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What Do You Ultimately Hope to Find?

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posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:03 PM
I believe all of us are searching for something, else why would we be here? Not just in this forum but what do you hope to find in life as a whole. An answer? A hope? A promise? World peace? Fame, glory, money, sex, God, the devil, whatever. I don't think it matters, I'm just curious. And I do believe we all find exactly what we are searching for if we are perceptive enough, aware enough, open enough to receive it.

For myself, I've long sought peace and found it in some simple principles and beliefs. Now I'm looking for that inward fount of eternally flowing love I've had the chance to fleetingly feel. From there I'd just like to share it.

How about you?

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:06 PM
i´m hoping to find myself

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:12 PM
I am looking for snooky and the situation.Have you seen them?

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:14 PM
i guess ultimately im hoping to find what the next stage in our evolution is. although i think that will only come with time, so in the meantime, ive been trying to find where i am right now. what is my mind and body capable of doing, ya know?
there is just so much untapped potential in the mind that seems just on the horizon, but within reach. it would seem mindLESS to not try and reach out and grab it.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by brindle
I am looking for snooky and the situation.Have you seen them?

ok admitted, you´ve me laugh, really hard

but instead of making this a fun thread, answer the question at hand truthfully,

that´s what the OP is asking

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:15 PM
My goal is to find a good order of cheese fries,with the melted cheese overflowing on freshly cut deepfried potatoes with tons of salt.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
i´m hoping to find myself

Look behind the couch. You were there just a little while ago.

To be honest, I found what I'd always been looking for, and I'm pretty damn satisfied with what it ended up being. I never demanded anything, as far as what it would look like or feel like, but I did demand that it be true - regardless of how I would feel about learning of its true and authentic nature. And I did promise that I'd be willing to pay the price for finding what I'd been searching for, and I am. That said, nothing could've prepared me for the size of the yawn that lay out here waiting for me to arrive with my big-ass revelation.

Persecution is probably pretty bad, but complete and universal disinterest is a new level of suckage that I'd never even contemplated. Hell, I never knew that the truth would take a crap on everybody's roses. You'd think that someone, somewhere, would've gotten some of it right.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:22 PM
I am searching for the core. The tiny glimpse of truth that lies under all the lies and spells we have woven as our illusory existence. I want to know what is possible, and if my theories are correct, that would truly mean anything. I mean, as far as we can tell the universe is infinite. Most people can barely grasp what infinite means, but it means never beginning and never ending. All encompassing. And in order for any one thing to be infinite, it must mean all things of it are infinite in and of themselves. So what I seek is the infinite. No matter what your beliefs are, you are both right and wrong. We all are. Thank you for starting this thread.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:26 PM
Ok, I've put a little thought into your question. I do not believe I am searching for anything. I just am.
I come here and to a lot of websites, so by appearances I appear to be searching for something, but I think I just enjoy reading. I enjoy other people's view points and 'listening' to others' opinion.
Good question, I hope you get interesting answers. I will watch this thread for them.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

It's a mission you virtually cannot fail. You are here to grow in the manner that has been decided by you and God. You do not have to consciously know what you need to learn or experience. Knowing is pretty darned cool, though.

Personally, I think simply becoming aware of the spiritual side while I'm still in a dude-suit is quite an accomplishment. Beyond that, I feel I need to grow in the way of compassion and relating to others' pains. Empathy has been a constantly returning theme in my life and my wife seems to fit the bill for me, as well.

Just remember: It's nearly impossible to fail.
edit on 16-8-2011 by Cuervo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:42 PM
It is funny how life has a way of bringing to you the tools that you need to better yourself.
I actually lived what I write.
Some time ago I got to work with someone that many will describe as "pain in a butt".
This person was very negative and choleric. I remember my blood boiling to stymy point as he was my boss. I could have been his boss actually but I didn't speak the country language back then. Any way, day in and day out I had to endure his negative personality.
In my heart I thought that I should move on and leave this negative man to himself.
But somehow I know that I had to find a way instead of escaping the anger.
I have read many books about this kind of issue none helped but I know about my father way of dealing with it which in my youth seems so "dépassé".
I made a good friend, patience was with me and many time when the situation was boiling I could see the reaction of the negative impulses. I seen the chemical reaction of my body when anger was running through my entire blood stream. The muscles, the eyes, every single part of my body was in my scrutiny.
To cut a story short, after one year I was in no separation zone, my anger was there but just there and not dictating my life. I moved on to another company and then my former boss wanted to be my best friend which I accepted of course.
I know from a fact that what you search becomes what you are...

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:51 PM
I'm simply riding the wave day to day and seeing what life throws my way. But I do believe we are all in for a change. At least that's what I believe. I love change and I'd be bored without it. I think this is in human nature we can't be forever contained like we are now. It's for us each as individuals to seek that change and mould our world for the future generations that we pass the gift of life onto.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:01 PM
If science is allow to continue to explore and understand this world, hopefully one day man or its evolution will finally understand this universe and even if for just one brief moment absolutely know god in all of its glory.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:32 PM
the end of suffering.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:36 PM
I want to know the entire history of everything. Every particle that has ever moved or been created. Everything that has ever occurred up to and including the Big Bang if there indeed was one and then what was before that. How did all of that energy get compacted into a certain determined amount of area being of a certain mass. WHY was there only a certain specific amount of energy in the big bang? What was before it? Was there anything before it? Are there other universes? If so then I want to know the entire history of those other universes. Are there other dimensions? Other timelines? Alternative dimensions/universe? I want to know all about them. I want to know about other species. Are there other emotions or senses? I want to experience them.

Have any species ever evolved far enough to create an artificial afterlife? Perhaps there are gods. Perhaps after a long enough amount of time all life becomes one life. Perhaps given enough knowledge and power acquired one life is indistinguishable from another. Perhaps the concept of one god is based upon evolution and calculations. I would like to know. I want to know if there is infinity. I want to know if there is infinity how does it work. What causes it. What is outside of it. I know we think there is absolute zero is there absolute highest temperature? How small do things go? What causes size to exist. I want it all. I want all knowledge all information all power. And after that I want more.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Thank you for this thread. You have helped me to become aware that I need to do some deep reflecting... through all of my seeking and attained knowledge thus far... I can't even answer your question of what I hope to find! All of these superficial answers pop up in my head, but they don't seem to fully address exactly what it is I am searching for or hoping to find.

However, those many fleeting moments of insight, intuition.... absolute Love, Peace, Unity, and Understanding... it would be very nice to hold on to those a lot longer.

May we all find that which we seek, and may Peace be upon us all.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:39 PM
It is such a good question.

The short answer for what I am searching to find now (operative word) is purpose and meaning.

But my first thought was...

What have I searched for and not found from my earliest childhood?

Persons who will risk to help another because they can help.

Of the more sublime-- I no longer search, but only because I have found-- or been found. In that is peace, and in peace I know peace, alone, is not enough.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:40 PM
Fulfillment, love, and truth.

Thankfully, all of these are right in front me. Like you said, its just a matter of being open to it.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 11:41 PM
In life? I want to find whatever it is that will let me be free from coming back here again. Not here as in ATS, but here as in incarnate existence. Pretty simple. Escape from samsara, that's all I really want.

I come to ATS...because I want to know why. Why the world is as it is, why this world is not the holy paradise it so easily could be, and perhaps how to change that. I want to know what's really going on behind the puppet show most people accept as reality instead of pantomime.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 06:29 AM
very good question, its behaviors like this that we should analyze more, the very fact that we all look for something, rather than the actual search even....
anyway i too yearn for something, i think it is knowledge, i want to know the answer, life seems ridiculous at this moment, like a movie, and when i think of possible answers to life im almost waiting for someone to come down and tell me the answer...i get angry when i think about the fact that, that will probably never happen, i will probably die with these same thoughts that have my reeling in my mind.....i started college five years ago, i studied philosophy, psychology, and biology because i really wanted to understand consciousness, all my life i want to understand why im here thinking about existing, what gave me this opportunity......sadly i feel like iam spiraling into insanity as the years go by.....nothing seems real, life is confusing enough trying to ponder existence, but then you start questioning the government and everything youve learned and it just makes you crazy.

what ive gotten out of my studies is that we are naturally subjective beings, the very fact that we are born implies subjectivity, because we were not around before our birth, i believe every philosopher with this thoughts has tried to establish objectivity, i think the creation(whatever your belief is, do not mean to offend anyone, just my opinion) of our God or Gods is an attempt to place an objective perspective on life(possibly early on to prevent rebellions and get control over people, because people naturally dont trust or want to listen to other humans), a lot of us go for wealth and material items to substantiate our existence, it all seems to be the attempt of a subjective being to create objectivity,so as ive said in another post i believe we each have a unique self because we each experience a unique space/time, we are the same thing experiencing life subjectively from all angles, im fine with this, the thing that bothers me is that death is still a sad thing to me, because this person that iam right now has a finite time and will really be gone when my physical body dies, even if the lifeforce or spirit or wahtever it is that enables me to observe will continue on and keep exploring the universe, it doesnt change the fact taht the unique person that i have become over time will die, this is why i believe everything i seek and many others is ultimately to try to understand death.....

btw iam a science educated american who in the past few years has turned more to philosophy(western), i dont know much about buddhism or anything spiritual like that but lately i feel drawn to it.....iam just afraid of going further because i truly feel like i can go crazy thinking about life sometimes, because im starting to FEEL these thoughts, not just think them, i dont know if that makes sense to you guys, its hard to explain, but these feelings feel so...real
edit on 17-8-2011 by subjectivelife because: added something

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