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Causeless happiness

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Manula

Easier said than done...this is reality my friend. I think we're meant to experience pain and's life. It's very unlikely to be happy-go-lucky the rest of your life, there will be bad days, without the bad you would not know the good days. It's a rough road, and you never know what kind of shoes people are walking in.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Manula

and that is why all world existence is going to war? and also why black holes are the only objective existence spaces ?

you are selfish in meaning ur reaction as the exclusive objective from all what is happening really around

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Lovelyful

The up and down, good and bad game is to be lived, yes, but one day it will be over...

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:00 AM
Stop being so complicated, happiness is a feeling that comes from recognizing that we love life, whatever happens, we love life, existence is always loved.
If you cant do this i understand, its not easy, maybe one day, i didn't get there easily, i am still trying to stay like this, to make a routine of this, it has been a very hard road, but, then again, the more darkness we face, the more light we create.

I understand you don't agree, but you see, we all play this game of feeling good and bad, maybe you are still in this game, its not your time to finish it. Do you know how this game is finished? The good wins, its like in the movies, a fight between good and bad, and good always wins in the end. But in real life this fight happens in your mind.

This doesn't mean that you don't connect to human suffering, on the contrary, it means that you know what suffering is, and you can help deal with it, so you wish to help.

Thats what i try to do.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Manula
Stop being so complicated, happiness is a feeling that comes from recognizing that we love life, whatever happens, we love life, existence is always loved.
If you cant do this i understand, its not easy, maybe one day, i didn't get there easily, i am still trying to stay like this, to make a routine of this, it has been a very hard road, but, then again, the more darkness we face, the more light we create.

I understand you don't agree, but you see, we all play this game of feeling good and bad, maybe you are still in this game, its not your time to finish it. Do you know how this game is finished? The good wins, its like in the movies, a fight between good and bad, and good always wins in the end. But in real life this fight happens in your mind.

This doesn't mean that you don't connect to human suffering, on the contrary, it means that you know what suffering is, and you can help deal with it, so you wish to help.

Thats what i try to do.

Ahhh, finally you presented what you claim to be happiness... the recognition of loving life

So, let me get this straight, if someone doesn't agree with your definition of happiness, and then choose to act accordingly, this person is still in some kind of game?

Can happiness coincide with pain?

You know why good wins? Once evil has eliminated its opposition, all that is left is an environment in which the evil intended on creating, there for, it is now 'good' according to those who were once 'evil'. What one deems just, doesn't always share the same definition to another. There is no, 'winning' there is only transition, and cycles.

BTW, you gotta love referencing 'the movies', too bad life doesn't work like the movies all the time.

Unless you have some neurological disorder, in which doesn't allow you to feel anything but happiness, you are 'bound' or in 'bondage' to the spirit of human emotions.

In order to escape such bondage, like that to the spirit of the slave, who is lack of freedom, confidence and filled with fear, should one just simply sit there and take this approach?
Should this person not have confidence, and freedom in order to achieve happiness? For if this is so, then there would never be a reason for this 'slave' to want to escape slavery and enjoy freedom.
And, if this person IS to escape slavery, or attempt to overturn it, is it out of happiness in which he does so? Or is it the pursuit of happiness in which gives light to the ratification of slavery? Action with out cause? NO, 'cause' gives birth to action, at least action in which is of a nobel, moral, and ethical man.

There is no dividing happiness and action, or the lack of result of action which then sheds light on cause. Or is it that western and american philosophy has tarnished my comprehension? Unfortunately, we can not all be buddhist monks, for logistics and our infrastructure in the modern world of technology and innovation doesn't allow for this to be applicable.

If you'd like, I have no problem pulling quotes and sources in which express this point...

I said it before and I will say it again, there's no escaping the reality of actuality. Maybe our understanding of reincarnation and 'heaven' are so different, that our approaches to happiness will forever differ. Maybe it was your reference to the Fools card in which sheds light into your comprehension of the subject.

Continue with this baseless ideal, and prepare to be Locke'ed, Augustine'ed, and Aristotle'ed into submission lol. Or would you prefer the works of Alan Watts(which i'm sure you would enjoy)

Or maybe you should jsut go here... and understand what 1000's of years have to say about this topic. BTW if you are to pull scripture in the future like you did previously, at least break down what it means, or provide what others(scholars, or those who would know) have said in regards to it.

What about, Ed Diener's take in regards to happiness, stating that experiencing negative emotions, rather than just getting rid of them has a huge positive influence or impact on lasting happiness?

I don't hold any of these people to be infallible, but I would suggest they are closer to the truth of happiness and the PURSUIT of it, than some irrational subjective ideal of 'Just be Happy'

Keep trying to escape the reality of actuality, it might work for you, unfortunately it will not work for 99% of people that adhere to pschological developement that is based on cognitive bias'.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Manula

Oh yeah, and before I forget..... you want us to stop being so complicated?

Maybe you should remove yourself from this site, for it's objective is to DENY IGNORANCE.

Simple concept, yet you choose to over look it. The world is complex, especially when undertaking happiness, ideology, philosophy, and reality.

Sorry if a Realist isn't your cup of tea.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Realist? Whats your reality? Each person has its own.
I had a reallity of pain, fear and depression, something i couldnt change made me that way but then i woke up, its not what happens that matter its our reaction to it.

Dont like it? Fine. I respect that.

Complicated? Of course because my idea is simple but it requires old routines to be defeated. The habit of letting forces you cant control rule your emotions has to be abandoned.
edit on 14-11-2011 by Manula because: (no reason given)

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