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Bill Maher - The Comedian With An Agenda = Weaponizing Comedy

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posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 04:25 PM
To be honest I used to like this guy
But now that a Dem is in power he surely has changed

See, to repackage what someone is saying and then not only attacking YOUR repackage as if it was that someone''s but ridiculing it is quite the weapon is it not?
Especially when there are thousands of sheep that believe money grows on trees

There are so many companies going overseas and small businesses that can't survive anymore because of costly and inefficient regulations and the FED which causes inflation.

There should be less Govt. involvement in the economy, we have to encourage entrepreneurship
This isn't about massive corporations, it's about small businesses

Regulations are in fact about massive corporations, because through lobbying large corporation executive get to hold regulatory positions, something that Obama is famous for supporting.

People are so lost and are falling for this poor excuse for an opinion
Not using logic in debates is the new war on the people!


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 04:47 PM
this guy 'claimes' he is an athiest, yet he supports his 'beloved' izreal?
i love how the chozen constantly hammer it down our throats, 'atheism is so great' yet they all bow before izreal.

last time i checked, xionism is a 'religelous' concept.

elitist fool, who believes in the motto, 'do as i say NOT AS I DO.'

as soon as i see a comedian, actor, writer, director who was born chozen then complains about other religions? i never give them credit, or watch them. and the only reason they have any airtime, is because they are chozen. 55% of all the jobs in media go to the chozen. which means 98% of the artists are vying for 45% of the jobs, while 2% of the 'chozen' amongst us get 55% of the coolest jobs out there? then they 'tell' us how bad religion is while proclaiming how great xionism is?

oh boy, i am soooooooooooooooooo sick of ethnocentrism, elitism, and xionism.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

There are so many companies going overseas and small businesses that can't survive anymore because of costly and inefficient regulations and the FED which causes inflation.

So cheap labor, real estate, infrastructure and less regulations(safety, not financial) have no part either?

There should be less Govt. involvement in the economy,

Agreed, but how much is less and who determines it? Cronyism always seems to spawn in this arena, and with gov regulation, at least the public has access to the mechanisms and procedures, vs private's ability to hide, destroy, or cook the books.

Regulations are in fact about massive corporations, because through lobbying large corporation executive get to hold regulatory positions, something that Obama is famous for supporting.

Can I add that ALL politicians/parties do this because it is in THEIR best interests. Yes Obama has done it too, but let's look past him as an individual and address the bigger picture of Wall ST and Corporations now own a significant portion of congress's interests, period, regardless of side o the isle!

Not using logic in debates is the new war on the people!

Logic can never be entertained or analyzed in soundbite segments from the media. There are no shows that can fully encompass a discussion or weigh out of all facts involved, plus they have their own interests. So the logic is up to us to find, but the problem is MOST folks get their info exclusively from these shows, including msm and fox, where not enough info can be included, leaving shallow talking points and blame assessments to swallow.

Maher is provocative and prolly hypocritical at times, but he is still one of the only figures willing(able in the guise of comedy) to call it as he sees it, right or wrong, he can criticize as he wishes, just like right wing radio does.
I am glad he's around for perspective and balance sometimes.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:04 PM
I don't understand this Bill Maher. He's not even funny - but then again, I am not a millionaire.

I aso don't appreciate how obvious he's being funded by the Zionist cultists. But that goes the same with Obama.

Because of course, I don't anything against IsRaEl (Isis - Ra - El) --- It's the subversion, death, lies, and corruption I have an issue with. And no populace is ever to blame for that.

Brain washing goes quite a long way apparently, and seems to be working for BIll's pocket book.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:28 PM
I just wanted to add that taxes and profits are, imo the biggest reason for outsourcing, moving co's overseas, etc.
And even if we cut most regulation and gave the co's a chance to pay FAIR taxes, would they not still choose very slim to none tax rate options available elsewhere? Then there is profit, and it is more than just regulations that make US manufacturing expensive, there is fairness and decent wages involved. There are liabilities from insurers(for better or worse). Again, even if we could offer fair costs and profits in manufacturing, are co's gonna choose it because it's USA and the right thing to do, or are they going to follow their greed and seek maximum profits?

This is the problem, co's do not seek viability any more, their sites are set for maximum profit, and being able to get away with as much as possible. So greed has done more harm than regulations, imo. Plus, how the heck can you address greed without regulation? Again, these co's(or decision makers within) are not striving for fair competition in everyone's best interest anymore, rather they are seeking most for less, sometimes compromising any integrity that gets in the way.
edit on 25-9-2011 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:53 PM
Over time, I have found that when we enjoy the wisdom espoused by entertainers, no matter how well it is received, we have to remember that they are in fact - entertainers.

They don't have to be genuine, sincere, or even truthful.... only entertaining.

Many times I have been disappointed to learn the 'true' colors of someone who spoke well.

Elitism is an acquired malady. These people work, live, and play among the elite.... don't be too surprised.

And always remember, the most effective way of stifling dissenters, is to post your best actor to lead them.

I have difficulty trusting in 'celebrity' anymore.
edit on 27-9-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-9-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:05 AM
that is kind of a crappy little bit there

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