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2012 Election: The ATS Democratic Party (speculative) Straw Poll

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posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Ha ha!! I, for one, wrote him in.
Stephen Colbert

(from his SuperPAC newsletter
President and Last of theBarbary Pirates, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow

As for not voting due to "affiliation"? Sorry -- that's hogwash. Any intelligent person should be able to discern that party hardliners are out of touch. I have registered "unaffiliated" for years....and vote for whoever of whatever party. I don't really care about their "affiliation". In fact, yesterday a member posted an excellent thread about how to change your voter registration so that you COULD vote for Ron Paul -- who will run as a Republican, I'm guessing, since that's his "affiliation."

So, I went and did that: I changed my affiliation from "Un" to "Rep", just so I could have the option open to me.

If my choice of candidate (see above) has a chance to run against him, I will "change back."
What's the BFD here?

It's not like you sign off your right to change your mind. That seems very small-minded to me.

edit on 20-8-2011 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Dennis Kucinich.. no brainer.

Foreign policy, Social Policy and Apparent Intelligence were the 3 I selected.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
So, I went and did that: I changed my affiliation from "Un" to "Rep", just so I could have the option open to me.

Well, I would suggest this then
Change it to Rep so you can vote in their primarys
then once your dude gets it, or drops out, go right back to Indi.

Does it make a difference? argument can be made either way, but ultimately the narration of the country will take note on if like the republican or democratic party grew by like 300% last year (even if it was a false growth) and adjust to this new "mindset""...not based on ron paul's view, but establishment view

I don't know why Ron Paul is considered a republican though...neither republicans or democrats are fiscally conservative...he is...but his social stances are overwhelmingly liberal. Frankly, I would catagorize him as a blue dog democrat constitutionalist if you had to push him into a single catagory.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Actually, I think that that would make him Libertarian. He just runs republican because he knows he would have no chance to win otherwise.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Change it to Rep so you can vote in their primarys
then once your dude gets it, or drops out, go right back to Indi.

How hard is that to figure out??


Ugggh, people. It's not rocket science. You can vote for whoever you like, anytime, you are not "assigned" to a party forever. Do some learning! Do some reading! Investigate the options!
In my state the options are:
Americans Elect (and WTF is that?),

I choose the latter.

IF my changing (which took all of 5 minutes online - didn't even have to leave my chair!) to Republican JUST TO BE ABLE TO VOTE FOR HIM turns out to be fruitless (that is, he doesn't even make it that far), then I will def switch back.

Sad to say I am starting to think ATS is joined mostly people who talk a lot and do very little. Disheartening, to say the least. Thinking and opining are great and fine. Learning and debating equally so.
But sitting at home waiting for someone else to make it happen??

That is Not being a "change agent."

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes

Americans Elect (and WTF is that?),

I choose the latter.

I see my "beer and babes" party has yet to catch on.
Maybe 2016 then

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

beer and babes??

I'll be one of the babes, and bring my own beer.
Where do I sign up?
LOL star for you

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:05 PM
Obama will run and if it is against Ron Paul, Obama's full might of his team will come to bear on the issue that is the love of their life, racism and how many ways they can expose Ron Paul's Newletters.

Easy win for Obama.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by simone50m

Here's a novel idea, though it doesn't directly conform to this poll. If I were a dem I'd vote for Kucinich. If I were a repub., I'd vote for Paul. How about a ticket with Paul and Kucinich. I think it could win!!

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:11 PM
The only real contender would be Hillary Rodham Clinton. She would have been president had the democratic party not stolen away her delegate count. And I will predict that she will go against Oobamah, but she has to decide before the first primary or caucus to do so.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:03 PM
I chose Barack H. Obama.

I chose him for his :

1) Economic Policies
2) Foreign Policies
3) Spending Policies
4) Social Policies

Why I chose these :

Because four more years of this man, or any man like him on either side of the isle will lead to the collapse of America. It will not garuntee changes necessary to put the US on the right track, nothing will. The enemies are strong and powerful that oppose freedom.

The best we can do is elect the exact opposite of the man for the job when left with these choices.

That way, when people finally get fed up, they will be ready for a real solution or we will just expedite the complete collapse of a country. Pick your scenario.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker46
reply to post by simone50m

Here's a novel idea, though it doesn't directly conform to this poll. If I were a dem I'd vote for Kucinich. If I were a repub., I'd vote for Paul. How about a ticket with Paul and Kucinich. I think it could win!!

Oh you are so right! and then I'd put Jesse Ventura as Director Of The CIA.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:10 PM

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:40 PM
Anyone who could put a (D) after his name is a deluded fool and there is no need for me to "pick" one...JMO

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Now that we've completed a very interesting online "straw poll" of candidates for the Republican party nomination for President of the United States, it's time to see which way the wind blows in relation to the Democrats. While a primary race for the Democratic party nomination is not yet being seriously discussed, there appears to be an increasing number of Democrats who are mentioning the possibility. So we've selected twelve probable politicians who might be early contenders in the minds of registered Democrat voters. This poll will run in the same manner as the previous poll, pick your candidate, then indicate why. However, since this is much more speculative than the Republicans, we've also provided you to pick "other," and then lets know via a function for a write-in candidate.

So, Democrats, who should run against Ron Paul (!) in the national election in 2012.

ATS Democratic Party Straw Poll

Thanks, I voted for "pedro" because frankly there's nothing good in that list I can only find scumbags.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by sbctinfantry
I chose Barack H. Obama.

I chose him for his :

1) Economic Policies
2) Foreign Policies
3) Spending Policies
4) Social Policies

Why I chose these :

Because four more years of this man, or any man like him on either side of the isle will lead to the collapse of America. It will not garuntee changes necessary to put the US on the right track, nothing will. The enemies are strong and powerful that oppose freedom.

The best we can do is elect the exact opposite of the man for the job when left with these choices.

That way, when people finally get fed up, they will be ready for a real solution or we will just expedite the complete collapse of a country. Pick your scenario.

if I had a vote I would vote ron paul, if that failed, I would vote for the worst leader because ron paul is literally the only candidate that I think has a proven track record. The rest of the candidates are con-artists. Maybe ron pauls son is ok too he seems allright, as far as the rest of them go, they are all dictators and collectively they are tyrannical and have the psychological fortitude of a total skitzophrenic.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by TheLastStand

"Maybe ron pauls son is ok too he seems allright, as far as the rest of them go, they are all dictators and collectively they are tyrannical and have the psychological fortitude of a total skitzophrenic.

You are right, tyrranical dictators, but psychologically, they are psychopaths and sociopaths. One merely need to watch for example, R. Rick Santorum and Sean Hannity speak of their pro war reasons on Fox News. It's utterly incomprehensible. Soulless soulless soulless. This Santorum guy cannot possibly be human. He's rock hard bothered with a rageing one, for bombing the living s*** out of humans worldwide. Just like a foaming fighter pitbull pulling on his leash and chain, they can't stand it, and can't wait.
Watch out watch out watch out for those types, STOP falling for their cons, for the love of all that is good and alive. God help us.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Well I've looked at most of both parties candidates and using the skill I employ to vet what I feel about certain people or parties... Democrats are a !!complete negative vibe!! my feelings are never wrong unless they pull a rabbit I haven't seen yet out of the hat.
Infact the only !!REAL Positive!! feelings I get are from Ron Paul.... From a Soul Seers point of view...

My opinion is not from any bias or future vote.... as I'm in the UK. Its just what I sense JFK or Ronald Regan before the Assasination attempt vibe.

edit on 21-8-2011 by DreamerOracle because: adding

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:25 AM
this "poll" is nothing more than a republican/libertarian rant. simple basic logic dictates that there is zero validity to this. to assume otherwise relagates what is left of any intellectual basis to the term "poll" as being rediculous.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 01:17 PM
I went with Kucinich as well. He is the only actual left leaning democrat, all the rest fall clearly on the rightist facist side of the political spectrum(right with all repulican canidates sans Ron Paul).

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