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The Herman Cain Conspiracy, The Anon Psy Ops Project

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posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:25 AM
The art of trolling, mastered by our friend Herman Cain.

Trolls are the sandworms of the internet, ''a la'' Dune. Wherever those with Unwarranted Self-Importance (USI) send vibrations of drama throughout the cyberscape, trolls gather to feed upon it. They convert the fail into lulz, allowing intelligent posting and quality to thrive

"The troll is the lulz. The lulz is the troll."

A troll's purpose is to cause controversy. He seeks out the low-hanging fruit, playing pseudo-naive or taking an extreme position in order to get a rise out of actual naives or extremists. A troll feeds on the emotional reactions he can cause." - Troll defined by Anon

Cain quotes the pokemon movie in presidential debate, cites the quote to be from "great poet". Remember, this speech was PLANNED. You think Cain really knew that pokemon quote off the top off his head? Lol yeah right, he even said it came from a the 2000 Olympics closing song, that song wasn't even close to the quote!

And guess what!?!

According to The Week that song is called "The Power of One"

Now, if you search that on YouTube to confirm Cain really did quote that song, as any good fact checker would do.. No Pokemon songs come up for the top results of that search...(I am not saying that song doesn't exist because it does, I am just saying this is what you'll find when you search for it)

The first video for that search is...

Hmm, reminds me of the youtube videos I've seen posted by anon supporters.

999 plan, besides the fact it looks like 666, is from the Sim City video game.

The Koch brothers have been proven to secretly fund the tea party. They turned it from a grassroots movement to something for their own benefit. Cain openly endorses the Koch brothers even after that was leaked, calling them his "brothers from another mother"

The title of Herman Cain's book is This Is HERMAN CAIN! - With the exclamation point!

Herman Cain says he if he could be any ice cream, he'd be Häagen-Dazs Black Wallnut ice cream. Cain said "if your Hagandaz Black Wallnut you don't go away." Again, he pick the flavor intentionally because this flavor has been discontinued. He went on to say "Black wallnut has staying power"...

Cain's sexual abuse settlement date was - 9/99!

Cain also said - "We need a leader, not a reader." That is from THE SIMPSONS MOVIE! Coincidence... the character that said the quote in the movie was (drum roll please) the fictional satirical character "President Schwarzenegger"!

Here is the Simpson's movie trailer, which shows a reckless idiot president, the SAME Cain is trying to Satirize. This was ALL on purpose.

If you still don't believe me watch this again for the lulz

He says OWS is an orchestrated conspiracy to cover up Obama's mistakes... He insults and misrepresents OWS intentionally to spur on the movement.

Lupe Fiasco is one of the most famous leaders of occupy wall street, listen to what he has to say about Obama. Watch O'Reily fervently defend Obama... Oh, and OWS has "mic checked" Obama too

Herman Cain said it is OK to ban a Mosque in any community that wants to, doesn't matter why, that is literally the point he defends towards the end of this clip. Ignore the annoying annotation. Anyone who is not metal ill, or anyone with a Muslim friend, knows this is downright absurd. He says "that is the communitiy's right"

Cain uses SATIRE to prove his point. He talks about the importance of staying informed, yet in all of his interviews he ACTS extremely uninformed. At the end of the speech, Cain says "They shift the subject, they ignore the facts..." That is the SAME satirical strategy he uses!

Cain demonstrates his knowledge of conspiracy theories, as reported on Alex Jone's - the new Lybian government is infiltrated by Al'Ciada, ehem, excuse me, Al'Quada.. That sure wasn't reported in the mainstream, Cain knows whats good!

If Cain saw that, he probably knows THE real real reason we went into to Lybia, and I bet he is PISSED. BTW, Alex Jones is often often feature on this news channel...

Herman Cain is making a satire on the UNCLE TOM stereotype many people have of black people. He knows the neo-cons wont understand that he is using satire, because they just think he is a clueless uncle tom. They will never believe he used these simple tricks to fool them all because they think he is just an idiot.

To further that point, he made his campaign slogan, "Beat Obama with a Cain" - while this is not only catchy, it plays on racist mindsets who would actually want to whip Obama like a slave (now don't get me wrong, but you gotta understand the imagery that words project).

Imagine all the Pizza... A SATIRICAL song written and sang by Herman Cain.

If this tells you one thing, it tells you the music he listens to. He probably had to listen to the original song a lot to come up with the idea and silly lyrics. What type of music you listen to often reflects you as a person. Again, this song is very appropriate for Cain's REAL message.

Cain grew up in poverty, you think he is turning his back on his family for the Koch BROTHERS?
He says things at the end that sound like stuff out of the anon forums.. "Our rights do not come from a man, not a committee or a czar, but from our creator" The he goes on to cite our founding fathers, who I believe he knows A LOT about. He also makes a very big emphasis on the constitution, which contradict his banning mosque arguments. "There is no greater force on earth than the united will of the people, the sleeping giant, we the people, have awakened"

"Cain served as Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Omaha Branch from January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1991.[6] He became a member of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1992.[6] He served as deputy chairman from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1994, and then as its chairman until August 19, 1996,[6] when he resigned to become active in national politics."

Herman Cain has also witnessed the Beast from the inside through his work with the Federal Reserve.

Now let me end with...

Whether Herman Cain knows it or not, he is an asset of Anonymous, he is a member of the Hivemind operating in perfect accordance with The Plan. He is spreading satire whether he knows it or not. Google "Anonymous Hivemind 101 - The Virtual Tribe" to further understand this.. BTW, I am not trying to recruit you, I am just saying my opinion.

And... cut, that is my ultimate conspiracy theory. IMO the truth can be stranger in than fiction and a sleeping giant is waking up. If not, Herman Cain is the freaking anti-christ and would start WW3 because if it is not satire, he seems to hate all Muslims, plus his 999 would then make since. Either way, the truth of Herman Cain is strange.
edit on 29-11-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by CREAM

Bush got away with being a joke
Oh no, hes gunna win isnt he
were screwed

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
reply to post by CREAM

Bush got away with being a joke
Oh no, hes gunna win isnt he
were screwed

I have hope for 2012 in general. I think false paradigms can only survive so long. If he does get elected and is serious about everything, well I think he would be a worse president than Bush or Obama. The latest sex scandal may be the nail in the coffin for him.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by CREAM

I have hope for 2012 in general. I think false paradigms can only survive so long. If he does get elected and is serious about everything, well I think he would be a worse president than Bush or Obama. The latest sex scandal may be the nail in the coffin for him.
I dont, they choose the president not the people. So whatever happens its not going to be good for the people. I think we are coming to the point where they arent going to hide their wrongdoings, they are going to take control of the people.
Sex scandals arent bad things anymore, I doubt it would damage his image much.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:11 AM
I don't remember that from pokemon that's funny I would have went with the I want to be the very best like no one ever was bit.. or how ever it goes.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
reply to post by CREAM

I have hope for 2012 in general. I think false paradigms can only survive so long. If he does get elected and is serious about everything, well I think he would be a worse president than Bush or Obama. The latest sex scandal may be the nail in the coffin for him.
I dont, they choose the president not the people. So whatever happens its not going to be good for the people. I think we are coming to the point where they arent going to hide their wrongdoings, they are going to take control of the people.
Sex scandals arent bad things anymore, I doubt it would damage his image much.

I have faith that a higher power is actually in control. I believe the world would be destroyed by either nukes or natural disaster before a permanent 1984 scenario could take hold. I also believe that belief itself shapes reality, like a vote, and I am casting my vote to not believe that we are doomed for un-beatable global Tyranny. It is one thing when it happens in just one nation, but when it happens on a global level there is no fighting it. Globalization of power will happen no matter what, whether it is beneficial for the people or not will be determined by the people. Fortunately, most don't believe that global tyranny is happening, people are asleep in the fantasy world, fooled by manufactured terrorism. This means there is still hope these people will wake up with a brighter outlook. The people can either wake up to this a and see a new more optimistic world, or they can wake up to the world they feared. I speak metaphorically, but I think you get it.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by jonco6
I don't remember that from pokemon that's funny I would have went with the I want to be the very best like no one ever was bit.. or how ever it goes.

The part he quoted was from a song in the Pokemon movie, not the Pokemon theme song.

I just posted the theme song because it reminds me of Herman Cain's campaign propaganda, but at the same time it is strangely a very inspirational song, beside how silly the whole show was.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by CREAM

I doubt it... personal here because I am a married lady myself and all an affair is one thing, but watching morning news its Gingrich pulling ahead in numbers.. and lets see all the BS rude ass comments affairs oh and the wife with cancer divorce in the hospital thing??? I'm not very political but me and the hubby already agreed if he ends up in the running were both standing on the corner with signs of protest.--- its not Just digging up sh*t here when the skeletons come outta of the closet...and I really don't care what anyone says it does reflect the type of person You are, actions speak louder than words!!!

.....mabey its time for a woman president....non-of the usual dumb tards that come to mind though.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:58 AM
thanks very much for posting. very entertaining.

not in the U.S. so i seen very little of Cain. I did see the Cain train ad and becky becky stan and thought this cant be for real.

This really doesn't say alot for the general population of the U.S.

Wouldn't really go with the Anon link but I do get why your are making that connection.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by CREAM

blasphemy! Pokemon in the early 90s rocks! its the new dumbed down one that blows!

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 11:08 AM
Nah, it's a great take on him you have there but I still think he's an idiot. Maybe a good businessman but when it comes to politics, he's a buffoon. He spins and spins but it produces no energy.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 11:47 AM
ROFL wow Hermann Cain... Art Project? or just.... Art?

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by DaughterOfARevolver
reply to post by CREAM

and lets see all the BS rude ass comments affairs oh and the wife with cancer divorce in the hospital thing??? I'm not very political but me and the hubby already agreed if he ends up in the running were both standing on the corner with signs of protest.---

Thats good to hear. At some point enough is enough.

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
thanks very much for posting. very entertaining.

not in the U.S. so i seen very little of Cain. I did see the Cain train ad and becky becky stan and thought this cant be for real.

This really doesn't say alot for the general population of the U.S.

Wouldn't really go with the Anon link but I do get why your are making that connection.

Yeah, for me the Anon link is the icing on conspiracy, like another layer on the ridiculousness cake

edit on 29-11-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 11:32 PM
The media has too much power, it used to be the people chose the president, now it's the media chooses the polls that are aired and those bogus polls choose the president.

Obama *usually* will undo and cancel things that are easy to undo and cancel if the media alerts to him and his staff that something is idiotic such as a government committee for Christmas trees.

Herman Cain seems to be falling a bit because of the media, I personally think he should continue to the end. If he gives up it means he clearly is watching too much media coverage on himself. Arnold Schwarzenegger's breast fondling didn't phase his initial election numbers, if anything it made him seem like a more serious politician.

If I had to choose 2 current GOP candidates not listening to a word the media is saying I would choose a crazy mix like Cain and Bachman, or Romney and Bachman, I like Bachman, I do believe her intelligence is being overshadowed by the fact that she's female and republican, she's no Palin, she knows more about the economy
than the past 2 administrations combined, yet she's dismissed because she's a republican female, the media paints good candidates as crazy, stupid, etc.

As for the other candidates, the media will claim they are better than the above 3 because they are the worst. I am going to vote, if everyone re-elects the most economy-un-friendly president in history it'll be their own fault, but they will mock the candidates the media tell them to mock and they will vote for the candidates the media tell them to vote for.

edit on 29-11-2011 by Razimus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 11:36 PM
edit- never mind lulz
edit on 29-11-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:21 AM
Awesome thread. It is hilarious to think *Herman Cain, The Presidential Potential* could be an entirely put-on persona that Herman Cain, The Man is perpetuating...If so possibly as a distraction tactic? To make all the gop candidates look unelectable so even the unsatisfied majority just end up giving it up to Obama for another 4 years?

To me he seems like a very ordinary man, a "regular guy", but without the plasticine contrivance that that usually connotes in politicians. i find the manner he answers questions in hilarious, he comes across as someone who doesn't quite care enough to come prepared but feels slyly contented about his weirdly irrelevant smooth overs on things he doesn't have much of a clue to. I think this Herman Cain feller is a wonderful character. It almost makes more sense he is a hoax of a presidential potential entirely, just another variation of a caricature of a politician as all of the Republican candidates are looking like, than that someone with money was actually believing he would make a good president or even be a halfway believable possibility.

I saw the Herman Cain smoking ad the other day for the first time, me and my friends were dying. Some funny looking mustached guy (Chief of Staff to Herman Cain, Mark Block) talks up the Hermanator (H.C's official nickname according to his website) for about 30 odd seconds and then ends with the powerful statement "We can do this, we can take this country back" followed by a quick cut where he's now closer up taking a drag from a cigarette with a self conscious thousand yard stare and a baby dribble exhalation, all the while some strangely unsettling inspirational trance inspired tune about america builds in volume and urgency, until Herman Cain lays the mack down, frog head covering half of the entire screen, starting off with a subtle, dignified tight lipped smile then unfolding into a silent chuckle/ confident childs' grin.

Ron Paul>Obama>Herman Cain>(romney-perry-bachman-gingrich)

I only give Herman Cain props because he has a very relatable personality, he doesn't seem like a sociopath or a religious zealot or a closet sexual deviant or a combination of them all as republicans or those in politics in general for that matter often seem to hide within their ranks. In my opinion if it can't be Ron Paul i'd rather it stay Obama, but in the end i really don't care because i'm of the belief that our government and it's truthfulness and duties to we the people are virtually nonexistant and all the power we believe to have is just an illusion hand fed to us just often enough to keep us from busting out of the stable and revolting, but that's all something else entirely.

I think I'm gonna play some guitar...or something...


posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:35 AM
no matter what his intensions is...

...once put in office, his will is as powerful as a bag of trash.

when will you learn that THE PRESIDENT OF THE US, DOES NOT RUN THE US?

...remember obama, BEFOOOORE the election?

fool me once. fool me twice. (or was it a hundred)


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