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Obesity Pandemic - Infectious, or Personal Responsibility?

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posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:27 PM

200-Pound Ohio Boy Placed In Foster Care

An Ohio third-grader who weighs more than 200 pounds has been taken from his family and placed into foster care after county social workers said his mother wasn't doing enough to control his weight.

….A spokeswoman says the county removed the child because caseworkers saw his mother's inability to reduce his weight as medical neglect.
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 27/11/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:27 PM
Yet another case of pure unmitigated bull crap, brought to you by your corporate leaders in yet another sanctioned cover-up.

Obesity, high cholesterol and heart disease in children is on the rise - around the world - and all these diseases are connected.

Cholesterol and Heart Disease in Children on the Rise

Health officials have issued new recommendations for cholesterol screening in children because of the alarming proportion of kids with abnormal levels and evidence of atherosclerosis – a disease normally thought of as an adult medical problem.

The recommendations from the The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), are designed to help reverse the epidemic of obesity, and the related diseases that are rapidly growing in children.
Fiji Report

"NCDs are becoming more and more of a problem and now we see that it has become prevalent in children," said NCD national adviser Dr Isimeli Tukana.

"From the data that we've collected so far, we've seen an increase in the number of obese children under 18 and also an increased mortality rate of people under the age of 40.

Obesity is linked to high cholesterol, and contrary to popular myth, high cholesterol does NOT result primarily from a bad diet and too much dietary fat. In fact, cholesterol is created in the body by disease-causing prions and other infectious misfolded proteins, which need cholesterol to propagate - infectious misfolded proteins hijack infected cells' metabolic machinery, and force them to create cholesterol and other fats. The connection between high cholesterol and prion disease was established by 1995.

Prions cause Mad Cow disease - not just obesity - and are just one strain of disease-causing infectious misfolded proteins. Other infectious misfolded proteins are associated with a wide range of now-pandemic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma and other lung diseases as well as mental illnesses like autism, Alzheimer's and other dementias. And they're all pandemic. …..But are they connected? Duh. Do ya think?

Cholesterol is a form of fat that is carried in the blood. Unhealthy cholesterol levels can raise your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
The prion-infected cell changes its gene expression and produces increased quantities of cholesterol. Prions need this for their propagation.
prion propagation not only depends on the availability of cholesterol but …neuronal cells themselves respond to prions with specific up-regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis.
……compared the amounts of protein and cholesterol in prion-infected neuronal cell lines and primary cortical neurons with uninfected controls. Protein levels were similar but the amount of total cholesterol (a mixture of free and esterified cholesterol) was significantly higher in the infected cell lines.
Cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease, prion disorders: a ménage à trois?

Ya wanna talk about "medical neglect"?!?

Stop blaming the victims.

NOTE: Infectious does NOT mean Contagious

Infectious Diseases in History

Any disease that is able to spread among the community may for normal intents be called infectious. In its accepted sense, an infectious disease is one which travels through the general environment as it passes from one person to another. For instance, the disease may be transmitted by airborne droplets, or through contaminated water. Another means of transfer may be via clothes, bedding, domestic utensils, or anything else that has been in contact with a victim. Items which assist disease transmission are called fomites (singular: fomes, Latin for touchwood). Diseases which spread as a result of direct personal contact are properly termed contagious.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:35 PM
[color=dodgerblue]Since I wasn't there, I can't really say if I agree or not.


It is our job as parent's to make sure that we do everything we can to make sure that our kids are healthy.

Obesity is a very serious problem.

I cannot fathom that amount of weight on a child and you can be sure that it has been an ongoing problem. That wouldn't just happen over night.

Should she have had her child taken? I am not sure. Should she have done more to control his weight gain? Absolutely yes. [color=mediumorchid]

Edit: I did read your post. I think that there is far more evidence that a poor diet causes obesity than prions. Eating junk will make you fat. Eating too much will make you fat. Not exercising enough will make you fat.

These days there are too many reasons for kids to sit on their butts in the house. There are also too many reasons for parents to run through the drive through instead of cooking a proper meal.

edit on 27-11-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

Would you please, please read my post?

Obesity is part of the NCD Pandemic - and all the evidence indicates obesity results when prions take over cells to create cholesterol and other lipids to propagate. ...Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and other pandemic diseases are part of disease progression.

....Blaming the victims does NOT solve the problem - or stop the pandemic.

edit on 27/11/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by soficrow

I agree with the medical neglect. When a child is that overweight feeding it less than a horse would eat can drastically reduce their weight. Feeding a child to the point of obesity is pathetic. Not sure what these parents are teaching nowadays buy gluttony is a bad thing to pass on to a child.

You don't get that large based on "trends". Sorry, that's a bad parent passing on their problem to their child.
edit on 27-11-2011 by Evolutionsend because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:42 PM
It's much more affordable and by affordable you need to equate convenience and time with affordable. As I was saying, it's MUCH MORE affordable to eat an unhealthy diet than it it easy to a health one. And I'm not even talking about organic foods, I'm talking about eating things that have to be prepared versus pre-packaged, canned, microwaved and fast foods.

For a kid that young to get large that fast would really take a metabolic disorder to achieve. Kids want to play, expend energy and you body is designed via a hormone called leptin to feel FULL...

So what I'm trying to say is that it's more complicated than the people who are unable to deny ignornance that will post in this thread saying "stop feeding that kid dert dert dert!"
edit on 27-11-2011 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

I agree with the medical neglect.

As I tried to explain in my opening [url=]post[url], the "medical neglect" comes from corporate industry for creating these diseases - and covering up the problems.

Obesity is part of the NCD Pandemic - and all the evidence indicates obesity results when prions take over cells to create cholesterol and other lipids to propagate. ...Like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and other pandemic diseases are part of disease progression.

....Blaming the victims does NOT solve the problem - or stop the pandemic.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Indeed, and it's the corporations who have really designed destructive foods...

The macronutrient profile will eventually lead to a hormone imbalance...

And that's what most forget... You can diet all day long, but unless your hormones are within normal ranges it won't insulin, leptin, testosterone... etc...

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:47 PM
Good post, OP. I have always suspected that high cholesterol is a symptom of a disease process, therefore the medical establishment's attack on high cholesterol via statins is as pointless as their treatment of all other chronic diseases. They try to treat the symptoms without ever addressing the cause of the disease. Cholesterol makes vitamin D in our bodies, which our immune systems desperately need to operate effectively.

I was unaware of the prion connection but I intend to study it now that you have provided the links, thanks!!

When young children are seriously obese, there is no way it could be junk food alone. Sure, the diet plays a large part in it, but there is something terribly wrong with the metabolism of a third grader who is 200 pounds, and that is what needs to be addressed. I don't remember seeing hardly any fat kids when I was young, and Lord knows we ate our share of candy. We were also outside whenever possible until it was dark, running and playing and riding bikes and all those other great things.

Most kids I see these days aren't nearly as hyper as we were when we were young. It's like they all have chronic fatigue syndrome. I suppose if TPTB wanted to exterminate Americans, they're doing a heck of a good job at it.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

For a kid that young to get large that fast would really take a metabolic disorder to achieve.


And such metabolic disorders are now pandemic.

In fact, the NCD Pandemic will kill over 37 million people in 2011 - more than all other causes combined. Up from 36 million in 2008, the death toll is still climbing; 44 million NCD-caused deaths are expected in 2020, 52 million by 2030.

This kid's parents are NOT to blame for his - or the world's - metabolic dysfunction. ...It is corporate industry that's creating the disease agents, and the environmental contaminations that trigger these now-pandemic diseases.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by soficrow

No, take responsibility for your actions. You can still purchase the low fat foods and eat them just the same as the high fat ones. They may not taste the best, but people do it everyday. Skinless chicken may not be the best tasting thing in the world, but it's far from expensive. Don't blame the world because you've turned into such a bargain hunter that you will sacrifice your health for one. Here's a tip, those bargain foods don't keep you filled as long and actually cost the same in the long run.

If he had a disorder associated with obesity it would be much more blatant, and probably diagnosed already.
edit on 27-11-2011 by Evolutionsend because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by soficrow

It's really ingenius if you think about it. It works out oh-so nicely for big pharma....

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

No, take responsibility for your actions. You can still purchase the low fat foods....Don't blame the world because you've turned into such a bargain hunter that you will sacrifice your health for one.

EXCUSE ME?!? This thread is not about me - it's about obesity as a facet of the NCD Pandemic - and the fact that individuals are not to blame for the impacts of industrial pollution and contamination.

Yes, individuals do have some power - but get real. There obviously are infectious components in play here.

BTW - Here's MY garden - it feeds me and gives me great joy too.

ed. to add response to your edit - "If he had a disorder associated with obesity it would be much more blatant, and probably diagnosed already."

Don't you think 200 pounds at 8 years old is fairly "blatant"?

...and btw - it's next to impossible to diagnose prion diseases, especially if you don't look for them and have no intention to diagnose them. Even when they're pandemic.

edit on 27/11/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Yes - but not just Big Pharma. All the evidence shows industrial contamination is behind the NCD Pandemic, so offloading responsibility onto the victims is win-win for global corporate industry. No liability, big bucks on treatments (but no cures) and free trade all around.

Once they knock off the useless eaters they'll be set.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by soficrow

You can't say one way or another that he has a condition for sure based on looks, but he's not that large. I think if social services took the child there's probably some evidence to do so, like parents that are pretty crappy ones. Having watched some of my extended family go from fat little boys to slender men after leaving home, I feel pretty certain in saying it has more to do with what you are doing to yourself than any evil plot from corporations.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Why must we choose? Both are obviously at play. You can't honestly deny the sugar consumption increase to our diets over the last century, can you? Then with the HFCS. That's processed 100% in the liver just like alcohol. It makes you as fat as a drunk as well! Some DO get well from changing their lifestyle choices. Others don't for a variety of reasons.

Obesity is on the rise in the world, but you know what else is? McDonalds locations! I recall a study a while back that showed the older generation in Japan had lower rates of cardiovascular disease. Older people had less of a chance of getting it! They found that the youth ate a junk food diet. Go figure!
edit on 27-11-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

You can't say one way or another that he has a condition for sure ....I feel pretty certain in saying it has more to do with what you are doing to yourself than any evil plot from corporations.

This poor kid is just the tip of the iceberg. There IS a world wide NCD Pandemic - and obesity is part of it.

....In 2011, the NCD Pandemic will kill over 37 million people - more than all other causes combined. Up from 36 million in 2008, the death toll is still climbing; 44 million NCD-caused deaths are expected in 2020, 52 million by 2030.

Rough estimates are that 3.5 Billion people suffer from NCDs -half the world's population- and the numbers are growing. The rising NCD disability rate in relatively young people is a global crisis - and obesity is just one symptom.

The cover-up is real - and it IS about protecting corporations' "right" to do business without regulation or constraint - even if industrial pollution, contaminations and byproducts are killing and disabling people.

edit on 27/11/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:37 PM
While I do believe obesity is a genetic condition I also believe it is the parents job to know if your child has a obesity problem and limit the childs calories. And that is only if the parent agrees that obesity is wrong and or unhealthy.

Just as it is the parents job to keep a kid out of trouble, it is also the parents job to keep them out of the over consumption of calories.

But I say again, that is if obesity has anything wrong with it at all.

I kinda wish everyone was obese. Then it would seem normal. Give it time I say, next year 70 percent of the population might be obese. Then we can all take off our shirts in public.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by soficrow

If we stop buying it, they'll stop making it.
You can't sell a product if no one will buy it. We do not have that kind of solidarity though.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:44 PM
If the factory farmers use corn to fatten up the cows for market, and now, all our processed foods AND drinks contain some sort of corn by-product, what, exactly do you think will happen to our bodies?
There are so many food sensitivities and allergies... at least one-third of Americans are now overweight... we're eating ourselves to death.
edit on 27-11-2011 by hqokc because: (no reason given)

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