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posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:25 PM
Please take some time to watch this video and watch it with an open mind as it best explains Libya under Gaddafi before NATO invasion.

If you want to know how Libya was before this illegal war, you can read it here Libya under Gaddafi - THE TRUTH

I just feel so sorry for the Libyan people because of this illegal war pushed forth by our Western nations.

Libya was truly a far better country before this Illegal Civil War and NATO interference.

There was no "human rights" abuses - that was what YOU were told by the evil Mainstream Media including all those so called "human rights" groups which are no doubt controlled by the Elite.

There was little poverty and Libya had the best living standards in Africa - the people were not suffering!

Gaddafi wanted a more united Africa which was independent of Western interference and exploitation. But ofcourse, that will never happen now because the Rebel NTC care not for the people of Libya - just like the phony puppet government installed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan under the pretext of "democracy and freedom".

Now before anyone is quick to label Gaddaf a "dictator", he was just a leader chosen by the people. Just because the people of Libya didn't want another leader, doesn't mean Gaddafi was a dictator!

If people open their minds a bit they will realise that the real dictators are our Governments - our Two-Party Dictatorship "democracy" who call the shots in the World and always push the weak around.

They hate our freedom, and they will do whatever it takes to control and brainwash us. The power is in our hands to initiate the change...not entrust it to another shallow and fake politician who will initiate the change for you, because that has never happened AND NEVER WILL. List of Obama's broken promises

You must ask yourself, was this interference and illegal war worth it? Was it worth it for Freedom? Was it worth it for Democracy? Was it worth it at the cost of our soldiers lives? Was it worth it at the cost of thousands of innocent lives who only wanted to lead a normal life without all the unnecessary politics just like you and me?

My friends, we are living in a real world Matrix. Its because we chose not to believe anything outside what the mainstream says will ultimately be our downfall unless we wake up and protest against corruption in our Governments and these so called "Laws" which only benefit the Elite.

But the only question is, how much do you value your freedom and how far are you willing to go to protect it?

I just hope things get better in the post-gaddafi Libya but I know thats never going to happen.

"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on" — John F. Kennedy
edit on 29-8-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:31 PM
HUGE PRO GADDAFI RALLY in Tripoli - Raw Footage

What you don't know about Gaddafi and Libya

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

Mr. al-Hasidi is reportedly a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), also known as Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya. It is the most powerful radical faction waging Jihad in Libya and was officially designated as an affiliate of al-Qaeda and the Taliban – both CIA creations – by the UN 1267 Committee.

LIFG was founded in 1995

C.I.A. Agents in Libya Aid Airstrikes and Meet Rebels

CIA Operatives Have Been on the Ground in Libya for Weeks

And one video

Virtually unknown in the West: Libya's water resources

And this post is from member DerepentLEstranger

next TCOTBIP and their MSM mouthpieces will tell us that gadaffi had his soldiers?/mercenaries? take babies out of incubators and ate them. Nurse_Nayirah

i've been sharing the following links on all the Libya related threads 'cause a lot of people have been drinking the kool-aid on this one, sadly it's not getting through some heads as i see the same people posting the same old MSM pro usa crapspew. perhaps they just post and don't keep reading the threads before, going on to the next Libya thread to post the same old crap

Obama asks Saudis to airlift weapons into Benghazi

Exclusive: Benghazi Explosion – Tactical Nuke Use By Gaddafi Suspected

Tactical BS more like it, it was the BS meter that actually exploded
, later shown to be the bombing of a local arms depot/cache

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler The headline ought to read Tactical Nuke Use By Gaddafi Suspected by Donald Duck. The article seems to be making a case for that any explosion anywhere that either hurts or offends the sensibilities of Americans is a tactical nuke! The article also suggests the Oklahoma Bombing was a tactical nuclear device! Seems like yet another sensationalized accusation of the kind that gave us WMD in Iraq. Just a lot of unsubstantiated gibberish designed to enflame and anger people and get people here thinking about paying for another war for oil. How many times are the American people going to get fooled by the same old song and dance, wrap it in a flag, and have God bless it, and presto whamo American bombs start snuffing out 'collateral damage' everywhere.

Benghazi's importance to Libya and possibly the World:
also explains why Qaddafi has come down really harsh on these "rebels"

While many countries in the Middle East and North Africa bicker over water rights, Libya has tapped into an aquifer of 'fossil water' to change its topography – turning sand into soil. The 26-year, $20 billion project is nearly finished. …The Great Man-Made River, which is leader Muammar Qaddafi's ambitious answer to the country’s water problems, irrigates Libya’s large desert farms. The 2,333-mile network of pipes ferry water from four major underground aquifers in southern Libya to the northern population centers. Wells punctuate the water’s path, allowing farmers to utilize the water network in their fields. ... “Water is more precious for us than oil. ... Water here in Libya, it’s life.”

after all why would Qaddafi want to damage or destroy a 26-year, $20+ billion project that he considers his life's work?

Virtually unknown in the West: Libya's water resources. The real reason for toppling Quadaffi?

Libya: British plans to strip Gaddafi of oil revenue

Libya False Flag -part 1: Reuters Hoax EXPOSED
World Cheers as the CIA Plunges Libya Into Chaos

How was Libya doing under the rule of Gadaffi? How bad did the people have it? Were they oppressed as we now commonly accept as fact? Let us look at the facts for a moment.

Before the chaos erupted, Libya had a lower incarceration rate than the Czech republic. It ranked 61st. Libya had the lowest infant mortality rate of all of Africa. Libya had the highest life expectancy of all of Africa. Less than 5% of the population was undernourished. In response to the rising food prices around the world, the government of Libya abolished ALL taxes on food.People in Libya were rich. Libya had the highest gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita of all of Africa. The government took care to ensure that everyone in the country shared in the wealth. Libya had the highest Human Development Index of any country on the continent. The wealth was distributed equally. In Libya, a lower percentage of people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands.

How does Libya get so rich? The answer is oil. The country has a lot of oil, and does not allow foreign corporations to steal the resources while the population starves, unlike countries like Nigeria, a country that is basically run by Shell.

Like any country, Libya suffers from a government with corrupt bureaucrats that try to gain a bigger portion of the pie at the cost of everyone else. In response to this, Kadaffi called for the oil revenue to be distributed directly to the people, because in his opinion, the government was failing the people. However, unlike the article claims, Kadaffi is not the president of Libya. In fact he holds no official position in the government. This is the big mistake that people make. They claim that Kadaffi rules over Libya when in fact he doesn't, his position is more or less ceremonial. He should be compared to a founding father.

The true leader of Libya is an indirectly elected prime-minister. The current prime-minister is
Baghdadi Mahmudi. Calling Khadaffi the leader of Libya is comparable to calling Akihito the leader of Japan. Contrary to what your media is sketching, opinions in Libya vary. Some people support Gadaffi but want Mahmudi out. Others want both out. Many just want to live their life in peace. However, effort is taken to sketch the appearance of a popular revolt against the supposed leader of Libya, Gadaffi, when in fact he is just the architect of Libya's current political system, a mixture of pan-Arabism, socialism, and Islamic government.

Are the protesters in Libya comparable to the protesters in Egypt and Tunisia? Not at all. The governments reaction is more violent, and obviously excessive violence is being used. However let us look for a moment at the actions of the protesters. The building of the the general people's congress, the parliament of Libya, was put on fire by angry protestors. This is comparable to protesters putting the United States Capitol on fire. Do you think that for even a moment the US government would sit idly by as protesters put the US capitol on fire?

Great Britain funded an Al Qaeda cell in Libya, in an attempt to assassinate Gadaffi. The main opposition group in Libya now is the National Front for the Salvation of Libya. This opposition group is being funded by Saudi Arabia, the CIA, and French Intelligence. This group unified itself with other opposition groups, to become the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition. It was this organization that called for the "Day of Rage" that plunged Libya into chaos on February 17 of this year.

It did this in Benghazi, a conservative city that has always been opposed to Gadaffi's rule. It should be noted that the National Front for the Salvation of Libya is well armed. In 1996 the group tried to unleash a revolution in the eastern part of Libya before. It used the Libyan National Army, the armed division of the NFSL to begin this failed uprising.

Why is the United States so opposed to Gadaffi? He is the main threat to US hegemony in Africa, because he attempts to unite the continent against the United States. This concept is called the United States of Africa. In fact, Gadaffi holds all sorts of ideas that are contrary to US interests. The man blames the United States government for the creation of HIV. He claims that Israel is behind the assasination of Martin Luther King and president John. F. Kennedy. He says that the 9/11 hijackers were trained in the US. He also urged Libyans to donate blood to Americans after 9/11. Khadaffi is also the last of a generation of moderate socialist pan-Arab revolutionaries that is still in power, after Nasser and Hussein have been eliminated, and Syria has aligned itself with Iran.The United States and Israel however have no interest in a strong Arab world. In fact it seems that elementary to the plan is bringing Libya to its knees through chaos and anarchy. In late 2010, the United Kingdom was still propping up the Libyan government through lucrative arms sales. Nothing is a better guarantee to destroy Libya than a bloody civil war. The tribal system that is still strong in Libya is useful to exploit to generate such a war since Libya has historically been divided into various tribal groups.

This is also why the Libyan government responds by importing mercenaries. Tribal allegiances go before allegiance to the government, especially in Benghazi, and thus the central government has no control over the eastern part of the country anymore. The alternative to mercenaries is a conflict between the various ethnic groups. Gadaffi has tried for 41 years to make the country more homogeneous, but opposition groups funded by outside forced will take little more than a few days to put the country back into the 19th century, before the region was conquered and unified by Europeans. The violence is indeed excessive, but everyone seems to forget that the situation is not the same as in Tunis and Egypt. Tribal ties play a far greater role, and thus the conflict will unfortunately be bloodier.

2 excellent threads that cut trough the BS by ATS member Boondock-Saint:

Obama provides air cover for terrorists who killed Americans in Iraq,
Gadhaffi funded Sarkozy's French Presidential Campaign??

Kissinger plan to transform North Africa and Middle East into Turkmenistan

PROPAGANDA is a weapon of war and not just political control, people, and many seem to be the losers on these Libya threads.

not to mention the bots,dupes and disinfo-spreaders both conscious and unconscious, and those who want to show everybody that they "know" when all their doing is repeating something they were told.

the last thing the West wants is a United Africa, no more cheap or nearly free resources and no more toxic waste dump[Somalia] and no more bio-warfare testing on the continent of the greatest human genetic variability if that should happen. TCOTBIP having planning to commit genocide in Africa for a very long time
the last link is from 1974.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

Thank you for sharing the Truth. We may be few in numbers, and we may be suppressed and ridiculed - but the truth will always remain the TRUTH.

And that will forever haunt the Elite in this life or the next.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:39 PM
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