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UN warns on mutant bird flu in Asia

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posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 04:56 PM
First off, this is the potentially terrible news that the bird-flu virus has adjusted - 'sidestepped' as the article says - the current vaccines.

The reason for me starting this thread is not just to relay the news, but to propose a pretty far-fetched theory, or rather, to ask the leaned folk here whether this theory has legs (or wings), or is just an over-simplified ametuer fantasy of mine.

It comes down to the line in the article that reads:

…the virus could be spread beyond Asia by wild bird migration.

An obvious statement, but it made me think of the recent bird deaths. Many flocks in many locations, but particularly in the US, falling from the sky without apparent explanation. Since the cause of death appeared to be impact, it was suggested that something may have interfered with their 'GPS'. This then led to folk here siting HAARP, or other military experiments as a possible cause.

Now what if we, rather randomly i admit, put these two phenomenon together:

A deadly virus spread by birds + Mysterious deaths of bird flocks...?

Scenario 1:
The bird deaths are caused by military tests with a method for protecting their citizens from incoming flocks of birds infected with this deadly virus...

Scenario 2:
The bird deaths are caused by military tests with a method for protecting their citizens from incoming flocks of birds infected with a virus they have released overseas as weapon...

These are just two possible scenarios, but the latter is almost the perfect war-crime. Because the virus will spread globally it's hard to point the finger at any one nation. However, up the sleeves of the perportrators is a technology that kills incoming birds en masse in a way that no one has been able to catergorically explain, or prove....

So, is there something i'm missing? If so i'd be most most humbly grateful and relieved to hear it. Otherwise joining these dots to me suggests our governments are anticipating a real pandemic and are racing to develop rather inspired technology to save us, or they're playing God in a very high stakes game...

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:03 PM
Damn mutant birds. Using their powers for evil and such.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:03 PM
I'm not even worried

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:05 PM
The military, or government doesn't want to protect it's citizens (en mass). They could afford to lose about 3/4ths of us, and I'm sure they would be very happy to allow a little vaccine money making on the side.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:21 PM
General Conspiracy seems a very fitting forum for this. Great pick and great thread. It's funny, but I was just thinking we'd be seeing something like this, and soon. I just had this psychic flash I guess....Or, perhaps it was the trailer for this movie releasing in a few days. The imagery the trailer on TV had was so striking and disturbing in a "current events" kind of way, it actually struck me at the time how it wouldn't shock me if the timing was geared specifically to the Fall flue season and the "Horrible Global Crisis" recent years have all seemed to be. Why not expect an even larger and more dramatic hype to this season?

What a coincidence of timing for this movie.

So... Coincidence?

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:36 PM
now that i think about it, i guess that's the only real reason all these birds would of basically dropped out of the sky. ridiculous was the official explanation that it was weather related. most likely just a test of these systems before they release the virus in Asia. making sure they could protect themselves before and after.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:39 PM
why do that when an attack like that would be spread through the people, not the birds?
so u could have your mutant birds fly to some country, or infect a plane and indirectly infect the whole damn planet.
assuming they wanted something like this, which would work better?

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:41 PM
Dej Ja Vue.........................Another year, another vaccine jab -Jeezzzzz this is repetative

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Damn mutant birds. Using their powers for evil and such.

Lol... But just in case that wasn't random wit, in no way was i suggesting the birds themselves were aware of their role

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:52 PM
People, run for the hills or place your stock on the companies that produce the avian flu vaccine (again)

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Venomilk
why do that when an attack like that would be spread through the people, not the birds?
so u could have your mutant birds fly to some country, or infect a plane and indirectly infect the whole damn planet.
assuming they wanted something like this, which would work better?

The point would be to spread it by bird, rather than people, so that it would be hard to pin blame on a particular source.

Also, human carriers would soon be stopped. Boarders would close as best they could. How do you stop birds, unless you know how to make flocks fall from the sky?

Like i said, all just a crackpot notion right now, but i believe it has legs.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:58 PM
There always seems to be some 'mutant' strain these days, and it gets splashed all over the media. Remember 2009 around this time when the WHO and the CDC were all screaming Level 6 Pandemic? They were flaming hot over this 'epidemic' that the pharmaceutical cartel went into overtime (doubling shifts) to create a vaccine ASAP. And remember how the epidemic 'fizzled out'? Isn't it odd that many nations refused the poison injection? The injections put more people in the hospital than the actual virus. Seems they hyped the pandemic in hopes that their vaccine would spread the virus. Pretty clever plan but it backfired bigtime. The virus went through a few 'mutations' and still never quite caught on. And oddly enough the FDA granted legal immunity to the pirates that created the vaccines, as they were untested, but had the WHO 'stamp of approval'. During an 'emergency pandemic' the pharma can use motor oil and lysol in a vaccine if they deem it 'useful'.
I saw the trailer for the new movie Contagion (and the all-star cast) and thought of the irony. Then they modified the trailer in which they actually mention avian flu. Let's not forget that flu season is about a month away. If they get enough people spooked about UN/WHO/CDC press releases and the new movie, then enough people will jump at the chance to get a vaccine (and pay as much as it takes). Typical social engineering and subliminal triggering through panic hysteria. The more people that get vaccinated, the higher the chance of the spread. But I'm sure they already have that door covered as well.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 06:31 PM
I think the mass bird deaths had more to do with the magnetic field and ELF's but tests are a possibility (though I think it would more likely be a test of the virus itself rather than a vaccine.) Also, the timing in regards to Contagion", which itself is being released on an interesting day--9/9/11

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: vesta
Dej Ja Vue.........................Another year, another vaccine jab -Jeezzzzz this is repetative

How true that rings, now!

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