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The US is one step away from armed insurrection

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posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 02:31 PM
Well if i were an an American i wouldn't put up with this

OH that's right i am an American

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

When it does come down to this I WILL become a cannibal. I will leave half eaten mutilated guardsmen hanging from tree's as a warning

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
Since Ron Paul is against this law, I am strongly in favor of him now. I have yet to hear how the other candidates stand. We need to support the constitution and our freedoms or we will have lost them without a fight.

Anyone looking out for the constitution or the American public would not have voted for this law in my opinion.
edit on 1/1/12 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by orionthehunter
Since Ron Paul is against this law, I am strongly in favor of him now. I have yet to hear how the other candidates stand. We need to support the constitution and our freedoms or we will have lost them without a fight.

Anyone looking out for the constitution or the American public would not have voted for this law in my opinion.
edit on 1/1/12 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

Thanks for reminding me I had this thought but had forgotten about it. Wouldn't Ron Paul be considered a big time terrorist under this law?? With all the support he has and that grows by the minute will he be considered the American Osama?

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:30 PM
What size camo does Sarah Palin wear ? They need her bad yes ?

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Chargeit
Yea your right because you make sure to read all the top conspiracy posts. Bull. Last I checked the police weren't kicking any doors in that didn't deserve it. Your full of crap.
yes they do, mistaken addresses, bad intel, bogus tips,
Results: shot innocent residents, sometimes shot officers.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:25 PM
You either did not read the law-- or do not understand how to read law.

I have read the pertinent parts and they do NOT say what is claimed by the conspiracy theorists.

It is has been debated and --better yet-- discussed at length on ATS.

I'll summarize for you:

Those 2% who engage the language of the law say, "It doesn't say that."

Everyone else (the vast majority who have not and will not read the language of the law) say, "Yeah-- look what they are doing in Iran-- and 911 was an inside job-- and the media is controlled by the Jews-- and the moon landings were a hoax!"

Oh, yeah, there is also the ten percent (who will claim they are 90%) who turn it into a Ron Paul for President discussion.

edit on 1-1-2012 by Frira because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by PROT3CTOR
Fella's....I'm a veteran, I'm against the wars, I'm EX-law enforcement, and I'm against THEIR abuse of's what it comes down to......NO ONE is going to start a revolutionary revolt against a tyrinical govt, until it is actually, physically, affecting them in a personal way. Millions of people "want" to see a government run by the people, for the people....but the masses feel alone, isolated and are just plain afraid, because who will support them and stand by them. So let me ask you this......if 100 people showed up on the lawn of the White House to demand the President be impeached and for the Senate and Congress to hand over power back to the people of the U.S......How many of YOU would drop EVERYTHING youre doing to join them and support them?? The answer is FEW if any. Because everyone has an excuse...."oh im on vacation", "oh i had to work today, I cant just take the day off or I'll get fired", "I have a family to take care of and I cant take the chance of getting arrested".....and the list goes on for I said, NO ONE"S going to do ANYTHING until it affects them on a SUPER PERSONAL level.....How can I say this? Becaue I have proof
What have we done so far?? Thank you and goodday.

And hyping the NDAA as if it states (and it doesn't) that the government can kick down anyone's door, claim it was a military operation, and make you disappear-- does NOTHING but de-sensitize reasonable persons so as to ignore everything else.

And when laws are passed that really do threaten the rights of honest citizens (and they have been)-- no one is going to believe any of those who have claimed the NDAA was such a law.

Stop crying wolf! There are real issue to confront. You won't care about mine because they do not effect you-- but the NDAA doesn't effect anyone participating on this thread.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:00 PM

The Augmented 4th
reply to post by Wildmanimal

Or the demented 5th.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

Right back at ya

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:30 PM
most americans are hard wired to be patriotic.
any one that says any think against them is Unpatriotic.
and that makes them NOT americans.
anyone who does not do what they tell them to do.
anyone who does not agree with looking for the REDs under the bed.
oh! I mean Terrorists under the bed. the reds was the old one.

it's all so easy. why do you think the German people fell for Hitler so easy?
Patriotism is just another world for Propaganda.
"you are with us or Ageist us?" you don't get any other choice.
so you have to agree with ever thing they DO and SAY.
or you are the Enemy! Go to the Fema camps.
and Never get out...

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 07:34 PM
There will be no "armed insurrection".

The Federal Government has been getting away with killing innocent Americans, since the country was created.

George Washington amassed more troops to fight and kill Americans, than he ever did to fight the British.

The weapons they have today, they could be slowly killing you in your own home if you are on their naughty list and you wouldn't even know you're being killed.

There will NEVER be an "armed insurrection" in America. Well maybe one that would last a whopping 10 minutes....but nothing that would result in American's getting their Freedom and Rights back.

Those days are long gone.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 09:34 PM
I guess Im not getting an answer to any of my questions. Seriously, why does it feel like vitch is fishing for something? This thread totally contradicts his last one on "why Americans will surrender our weapons".
edit on 1-1-2012 by becomingaware because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Chargeit
Yea your right because you make sure to read all the top conspiracy posts. Bull. Last I checked the police weren't kicking any doors in that didn't deserve it. Your full of crap.

If you're serious, you're seriously deluded. All doors kicked in by police are deserving?

Ever hear of Kathryn Johnston?

This stuff happens a LOT.

I do not know the full details of this bill, but it's frightening, to be indefinitely detained without charge based upon suspicion.
edit on 1-1-2012 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:17 PM
I find this kind of rhetoric about what may be in The US as a beaten horse that is well dead and buried long ago. Regurgitated speculations. Same old tune playing to the same old broken record needle. No disrespect intended. I will believe it when I see it. Until then, I will continue to entertain myself by reading the responses to these type of threads.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

My father worked for the Federal government and I can assure you that the militia's were infiltrated in the 1970s. If these groups were to ever actually try armed revolt, they would be arrested before they even got to their gun stashes. The truth is that they couldn't even talk to each other as the government controls the internet and can tap any phone it wishes.

That may be true of some Militias, and may have been true after Ruby Ridge for a time, but the Feds did not infiltrate every Militia group. The True Militia, friend, is everyone. I am talking about Loyal Americans, Patriotic people who have read the Constitution, and know what it means, and what it stands for. It is Veterans of the many wars America has fought, it is American Legion, and social groups, grocery store clerks, mechanics, farmers, factor workers. It is American Citizens who are pissed off, and who have the Right to Bear Arms, and do so.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by schuyler

There is no "left or "right." It's YOU versus the CORPORATIONS, and ultimately, TPTB.

The left and right are groups of americans who may disagree on certain issues, but that's not the real fight. The real fight is YOU versus GLOBALISTS, and right now everyone who believes it's some game between the right side and left side are woefully ignorant to reality.

edit on 1-1-2012 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:12 PM
In my experience (and yours may/will be different, so please just take it as "what I have seen/heard" rather than something you can tell me I'm "wrong" about!), most of the gun owning, second amendment protecting, "well armed militia" citing people that I've met are dyed-in-the-wool Republicans. They are Fox News watching, terrorist fearing, uber-Patriotic, "you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands" types.

They've bought into the propaganda of the right, and mostly agree that "they hate us for our freedoms."
That's not the make up of a 'well armed militia.' They are not the same as the patriots of the revolutionary war. They will not rise against anyone. They will not rise up to fight an oppressive government (Republican or Democrat).
They will talk about how big and well armed they will act when 'they' come to try to take their guns.
They will talk about how it's their "God"-given right to be well armed.
They will miss the point about the well armed militia.

There will be no insurrection by the armed. If there is an insurrection, it will be peaceful.
If there is a challenge to TPTB, it will be the liberals, the intellectuals, the .

The gun owners will be too busy justifying their need for automatic assault rifles to actually make a stand.

Just my take on most of the armed people I've met. Flame away!

The US has a 'well armed militia.' It's called the National Guard. They are well armed. Are they protecting you in the US?
Are they deployed overseas?
Why are they deployed overseas?
Who's controlling them?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
That's who will be at the front of the 'revolution.' Not the NRA.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by PROT3CTOR
Fella's....I'm a veteran, I'm against the wars, I'm EX-law enforcement, and I'm against THEIR abuse of's what it comes down to......NO ONE is going to start a revolutionary revolt against a tyrinical govt, until it is actually, physically, affecting them in a personal way. Millions of people "want" to see a government run by the people, for the people....but the masses feel alone, isolated and are just plain afraid, because who will support them and stand by them. So let me ask you this......if 100 people showed up on the lawn of the White House to demand the President be impeached and for the Senate and Congress to hand over power back to the people of the U.S......How many of YOU would drop EVERYTHING youre doing to join them and support them?? The answer is FEW if any. Because everyone has an excuse...."oh im on vacation", "oh i had to work today, I cant just take the day off or I'll get fired", "I have a family to take care of and I cant take the chance of getting arrested".....and the list goes on for I said, NO ONE"S going to do ANYTHING until it affects them on a SUPER PERSONAL level.....How can I say this? Becaue I have proof
What have we done so far?? Thank you and goodday.

I tend to agree with you. I too am a vet, retired marine. Actually my wife and I and a few other folks over the years have sort of watched how "softened" we have all become simply because of common rhetoric over all media sources. It has had an accumulative effect.

A couple of decades ago there were the "memes" about the "Me Generation" which really reinforced selfish actions and attitudes as if it was okay, sort of a blatant co-signing of hedonism. Couple that to stupid television shows like "Rosanne", Married with children" and the others that promoted stupid and lowlife life styles as if it were the American norm. What friggin trash! Even if some people never bought into it in a public and fore consciouness manner, it still made inroads into the subconscious. I am aware of it somewhat even within myself.

Yes our life is strange, but not to the ones who have succumbed to this new non ethical world devoid of rational understanding.

So, for me it ends up that what you were saying about people not doing anything until it becomes a personal reality for them, sort of obtains "probable". But I would be willing to bet that even at that moment, this deeply ingrained and co-signed slfishness will prevent MOST from even defending and protecting what they have. However, in those days there will be many martyrs for the constitution, but I doubt anyone will know about them beyond the travels of "word of mouth". There will be no news about it. Only news about criminals and etc., when the people involved will merely be believers in the US as it was meant to be.

These recent actions of congress are about as un/antiamerican as you can get. The laws being enacted are not about this country. They are about the nwo policies. These same policies are being adopted else where. Check ATS to find the discussions and evidence for that. SOMEBODY has our political body in a way that doesn't necessarily prove that all our congressman and senators and president are on their side so much as it seems to denote that THEY are afraid of their Master.

They need only ask America the proper request and we would fill the military with a might that can crush the globalists and kill off all their learders in short order. We would even protect our politicians' families if they would just come clean. Send up the balloon and we will report with our own damn weapons.

But if they maintain THIS course, hell is coming to everyone. WE don't want their G.D. European Cosmopolitanism any more than we want Euro Feudalism. We don't want any Brzezinsky/NWO Stalinism. It is our mandate/duty to shun that. and all bets are off

We have what we have because we allowed these foreign snakes into our government as "advisors".

For those who think it is a wonderful thing to plan for the demise/murder of nations and peoples, the only response I can give is:


posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by Badgered1

Hi guy!

You are essentially correct about a lot of things in your post as it can easily be granted that there are way too may crazy folks and bs'rs with guns. But still no one can know what will happen if a real emergency comes.

If you research the Federalist Papers you will find that the reason for the designation of "well regulated militia" comes simply from the facts of being unable, monetarily, to arm, feed, clothe and supply every capable member in the country. They knew it was impractical. They also discussed that industry would suffer by constantly sending people out to the wilderness on preimeter guard. They also knew from their studies and knowledge of Europe that no "standing army" should even approach 10% of the population, that 1 to 2 percent was better.

They clearly state that the job of the militia, all the rest of us NOT in the regulated segment, is to be able to defeat or fight to a standstill the "regulated" militia in the event of it becoming the enforcement arm of a government gone awry that is attempting to negate the rights of the people.

That's just one facet. In the case of an external threat, we, the rest of us, are expected to join with the military to augment them in every way. The same was assumed about insurrection except when the insurrection encompasses the bulk of the populous, then we support them instead. Those are the distinctions.

The reason for the 2nd Amendment is to ensure that our weaponry matches that of the military. (And YES to a certain extent I believe there ought to be limits, but not with AWs) That is the reason behind the clause "shall not be infringed".

The states too are authorized their own "well regulated" militias to deal with state issues and to augment the main military when called upon and sent by the governors. It was recognized that they too, would have economic constraints that wouldn't allow them to fit and deploy all who were able.

It's pretty straight forward and a very interesting read.
edit on 2-1-2012 by akalepos because: misspelling

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by becomingaware

I don't get you Vitch. First you started a thread about why people will give up their weapons in America. Now this thread about an armed uprising.

Well I think a bunch of people are gonna resist, but then the majority will just let it slide because as I said in the other thread, it would be too much of a bother to them.

And according to the replies here, it seems my premise is right, even on ATS, people say that they themselves or the American people will submit...

Seems a bit inciteful to me. Are you American by the way?

Canadian, but really, I consider anyone fighting tyranny my countrymen. Syrians, Iranians, Egyptians, anyone.

Which is it, are we giving up our weapons and freedom willingly? Or are we headlong into a revolution?

The majority will give up their weapons, a bunch will fight, a bunch will willfully ignore what is going on.

Also I noticed in your last few threads, you just post an opening post then abandon it without responding to other members.

I have stuff to do.

You kind of kick back and watch members debate amongst themselves, without responding to our questions and comments.

Most threads I start are just news items, so I figure people can debate the data without my input... I mean, yeah I start the thread, but I'm not Einstein with all the answers.

Are you too busy starting new threads to keep up with your previous ones? They also seem to contradict eachother. Seems odd to me.

Trying to present different viewpoints.

reply to post by Amaterasu

You realize, Vitch, that by posting this, You have painted a very large target on Your entire Personage...

Well I'm calling for peaceful resistance am I not? I don't want violence to begin... nobody sane does. And by saying ``resist if you are attacked``... well it's just common sense.

reply to post by Pervius

There will be no "armed insurrection".

The Federal Government has been getting away with killing innocent Americans, since the country was created.

Maybe I am wrong but I think Waco changed things.
edit on 2-1-2012 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

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