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Investigation opening up over Obama's drug deal

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posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by TheMatrixusesYou
I'm trying to find a correlation between campaign contributions and Clair McCaskill's motivations by looking up info from but the site seems to be down for some reason. It's just odd that a fellow Democrat is calling for an investigation in a world full of corruption that requires party members to stay quiet about one another's business. If it's not about corruption, it's still odd that a fellow democrat is calling for an investigation on one of their own.

I think it has to do with her being up for reelection:

“Claire McCaskill continues to look extremely vulnerable for reelection,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “But it bodes well for her that even at a low time for her party she’s running slightly ahead of her opposition. She might be able to hang on if Democrats see any improvement in their position over the next year.”

"even at a low time for her party"... Why is it a low time for her party with a first term Democrat President at the helm?

McCaskill leads Steelman by one point — well within the margin of error. She leads St. Louis U.S. Rep. Todd Akin by two points, and businessman John Brunner by nine.

edit on 27/11/2011 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by TheMatrixusesYou
I'm trying to find a correlation between campaign contributions and Clair McCaskill's motivations by looking up info from but the site seems to be down for some reason. It's just odd that a fellow Democrat is calling for an investigation in a world full of corruption that requires party members to stay quiet about one another's business. If it's not about corruption, it's still odd that a fellow democrat is calling for an investigation on one of their own.

There is nothing odd about it.

Democrats are not a cabal of ruthless, heartless, beasts with an ANTI-HUMAN AGENDA where all of it's members have to fall in lockstep behind each other with the same ideas and opinions like the NAZI's.

Any self respecting Democrat will follow the money and try to protect the peoples best interest over that of corporate welfare. You do not see that as a habit of the GOP.

What is odd is that we put up with this relentless and unceasing cronyism from the Republican Party and act as if there is nothing wrong with corporate looters, big pharma and oil giants sticking together and forming apolitical party called the GOP.

It amazes me on a daily basis people cannot see their hands in front of their faces.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:12 AM
Methinks Clair McCaskill' is just the tip of the bailing iceberg. Obamba's isolating himself from his base is going to hurt him in the coming election. He has proven himself to be untrustworthy by not networking with his own party.

All the Dem. elected official, who did stand by him last election, and watched their buddies get burned, are not going to continue to stand in the line of fire for him. Obama is so arrogant, he thinks the "little" players can't hurt him.

I think he is in for a rude awakening from his own party. It's like a pack of dogs that sees the alpha pack leader getting weak...they will turn on him. Princess Nancy Pelosi is already growling at him.
edit on 27-11-2011 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by -W1LL
the U.s was the first to weaponize smallpox just ask the native Americans!

one more brick in the wall for the dirty corrupt 1% but I am sure its all in our best interest for the Gov. to spend our tax dollars this way,,, after all its for our protection...right...

What I find amusing is when people claim corporations are the dirty corrupt 1% and yet never mention the billions of money made of the illegal drug trade. Why do you suppose the crack dealers always manage to buy expensive new cars and live like kings? They are making the money and controlling neighborhoods and cities and they manage to evade arrest while trafficking drugs from coast to coast.

Next time people protest, they should be setting fire to crack houses and drug dealer cars. Drug dealers have millions, and cause damage and have armies that do their bidding. Or is it easy to target corporations because they don't have people who will shoot and kill a protester. Yes, drug dealers are also the elite...go burn down their labs and set fire to their fields and tear down their distribution centers.

I think protesters are cowards. They target corporations because the corporations are easy.

But anyway, small pox was only eradicated in the United States but not in other parts of the world. With so many people coming to the United States who have small pox, it is hard to track because immigrants do not necessarily believe in having their children immunized.

Yes, the Native Americans were indeed victims of bio-warfare. They were not only killed by small pox, but syphilis and influenza as well.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

No one in the private sector could possibly know.

I for one hold out hope that NOBODY knows. For if they did, it would mean only one thing... Secret US Human Biological Experimentation

Looks like there are TWO elephants in the room...
edit on 27/11/2011 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

I've read some horrendous stuff in the past, but that link really puts things in perspective for me. Packed with information for half a day's reading, I only got through a quarter of it before I wanted to die right here. Just go ahead and inject me and get it over with. I couldn't read any more because I think some defense mechanism kicked in disallowing me to go that route. WTH?! I was in the Navy during the Clinton years and I've been subjected to various things that make me question what that was. A few months after I got out, I was sent a letter from my ship saying that I may have been exposed to TB while in the Mediterranean as there were a few cases on board and I needed to go and get a shot asap. Who knows what else...other than chronic stomach acid I'm OK.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by TheMatrixusesYou
I'm trying to find a correlation between campaign contributions and Clair McCaskill's motivations by looking up info from but the site seems to be down for some reason. It's just odd that a fellow Democrat is calling for an investigation in a world full of corruption that requires party members to stay quiet about one another's business. If it's not about corruption, it's still odd that a fellow democrat is calling for an investigation on one of their own.

I think it has to do with her being up for reelection:

“Claire McCaskill continues to look extremely vulnerable for reelection,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “But it bodes well for her that even at a low time for her party she’s running slightly ahead of her opposition. She might be able to hang on if Democrats see any improvement in their position over the next year.”

"even at a low time for her party"... Why is it a low time for her party with a first term Democrat President at the helm?

McCaskill leads Steelman by one point — well within the margin of error. She leads St. Louis U.S. Rep. Todd Akin by two points, and businessman John Brunner by nine.

edit on 27/11/2011 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

Oh!! Yeah!! Just take note of how everyone including the media has turned their back on him. So there's blood in the water and he's easy prey to pick on, so they use that to their advantage. Ahhhh. Politics as usual....

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant

Originally posted by TheMatrixusesYou
I'm trying to find a correlation between campaign contributions and Clair McCaskill's motivations by looking up info from but the site seems to be down for some reason. It's just odd that a fellow Democrat is calling for an investigation in a world full of corruption that requires party members to stay quiet about one another's business. If it's not about corruption, it's still odd that a fellow democrat is calling for an investigation on one of their own.

There is nothing odd about it.

Democrats are not a cabal of ruthless, heartless, beasts with an ANTI-HUMAN AGENDA where all of it's members have to fall in lockstep behind each other with the same ideas and opinions like the NAZI's.

Any self respecting Democrat will follow the money and try to protect the peoples best interest over that of corporate welfare. You do not see that as a habit of the GOP. .

And yet the Republican Party was abolitionist whereas the Democratic Party wanted to keep slavery. But what you are referring to in the Anti-Human Agenda is really Socialist ideology, which the Democratic Party does have Socialist leanings, it still supports and embraces Corporate and Capitalist ideas.

It's funny, I was reading about Woodrow Wilson. Did you know that Woodrow Wilson invented the idea of Wilsonian Democracy -

Wilsonianism calls for the United States to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, and has been a contentious position in American foreign policy.[5] For his peace-making efforts, particularly his advocacy of the League of Nations, Wilson was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize.[6]

Imagine that...a Democratic President invoking the United States to go to war to fight for democracy. My, how the Democratic party has changed since Woodrow Wilson. Not only did Woodrow Wilson oppose corporate lobbyists, he also created the espionage act

To counter opposition to the war at home, Wilson pushed the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 through Congress to suppress anti-British, pro-German, or anti-war opinions.[96] While he welcomed socialists who supported the war, he pushed at the same time to arrest and deport foreign-born radicals.[99] Citing the Espionage Act, the U.S. Post Office, following the instructions of the Justice Department, refused to carry any written materials that could be deemed critical of the U. S. war effort

And people have problems with the Patriot Act. And how the pendulum swings....

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

You are right. I think they are turning on him because he's not communicating with them. You know what that means? It could be that they are losing control of him. He's staying quiet as of late and I think it's part of his reelection strategy. A lot of us know that the second term is where a president's real strength lies as he knows that there's no more terms left, so he basically goes hog wild.

But also we know that he's kind of just a puppet. If however he loses contact with his puppets, they will demonize him. This could be really good or really bad. Chris Rock said on a recent podcast that Obama upon reelection would do some real gangster s**t. Sounds scary to some and great to others. So basically we don't know anything.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by WarminIndy

Originally posted by -W1LL
the U.s was the first to weaponize smallpox just ask the native Americans!

one more brick in the wall for the dirty corrupt 1% but I am sure its all in our best interest for the Gov. to spend our tax dollars this way,,, after all its for our protection...right...

What I find amusing is when people claim corporations are the dirty corrupt 1% and yet never mention the billions of money made of the illegal drug trade. Why do you suppose the crack dealers always manage to buy expensive new cars and live like kings? They are making the money and controlling neighborhoods and cities and they manage to evade arrest while trafficking drugs from coast to coast.

Yeah, drug dealers really have the life. Living like kings cuz they have nice cars.

How many drug dealers you know with billion dollar cars? I know a lot of drug dealers and gold trim in the ghetto dont make you a billionaire.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Yeah...they're working on it so hard that evidently they were able to somehow twist American media into picking it up. Those crazy and sneaky Russians...

Sometimes I am utterly amazed at how in the information age, it seems that people consistently are less and less informed.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Destiny777

RT's coverage was more entertaining.

But not nearly as interesting as the story within the story.

Sneaky Russians?

Hardly, but they are often paranoid.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by TheMatrixusesYou

As he brushes aside his own political party, he continues to hang with his life long buddies. Here's one of those stellar friends of his, he loves to golf with, and is a long time good friend to.

Barack Obama golfs with Bobby Titcomb, friend nailed in prostitution sting

By JENNIFER EPSTEIN | 11/14/11 7:28 PM EST Updated: 11/15/11 12:34 PM EST

HONOLULU — President Barack Obama’s partners on the golf course here Monday afternoon include a longtime friend who was arrested earlier this year for soliciting prostitution.

Obama is playing with two White House staffers — Marvin Nicholson and Pete Selfridge — and with high school classmate Bobby Titcomb, according to a pool report. In April, Titcomb was one of four men arrested here as part of an undercover prostitution sting. He was later released on $500 bail.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said it was a simple matter of loyalty for Obama. “The President has been a friend of Bobby’s since childhood - and remains loyal to him as Bobby confronts some difficult challenges in his personal life,” he said.

Titcomb and Obama attended the Punahou School together, have been close for decades and are frequent golf buddies. Before Monday, the two last golfed together during the president’s 2010 Christmas vacation. The Obamas regularly attend hours-long parties at Titcomb’s Oahu home.

Read more:

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

I'm not an Obama supporter by any means, and I am a conservative, but I have to ask, what does having a friend getting busted in a "prostitution sting" have to do with anything here?

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by macman

He won't be impeached. He is too close to election. The democrats are already lining up behind Gingrich which merely shows how much a player he truly is. The real drug investigation that most don't want to discuss is Fast and Furious. I see this particular investigation going no where. The authorities with enough power to actually do something is either totally corrupt themselves or are total cowards.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by WarminIndy

And yet the Republican Party was abolitionist whereas the Democratic Party wanted to keep slavery.

A patent attempt to deceive. "Beware the deceivers."
South always wanted to keep slavery and Lincolns only objection to slavery were on his own personal moral grounds. In the 1800's the Republicans WERE the more progressive liberal party and since then there has been a complete role reversal so that now and for quite sometime the democrats are more liberal and progressive party without question.

edit on 27-11-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by macman

He won't be impeached. He is too close to election. The democrats are already lining up behind Gingrich which merely shows how much a player he truly is.

You really need to learn more about political strategy, the democrats are "lining up behind Gingrich" and slightly promoting him in the liberal media because if he wins the Republican nomination and he is the only viable choice to Obama in the election Obama's odds of winning re-election go up dramatically, especially when they launch a very ugly media campaign against Gingrich after the nomination.

Same old tired games, new faces.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
reply to post by Destinyone

I'm not an Obama supporter by any means, and I am a conservative, but I have to ask, what does having a friend getting busted in a "prostitution sting" have to do with anything here?

Fair question. I was using that as an example of his choices, and how his own party are putting distance between he and themselves. When he should be spending more time working with the Senate and Congress, instead he plays endless hours of golf, with corrupt long term friends. He doesn't govern our Country. He thumbs his nose at all but whom he wants to wheel and deal with. Like this under the table drug deal. Yup, I said drug deal.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

It was a weak attempt, IMO, you could have chosen a better more effective example (there are plenty)

This one actually makes him seem more genuine, and human.. Lifelong friend gets into some trouble (the kind that could happen to just about anyone) and he stands behind his friend.

Back to the subject at hand, the story within this story is far more interesting to me, and I'm going in that direction and away from this political discussion altogether.

Thanks for the answer and clarification.


posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
reply to post by Destinyone

It was a weak attempt, IMO, you could have chosen a better more effective example (there are plenty)

This one actually makes him seem more genuine, and human.. Lifelong friend gets into some trouble (the kind that could happen to just about anyone) and he stands behind his friend.

Back to the subject at hand, the story within this story is far more interesting to me, and I'm going in that direction and away from this political discussion altogether.

Thanks for the answer and clarification. :up bye

I am entitled to post what I think is relevant to a thread. as are you. And, as to trouble that "anyone" can get into...sorry, but I've never had a friend who was, , nor personally known a pimp. Guess Obama and I run in different circles.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by macman
Will Obama just be impeached already!!!!!!

How much more crap is going to come out until this happens?

.....and yet, so many sit there and say he will win re-election. Unbelievable.

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