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How The Hell Do You Know?

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posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by simplelife

Originally posted by wigit

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by wigit

I don't necessarily doubt that some people have "seen things". I'm just not so sure that what some people have seen were "aliens".

Oh, I've never seen an alien. But I've seen things that are alien to what we know.

yep, like giant monumental buildings, and scriptures in which that can't be built by the human being during that time.

I'm not sure which buildings you are speaking of, but archeologists seem to have a pretty good idea of how the Pyramids were built. They don't know all of the construction techniques used, but that doesn't mean the Egyptians didn't have very clever building techniques.

People seem to forget that Egyptians were just as intelligent as we are. They are humans, after all, with the same brains we have, and with the same intellectual capacity for problem-solving. They had a couple THOUSAND years experience in stone construction -- including over 1,000 years of experience building progressively larger and larger pyramids.

It seems more likely the Egyptians devised clever construction techniques over the thousand years of pyramid building that eventually enabled them to build the Great Pyramid.

I've often that if aliens helped the Egyptians build the pyramids, then why do we have a several thousand year historical progression of Egyptian architecture from simple stone construction to slightly more complex stone construction to mastabas to stacked mastabas to multi-level mastabas (which is basically what the stepped pyramid is) to small pyramids to larger pyramids to, finally, the Great Pyramid?

We can see the historical record of the slow architectural progression from simple stone tombs to the building of Great Pyramid.

As for other structures, such as Stonehenge, here is a video of a guy who shows one way that Stonehenge may have possibly been built. Maybe the the Stonehenge builders (and even the Egyptians) used similar techniques as this guy.

edit on 9/14/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 10:05 AM
A long time ago I read all I could about alien or unnatural claims and some made you think it just might be something near earth shattering. it got the alternate thinking juices excited and flowing and began to whet the curious appetite when wham...Later, nothing ever came from the claims except silence or excuses.

I've read claims from supposedly "people in the know" that all aliens signed a non-intervention pact when it comes to contact with people of the Earth or its a hush-hush government contact only scenario . Well that explains seeing but not meeting any aliens. how convenient.

I've read doomsday predictions of planets and comets that failed to materialize and amateur/professional astronomers that can't seem to locate them. then we learn it's a brown dwarf or some such invisible or camouflaged entity and we are not suppose to see it. how convenient.

So if there is a non-intervention pact how did the person in the know find out about this clear case of intervention from the aliens?

How did the ancients predict a doomsday planet that you can't see and can't be informed about because of a non-intervention pact or can't see because of its cloak of invisibility?

What if 3000 years in the future mankind had to start over because of wars, disasters, or disease's and our time in history was forgotten mostly or erased from memory and lets say someone found a single copy of Harry Potter.

What if they thought we believed it as a real story. Do they get on the new Internet and argue about finding Hogwarts and ranting about doomsday predictions from voldemort?

These days it takes a lot to get any rise in my alternate thinking juices and get to them flowing again. I read now for entertainment and assign these claims mostly to the Harry Potter genre, but thats just me.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by dcmb1409

A long time ago I read all I could about alien or unnatural claims and some made you think it just might be something near earth shattering. it got the alternate thinking juices excited and flowing and began to whet the curious appetite when wham...Later, nothing ever came from the claims except silence or excuses.

I've read claims from supposedly "people in the know" that all aliens signed a non-intervention pact when it comes to contact with people of the Earth or its a hush-hush government contact only scenario . Well that explains seeing but not meeting any aliens. how convenient.

I've read doomsday predictions of planets and comets that failed to materialize and amateur/professional astronomers that can't seem to locate them. then we learn it's a brown dwarf or some such invisible or camouflaged entity and we are not suppose to see it. how convenient.

So if there is a non-intervention pact how did the person in the know find out about this clear case of intervention from the aliens?

How did the ancients predict a doomsday planet that you can't see and can't be informed about because of a non-intervention pact or can't see because of its cloak of invisibility?

What if 3000 years in the future mankind had to start over because of wars, disasters, or disease's and our time in history was forgotten mostly or erased from memory and lets say someone found a single copy of Harry Potter.

What if they thought we believed it as a real story. Do they get on the new Internet and argue about finding Hogwarts and ranting about doomsday predictions from voldemort?

These days it takes a lot to get any rise in my alternate thinking juices and get to them flowing again. I read now for entertainment and assign these claims mostly to the Harry Potter genre, but thats just me.

I agree that any claim that has no proof should not be believed until reasonably verified. Thing is....although there are ways to find things out by looking in the right places.....all these people who start making up information and storries as they proclaim to be an agent or such....and assign names and origin locations as well descriptions of E.T. as well as their the job of a particular U.S. Agency for them.

The specific true and mostly provable information I E.T. exists and there is PLENTY of old documentation pre-60's available for ANYONE TO LOOK UP if they actually do so. The places to look are pre-60's Washington DC Newspapers....all of them and many other cities papers as well...but DC papers give the most detailed accounts and interviews with high level military and government officials as well as City officials as UFO's were OVERFLYING THE WHITEHOUSE AND CAPITAL BUILDING as our airforce tried to shoot them down many times over a long period.

2. Look in the Agricultural Dept. files for information about Roswell as this info was burried there hastily prior to the enactment of the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT. There are ASTONISHING letters sent by FBI Chief J.Edgar Hoover to USAF General Curtis LeMay....the General most remembered for the term....BOMB THEM BACK TO THE STONE HOOVER was pissed that the USAF had put a lid on the Roswell crash and removed all evidence and REFUSED TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH THE FBI.

As for your reference to treaties with and between will just have to take on faith as I have no interest to explain more about that. I may know a few things but their is a line i will not cross.

Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 05:18 AM
My best bet for the race's is that people who have close encounters describe these aliens. With enough encounters with aliens that look a specific way (reptilian, for example) then people assume there is a race of aliens that look like that. With the space wars thing, that's most likely just a bunch of alien enthusiasts wishing that this was happening so they say it is.
That's just my best guess though, happy to be proven wrong.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 08:07 AM
Draco-Borgs hahahah that's a new one. Such websites give a bad name to NOT conspiracies but facts about ETs I agree.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by StarPeace

This is a prime example of absolute, undisputible, incontrivertable truth.

The truth of which I speak is :

You can put absolutely anything on the internet and someone somewhere will believe it.

Not saying anyone here does or will; but someone somewhere will.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 08:18 AM
Isn't it fair to argue that any alien race that won a war may not be the good guys, because those that win wars generally have bigger guns not better morals.
Those with bigger guns write the history books. So who is to say that "IF" this were all real that we're not being given some outrageous propaganda so we lower our defences.

Just wanted to throw that out there.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 11:22 PM
All I ever needed to know about aliens I learned from the History Channel. I don't know...therefore, aliens.

But seriously now, I'm at the point where we're going to know within the next year what is going to happen. If the world ends in 2012 then I'm dead and I'm not going to care why. If the world doesn't end in 2012 then all the conspiracy theorists are going to have a LOT of explaining to do. Naturally they will probably come up with some equally amazing theory that says we were spared for some completely asinine reason. If we're heading towards a pre-destined path, does it matter what you do? Why warn others? Why shower? Why eat? Why live? Why try to be as awesome as I am?

Stop worrying. Be at peace. Accept what life has given you. Adapt and overcome hardships. Love those around you. If you do these things you can't go wrong. I've gone through a lot in my life to have finally learn these things, but it is an amazing free feeling once you've found it.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 11:44 PM
People don't know. There are people who claim to know, but really, at most it is just a strong belief, based on half-baked ideas they read on the internet.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
I know because of a historical document that was inspired by GOD called the bible. It tells me what these things are and show's me how to deal with them.

Yep and it includes other fairy-tales such as unicorns, talking snakes, talking donkeys, invisible ghosts impregnating women, a man living in a fish for a few days, rods becoming snakes, water-ways splitting into two, an old senor-citizen building a huge ship and then loading up pairs of all the worlds animals upon it and surviving 40 days and 40 nights...

What a book, eh? So why doesnt it surprise me that some of its believers are also using it as an alien guide-book now?!!!!!!

edit on 16-9-2011 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:04 AM
I'll use the NAGA for example. Yes they are real. Do you know who makes games? All the games. Rich, mystery school corporates. Can you not see the code. Look at World of Warcraft Cataclysm. Do you see the Dragon. Thats Rev 9 11. That is the Destroyer, the Shadow. Wormwood. The Harvest. The New Cycle. Have you seen Assassins Creed.

They've been channeling, meeting with, summoning Entities since long before Solomon's temple.

Cosmology. Star Wars = Angel Wars = Star Wars. There are infinite channels, infinite universes like layers of frequency and density. We're in the testing ground ones, but there are lower ones, and Higher Ones. Its certainly not boring like sitting on clouds and playing harps. We're real people.

ET is many things. Corporal beings in our density universe, therefore also in a testing ground. Entities some of which are also ET by my standard as the worlds/universes are real much like here. This isn't even the astrals, for they are the layers connected to this density universe, sub densities.

Take away time itself for its but a program and All That Oversees Earth, past/present/future including your Guides and Family, and Future Family here, can visit in crafts if they so choose to do so.

How do I know? Sitings, memories, experiences, my sons had missing time. Energy recognition and simply the window open on others, talked to them and they had those memories already, of being something other than this.

The moons of Sirius A and B for example, feline humanoids. B is the dwarf star, and in a duality system considered more renegade. Our pyramids point to Orion and Sirius B, both in Egypt and Mayan ones too.

The human dna is off planet dna.

Being of good will to others, caring, trying to work through our flaws, and trying to seek how to help this world, is something that is very good to pour out under the stars, makign sure we're trying to not harm others, because frequency and frequency matches happen. Some people have very bad experiences, others ones that really increase their awareness, wake up calls.

When you're concerned about others and how to help them its Ok to pray meditate in nature, under the stars, sungazing, etc and seek help. With joy and positivity. Not to be fear based. But I would not seek ufology out in a state of service to self because here we have a lot of negatives co-op programs and working wih the black ops, and controlling the black ops, world leaders and world power. The top of the pryamid is off planet, and many here in top positions are working for them. They're the draco group, dragons, what we call predators. Real or metaphorical dragons, simply means, negative beings without compassion, ruthless and predatory. Draco means energy vampires treating humans like cattle, feeding off our suffering and LIGHT, Spirit/Soul energy.
edit on 17-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:18 AM
By the way, I define ET as someone who can be born on a planet or realm, physical at least to their people, and have children in some way, perhaps higher tech, with culture and society, not necessarily our universe.

I further limit that to, mixed polarity, with much goodness and more love than meanness, akin to human in that way, or better, not worse, to very positive and eutopian.

Negativity is lower frequency and is something else, that is spirit beings who through participation became renegades and compromised love, took short cuts, harmed others and shrunk consciosness. And we shouldn't want to be a part of what needs healing. And thats NOT ET to me, but the bloodlines seem to think thats ET.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by StarPeace

There are pictures, a good deal of them, and whatever the "thing" is in the images is certainly real, what we DO NOT know is how it got there and whether or not it is a doll, toy or synthetic looking thing that was created and put in place to purposefully be photographed, or if an alien was actually captured in the image. Given some of the circumstances behind some of the photos there is good evidence to show some of these are real and were captured on accident while taking pictures of other things. I'm too lazy to go and dig them all out right now but others will confirm what I am saying, there are pictures out there, what is yet to be determined is if the thing in the pictures is a model of some kind or an alien accidentally captured.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:29 PM
It's just astounding what people will believe on youtube, and on the internet.
Just blindly.

Other civilizations are at war, because a guy says so on his site or made a video about it.
Forget the fact no one can prove without a doubt these races exist. A guy on youtube or on a blog said so, so it must be true.

What ever happened to ignoring the nutjobs?
When you drive down the street and its some nutcase making wild statements you wind up the window and ignore him.

Why does no one do that on the net?
Why are videos of not credible people getting 10k - 20k - 30K+ views?

edit on 2-10-2011 by StarPeace because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by StarPeace

From what I can tell there are different types of ET's (& ID's) interacting with us. I don't think any of them are at war like we know it. In fact that seems to be one of their issues towards us--our violent ways.

Some of them are more evolved than others though which makes sense given the age of the galaxy/universe. A civilization 30,000 years ahead of us could looks pretty unrecogizable, but yet an older one, say... 30 million might be capable of even more amazing attributes.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by StarPeace

Thank you!!!

How can we possibly know anything about the other races living out there?

We can't...Simple we just don't have enough information to make claims about an Andromeda council etc etc.

I've even seen material where people go as far as describing their societies and behaviors which never ceases to crack me up

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by ContractedMercenary

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
I know because of a historical document that was inspired by GOD called the bible. It tells me what these things are and show's me how to deal with them.

Stop with all your religious crap theres a forum for people like you go use it, any and all of what you post anymore has god or bible in it. Whats making me so upset is that your a grown man, try and act like one everyone here knows your obessed with god and thats fine but quit cluttering any and all ufo threads with it.

Sorry that people like us "clutter" your threads. But if I stood still as a blind man started to cross the road as a car was barreling down, I couldn't live with myself. Your "aliens" are that car. The blind man is you.
SEE the evilness. READ the other side of the story.

They are back.
As in the days of Noah.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:22 PM
Just make sure you make every shot count!

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Can Someone Tell me How people can believe

Ok, let me see if I can explain this without confusing everyone completely. Be patient a sec, this might seem off topic, but it isn't.

Years back I filmed a video of something I experienced first hand - something absolutely real, unbelievable and unexplainable. A true paranormal event of magnitude. I was ready to send it off to an investigator and noticed when showing it to other people the video began to shorten in length. I stopped showing it around, one because it made me sick to do so, two, because of the 'shortening' but before I stopped showing it to others there were many people - including some professors at Dartmouth College etc - who saw it and not one person had any explanation for what they saw but not a one refuted any of the material in the over ten minute long video. They all were believers.

It's my opinion that's the stage we're in. We need to figure out who we are - personally and as a species. Are we believers? Or not. If we had irrefutable evidence we'd never have to go through the 'faith' (if you will) process. And we need that. Or so I believe.

Back to the video. Just before putting it in the box to send it off? I tossed it in the fire. To this day I have NO IDEA what I did such a FOOLISH thing! I'm not going to say I was 'possessed' or anything - but - I can say I was in a 'mode' like when you're about to be in an accident - you know - when everything slowwwwwssss wayyyy dooownwwww. Point being - I tossed it in the fire.

Ok, back to UFO's.

For whatever reason. Divine intervention. Alien intervention. Our own psyche not being prepared. Whatever it is I truly believe it's as simple as it's just not the right time yet. It isn't. Why? I don't know, but, there are stranger things that can't be explained - and I truly think it's just not time for us as a whole - as a species- to experience the 'meeting' of our 'neighbors' out there and I don't think we're going to get that 'perfect' video, or shot, or proof - until it's time.

*note: Please - Have respect for the original poster of this thread and do not ask about my video. I don't want to derail this thread.
edit on 4-10-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by StarPeace

Can Someone Tell me How people can believe
There is a Andromeda Council
Aliens are at War In Space,
What Races are At War..
How the Hell would anyone here that the Dracos, and Greys are Fighting?
Or the Fish People, Lion People, and The Reptillians are at War.?

Everyone loves a good story?

Seriously, these claims always floor me just as much as they do you and others.
If people have such a great pipeline that they know all of this, then why the heck are we still struggling with a space program? Yet not one of these so called contactees can furnish a cell phone pic of said beings, ships, or council meetings, etc.? C'mon....

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