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Repeat numbers AND time slips? Any ideas?

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posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by WarJohn

I wrote a topic as to my experiences with both, except I called the time slips raptures. The time I always see is :23 and :32. since 2011. Still noticing both in 2012. Even in sec.s when I happen to look also.

Look at your comp time now. What does it say?

My memory observation based has nothing in it as to the periods of time missing. That's what I call come not with observation.

Are you sure you are not doing the same thing you were doing on Superbowl Sunday and New Years Eve (the times you posted the same "raptures" and 'slips" )?
edit on 1/3/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by WarJohn
O yeah, some thing else or some one else was operating my body during the missing times.

Just thought I'd add that detail.
edit on 3-1-2012 by WarJohn because: (no reason given)

How do you know that if you don't "recall"?
edit on 1/3/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

Hi Erroneous,

Absolutely excellent page/site you suggested -- all should visit. Very informative and many questions answered. It's on my favorite bar!

Thanks so much for the link!


posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by GreenIrish

Glad you enjoyed, my friend. The writer offers many good articles that I would recommend reading.
edit on 3-1-2012 by ErroneousDylan because: This text is green and italic.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:55 PM
If you start to see the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42.....dont get on any planes.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 11:17 PM
The Sun's magnetic poles flip roughly every 11 years.

Jupiter takes roughly 11 Earth years to go around the sun once.

We're 3rd rock from the sun. That's where the 3 - 11 comes from.

Jupiter effects us is what somebody's been trying to tell us. Jupiter is like a Qasar and is emitting +2 Trillion Watts of microwave/radiowaves out from it....more than our Star does. Apparently its moon Io and Jupiter are like a super dynamo pulling each other and creating this massive energy.

Jupiter's a threat to our existence. It's why those numbers keep getting pointed out to us to figure it out.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by lcbjr1979

Pish..dont get on any planes and play the lottery

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by GreenIrish

At this stage, it's a little late to start considering possible insanity. lol Repeating number and time slips are only small pieces of all that's happening for some of us here. There are reasons, but perhaps that's not for public consumption.

Going with it is all there really is to do. No point in fighting it. Fortunately I'm in a position that allows me to surrender completely to these changes. It's not just me though. My son has exactly the same sort of sleeping pattern I do, but he's in school so it's rough on him. Needing to sleep for five hours during the day is probably not going to do good things for his studies. The others in our household are sleeping extraordinarily long, even for them. Twelve hours seems to be the average per night.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by GreenIrish
For example, last night, he gave me a magazine which I proceeded to leaf through: I could actually see my hands flipping the pages -- but in the next moment, he is asking me if I am awake and I *snap* into full consciousness and there is nothing on my lap despite the fact that my hands are still in the air as if flipping through pages. During this short time of flipping through the magazine, he tells me 2 or 3 hours have passed. Say what??

Did you ask him what had happened in those hours? I'm curious about this too, because I've had similar things happen to me. They are usually quick event, as in seconds or a couple of minutes, in which I feel as though I was actually not there.

I can't really pinpoint times, days or events because it seems to happen quite often.

Thanks for the thread. S&F for you.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by natalie8

Hi Natalie8

Thanks for the S & F -- yay!

Re the time slip/actions...I don't know. The whole thing is strange but fascinating (and only started a few months ago) and can involve all manner of activities that are fresh and clear and very real to me in the moment of *snapping* back -- but that fade just as quickly. It is like I am in 'another world' for a time and then flipped back into this one, hands in action and sometimes legs akimbo. My hubby says sometimes it is only seconds that I am 'out', while other times, it is hours, which, to me, seems impossible at the moment of waking, for the hours have passed like seconds. His term for my condition during those times is 'gone'. Once he actually thought I had really 'gone' - permanently. However, I also 'talk' sometimes, but he cannot make out what I am saying. He said the sounds/words I made were almost 'alien'

There have been other things, too -- like the repeat numbers I mentioned earlier (which continue their increase literally daily - time glance = 5:33 - to the point of absurdity) and the odd fact that I have stopped dreaming -- very sad as I used to love going to sleep because I would dream so much. Now? Nada.

I guess I should mention that I am a metaphysician/numerologist and have dedicated the last 20 years or so of my life to the pursuit of spiritual/esoteric truths, so while I know a lot, I still have a lot to learn, which is why I joined ATS...there seem to be several very wise 'old souls' here...and I would still love to know more about the nature of these 'hallucinations' (which certainly don't feel that way to me!) and if anyone else has experienced anything similar.

The shift has already started (I spoke of it over 20 years ago - just an odd 'knowing' - which earned me plenty of hairy eyeballs and nervous gossip/giggling behind my back and sometimes, directly to my face) and there will be many more unusual events and growth in human awareness: I do believe it is time for a massive change in the quality and direction of mankind. We have become much too large for our britches, IMHO.

We truly are spirits having a human experience, not the other way around and if we can share the different ways we are all 'awakening', we can all assist one another in the light of love. On that note, would you feel comfy telling us a bit more about your own experiences? (You can u2 me if you'd rather.)

Namaste to you and to all.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by GreenIrish

Ok, now I am really freaked out. I wanted to post this last night, but was thrown for such a loop that I could not even gather my brains enough to do so. (Addition: the double and triple number sightings yesterday were copious...all day long, almost without exception: every time I looked, it was, like now at 4:44 double or triple.)

Here's what happened.

I often do Tarot reads for my roomie and did one last night regarding something very important to and for him. As I laid the cards, the answers were so accurate, it was astounding. I told him I needed a quick break to center myself and went to get something from the fridge.

Nothing strange about that, right?

Wrong. As I was walking back to him and the read, something came out of my mouth that I cannot explain: it just came out: 'You're welcome for the read, by the way' -- sarcastically said and utterly inappropriate, since I hadn't even started it yet (a process that usually takes around a half an hour).

I heard the words but was unable to stop them from coming out. This may sound crazy, but it 'felt' like it was I had already done the read...and it felt as though he hadn't said 'thanks'.

The atmosphere around me felt 'odd' when I said it - I can't explain it any better: it just felt heavy and darker than normal, but I tried to ignore that feeling and what I'd said...but my roomie heard me. I tried to explain what I didn't understand myself...and somehow managed to shift into 'read mode' and cover the incident by virtue of the sheer power while I was originally laying the Tarot out...but we both knew something unexplainable had just happened.

This has never happened before and I don't mind telling you that it did, truly, freak the heck out of me. Am I 'losing it' or was it something else? Anyone who has read this thread knows I have talked of 'time slips' (or parallel universes)...was that what this was? has anyone else experienced this?

Or should I apply at the closest loonie bin?

Seriously, this really has me weirded out, so any input would be much appreciated.


posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 07:42 AM
Hi guys, I come here for help!

Several times during the day, I look at the clock and see hours ALMOST the same!

EXAMPLES 08:07 10:09 22:21 00:59 01:02 06:07

Always missing a number to be the same, have told me that when we saw the same hour (08:08, 10:10) is because someone is thinking of us ... but, and in my case? I've looked across the internet and found nothing about it. I'm starting to get worried, anyone else had this experience? Help me!

my email : [email protected]

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: GreenIrish

Hi guys, I come here for help!

Several times during the day, I look at the clock and see hours ALMOST the same!

EXAMPLES 08:07 10:09 22:21 00:59 01:02 06:07

Always missing a number to be the same, have told me that when we saw the same hour (08:08, 10:10) is because someone is thinking of us ... but, and in my case? I've looked across the internet and found nothing about it. I'm starting to get worried, anyone else had this experience? Help me!

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