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Death Will Not Make You Awake From This Nightmare

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:50 AM
if you don't know how many bits in a byte, it means, even after you r dead (let say, today, tomorrow or next month), you still wouldn't know how many bits in a byte.

you learn about truth regarding death once you dead, but not the whole truth, only the truth you experience from your death moment to the "moment" your consciousness aware.

if you don't believe heaven, god, hell, alien, allah, buddha, yahweh, you will be exactly like now even after you are dead.

death is a transition, from this dimension of life, to another dimension.

you are still you, exactly like now, even after you are dead.

death will not make you genius, will not make you aware of anything,

if you are idiot now, it means, after you dead, you are still an idiot if somehow your consciousness boot up in another dimension.

if the first "being" you met after dead tell you "it is GOD, JESUS, BUDDHA, SHIVA, ALIEN, watever bla bla bla" would you then believe? or would you query for more PROOF?

this above whole thing is based on "if your consciousness somehow boot up in another dimension after you dead", but what IF, i mean, big IF, dead is dead, you no longer exists in this dimension or any other dimension.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by requireduser

So just a quick question. Why is it that you think your opinion is so important that you started this thread rather than replying in Bloculas thread posted just a little while ago? Is it really so important it could not have just been added? Or is it the Flags you are after?

Death Awakens Us From This Nightmare To Show Us The Truth

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:59 AM
I stopped reading after you spelt 'are', 'r'.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:02 AM


posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:05 AM
You're stating all of this as fact but you are not backing it up with... well, anything. Care to provide a basis for your knowledge/theory/hypothesis or whatever it is? Or is this just your opinion based on nothing?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:10 AM
You are wrong on MANY levels i don't even know where to begin. You are not bound to your Earthly experiences, what your "learned" etc. once you are "transiting". What you say is just assumptions and there is actually "evidence" that exactly the opposite is the case. Evidence in the form of out-of-body experiences, NDE and similar which very much contradict what you are saying.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:38 AM

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:02 PM
Well, I can tell you that you don't know what you are talking about! I have died twice in my life, had body bags called for me and they determined I was still barely alive and took me to the trauma hospital where I died twice. I left my body and went into the heavens. It is hard to describe in our words what it is like.

First, you realize there is no more pain, just a feeling of deep and pure love. It also is clear that you are connected to the 'ALL'. Again our words don't have the ability to describe it all. The 'ALL' I speak of is a universal energy that flows through everything in the universe and you can feel the connection. Shortly after that, I started receiving a massive download of information. The information coming in was like a data dump from a computer, but it was the information about everything in existence and it came so fast and so much, that you could not have time to understand it. It was pure wonderfulness.

Unfortunately, the 2 times I died, after some time I was told by an entity, I call God that it was not my time yet. I had to go back because I had important things that I needed to do. When the proper time came, I would return.
I was able to describe the trauma operating room and equipment and other things in the OR.

When I awoke on life support in the ICU, the pain and everything in this world or dimension came back. However, I was and am no longer afraid of death. It is not the end of your life, but a new beginning. I see us as a spiritual entity that is in these bodies. It is like your spirit needs to experience good and bad, nature, and spiritual truths to learn, teach the soul or spirit. The life here is like taking an embryonic spirit and letting it learn so that it is better prepared to take on the next life in a spiritual form. You are an embryo at birth spiritually speaking and you must grow in life to prepare yourself. Hence the Tibetan Monks preparing for their next life, etc.

I feel sorry for the people that do not have the experience, or that blindly believe in atheists or scientists. You are not meant to be given proof, it is faith. And you will find out the hard way when the time comes if you haven't learned this reality and prepared yourself for it. I have seen the Lord in all his Glory. There is nothing that anyone can say that would change my mind.

And for the scientists out there, I went to college for Engineering and many of the courses on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc prepare you for either Engineering or being a Scientist. It just depends on what you plan on doing after all the general education, you start learning your specialties. So, I went after everything from a scientific point of view through much of my life. However, there is no denying God and life after Death when you have been on the other side.

And this is not some neurotransmitters going haywire at death. In my case I met an unknown lady. Turned out she was my sister. I was adopted and she was actually a sister I didn't know I had. When I came back here and after some time of recovery and research, I found my biological mother and she confirmed I had a sister who died in an auto accident. There is no explaining how the brain can learn new and unknown information in death and then return. So, you people that don't believe or don't understand and therefore try to lay some claim out that you have absolutely zero proof of, you need to save yourself the embarrassment of looking and sounding ignorant to those of us who know and have had the experience.

Do what you will with this information. Hopefully some of you will reconsider what it is you think you know and open your mind up to new realities. If your cup is full and you care not to empty it, then you will find out first hand when you die. I just hope for your sake that you are prepared for what you will find or you may have wished you did consider that there are many like me in this world and what they tried to tell you.

I could care less if you believe me or others or not. It is no skin off my back. I just decided to give you this one warning that what you spout off is not the truth. It is really funny how the supposedly smartest of people can sometimes be the most ignorant. Remember this, there have been thousands of years to plan and present a deception so big that many will lose their eternal life in paradise. Don't be one of them!

edit on 15/12/11 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:12 PM
One other thing. I give an analogy of what it was like when I became aware of the all. It was like standing in a dark room with a dark fish tank in the center full of fish, colorful rocks, etc. But you don't know anything about it. Then 'click' the tank light comes on. In a split second you become aware of all that is in the tank. That is sort of what it is like to become 'aware' of the 'all' and what is in the universe. Just an analogy because it is very hard to describe it in our words.

Good luck to all of you. You are not done with life when your body dies. Or as some call it a container for the soul.

edit on 15/12/11 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

I love your words.
I believe you.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by requireduser

Have you had a death experience? Probably not.

Death for me was the most wonderful experience I have ever had and the fact I returned has not diminished the beauty and peace I experienced. I return to my death experience sometimes just to remind me of what I felt and how everybody can feel that same peace when the time is right.

I hope that you change your views sometime in the near future.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:37 PM
It is a nightmare until it is realized that it is a dream.
The dreaming will never end because the dream is all there is.
When it is known that this is a dream it will be understood as eternal and untouchable.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

well said, it is rare that folks will speak/write about the non-body experience without coming off like a zealot of some sort. Often the try to contradict the religion of science, a religion that was specifically designed to distance one from the ideas you put forth. It appears you have digested the experience well; here's toasting to a speedy return to that more limitless way of being - for you and all of us.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:47 PM
It's not an irrational stance to think that death is a finality. With all of the deities and enlightened teachers floating around out there—like the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Hindus, the Norse, the Greeks, the Persians, the Buddha, Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, and so on—why is it not possible that humans invented them all? The fear of death has always been one of the most primal fears instilled in people. There's no reason to think that we didn't invent Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory; the Elysian Fields, Hades, and the Asphodel Meadows; Valhalla and the Nine Worlds; the Tuat and the Halls of Amenti; and all of the other afterlife locations as a comfort to ourselves upon death.

As for what death is like, my own death was nothing like what Spirit_Horse or Amanda5 said. When my heart stopped and my brain began to die there were a lot of things happening. None of them were enlightening, or pleasurable in the slightest. For one thing, sensation and feeling did not go away. It felt cold as the blood in my veins slowed down. There was an acute stinging sensation first in my chest, and then in my head as my heart stopped and my brain began to suffocate. Then my visual perception faded away and there was just darkness. I no longer was capable of spatial reasoning and could not focus or control my thoughts. As I blinked in and out of awareness there came the intense and painful burning sensations throughout my whole body as the paramedics used the defibrillator on me. Eventually this jump-started my heart and I was brought back. Another minute and I would have been pronounced legally dead, and they would not have tried to revive me anymore.

I was not greeted by Jesus, nor did I see my ancestor's beckoning me anywhere. There we no great blinding lights. No omniscience. It's possible that I was sublimating into the Universe, as per the Buddha's teachings, I don't know for sure though. At the end of it all though, I had no miraculous afterlife experience. Just cold, painful suffocating fear. I blinked out, and almost stayed gone, and there was nothing.

You're not wrong to believe that life is finite, and death its finale.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by requireduser

Yes I do its 1024 precisely, and thanks to my training I do know it. And google too.

Anything I want to know is right at my fingertips

ETA: see they have the meaning of life right at your fingertips, too!!!!
The meaning to life, the Universe, and Everything

And I think it's a fibonacci number too!
edit on 15-12-2011 by ldyserenity because: add

edit on 15-12-2011 by ldyserenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by requireduser

Have you had the experience of an NDE? I highly doubt it. Have you ever spoken to a person from the world of the dead? Again, I highly doubt it. What you should like is a scared to death Christian trying to find someone who agrees with you that when you go, Jesus will be there waiting for you.

I have spoken to, and spent one entire night with my Grandfather. He passed over in 1962, and was the farthest thing from a Christian you can imagine. He came right into my bedroom, and we went on a trip together. I have detailed that experience in another thread, I will not repeat it here. My Grandfather, when he "died," was 67 years old, coughed all of the time with Black Lung, walked with a cane, and was in very poor health. He died of cancer.

When I saw him, he was about 30 years of age, in perfect health. the cane was gone. I asked him some questions about the 4th dimension, the world of the dead. He said all was peaceful there, and whatever you thought of became real. He told me there was no concept of time there.

During my own NDE, I saw the "Light." Now, you may not believe this, and that is your right, but to me, the Light is a machine, and it will, upon questioning, send you to any afterlife you wish to go to.
I suggest you do some research, and read some accounts of those who have experienced the Near Death Experience.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by requireduser
if you don't know how many bits in a byte, it means, even after you r dead (let say, today, tomorrow or next month), you still wouldn't know how many bits in a byte.

you learn about truth regarding death once you dead, but not the whole truth, only the truth you experience from your death moment to the "moment" your consciousness aware.

if you don't believe heaven, god, hell, alien, allah, buddha, yahweh, you will be exactly like now even after you are dead.

death is a transition, from this dimension of life, to another dimension.

you are still you, exactly like now, even after you are dead.

death will not make you genius, will not make you aware of anything,

if you are idiot now, it means, after you dead, you are still an idiot if somehow your consciousness boot up in another dimension.

if the first "being" you met after dead tell you "it is GOD, JESUS, BUDDHA, SHIVA, ALIEN, watever bla bla bla" would you then believe? or would you query for more PROOF?

this above whole thing is based on "if your consciousness somehow boot up in another dimension after you dead", but what IF, i mean, big IF, dead is dead, you no longer exists in this dimension or any other dimension.

Um...I'm not actually IN a nightmare. Things are pretty decent on this end. I guess if you sit and focus on all of the negative aspects of your life and the world, then things would seem pretty slanted towards the negative.

How about trying to go out and live the gift that you've been given instead of seeing all of the gray and hate that you are CHOOSING to see. Yep, its there. And yes, the structure is a pretty screwed up structure given the fact that there is suffering. But, the more YOU LIVE and enjoy yourself, the more you spread that JOY, instead of MISERY, to others.

Just a thought...

Eternal LOVE to you 17.7777777(infinity)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 02:30 PM
I hope when I am dead I wake up on the Sick bay of the Starship Enterprise, with all my Starfleet friends by my side...

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:52 PM
Please add to the existing thread here:



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