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Swift-Boat Captain had a different opinion of Kerry..

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posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 11:33 AM

The broadside against John Kerry's war record is particularly bizarre in light of what one of the leading bomb throwers had to say about the Democrat while both served in Vietnam. George Elliott, a key member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who appears in the anti-Kerry group's virulent TV commercial, recommended Kerry for a Bronze Star in 1969.

How can the Bush people honestly put this crap on TV. How can BUSH sit there and possibly have the cojones to attack someones military record? What exactly was his? How many medals did George receive?

Instead of going on about a 30 year old failed war, why dont we talk about the BS reasons Bush sent 900+ soldiers to their grave? or why dont we talk about the "tremendous" job gains? (those break down like this: republicans:"we've created over a million NEW JOBS!!" truth: we've lost over 3.5 million jobs since bush took office, now a million have come back. personally, I dont see losing 2 million jobs a "victory"), or why dont we talk about the patriot act and all of its invasive measures it allows. Why dont we talk about George's reworking of the overtime laws. Nice to see that got one shot down.

If and when Bush and Kerry showdown for a debate, I better see these issues come up. not the same old, "we need better health care" crap that they usually spew. Kerry needs to know thats not what is going to get him elected. What will is calling Bush out on all the crap that has happened on his 4 year watch. Wake the people up to the truth and they will react.

Now the republicans put some guy on tv talking BS about Kerry's war record, when on paper, this guy loved him and reccomended him for the Bronze Star. How much did they pay this guy, I wonder...i know they have laws concerning "truth in adversting", Coca-Cola can't go on TV and claim that Pepsi uses rat-poison as a flavor enhancer, because its not true. Why can political canidates? Which is more important?

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by sublime4372

The broadside against John Kerry's war record is particularly bizarre in light of what one of the leading bomb throwers had to say about the Democrat while both served in Vietnam. George Elliott, a key member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who appears in the anti-Kerry group's virulent TV commercial, recommended Kerry for a Bronze Star in 1969.

How can the Bush people honestly put this crap on TV. How can BUSH sit there and possibly have the cojones to attack someones military record? What exactly was his? How many medals did George receive?

Instead of going on about a 30 year old failed war, why dont we talk about the BS reasons Bush sent 900+ soldiers to their grave? or why dont we talk about the "tremendous" job gains? (those break down like this: republicans:"we've created over a million NEW JOBS!!" truth: we've lost over 3.5 million jobs since bush took office, now a million have come back. personally, I dont see losing 2 million jobs a "victory"), or why dont we talk about the patriot act and all of its invasive measures it allows. Why dont we talk about George's reworking of the overtime laws. Nice to see that got one shot down.

If and when Bush and Kerry showdown for a debate, I better see these issues come up. not the same old, "we need better health care" crap that they usually spew. Kerry needs to know thats not what is going to get him elected. What will is calling Bush out on all the crap that has happened on his 4 year watch. Wake the people up to the truth and they will react.

Now the republicans put some guy on tv talking BS about Kerry's war record, when on paper, this guy loved him and reccomended him for the Bronze Star. How much did they pay this guy, I wonder...i know they have laws concerning "truth in adversting", Coca-Cola can't go on TV and claim that Pepsi uses rat-poison as a flavor enhancer, because its not true. Why can political canidates? Which is more important?

Kerry is the one that "reported for duty." you dems are a bunch of crybabies. You want to claim Kerry's war record and think that we should accept it, but the momment when someone has the truth you claim that republicans are mean-spirited and are hate mongering. Get real, you dems deserve everything that you get. I hope you do get your man in office, becuse you will rue the day that Kerry sells the US out to the UN because he will get a kickback from them. As far as jobs goes, Ask your man Kerry why he sent several of his companies overseas to avoid having to pay taxes and reduce payroll.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 01:24 PM
ok dude, this guy is on GW's commercial, attacking kerry's war record.....if you read the provided link, it has this guys report to the army reccomending him for a bronze star, my question is, HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN...HOW ABOUT SOME TRUTH ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

and, way to go on not anwering a single question. when your sitting by yourself on election night wondering how this happened, read your post. your party never answers the question directly, instead, you answer with an accusastion or another question. if you want to reply normally, then read my post and answer it. if you want to attack it, then please go away....remember, we are here to DENY IGNORANCE, NOT FOSTER IT !!!!

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Being retired from the military, I can tell you that they are thousands out there who got medals they probably didn't deserve. most supervisors in the military will sign off a medal for one of their subordinates even if they think it's not deserved. You don't kill your subordinate. Ask anyone about thier performance reports, it's all inflated, you have to do that if you want your troops to be advanced. Hindsight is always 20/20, have you not ever done anything that you wished you could change? I'm sorry if I offended your Democratic leaning. It was not done in hate or done to hurt, I am tired of being attacked because I believe that those who pay taxes should get tax money back. most democrates only want to live in a communist state anyway, where everyone is equal and the government provides for their needs. class warfare is a way of life for most democrates, take from the rich and give to the poor just because the rich might have worked harder, or in Kerry's case, married his money.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Beraeu of Labor and Statistics information:

number of people employed in June/July of 2000:
134.7 million (this figure is inflated by about two hundred thousand employed temporarily for the census)

number of people employed in July, 2004:
139 million

Not taking a side, just showing an interesting fact I ran across.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 01:48 PM
Does any of this GARBAGE from 30 years ago really make that much of a difference when you're electing a new President?

Do you think that maybe the Dems and Republicans could EXPLAIN what their specific stances on the issues are instead of parroting the same tired old crap?

"I am here to make America safer and more secure. So elect me and I'll prove it. But I don't have any specifics yet."

I mean, THIS is the vaunted "Best Democracy in the World"?

Even if he wasn't the hero he claims to be, Kerry WENT to Vietnam, and SERVED his country instead of dodging.

As a character trait, I think that shows Bush to be a yellow coward. Kerry could have avoided service, too, but didn't.

He risked his life to serve his country and even had the BALLS later to question what the heck the whole meaning of the war was in the first place.

I would say that Kerry would get my vote if it was a simple "who was better in the Army" issue.

But it's a "who would make a better President" question, and without clarity about where they stand on the issues, it's just a question of electing someone who's not Bush.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:11 PM

most supervisors in the military will sign off a medal for one of their subordinates even if they think it's not deserved.

YA? will they write a 5 page report reccomending it to?

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:46 PM
Yes, the would write a 5 page report. lets face it, Kerry only went to Vietnam to be a swift boat pilot because it was suppose to be the safest job in the Navy. The Swift boats were originally assigned to ferry VIPs from Ship to Shore, the Zumwalt Changed their mission after Kerry came on board. Kerry was only in Vietnam for four months, If he was such a leader, then why didn't he stay his entire year? He ran like a yellow bellied coward that he is. And then went on to turn his back on the "band of brothers"

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:53 PM
Swift-Boat is a group of people against Kerry that was form after Kerry was nominated for presidential candidate the group is base in Texas (not surprised) and they sole purpose is to campaign against Kerry.

This groups base in Texas are not new they get together for elections and they are funded by private groups friendly to bush and family.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by sublime4372

most supervisors in the military will sign off a medal for one of their subordinates even if they think it's not deserved.

YA? will they write a 5 page report reccomending it to?

Hey I'll take the bait!, Elliott when writing the commendation was working off of a falsified after-action report provided by none other than the now proven liar John (Christmas in Cambodia) Kerry.

Elliott did not find out the true facts of the incident until much later. Upon learning that Kerry falsified the reports Eliott changed his opinion of Kerry 180 degrees.

Recomend you read UNFIT FOR COMMAND, you'll find that many dispute Kerrys claims of the incident - its not just Elliott or Thurlow like the media is trying to imply.

Note that 254 veterans of Coastal division 11 have gone on record as being against Kerry for his actions during and after Vietnam, how many are for Kerry 6 to 8? Normally someone who was a member of a military organization such as CD-11 would garner nearly full support - one must ask the hard question "why are majority of CD-11 vets against Kerry" Something must be wrong with Kerry to be in this position in respect to his service members.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:01 PM
It is all propaganda and a good tried to mar kerry's record but compare to bush is a no win situation too bad so sad.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:11 PM
The only propaganda I've noticed is people that would rather drink their koolaid and offer up very uninformed opinions of the SBVT, it would be nice to debate this issue with anyone who has actually taken the effort to read the book even if they don't agree with it.

Taking snips out of context from the blogosphere does not make one a well informed debator.

The reasons for Elliotts actions are well documented in the book.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:46 PM
You are wasting your time trying to convince these guys, They believe everything that the dems put out. I find it funny that they will believe someone we know that has lied, Kerry, and not another Vietnam vet. I keep pointing out that Kerry only spent 4 months in Vietnam. that's it, not even a half tour. I tried to show that he could care less for his "band of brothers," he ran as fast as he could to get a cushy aide post. Then he got out early to run for congress, but what he really did was trash all Vietnam vets. No one forced him to leave Vietnam. my Cousin, recieved 8 purple hearts in his first tour of Nam. He has a total of 11 in two tours. He can't stand Kerry, and will turn his back to the TV every time Kerry's face comes on. I admit I have not read the book as of yet, but I do know a lot of Vietnam Vets and the vast majority of them dispise Kerry. Everyone says that atleast Kerry went to Vietnam. He only went and volunteered for the swift boats because at the time, all they were used for was to ferry VIPs back and forth from Ship to Shore. It was only after he got his transfer that Zumwalt changed their mission to one of patrolling the Mekon delta. Kerry ran as fast as he could.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
Hey I'll take the bait!, Elliott when writing the commendation was working off of a falsified after-action report provided by none other than the now proven liar John (Christmas in Cambodia) Kerry.

The dems seem to totaly gloss over the fact that Kerry has already lied about Cambodia. And yet you expect us to take the rest of the Kerry record at face value? Are you for real? No, Kerry's camp decided to tout his war record at every oportunity practicaly begging someone to give them closer scrutiny. You opened the Pandoras box, live with it.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by jrsdls
You are wasting your time trying to convince these guys, They believe everything that the dems put out.

Maybe they just believe Republican Senator John McCain that Swift Vets Inc are dishonorable and disingenuous political crap.

Funny how his opinion keeps getting glossed over Republicans.

To further frustrate anyone else that finds their outrage with Kerry's military service next to impossible to spoon feed the general public, allow me to explain.

We don't care.

Can we just vote now please?

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