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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:18 AM
So my buddy sends me a link to this WebSite

So I am reading thru it and it is basically a bunch of hard working underpaid folks with a take it on the chin attitude. Hard work equals a good life. I agree with what they say. But I am sick of working so damn hard.


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:21 AM
It seems that most of the people are proud of their suffering and are literally gluttons for punishment. They are bragging about their struggles and the pain that they are being put through and are literally justifying their plight while worshiping at the alter of the American Dream. I guess they feel it somehow makes it right.

It really is unsettling, almost a form of Stockholm syndrome, to be held hostage but to cling to their captors while holding onto a false reality, a status-quo, a dream that will never come for most, regardless of how hard they work. To be disillusioned enough to defend the ones that are using and abusing you, that are destroying any future, all for the hope of someday profiting from a system that will eventually throw you, and your children away. To promote a system of generational slavery as a way to justify your current suffering, to make sense of it, to deal with it.

I personally know many that had the exact mentality that these folks had. They worked hard, went to school, DID EVERYTHING RIGHT, and now they have been thrown away like trash by their corporate masters. They have lost everything and are unable now to provide for themselves or their families. Struggling to survive, their health deteriorating, and their future gone. By getting to this point, their eyes have been opened and they now know there is only an American Illusion, meant to enslave and pacify the masses while neutering the people of their power.

The Utopia that is constantly made fun of and attacked is possible with the technology of a decade ago. But the primal greed deep within the very soul of man is too strong, and will not allow a world free of pain, suffering, inequality, and intolerance. Instead, trading a world of prosperity, creativity, and love for one of personal wealth at the expense and suffering of a great multitude of others.

Sadly, the cost of the current path of our greed will ultimately lead to self destruction, as the excesses continue up until the final breath is exhaled from the last human in the universe.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by DJM8507

Sadly, the cost of the current path of our greed will ultimately lead to self destruction, as the excesses continue up until the final breath is exhaled from the last human in the universe.

You sir, or ma'am (whatever the case may be) are a genius. I have rarely seen someone summarize the plight so well.

I think Mike Moore, yeah i know, called it the Horatio Alger myth of the American dream, rags to riches. Back in the 50s it was possible.

It's completely impossible now. Wages aren't in tune with the cost of living, the gap between the rich and poor is growing faster than ever. Manufacturing is a dead industry in the US. It really is only a matter of time.

there are only so many countries left to invade and wage war on, what happens once they are all conquered? The only reason the US hasn't imploded financially at this point is the wars, and they themselves are a massive drain on the economy.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by DJM8507

Well said... Liked the analogy too.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

I just saw this today myself, and I think I'd agree with you. I can identify with the hard working keep your head down and don't ask for anything ethic, as it's exactly the way I have been for my entire life.

I do get the impression that these people are sort of not getting the point of what's going on. It's not a matter of who works hard and who doesn't; it's not a matter of who's "entitled" to what, and who's not; it's not even a question of living within one's means or "keeping up with the Joneses" -- the issue today is JUSTICE plain and simple. Equal rights under the law, truth in reporting- simple virtues that have been lost.

By the way, I really like your quote about Ben. I think if Jefferson were around right now he'd be handing out guns on the street and saying "I warned you about this..."

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by seaside sky
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

By the way, I really like your quote about Ben. I think if Jefferson were around right now he'd be handing out guns on the street and saying "I warned you about this..."

Good stuff.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters
You're right, phishy, the 'war machine' has to have an enemy to keep those bombs, and rockets and bullets used up. Ike was right about these guys, 'beware the military/industrial complex' Are we running out of countries to invade?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

So I am reading thru it and it is basically a bunch of hard working underpaid folks with a take it on the chin attitude. Hard work equals a good life. I agree with what they say. But I am sick of working so damn hard.

Well, I am disabled now, from turning over a semi in 1987 and breaking my neck and back. Before that, for some 38 years of my life, I was an automobile mechanic and engineer. It was not a job, it was a career, an adventure. I loved every minute of it, even thought the work was much harder that most manual labor jobs. I had arms in those days like Popeye. You see, I was taught that if you work hard, you can have the American Dream. Today, I still do not have that Dream. I really miss working, is depresses me that I am forced to sit at home, unable to even walk some days. Today's monthly pay is less than I used to make in a week. I have watched as the Dollar lost most of it's value, I can remember buying a week's worth of groceries for $25, and a tank full of gas for $10. A pack of smokes cost $0.25, and a six-pack of beers cost $1.50.

It would please me to no end if when the Annunaki come back, they rest time back to America's former glory.


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