled its men away from protecting JFK moments before the assassination took place."

Well that's wrong. Here's a screenshot from the youtube video they're using in fact:


And another:


According to the theory this is on Main street and the limousine is turning onto Houston street. Well, here's a screenshot of the Jefferies film showing what Main Street looked like (this being the street just before Houston and elm street where the assassination took place):


(Here's another image showing the people from our right hand side as they're tough to see in the above image.)

Here's a screenshot showing the amount of people on Main and Houston street as the limousine is passing, this coming from the Bronson film:


Notice something odd about the images from the secret service stand down film and all the others?

Yes, in the image of the SS stand down you can't see anyone in the street, yet the car supposedly is turning from main street onto Houston street according to the theory.. yet in all the other images you can see them. Why? Because the image from the SS stand down was most probably as the limousine was leaving Love field, not "moments before entering Dealey plaza."

It's also worth pointing out that the reason the secret service agents were where they were as the assassination took place was most probably down to 2 reasons.

1.) The amount of people had massively decreased on Elm street compared to Main street, and...

2.) The limousine was seconds away from heading onto the freeway.. now you don't expect them to run along side JFK on the freeway, do you?

edit on 4-1-2012 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 09:57 AM

I can't believe with all of the extesive proof and facts, and that 2.55 min video that this hasn't come out before now!

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:00 AM
You really must research a dude by the name of Milteer
he also stands accused of comspiracy to murder jfk.....

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short
Yeah, some of us have known that for years. Have you moved on to the BIG question - that is, who gave the order, and why? Here is the usual list of suspects:

George Bush senior

the Vatican

Fidel Castro

the Mafia

the Military-Industrial Complex in general

the PTB conspiracy in general

and recently, NASA, and that theory is very interesting

Each theory has its proponents, and its peculiar plausibility. It may well have been a combination of forces, but it seems that the Kennedy brothers, Jack and Bobby, pissed off a lot of powerful people. I think JFK really thought he was the president. Everyone since has been an errand boy.

I appreciate your broad open mind
so let me ask you this please:

What do you think of Dorothy Kiigallen , Marilyn Monroe and Bobby Kennedy's deaths? Do you think they are in anyway, involved (especially Dorothy Kiigallen the noted columnist who was very good friend with Monroe and alledgely had 'dirt' on JFK after interviewing Ruby)

All I know is the very government you think is there to protect us, is capable of murdering us too! Don't you ever forget that.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:11 AM
Not to become entangled in another cyber pi$$ing match as is the modus operandi when it comes to 911 discussions it seems....

One really only needs to look at as with all crimes ....what is commonly called a Motive....

Who had the most to gain in taking JFK out ? And what had JFK done to incite his assassination ?.

History repeats itself and one only needs to look as far as our last assassinated POTUS named Abraham Lincoln.

He didn't want to borrow money from the Banksters and decided to print his own accordng to the US Constitution.

The Banksters didn't like that much and honest Abe was silenced.

The fact that JFK had recently signed an executive order to begin coining money backed in silver according to the US Constitution once again and thereby cutting out the Banksters and their bank called the Federal Reserve out of the lending business to our Govt. ....

Indicates a very clear motive to me....

So yes , it was very much an inside Job...simply because as Rothschild had proclaimed....

'"Give me control of a Nation's money and I care not who makes their Laws"


posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:31 PM
There were a number of high Govt insiders helping along the assassination, but there was a globalist element and US Foreign Policy issues that also had a lot to do with killing JFK.

If one looks at HL Hunt and General Walker and their John Birch Society radicalism, then one gets closer.

Hunt was connected with a highly radical Foreign Espionage group, that were also playing the kill Kennedy is a Communist theme.

Lots of the cover up issues seek blaming on the Domestic side of things, like the CIA bench warmers, LBJ, and Hoover, but Hoover and LBJ were pals with HL Hunt and Hunt had some serious foreign connections.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Rising Against
I remember seeing that video years ago, and I always assumed the footage was from Love Field (probably due to the lack of people or cars or anything at all around the motorcade). Did I make that up? Does that make the events in the video less suspicious? I agree that it makes the "moments before" claim an exaggeration (at best), but I'm not sure I agree that that negates the premise. It still shows what can be accurately called a "stand-down," doesn't it?

I'm inclined to believe your analysis, since I've seen a lot of research and analysis of yours on this site and I'm always impressed, but I'm wondering if you could expand on this a bit.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Indenu

The video is very telling, and yes I believe it was an inside job, i am a conspiracy theorist what do people expect? But the guys website seems to have a problem with capitalism, me, well iI have a damn problem with any ism! I just want to be left alone with my family to live my life how I see fit, you can call it individualism if you like

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
reply to post by Indenu

The video is very telling, and yes I believe it was an inside job, i am a conspiracy theorist what do people expect? But the guys website seems to have a problem with capitalism, me, well iI have a damn problem with any ism! I just want to be left alone with my family to live my life how I see fit, you can call it individualism if you like

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by jerryznv

Looks kinda sloppy like 911....No one really knows what they are supposed to be doing.
Overthrowing the powers that be would be childs play...they are basically idiots.

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