posted on Apr, 9 2003 @ 08:17 AM
The frontpage of the site has a brief update of information obtained by Russian military intelligence sources.
I'd love to know if this information is just made up or not, but it really does paint a different picture to our UK/US mainstream media reports.
Quotes from the days update linked above include:
From the 7th..
"But when attempting to storm the government offices the commandos were sighted, blocked and engaged by the guardians. In order to help the commandos
a mixed battalion group that had managed to break to the quay of the Tigris moved forward but was stopped by an anti-tank artillery barrage and got
ambushed by RPG soldiers. During that almost two-hour battle the Americans lost up to 5 APC and 2 tanks. At least 8 solders were killed and more than
20 wounded. By 3pm the remains of the commando assault groups forced their way to the American positions and at 15:30 their common withdrawal began.
At 5pm the American troops left the city. The exact casualties of the American Special Forces remain unclear. According to communications between
American commanders the status of least 15 men is unknown. Whether they are dead, captured or hiding in the city is still obscure.
It was reported that the commandos captured a high officer but during the rush he was killed and left in the city. "
If they're making up this info. it's a very clever deception...