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There is a God

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posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:10 AM
For all of you out there that have chosen to ignore God and have chosen a path of self-indulgence...I warn you, there is a God and He is watching you. I say this because there have been a few very clear moments in my life that gave me undeniable proof that something or someone was listening and responding to me.

I don't have all the answers, nor do I pretend to, but I know that there is a Creator. We can debate His nature, and we can debate our origins and how He has brought us about. However, it is pure human arrogance to proclaim that our 'advanced intelligence' and 'scientific advances' have replaced 'silly, archaic myths and superstitions' concerning our Creator. I belive that you can't truly find Him, until you question what you've been told to believe and find the answers for yourself. But, that means you must make an him in the middle.

Our souls are immortal and a precious gift given to us by God. This life is nothing more than a test to decide whether or not we are individually ready to ascend to the next level of enlightenment.

Religion is the great weapon of the Devil, who twists it to divide and conquer humanity. We must not allow the differences concerning religion turn us away from spirituality. We have been given the innate sense of right and wrong and are born knowing what we should and shouldn't do. We are measured by our hearts and actions, not whether or not we believe any Bible word for word.

Much have been molested concerning the history of man, however, one thing remains the same...our divinity. You see, this miracle of our existence didn't happen by chance, and pretending that science provides the only level-headed intelligent answers is a huge mistake. Science is merely attempting to understand God's mechanisms. Don't forget, science is in its infancy, and theories are being established and disproved in a constant motion.

There is much we have forgotten, much that has been lost. The answers aren't easy, and those who have occupied positions of power have kept us in a haze.

Its not a black and white issue, and its not cut and dry. There is many things we are really capable of understanding. But, having all the answers isn't what it is all about. Its about making an effort to feel and to find.

Seek the truth...

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

Well said!
I'm currently working on a post that discusses the same subject matter. I'll let you know when it's up.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions
Right.. So still no proof? Hmm well youve convinced me.

there is a God and He is watching you

Dont worry people, I have contacted the authroitys about the peeping tom. Please lock your windows in the mean time.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:19 AM

This life is nothing more than a test to decide whether or not we are individually ready to ascend to the next level of enlightenment.

A test you say. How do you know we weren't all bored out of our minds in some umteenth dimension of reality and decided to take the plunge into retard frequency land to remember what it's like to be in endless wonder? Our natural states are to be in amnesia of our past eternal infinity?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:30 AM
Okay, listen. I believe in God too. I really do.

That said, I don't think you're helping at all to make people believe in God. Preaching about God won't help. You said you have had clear and distinct moments that have 'proven' to you that God exists. I have too. But some people haven't. Without that experience, your words are meaningless to people (I've been there) and it makes them think you are stuck up and a loser.

If you really believe in God, just follow Jesus and be loving to everyone. Feed the hungry and thirsty, give clothing to those with none, visit those in prison. Stop harping about God "watching" people, and get off your butt and do what God ordered you to. God and Jesus never said "Post a thread to ATS and force people to convert". God said to love people and to show them charity and kindness. Your preaching does none of that and makes people more irritated with Christians. That's my advice to you on this issue of trying to get people to believe in God - they'll believe if you demonstrate that the way of God is the best way, not if you continue to act like a self-righteous do gooder who knows all the answers that all the athiests don't. You don't know all the answers. I don't know all the answers. If you truly believe in God, you realize that God knows all the answers, and doesn't really want you to pretend that you do. The best thing to do is to simply live a good life, and let GOD do the judging in the end... (another commandment of Jesus', btw!)
edit on 11/22/2011 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:31 AM
Welcome to ATS. However, you will likely face a lot of critics for this thread. Belief in God, which I have, is subjective to the individual. While your thread seems like preaching, it is ended with a solid statement: seek the truth.

I found God because I never gave up seeking the truth. Then He found me.

I do not claim any divinity as you said you do in this thread, however, I believe we can share in immortality with God as a gift from Him.

Many will ask you to "prove it" or "pics or it didn't happen" on this site. This is where faith and science depart ways. While the Bible is the most proven historical book ever written, it is twisted and dissected here. There are many here who do not seek the truth, or have given up. Expect to run into a lot of them. They are described in Romans 1.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

I totally agree with so much of what you are saying here on very many levels.....but self indulgence? So many have been through so many iterations of "reality" and borne so very much pain and loss.... Many use their egos and being right or some facsimile of what they perceive as that, hoping that what you refer to as God will recognize their pain, see their effort and let them experience a forgiveness and respite......most will not admit that for to admit that is some kind of guilt or shame, and as you speak of religion, that is it's chief purpose, to shame us even while purveying some hypocrisy which will identify us all as failures and sinners.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

S&F, lambs,

And the only way to find your true path to the Creator is to get out of organised religions.

Organised religions brainwash people.

We need to be independent and seek the truth in our own way.

We do not put up with political dictatorships - so why put up with 'religious' dictatorships?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

NO, sorry but just an assertion of Gods existence is not good enough. I do not believe in ANY Gods although i assume you are referring to the Abrahamic middle eastern God! If not please let me know which God you are talking about. Unless i get some Proof that is not subjective i am not about to change my mind. When you claim "God is real" you are making the same claim made by countless other people about countless other gods man has created over the past few thousand years.Most of these gods are now seen as Myths by most people, why do you feel that your God is any different?

edit on 22-11-2011 by bismarket because: Seen NOT seem

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

Dear lambs to lions,

For all of you out there that have chosen to ignore God and have chosen a path of self-indulgence...I warn you, there is a God and He is watching you. I say this because there have been a few very clear moments in my life that gave me undeniable proof that something or someone was listening and responding to me.

A fellow Christian here. Fear may be the first thing we feel when we meet God; but, it should never be why we follow him. We should follow him because we believe in his way, that is why we have free will, it must be us and not him. We must agree with him, have it come from the heart not because of the law.

I don't want you to feel bad and this is an attack. All things in love, that is what Jesus told us. Not fear, not anything other than love. God describes love, it is always patient among other things. Please don't tell people what to fear, tell them of God's love and acceptance. Peace and be well.
edit on 22-11-2011 by AQuestion because: wrong words

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:21 AM
I agree with nearly all of your post. Well, all I guess. I'd just like to clarify one point.

You say God is "watching". Sure, he/she/it is watching. But NOT judging like many religions would have you believe.

The big secret is that we are only judged by ourselves. God loves us unconditionally. It is us that are hard on ourselves. We judge ourselves. We create our own karma, and it is US that decides to fix or make up for mistakes we have made in the past.

The important thing in life is love. If we love people and nature, for example, we are not going to do anything to harm them or it. We are going to take care of them/it.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:46 AM
You guys never give up and cannot be wrong!!!

The fact that you god folk continue to press your beliefs so strongly is in itself evidence enough that what you believe in is tosh! Because there is no proof and deep in your subcon you know it and the doubts drive you to persist in the forlorn hope it is discovered or proven true! You want it to be true because its your crutch!

Kick the crutch and face reality!!!

Personally, Im an anti-crutch merchant! Because what you believe in does far more damage than good!!
edit on 22-11-2011 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by spacekc929
Okay, listen. I believe in God too. I really do.

That said, I don't think you're helping at all to make people believe in God. Preaching about God won't help. You said you have had clear and distinct moments that have 'proven' to you that God exists. I have too. But some people haven't. Without that experience, your words are meaningless to people (I've been there) and it makes them think you are stuck up and a loser.

If you really believe in God, just follow Jesus and be loving to everyone. Feed the hungry and thirsty, give clothing to those with none, visit those in prison. Stop harping about God "watching" people, and get off your butt and do what God ordered you to. God and Jesus never said "Post a thread to ATS and force people to convert". God said to love people and to show them charity and kindness. Your preaching does none of that and makes people more irritated with Christians. That's my advice to you on this issue of trying to get people to believe in God - they'll believe if you demonstrate that the way of God is the best way, not if you continue to act like a self-righteous do gooder who knows all the answers that all the athiests don't. You don't know all the answers. I don't know all the answers. If you truly believe in God, you realize that God knows all the answers, and doesn't really want you to pretend that you do. The best thing to do is to simply live a good life, and let GOD do the judging in the end... (another commandment of Jesus', btw!)
edit on 11/22/2011 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

This is absolutely one of the best replies I have ever read.

So people want proof. This is my ah ha moment. I have been a Christian since I was 13. When my third son was born he was very sick. At 35 days old he had his bowel rupture. We did not know it. It was "accidently" found when he was taken to ICU for a blood transfusion (his second one in 4 days). The intensafist came and got my wife and I. She showed us the xrays. We could see the rupture. She also said they were prepping for emergency surgery. We were told he had about a 3% chance of living. It just so happened the surgeon on call was Dr Oatherson. (that might not be the correct spelling) Later we found out this man had basically written the book on pediatric surgery and is very well know throughout the US. We were allowed to see him before surgery. I remember like it is happening now. I held his hand in my fingers, and I prayed "God, thank you for letting me have Aaron for these few days. I know you are in control and if it be your will pleae let us keep him. But if not it is ok. So right now I am giving him back to you. He is yours to do with what you will, and I will praise you no matter what your decision is. Amen" 6 hours later the doc came to see us. We were kept away from the other parents in what I later found out was the grieving room. Doc told us my son was alive, he was fighting the respirator so they took him off of it. He ran his entire bowel three times and never found the rupture. It was just gone. He said in all his years (and he was about 70 then) that he had never seen something like this. Was Aaron healed by the hand of God. I believe so. My son is my proof.

update: Aaron is 18 now, he is a senior, made second team All State for soccer and is planning on joining the Navy after graduation. Life is good...God is Good.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:56 AM
TIME-TRAVELER John Titor: For those amonst us who choose to live off the radar do it to protect ourselfs, 'Time Travel' as people know it is NO longer reliant upon machines like John Titor used. Time Travel has changed it has evolved as we have evolved.
Time Travel is NOW possible through the power of the mind(similar to 'Remote Viewing'), a select few of us amongst us would feel special but the majority of people would call us names and put us into boxes like the name 'Jumper' or 'Watcher' or Solider'.......sad
When you travel through time it's important to have a team of 'Devines' to hold you together whist time travel is possible by following the electromagnetic pathways of you mind. Increased 'Dopermine' levels in the mind open the time travelers mind to a psycosis of sorts where actual travel through interdimentional time is achieved through the unconsious consious state of awareness.
Interdimentional intel is sent back and forth regularly by way of hylusionative voice or mental imagry messages but not physical objects. The pen is greater than the sword when you can get a man to swallow his toung just by talking to him...what we have now are a very special set of skills that allow the few evolved people to view, or unconsiously travel through time forwards or backwards or travel to a neutral marker point where information can be requested or searched through the interaction with other psycotic forum members.....believe it or not!
Unfortunatley, in the now we are the disease of the planet - in the future we have a responsibility to maintain the balance in our own lives so that harmony and growth can prosper. Why is it that only in the face of evil or dispare that we perform well, do the angels cry every minute for the human race and plead with God to show mercey or do peoples ignorance and greed feed and influence evolution, why then do the masses single people like us out, why distroy what you don't uderstand or can't control, it's NOW time for you all to just give it up, work it out and get a grip...just because you haven't done it, haven't seen it or don't think it's possible or right DOSEN'T MEAN it isn't happening right under your, if you got a problem believing me then go away from me but if you want to know more about me and my experiences then post or PM me at [email protected] Looking forward to your response Devo (AMTEC = Australian Mind Technology)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 02:06 AM
Why should I be warned about a god? Is it dangerous? And why should I care? If a god wants me to know of its existence it should reveal itself to me.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by amtecsolo

WHAT???? Did I step out of the room and miss something? Clearly you are on a much different level than I. Thanks for sharing though.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 02:13 AM
If a God created everything, why did he make so many galaxies? Let's assume there is a God, do you really think he is watching over every little thing he created? Do you know how vast this universe is? When you compare this universe to human beings in size, we are smaller than the smallest thing known to man. I just can't fathom a God being omnipresent in this universe.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

So you believe in a God that lets millions of people die a day and when it happens people like you say oh well it was their time, and maybe they should have been as holy a me. So if you have problems in your life and pray for God to guide you , he will guide only you special you, forget the other poor dying peoples whose parents and family are probably way more innocent and pure than you are, he will just let them die, but he will help you ...say pass you exam, or bring the rain to your country or help you get that perfect job. You see you don't use sense and the common one is the one I speak of. people are always preaching how God helped them , just them, and then forget the rest. In the case of the Job example maybe just maybe you would get the job because you studied hard enough and got a degree and had a good interview. Nothing to do with God. Maybe the next time it rains people like you actually don't look to the sky and shout , thank you God for the rain because we all know how rain is formed don't we? You see many Christians don't use common sense and they believe in divine intervention dismissing the fact that everything happens because of something else. I say use intelligence and rationality and stop thinking you are better or holier than thou. Even people have claimed to have seen or spoken to god don't possibly realize how strong the mind can be.

Sure I can say I've spoken to God or was it my incredible immagination making up sounds and sights , was it my pure belief in something that made me believe it .. yes it was !!! There is no God there never has been, there are however rules governing the earth and planetary systems , gravity etc... But do you see us praying to gravity to ask it not to let any more apples fall down?? How absurd . I suggest you look at reality God is a figment of your imagination after all people believe they are pregnant and their stomachs even grow !! Have you heard of phantom pregnancies ? Amongst many other mental signs of delusion . I say man stop putting faith in something that you have just heard or speculate about. Live your life and become at one with the fantastic working s of our nature and stop begging for answers and thinking that this God of yours would speak to you , as if you were the most important one, the poor people and the people with nothing are far more religious and holy than any of us as their lively hood
is based on that and yet they can't even get a cup of rice for dinner. I suggest you travel bro, open your eyes and see the world , i'm not trying to act superior to you but I can't handle people who are so pompus about life. As girlfriend said the other day UNTIL YOU HAVE TRAVELLED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY AND SEEN SOMEONE WHO BELIEVES IN THEIR OWN GOD AS MUCH AS YOU DO YOU WILL NEVER QUESTION YOUR OWN BELIEFS BECAUSE YOU ARE IN A SOCIETY THAT IS FOLLOWING THE SAME MENTAL ILLUSION.

Think mate!!

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 02:34 AM
Yap, keep looking into the mirror and telling yourself that...maybe someday, after a long stretch of self hypnosis you will actually be able to convince yourself that "their is a god".
In the mean time keep practising, and don't forget to always carry the bible around...soon you will feel sleepy...god loves you, he wants you to go to sleep...god loves all his little sheep...

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by subcsailor

Oh so he chose to help just you??? Woow you must be a real Christian then ..wooow the real deal!!! Millions die a day but you were helped ..whats your secret?

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