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I no longer support Ron Paul

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Corporations love a simpler form of government. In fact, most heads of most corporations are probably anarchists at heart. Especially the biggest corporations, the ones that can buy the simple men and women that write laws, and opinions for the court.
Everyone at the top LOVES anarchy, as long as the "law" works for them.

People...YOU and so many others, don't really know what you are up against. Ron Paul is a humble man that is willing to sacrifice himself for the "voter" because he believes in the voter. He believes in the system. If we the people make him out to be a fool by not doing everything we can to get him elected, then he will die knowing he tried. But, he would also die knowing that we are fools that cannot recognize simple truths.

If the true leaders give up, it means the rest of us are truly doomed. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 09:42 PM
Yes, and I also love RP's stand against the Fed.
However, as I said above, his social policies sound remarkably Republican. Less taxes for the rich, less social care. At least he would cut military spending (I imagine).
But the above may catalyse into a social revolution ... soon. If the midle class is going down, as corporates would favor, they will take to the streets.
Also, if Iran's EURO gamble weakens the dollar, plus China no extending more loans - the dolar ca soon scrumble and the middle class would go - unless a socialist style carretaker state is secured - which Obama wanted of all people... so he stands a better releection chance if those things have and effect on the US economy.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Ron Paul's Congressional campaign for the 2010 Election cycle was given $2,000 from the Republican Party of Texas.


In this Presidential election cycle:

Individual donations equal almost 100%

The Republican Party is an avenue for the message Ron Paul is trying to spread. I'm firmly convinced that if Ron Paul would become President as a GOP candidate, he would be an American president, not a Republican president.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Fury1984
reply to post by LDragonFire

Ron Paul's Congressional campaign for the 2010 Election cycle was given $2,000 from the Republican Party of Texas.


In this Presidential election cycle:

Individual donations equal almost 100%

Yeah I can't argue this point, but the amount of press he receives from being a member of the Republican Party, or you could say being a member sure does have its perks.

The Republican Party is an avenue for the message Ron Paul is trying to spread. I'm firmly convinced that if Ron Paul would become President as a GOP candidate, he would be an American president, not a Republican president.

The modern Republican Party reminds me of the Federalist Party, they were pro elite, militant, favored a all powerful central government, imperial presidency, huge central bank, pro wealthy court system. They wanted a clear class based society with aristocrats running the government, and all laws would benefit business. Basically everything that's wrong with this nation today, can be traced back to the founding of the country.. These Federalist controlled the country for ten years, and we are still having the same issues then as now. The Republican Party defeated the Federalist Party and not much has been heard from them sense. The people rose up and voted this political party out of existence.

Would Ron Paul be a good president? I'm not rich, so would a wealthy doctor, career politician serve my best interests? oh and he's republican.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

You sum up want is wrong with this country as a whole. Lets not judge people based on there actions and words lets judge them based on what side they are on.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
I think Ron Paul has integrity, and is a honest man in a crooked game of politics. I like some of Paul's ideas and his interpretation of the constitution. I agree with his voting record for the most part. He is in my opinion the best choice out there when your picking the less evil of choices.

I'm tired of settling for the least of these evils in elections.

The main reason I no longer support Ron Paul is he is still a Republican, and I don't feel that Republicans have the nations or its citizenry best interest at heart. I don't trust the neo conservative/teaparty led Republican party. They have had too much power in the recent past and all they do is blame Democrats for the shape were in yet they do preach alot about being responsible for ones self. The Republicans controlled the congress from 94 to 06 and aren't things better? or worst?

Besides being Republican there are no others running for the gop that I like.

I didn't vote for Obama, and I'm waiting to see what happens on the Democrat side of this upcoming election.

Great post. Glad to see that everyone isn't sipping the kool aid. If you claim to be different, you shouldn't be aligned with EITHER CORPORATE BACKED PARTY.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Paulioetc15

If he were so integrally different from the rest of the Republicna herd... why hasn't he split from the party?

Easy; he's not integrally different. he has the exact same economic outlook as the rest of his party - in fact his is even more "pure" than theirs - punish the poor, reward the wealthy. His position on the wars is marginally different; he's never actually done anything to stand up to his own positions. Sorry, jibbajabba doesn't save anyone's life.

He's another money-sucking republican, who sticks with that failing party because they give him money. They keep him on board so they can point to him and pretend they allow dissent; he's a token, just as Herman Cain is. And just like mr. Cain, if he missteps even an inch from his usefulness to the party, his chances are gone.

Now I honestly, truly think Paul is a nice enough man. Maybe a little deluded, but nice enough. But I think the same of lot of people, most of whom I do not particularly wish to see running an espresso stand, much less a continent-sized nation.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Hey, look at it this way, atleast when you say you support neither party and you're well aware of the two party complex,, you really mean it.

I do believe you should look more towards a candidate that his party backround, but then again I agree with your feelings on the matter, It's a tough sell to insist that anybody can change the mentality of either parties, and if you insist to attack either party on their actions, you gotta question why you've being part of the party all these years.

I support Kucinich, would like him to be president, but I am aware that him being a democrat would be a problem as that party is flowing in lobbyists and corporations just as that of the republican party. What do we do? How long are we going to attempt to change either party? It's been 150years and it's either been republican or democrat.... I agree that it's way overdue for other parties to get in.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
The main reason I no longer support Ron Paul is he is still a Republican, and I don't feel that Republicans have the nations or its citizenry best interest at heart.

Obama is a Democrat. Obama is Bush 3.0. By his actions, not his words.

That proves that party affiliation is meaningless in the end, because all presidents since JFK have been doing the bidding of the NWO. This must, then, swing both ways. Party affiliation must also not DISQUALIFY someone from being for or against the global elite.

The system is what it is, and can't be changed from the outside without a revolution. If a good person must don a red or blue cloak to help him get elected, so be it. The elite have contrived and created this right vs. left divide, to OWN your mind and the minds of most of the populace. "We've gotta get "our guy" in there. Obama is "our guy." Maybe Obama hasn't done what he said but he's still "our guy" and he's still better than the Evil Republicans."


Either you believe in Ron Paul the individual or you do not. If you do, yet you fail to vote for him due to ridiculous red vs. blue warfare, then you sir have laid down and allowed the architects of tyranny to continue to win without a fight.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Paulioetc15

To me the last great GOP President was Eisenhower as the Bush's, Reagan, Carter and Nixon were all jokes.

Paul depends on the issue is either a GOP, Democrat and a Tea Partier. When it comes to social matters he's a Tea man, when it comes to defense he's a GOP, when it comes to private interests controlling key elements of Gov't he's a Dem. Since he wears alot of clothes and wants to eradicate social programs that is an immediate non starter for me.
edit on 5-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

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