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Anti Zionism is not Racist: Why Zionists Pretend Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semtic

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 06:25 AM

Are Anti Zionism and Anti-Semitism the Same?

Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Hutchinson 0.03 sec.
an·ti-Sem·i·tism (nt-sm-tzm, nt-)
1. Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism.
2. Discrimination against Jews.

Also found in: Wikipedia 0.03 sec.
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person who is opposed to Zionism
Pimander edit: Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel (see below).
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) opposed to Zionism he was anti-Zionist and not anti-Semitic

So no confusion there at all. In fact the free dictionary even uses an example of the words we are looking at to illustrate the point that they are not the same thing. Could it be any clearer? If they were the same thing they would have the same definition.

In actual fact, Anti-Semitism is racist - plain and simple. Racism is a sickening, retarded, ignorant and deplorable attitude that has held back humanity and continues to cause immense suffering and bloodshed the world over. Anti-Zionism is a political viewpoint and clearly not racist. In fact it could be argued that Zionism causes suffering and bloodshed on a level comparable with racism.

CONCLUSION: Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are not the same thing.


Why do Zionists Try to Portray Anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism?

Zionists persistently and very obviously try to equate anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism. What is the agenda when any intelligent person can see they are not the same thing? Why do they insist on perpetrating this lie? The answer to this question is in fact very simple.

Attempting to equate the two concepts transparently seeks to stifle anti-Zionist sentiment by portraying its proponents as being racist. They also do so to justify and steer attention away from human rights abuses committed by Zionists by seeking to portray dissents against the human rights abusers as racist.


Anti-Zionism is not Racist or Anti-Semitic

Many Jews are anti-Zionist and many non-Jews are Zionists. Some Zionists and some anti-Zionists are racist but all of them are not.

CONCLUSION: All anti-Zionists are not racist and they are therefore clearly not anti-Semitic. Fact!



More Definition

Sem·ite (smt)
1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
2. A Jew.
3. Bible A descendant of Shem. Pimander edit: Shemite

Also found in: Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Hutchinson 0.01 sec.
Zi·on·ism (z-nzm)
A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

edit on 24/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

edit on 24/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

edit on 24/11/11 by Pimander because: typo

edit on 24/11/11 by Pimander because: more ferking typos

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 06:42 AM
here here! very good step grandfather was jewish,but he didn't agree with all that Isreal stood for.
i myself practice kabbala,among other beliefs,and i find it quite strange that so many people are anti semetic.
most of these 'western' racists worship a jewish prophet - Jesus!!!
i think the palastinians (philistines in the bible)should have their home land returned to them.
isreal got their homeland back,so why is this different?
perhaps they should heed the words of their prohet - 'render unto ceaser what is ceaser's'!
free palistine!!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 06:46 AM
I am unceasingly amazed at how most people have an easy knee jerk reaction to certain situations they've been preprogrammed to believe are one thing, when they're not. This is clearly one of the cases. Just trying to explain why Zionism is not ALL JEWS seems to be above many peoples minds. It's a hard time in many ways, increasingly.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 06:51 AM


posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 06:59 AM
Sorry about the off topic post guys, guess my joke was out of line.

Great thread OP. I'm pleased to see people take the time to explain this in more detail. So many people have been conditioned to consider anyone who criticizes Zionism as Anti Semites. Most people know this is not true but there are some who have been tricked.

I got called an Anti Semite a couple years back by one of my colleagues for speaking about the Israeli campaign a few years ago. I even made sure to keep my statements politically correct since I knew it was a touchy subject.

One of Zionism's most effective tools is the Anti Semite card. In certain lines of work if you are labelled Anti Semite by these people, you're career is over.

So you will rarely see mainstream outlets exposing this topic such as you have. Keep up the good work!

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Pimander

In actual fact, Anti-Semitism is racist - plain and simple. Racism is a sickening, retarded, ignorant and deplorable attitude that has held back humanity and continues to cause immense suffering and bloodshed the world over. Anti-Zionism is a political viewpoint and clearly not racist. In fact it could be argued that Zionism causes suffering and bloodshed on a level comparable with racism.

Yes and no. Not all practicing Jews are "racial" jews, but they are still discriminated against, which is still anti-semitism.

but yes, there is a huge difference between being anti-zionist (political ideology) and being an anti-semite (bigot).

anytime you see them attempt to smear you as an anti-semite it's because the tactics they use are all from the same page.

If you can't refute the facts, attack the person presenting them, as such, anything you say that might be unfavorable towards Judaism, Jews, Israel, Zionists, or the IDF, immediately becomes antisemitism.

See, some people are indeed antisemites, and you will surely see them post in here (before the mods remove it) but the rest of us understand the CLEAR distinction between being against the actions of a political group within a country, and being against every "jew".

But hell, for decades it was "antisemitic" to even believe there was "Zionism" even though many Israelis and even american politicians gladly call themselves Zionists.

But don't forget something important, actual antisemites will use the term Zionists as well, but you can clearly tell by the tone of their wording that it's not the zionist ideology they hate, they simply hate anyone who is "Jewish" be it by race or religion.

As well, as you'll probably learn soon, they usually resort to calling you a Nazi or holocaust denier. I used to get upset with the antisemite remarks directed at me, but once I learned the game, I actually take it as a badge of honor, if whatever I'm presenting has them that upset that they have to resort to silly tactics like name calling, I must be onto something.

but now the holocaust denier label is my favorite. Each and every time it's applied, the only person even hinted towards the holocaust in any fashion, not just related to denying it, is the person accusing the poster of being a holocaust denier.

Take Gilad Atzmon for example. An Israeli Jew living in London(I think) who also served in the IDF. He's a fantastic Jazz musician who tours with a band made up of all different races and creeds (with 1 token white guy). He also writes plenty of articles and books.

Apparently, he is a Nazi loving, Jew hating, holocaust denying antisemite.

But if you even stop for 3 minutes to read ANYTHING he's written, that accusation is not only warrant-less, it's completely insane and also absurd. They can't refute his facts, so they distort them, misquote them, make assumptions about them, and then just outright make stuff up.

Then the paid megaphone users all flock to amazon, or whatever site they are targeting, and spam the comments with attacks against him. They are also well versed with Twitter.

don't believe me? Have a twitter account with at least 1 follower? simply tweet "Gilad Atzmon" or "the wandering who" and see how long it takes.
edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
But don't forget something important, actual antisemites will use the term Zionists as well, but you can clearly tell by the tone of their wording that it's not the zionist ideology they hate, they simply hate anyone who is "Jewish" be it by race or religion.

Very good point. Star for that mate.

I think some of these groups are encouraged by arms of the Jewish state (Mossad?) or other Zionist interest groups. I haven't collected any evidence of this as my other researches absorb too much of my time but I bet if any dedicated conspiracy theorist takes a look there is plenty of meat on the bones of that theory.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Pimander

Well you aren't the only one. I the past 10 years there have been plenty of "antisemitic" attacks on Jews around the world. Painting swastikas on their dorm rooms, attacking them personally and carving swastikas on their body, attacking synagogs with antisemitic graffiti.

but all of those cases share something in common besides the fact that they were attacks on Jews. they were all done BY jews, and in some cases, to themselves.

By extension, some of the comments I've seen posted on this site lead me to believe some of these guys will go into threads and post blatant antisemitic crap (while being Jewish themselves) merely to derail conversations, get people to break the T&C, or simply have the discussion shut down entirely.

Here's a great example.

Country A decides they are superior to everyone else, and as such, should rule the world, by force if necessary. Within their own country they enact racial laws, government sanctioned racism.

They build up a powerful military force with highly advanced technology and begin instigating wars with the countries surrounding them. They claim to do this for protection, but the land they take is immediately "settled" by civilians.

Before I tell you who that example is, am I being "racist" to have the political ideology that led to that? Am I inherently hating everyone descendant from that country because the political party in power is, in my view, evil?

No of course not.

And, in case you missed it, that example is clearly Nazi Germany AND the state of Israel.

I hate everything the National Socialist Party of Germany stood for. I do not hate "Germans"
I hate everything the Zionist movement stands for. I do not hate all "Israelis" and certainly not all "Jews".

edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by reficul

most of these 'western' racists worship a jewish prophet - Jesus!!!

This has always confused me. Jesus was a jew, in fact "King of the Jews" and Christianity worships him as both the son of god, and god (arg). I was lead to believe that Judaism does not recognize Jesus as the "Messiah" or even a profit.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:26 AM
# 1 ) Judaism is not a race, it is a religion.

# 2 ) Anyone of any race can become a Jew.

# 3 ) Semite is a language group consisting of many languages, including both Hebrew And Arabic.

# 4 ) People are anti-Christian and anti-Muslim and anti-Atheist all of the time, and it's accepted. So if people want to be against the Jewish religion as well, I don't see a problem with it. People need to grow thicker skin and take some criticism.

# 5 ) People need to do some genealogy and historical studies and work their way back 5000 years, and it will become quickly apparent that everyone is related by blood in the grand scheme of things. That's why we classified ourselves scientifically as the same species: Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
And, in case you missed it, that example is clearly Nazi Germany AND the state of Israel.

I hate everything the National Socialist Party of Germany stood for. I do not hate "Germans"
I hate everything the Zionist movement stands for. I do not hate all "Israelis" and certainly not all "Jews".

By a similar token....

Calling anti-Zionists anti-Semitic and racist
calling anti-Nazis anti-German and racist

....which are both lies.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:39 AM
It would be more accurate if they referred to a distinct ethnicity or culture and said "Anti-Hebrew" or "Anti-Arabic", etc.

I just think if we are going to be sectarian and divisive we should at least be accurate about our partisan ideology.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Pimander

The fine line between prejudice and respect is not in the truth of what we see outside of ourselves. The tipping point is how we express our emotional intelligence when using thought, word and deed. We can only judge ourselves in the manner in which we judge others. Hate cannot dispel hate. Only love dispels hate. Knowing this fact allows us to filter our own thoughts, words and deeds as an expression of love for those who do the same. Judgment then becomes righteous judgment in defense of truth instead of retaliation for hatred. Cling to the truth only and then reflect truth out to the world like a light on a hill. Prejudice can only judge the actions of another. Light shines in a dark place and dispels the darkness. We are not charged with dispelling darkness by adding more darkness. Prejudice can only add negative to negative. Love adds positive to negative and cancels the darkness with each instance of positive.

Ultimately, the very nation that we are focused on reveals the truth to us. Our own prejudice is revealed by the example we see in the light of one nation chosen by God for this purpose. They are the light unto nations. We can only see a fault in ourselves when we see it in another. They are our example. As Israel goes, so goes the world. We are to assist them to assist ourselves.

edit on 24-11-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Ultimately, the very nation that we are focused on reveals the truth to us. Our own prejudice is revealed by the example we see in the light of one nation chosen by God for this purpose. They are the light unto nations. We can only see a fault in ourselves when we see it in another. They are our example. As Israel goes, so goes the world. We are to assist them to assist ourselves.

Assist Israel in what? Persistent and unlawful human rights abuses?

The darkness among nations more like. I see my own flaws and they are not even approaching the horrors committed in the name of Zionism.

SuperiorEd? WTF?

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Pimander

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Ultimately, the very nation that we are focused on reveals the truth to us. Our own prejudice is revealed by the example we see in the light of one nation chosen by God for this purpose. They are the light unto nations. We can only see a fault in ourselves when we see it in another. They are our example. As Israel goes, so goes the world. We are to assist them to assist ourselves.

Assist Israel in what? Persistent and unlawful human rights abuses?

The darkness among nations more like. I see my own flaws and they are not even approaching the horrors committed in the name of Zionism.

SuperiorEd? WTF?

Are you an American? Can we make the distinction between American foreign policy and the people of America? If Zionism is an ideology we disagree with, then disagree with the truth of the subject and refuse to step on the object. The people of Israel are trapped by their government on one side and nations wanting to kill them on the other. The vast majority of the population will meet the mean on the curve of statistical probability. Every nation contains good and honest people. Each nation contains evil people as well. Prejudice makes no distinction between the people and those who rule them.

I stand for the people of any nation. Israel happens to be the nation chosen by God to represent us all. Take a good look at where the focus of the world is right now. This confirms what the Bible has stated for thousands of years. They will be hated of all nations. We are to overcome hatred for people and instead focus our efforts on the subject of what allows people to be in bondage. We all suffer from this problem. Zionism is only one manifestation of the cancer. To pretend that it is not in every nation is prejudice.

The definition of prejudice is found in the Latin roots. The word literally means the depreciation or deprivation of truth and justice. If we unfairly say that a people can be associated with their governments ideology, we depreciate the existence of a majority that may not align with this value. We prejudge.

Hatred is caused by the few ruling the many. Stitution is a Latin word meaning, "to make stand." We have a constitution and its opposite of prostitution. Pro is in favor of. In favor of making a person stand for an unworthy cause. Constitution is against an unworthy cause. We need only stand against the misuse of the people and never against the people themselves. Judge not, lest you be judged.

What we stand for is what we make stand. What we stand against in prejudice can only knock down the person we judge.

edit on 24-11-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Are you an American? Can we make the distinction between American foreign policy and the people of America? If Zionism is is an ideology we disagree with, then disagree with the truth of the subject and refuse to step on the object.
No, I'm not an American. I'm not a Jew. I'm not a Palestinian.

Yes we can make a distinction between American foreign policy and the American people. We can also make a distinction between Israel and Jewish or Israeli people. That is obvious and completely in the spirit of this thread.

Now why are you trying to take this thread off topic? Anti-Zionism IS NOT Anti-Semitic. Get over it.

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Israel happens to be the nation chosen by God to represent us all. Take a good look at where the focus of the world is right now. This confirms what the Bible has stated for thousands of years. They will be hated of all nations. We are to overcome hatred for people and instead focus our efforts on the subject of what allows people to be in bondage. We all suffer from this problem. Zionism is only one manifestation of the cancer. To pretend that it is not in every nation is prejudice.
This is the dangerous, fundamentalist tripe that is in part responsible for the mess the world and in particular PALESTINE is in. It also makes you come across as a religious nut-job.

Not only am I not American, Palestinian or Jewish, I'm also not foolsh enough to base my politics on ONE POLITICALLY MANIPULATED BOOK WRITTEN MAINLY BY HEBREW SCRIBES. That type of politics is shameful and has led to the suffering and deaths of millions. It is time we moved on from that. Even Rabbis agree with me on this. You may be blind to the truth but it will never make you right on this. Sorry.

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
The definition of prejudice is found in the Latin roots. The word literally means the depreciation or deprivation of truth and justice. If we unfairly say that a people can be associated with their governments ideology, we depreciate the existence of a majority that may not align with this value. We prejudge.
Nobody - not one member - has done that on this thread and it makes me suspicious of your motives that you try to turn this conversation in that direction. You seek to do exactly what I highlighted in the OP.

People who attempt to portray anti-Zionists as anti-Semitic seek to stifle anti-Zionist sentiment by portraying its proponents as being racist. They also do so to justify and steer attention away from human rights abuses committed by Zionists by seeking to portray dissents against the human rights abusers as racist.

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
We need only stand against the misuse of the people and never against the people themselves. Judge not, lest you be judged.

What we stand for is what we make stand. What we stand against in prejudice can only knock down the person we judge.
Nobody has judged the Israeli people in general in this thread. However, you are clearly judging anti-Zionists, who are in the majority by thousands fold as far as this planet is concerned. Think about it!

edit on 24/11/11 by Pimander because: Judge us not!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Pimander

No, I'm not an American. I'm not a Jew. I'm not a Palestinian.

Yes we can make a distinction between American foreign policy and the American people. We can also make a distinction between Israel and Jewish or Israeli people. That is obvious and completely in the spirit of this thread.

Now why are you trying to take this thread off topic? Anti-Zionism IS NOT Anti-Semitic. Get over it.

I never suggested that the thread had anything against the people. I merely stated the truth of the matter. If that is in agreement with your view, then where is the problem? I merely reinforce your view.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Pimander

This is the dangerous, fundamentalist tripe that is in part responsible for the mess the world and in particular PALESTINE is in. It also makes you come across as a religious nut-job.

Not only am I not American, Palestinian or Jewish, I'm also not foolsh enough to base my politics on ONE POLITICALLY MANIPULATED BOOK WRITTEN MAINLY BY HEBREW SCRIBES. That type of politics is shameful and has led to the suffering and deaths of millions. It is time we moved on from that. Even Rabbis agree with me on this. You may be blind to the truth but it will never make you right on this. Sorry.

There is an avalanche of evidence to show you that the Bible is accurate to what it states. No conspiracy over generations can be followed by an entire nation and world because a shepherd said it in his writings. No conspiracy can allow the various authors to follow the same heptadic writing style over centuries. I can't convince you of this, but reading my thread topics backwards can allow you to see if you choose.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Pimander

Nobody has judged the Israeli people in general in this thread. However, you are clearly judging anti-Zionists, who are in the majority by thousands fold as far as this planet is concerned. Think about it!

If you are going to say I did something, have the courage to quote me and then state the problem. You are putting words in my distal phalanges that I did not type.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:32 AM
As far as muslims go the only Jew they will tolerate is one living in subservience to them, paying the jizzya - at least up until the arrival of the Mahdi when they can all be slaughtered.

Most of the Koran deals with hatred of infidels, especially jews - this is not about 'anti-zionism' - it is about unsubservient jews living in land formerly conquered by Islam - and therfore considered to be Islamic land foreverafter.

All this nitpicking about distinctions is merely to obscure from western cretins the real basis of their hatred.

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